grad_nan_holt-race-xml256-closeupGRAD NAN HOLT

Classification: Insectoid extraterrestrial race 

Location/Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    some dwelled on the Gul Damar Space Station, which was last seen in Earth's orbit, prior to which it was located 40,000 light years from Earth (see comments);
       Friendless' Clan/Sept was based out of a former cargo bay in the "Ochre radial, in freight-platform Ni'Thurr";
    at least one other group dwelled elsewhere (one or more home-nests), sending needed beings to various locations

Known Members: Friendless of Ten-Red-Seed nest; Iratha Tzo, Janissaries (ruling tribunal on Gul Damar space station; names unrevealed); enforcer/punisher (one of many), teacher/assessor (one of many), unseen reader/sender (one of many), Spindle nests, Ten-Red-Seed nest, others unidentified

Affiliations: None known;
    they formerly served the Shi'ar;
    formerly Starjammers (
Havok/Alex Summers, Polaris/Lorna Dane, Korvus Rookshir) under Friendless' control

Enemies: Frenzy (Joanna Cargill), Friendless, Gambit (Remy LeBeau), Magneto (Max Eisenhart), Sovel Redhand and his crew (Glitter, Horse, Jat-Vor-Thrul), Rogue (Anna Marie), Shi'ar (notably Commander Gemet, Lt. H'ral, and technician B'ket Imstari)Starjammers (Rachel Grey-Summers, Havok, Polaris, Korvus Rookshir) - as most of the conflict was driven by Friendless, it may be that little of the previous animosity remained once he had been dispatched....or not...

First Appearance: (Unidentified) X-Men Legacy#250 (August, 2011);grad_nan_holt-race-xml256-friendless-face-profile
    X-Men Legacy#254 (October, 2011)

Powers/Abilities: The Grad Nan Holt are insectoid beings with four arms and two-legs, although many of them seem to have other projections from their backs, some of which can be extended and act as additional limbs. 
    Their fingers ended in sharp points, presumably allow them to scratch, slash, shred objects or beings.

    One of their most noteworthy/unique features is their mouths. They have a maxilla (upper jaw) and complete mandible (lower jaw), the fronts of which are filled with sharp incisor-like teeth; they don't have canine teeth or the equivalent of molars or premolars. They don't have much in the way of cheeks, so their mouth is open between their jaws.
    Most significantly, they have two pairs of additional hemimandible-like structures, which are also covered with sharp teeth. They can keep these hemimandibles adducted close to their faces or they can abduct them to be nearly perpendicular to their faces.
    It is not clear exactly how these additional hemimandible-like structures articulate/occlude with each other. Perhaps when the full/lower mandible is opened wide, the paired/upper and/or middle hemimandibles can adduct to grab or chew.

    They do not appear to have visible external nasal (nose) or auditory (ear) structures, but they certainly have a sense of hearing and they can presumably smell scents as well. 

    They may or may not possess some form of chitinous exoskeleton.grad_nan_holt-race-xml256-friendless-face

    Most of them do not appear to have any hair on their heads, but one of the Janissaries, as well as Friendless' mother, Iratha Tzo, did seem to.

    Many of them wear some form of helmet, some of which include a mask portion that covers the upper face above the mouth. 

    The Grad Nan Holt are oviparous, laying a number (perhaps seven or more) eggs containing young embryos. These eggs presumably hatch into young Grad Nan Holt, although the durations between fertilization, egg-laying, and hatching are unrevealed.

    A small percentage of Grad Nan Holt have telepathic powers. They can read and project thoughts, and some (or perhaps only Friendless) can mentally control others. They can also scan embryos within eggs for psi-potential.
    These are presumably some sub-species of the Grad Nan Holt, possibly mutants.

    Friendless was far more powerful than any other Grad Nan Holt telepath, and their psi-meters were not even calibrated highly enough to measure his abilities. He could not only read and transmit thoughts, but also mentally command numerous beings at the same time. 

    Friendless can also survive in the vacuum and near absolute zero cold of space, at least for brief periods of time. 

    They had access to space travel and various forms of weaponry (although they may have liberated some of these from the Shi'ar), including ion grenades. They also had equipment to evaluate the psychic powers of their telepaths. 

    They had "bile pots," but whether that refers to literal bile (secreted from the liver and stored in the gall bladder to facilitate absorption of fat and fat soluble vitamins) or was just referring to something digusting is unrevealed.

Traits: The Grad Nan Holt are divided into various clans and septs as well as apparently various castes. Breeding between members of different nests, etc. was considered abhorrent, and the eggs from such unions were typically destroyed, unless the embryo appeared to be psi-capable. In such an occurence, the psi-powered offspring was utilized as needed, but was treated with disdain and abused by both the young and old.
    Beings without a clan were also treated with disgust.
    Friendless considered Rachel Grey to be like an animal, implying the Grad Nan Holt considered themselves more highly evolved than humanity, at least.

    Janissaries serve as a ruling tribunal, acting in executive (including leading the military), (presumablyl) legislative, and judicial capacity, sentencing criminals and prisoners.

    Enforcer/punishers, as the name implies, enforce the laws and punish those who break them.

    Teacher/assessors, also as the name implies, educate the young and assess their abilities and potential.

    Natives with telepathic abilities are often employed as readers/senders, being used by such beings as law tribunals to read and transmit thoughts to an from those under trial.

    They spoke an alien language, perhaps Shi'ar.

Type: Bilaterally symmetric insectoid bipeds
: Two (on head; vary from small and at least seemingly solid black to larger and solid red)
: Three or four (plus opposing thumb)
: Most wore boots, but Friendless, at least appeared to have five toes
Skin color: "Pink" (comparable to Caucasian humanity), at least
Average height: Approximately 6'

(X-Men Legacy#254 (fb) - BTS) - According to Jat Vor-Thrul, the Grad Nan Holt were vat-grown (see comments). Many served as servants to the Shi'ar on the Gul Damar space station, doing their scut-work

(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb)) - When Iratha Tzo was impregnated by a worker of the Spindle nests, an unspecified enforcer/punisher called her "foulness" and told her that her eggs would be smashed, except for one, which the reader/sender believed to contain a psi-capable embryo. 

(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb)) - The enforcer/punisher later delivered Iratha Tzo's child to a teacher/assessor, announcing to the teacher and the students the hatchling born outside of clan and sept, instructing that he be called "Friendless" and to heap scorn upon him wherever possible. 

(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb)) - Friendless' peers bullied him, forcing him to wear his old molted skin (as they said it could not make him smell any worse) and annointing him drippings from the bile pot. 

(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb)) - Although studies of Friendless revealed an astounding strength and range, with psi-meters not calibrating highly enough to measure him, the enforcer/punisher still considered him to be an abomination and ordered him to be sent to one of the deep stations, such as Gul Damar, where they needed a reader/sender. grad_nan_holt-race-xml256-friendlesstakescontrol

    As he departed, Friendless was mocked, noting that he would never see his home-nest again and asking if "an abortion like you" even care about its home-nest?

(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb)) - When the ruling tribunal of the Grad Nan Holt on Gul Damar met with Friendless, they refused to accept a thing without a clan and attempted to send him to the message vaults. 

    Friendless finally lashed out, noting that his people had spit on him, used him, destroyed his family, cast him into servitude, fed him poison and expected him to thank them. 

    Using his psychic powers, Friendless forced the tribunal to grant him full access to the mainframes and command space and to advise them when they sat in judgment. 

 (X-Men Legacy#256 (fb)  / X-Men Legacy#257 (fb) - BTS) - On the Gul Damar, Friendless took control of the Grad Nan Holt, leading them to rise up and war against their former Shi'ar masters.

X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - Friendless hoped that the Grad Nan Holt would be destroyed by the Shi'ar, but he found the Shi'ar to be weaker and less organized than he had expected. He then began manipulating the Shi'ar as well to facilitate the desired outcome.

(X-Men Legacy#255 (fb) - BTS) - Answering a distress call on Gul Damar, the Starjammers (Rachel Summers/Grey, Havok, Polaris, Korvus Rookshir) ...

(X-Men Legacy#257 (fb) - BTS) - ...crashed into Gul Damar's hull due to the local gravity going haywire and then...

(X-Men Legacy#255 (fb) - BTS) - ...walked into a civil war.
(X-Men Legacy#250 (fb) - BTS) - The Starjammers battled the Grad Nan Holt.

(X-Men Legacy#255 (fb) - BTS / X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - Friendless assaulted Rachel with a powerful mind-punch that knocked her out for a week (or, at least an extended period of time); Friendless believed he had slain her. Friendless then placed the other Starjammers under his control.

(X-Men Legacy#255 (fb) - BTS) - The Starjammers believed they were aiding the Grad Nan Holt because they had been cruelly enslaved and were fighting for their freedom.

(X-Men Legacy#254 (fb) - BTS) - Fighting alongside the Grad Nan Holt, the Starjammers did grave damage to the space station and slew many Shi'ar.

(X-Men Legacy#254 (fb) - BTS) - After the Shi'ar were defeated in a war with the Kree, Sovel Redhand led his crew (Glitter, Horse, Jat) to the damaged Gul Damar. With the station's defenses down and former slave race the Grad Nan Holt rebelling against the Shi'ar, the crew thought to salvage a large amount of technology.

    However, as Gul Damar's gravitic flux generator had been damaged, local gravity was distorted, and the crew lost control, presumably crashing the ship.

(X-Men Legacy#254 (fb) - BTS) - At least one planet (and presumably the first four in inner orbit) was pulled into sun, a result of the damage to Gul Damar's gravitic flux generator causing the sun's gravity field to spike.

(X-Men Legacy#254 (fb) - BTS) - Finding the unconscious form of Rachel/Marvel Girl, Redhand and his crew picked her up (see comments).

X-Men Legacy#253 - BTS) - Rogue sensed Rachel's location.

X-Men Legacy#253 - BTS) - Rogue -- having absorbed a teleporter's power from Legion/David Haller -- locked on to Rachel's location and transported herself, Frenzy, Gambit, and Magneto a couple thousand light years to reach Rachel Grey.

    Rogue was split from her allies, who arrived on a different part of the Gul Damar space station.

(X-Men Legacy#253 - BTS) - When Rogue appeared aboard in front of them, Jat and Glitter held her at gunpoint.

 (X-Men Legacy#254 - BTS) - Jat detected "suspect energy readings" two levels down and one click over, and he advised they move on. With Redhand having decided that Rogue might have use as a decoy or living shield, they took her with them.

    While clearing a path through some wreckage, Horse ran into a Grad Nan Holt ion grenade, which merely pained him, after which Jat told Rogue
some of the history of the Gul Damar, the Grad Nan Holt, and how his crew had come there.grad_nan_holt-race-xml254-face-helmet

    Soon after, the planet Xanthimi (fifth from the sun) was pulled into the sun, a result of the damage to Gul Damar's gravitic flux generator causing the sun's gravity field to spike.

 (X-Men Legacy#254) - Meanwhile, Frenzy, Gambit, and Magneto observed as a number of the Grad Nan Holt ambushed and blew up a vehicle carrying some Shi'ar and then attacked the surviving Shi'ar. 

    One of the Grad Nan Holt apparently teleported away with
Shi'ar technician B'ket Imstari who protested that he was trying to save the...<he was teleported away before finishing the sentence, but presumably was going to say either the space station or the gravity modulator>.

    Magneto then entered the battlefield, apparently forming a field to block their blasts. One of the Grad Nan Holt spoke to him, but he noted that while he did not speak their language he would be happy to speak his again (presumably implying he would use his power against them), at which that leader(?) said something to the other, and the Grad Nan Holt retreated.

(X-Men Legacy#254 - BTS) - Using a translator, Shi'ar Commander Gemet spoke to Magneto. Learning that they were terran, the Shi'ar noted that they had encountered "force wielders" like him and who had damaged the space station and killed many. grad_nan_holt-race-xml254-blowshiar-transport

(X-Men Legacy#254) - The Grad Nan Holt brought B'ket Imstari to a group of four other Shi'ar who were kneeling before the Friendless-controlled Starjammers. While he tried to explain that he could repair the gravity modulator and save the station, Havok warned them their troubles had barely started.

grad_nan_holt base on Gul Damar as seen through Shi'ar scanners(X-Men Legacy#255) - After the Shi'ar located the Grad Nan Holt base, confirming them to be the same clan and sept that had attacked them, Commander Gemet prepared to "blast those rebel scum into loose atoms."

(X-Men Legacy#255 - BTS) - Appreciating that the Grad Nan Holt had Shi'ar prisoners, Magneto intimidated Commander Gemet into allowing himself, Frenzy, and Gambit to negotiate the prisoners' release and then only resorting to force if they failed to secure the prisoners' release. 

(X-Men Legacy#255) - Still posing as a slave to the Janissaries, Friendless acted as reader/sender to them as the captured Shi'ar were brought before them. The top-seated janissary "ordered" Friendless (they referred to him as "filth," while he referred to them as Noble Lords) to read the minds of their captives and tell them their ranks and offenses. 

    Friendless noted that all but one of the captives were soldiers of the Shi'ar who had killed their brethren in great numbers but that the other one, Imstari, had run Gul Damar's power grid and was of high rank and esteem and commanded many.

    The tribunal conferred -- but they were all under the control of Friendless, who sought the space station's destruction and who knew that Imstari could potentially repair the damaged gravitic flux array, which was pulling the space station into the sun -- and then they ordered a quick and honorable death for the soldiers, and a slow and shameful death for the scientist. 

    Despite the Shi'ar soldiers crying out about their rights under a treaty, the Friendless-controlled Korvus Rookshir slaughtered the captive soldiers with his blade. 

    The tribunal then ordered the delivery of the torture instruments, clarifying to the initially defiant Imstari that he himself would wield the equipment, after which one of them instructed Friendless to be about his work, lest he be punished himself.

    As Imstari struggled against Friendless' control, the mind-controlled Polaris noted that this seemed cruel, but Havok advised her to recall how the Grad Nan Holt had been treated, and he further noted that the torture of an enemy wasn't just a right but a sacrament.

    When Magneto, Frenzy, and Gambit arrived, the tribunal questioned who they were, and Friendless noted them to be super-normal natives of the planet Tellus (aka Earth; see comments) who were in league with the Shi'ar. Magneto advised the telepath to read a little deeper to see that a Shi'ar battalion stood ready to destroy their base but had allowed them to approach first to broker a truce. When the tribunal replied that they desired no truce, Magneto warned them that if they sent himself and his allies back empty-handed that the battalion would "pour enough firepower into your bay to melt it to slag."

(X-Men Legacy#255 - BTS / X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - Meanwhile, Lt. H'ral informed Commander Gemet (who was also apparently influenced by Friendless) that the walls to the cargo bay in which the Grad Nan Holt were based were already heavily damaged. After they considered that a full salvo would probably breach what was left of its shielding, punch through the vacuum and empty them all out into space, Commander Gemet ordered the gunners to stand ready.

(X-Men Legacy#255) - When the Grad Nan Holt noted that they had learned the Shi'ar could not be trusted, Gambit explained that they were only advising them to move their people out of the targeted base and leave the prisoners until the last moment as a safety guarantee. The tribunal argued that there was only one prisoner left alive and that his sins were too high to release him...and then Friendless had Imstari kill himself.

    Comamnder Gemet then ordered his men to fire all weapons on maximum aperture, and after the blast struck, when Magneto prepared to fight back, the Friendless-controlled Polaris blasted him from behind and told him that he had hurt the Grad Nan Holt and therefore had to die. 

(X-Men Legacy#256) - While Frenzy dropped Havok, Gambit took down Korvus, and Magneto struggled defensively against Polaris, a massive army of Grand Nan Holt poured in as Korvus voiced that they were the "armies of the righteous" and that the mutants could exhaust themselves with slaughter and still they would be more. Magneto stood down and tried to explain the danger of the fragile hull to Polaris, but she blasted him nonetheless.

(X-Men Legacy#256 - BTS) - The presumably Friendless-controlled Shi'ar commander ordered his men to continue to fire despite the risk to them as well if the wall shattered, and he slew Lt. H'ral when he attempted to point out this risk.grad_nan_holt-race-xml256-swarm

(X-Men Legacy#256) - As the Grad Nan Holt noted the hull breach and exclaimed that they were all going to die, Rachel telekinetically sealed the breach and instructed Rogue to stop the Shi'ar's guns.

(X-Men Legacy#256 - BTS) - Rogue subsequently encountered the dying B'ket Imstari and absorbed his knowledge -- at the cost of losing the teleporter's power (the means by which she and her allies would return home) but in hopes of saving the billions on Gul Damar -- of how to repair the gravity modulator.

(X-Men Legacy#256) - As the Grad Nan Holt tribunal noted that the Shi'ar guns were decimating their forces, the leader started to order a retreat, but Friendless telepathically commanded him to instead order them to advance on the enemy and to send him to inspect the damage to the outer wall.

    As the insulting order was given, Friendless respectfully complied, extending additional limbs from his back to scale the wall. En route, Friendless considered that it recognized the alien mind of the one he thought he had extinguished and that this time he would melt her brain like hot wax and then set it alight.

    As Rachel fought off attacking Grad Nan Holt, Friendless blasted her from behind. Although he considered her a primitive being, she advised him that while he had ambushed her the first time, this time was different. When she blasted him back, Rachel read his mind, learning his history and his goal of destroying the Shi'ar, Grad Nan Holt, and the Gul Damar space station. 

    When Friendless threatened Rachel anew, noting that she had only survived his first assault due to his telepathic powers being strained by controlling so many others, she released her telekinetic control of the breach, causing Friendless to be pulled into open space, cursing and threatening her until seemingly succumbing to the cold and vacuum.

(X-Men Legacy#256 - BTS) - The Starjammers who had been under Friendless' influence regained their own wills, and Magneto guided and aided Polaris in repairing the hull.

subsequently shared half of her powers with Rogue to allow them to survive as they used the station's flux array to swiftly travel to the generators (which were 10,000 miles away) in the hour before Gul Damar hit the sun's corona.

(X-Men Legacy#257 (fb) - BTS) - Friendless commanded those under his influence to destroy the ships in the dockyard to prevent any from escaping the space station.

(X-Men Legacy#256) - Meanwhile, Friendless reached an airlock and mentally manipulated the Shi'ar officers to open it, after which he proclaimed himself their new master and began to relay his plans.

(X-Men Legacy#257) - Friendless manipulated the Grad Nan Holt janissaries and Commander Gemet to declare peace and to unite against the terrans, enemies who allegedly worked against them both. To that end, Gemet showed the Grad Nan Holt to the Anathema Vault, where they stored the weapons banned from use in normal conflicts but still available in times of direst emergency.

    When a Shi'ar soldier questioned their decaying orbit, Friendless spoke through Gemet, telling him that killing the Terrans would save the station and that no loyal Shi'ar would question that: Gemet then had a pair of soldiers take that soldier into custody and instructed them to kill him if he spoke again. 

(X-Men Legacy#257 - BTS) - As Magneto, the Starjammers, and Redhand's group worked to build a working ship from the remains of the ships in the dockyard, Rachel sensed Friendless and sent her astral self to investigate him.
(X-Men Legacy#257) - Manipulated by Friendless, Commander Gemet and the Janissaries located their enemies in the dockyard, and Gemet had the Null Cascade, a factory for anti-matter, set up and instructed that no one was to pass spinward of the machine. Gemet noted that the weapon was effective at any range, including interplanetary.

    As Friendless sensed Rachel's astral self and sent his own to confront her, Commander Gemet activated the Null Cascade; at its power, one of the Janissaries exclaimed, "By the home-nest!"

(X-Men Legacy#258) - As Korvus carried Rachel's body as her allies fled from the Null Cascade, Friendless tormented Rachel, noting that the station's shields were starting to fail and that the Shi'ar and the Grad Nan Holt were staring into the death's god's single eye.

    However, Rachel telepathically guided the others to locate the generator arrays, after which Magneto placed his helmet on Rachel's head, and it's psi-resistance severed the contact between herself and Friendless.

    As Rogue had Magneto and Polaris bring the Null Cascade to them to use its power to force the sun to fully collapse into a black hole, Friendless rode the device and fired it at them. While Rogue's mind struggled to complete the equations from
B'ket Imstari's mind, Rachel joined with her to enslave Friendless' mind and force his genius-level intelligence to solve her equations.

    Using this, they arranged things so that when the Null Cascade was fired into the already-gravity-afflicted sun, it caused the sun to collapse into a wormhole with the far end pointed at Earth. The entire Gul Damar station was then transported to Earth orbit.

(X-Men Legacy#258 - BTS) - Friendless' fate in the face of the stellar collapse is unrevealed.

    The rest of the Grad Nan Holt on Gul Damar presumably remained there, and the space station was presumably eventually relocated (as it was supposed to be planet-sized, and it would have screwed up things in Earth's solar system)

Comments: Created by Mike Cary, Scot Eaton, and Andrew Hennessy.

    Friendless refers to "the death's god's single eye," which presumably indicates that at least some of the Grad Nan Holt were polytheistic...but, beyond the death god having one eye, we don't know anything else. 

    Locations within Gul Damar were described as "Vector, Spinward 30/715, Distance 3.2 Standard Units" - I don't know what that means or to what the units are in reference.
    Spinward means moving in the same direction of the space station's rotation...

A few things were confusing to me:

1) Jat Vor-Thrul of Sovel Redhand's scavengers refers them as vat-grown (meaning to me that they were likely genetic creations) in #254, but a flashback #256 shows them as being hatched from eggs.
I suppose the mother could lay eggs and then the eggs and/or embryos were further matured in some sort of vat/incubator.
...or maybe Jat was just misinformed.

2) The Grad Nan Holt were supposed to have been poorly treated servants of the Shi'ar, but the flashback in #256 shows the Grad Nan Holt as a whole society with teachers, trainers, etc., and this pathological hatred of inter-clan breeding, etc. They made the choice to send Friendless to the Gul Damar space station, as they needed a telepath there.

    I had gotten the impression that the Grad Nan Holt were a servant race created by the Shi'ar on Gul Damar, but Friendless' flashback makes that seem a lot less likely. There are not strict contradictions, and it certainly could be that Friendless fomented misinformation, either to the others on the Space Station, or even to Rachel Grey when she read his mind.

As I review these stories repeatedly, I feel like Friendless was lying about the Grad Nan Holt's having been mistreated slaves under the Shi'ar, just one of the lies he told to help others accept his manipulations...

    There is a scene in X-Men Legacy#250 that apparently shows Redhand's group (there is a trio in shadows, but it fits with Glitter, Jat, and Redhand) finding Rachel, but she's not unconscious in that scene. Perhaps she had fought to regain her mind in order to communicate with Rogue and the X-Men, but then she lapsed back into a semi-comatose state. 

    Tellus is an older name for the goddess/personification of the Earth.

   At least some of the variation in the appearance of the Grad Nan Holt is due to the changing artist teams.

     Friendless will get his own profile...eventually...

Profile by Snood.

The Grad Nan Holt should be distinguished from:

Iratha Tzo


(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - When Iratha Tzo was impregnated by a worker of the Spindle nests, an unspecified enforcer/punisher called her "foulness" and told her that her eggs would be smashed, except for one, which the reader/sender believed to contain a psi-capable embryo. 

     The surviving embryo eventually grew up to become the powerful being Friendless


--X-Men Legacy#256

Note: It is unrevealed whether Iratha Tzo was slain or whether she lived out her life after her eggs were destroyed  and/or taken. If she lived, there is not evidence to support that she ever saw her son again.


grad_nan_holt-race-xml255-janissaries-seats     The Janissaries served as the ruling tribunal of the Grad Nan Holt on the Gul Damar space station, acting in executive (including leading the military), (presumably) legislative, and judicial capacity, sentencing criminals and prisoners.


(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - When the ruling tribunal of the Grad Nan Holt on Gul Damar met with Friendless, they refused to accept a thing without a clan and attempted to send him to the message vaults. 

    Friendless finally lashed out, noting that his people had spit on him, used him, destroyed his family, cast him into servitude, fed him poison and expected him to thank them. 

    Using his psychic powers, Friendless forced the tribunal to grant him full access to the mainframes and command space and to advise them when they sat in judgment. 

 (X-Men Legacy#256 (fb)  / X-Men Legacy#257 (fb) - BTS) - On the Gul Damar, Friendless took control of the Grad Nan Holt, leading them to rise up and war against their former Shi'ar masters.

(X-Men Legacy#255) - Still posing as a slave to the Janissaries, a tribunal of the Grad Nan Holt, Friendless acted as reader/sender to them as the captured Shi'ar were brought before them. The top-seated janissary "ordered" Friendless (they referred to him as "filth," as he referred to them as Noble Lords) to read the minds of their captives and tell them their ranks and offenses.

    Friendless noted that all but one of the captives were soldiers of the Shi'ar who had killed their brethren in great numbers but that the other one, Imstari, had run Gul Damar's power grid and was of high rank and esteem and commanded many.

    The tribunal conferred -- but they were all under the control of Friendless, who sought the space station's destruction and who knew that Imstari could potentially repair the damaged gravitic flux array, which was pulling the space station into the sun -- and then they ordered a quick and honorable death for the soldiers, and a slow and shameful death for the scientist. grad_nan_holt-race-xml255-janissaries-faces

    Despite the Shi'ar soldiers crying out about their rights under a treaty, the Friendless-controlled Korvus Rookshir slaughtered the captive soldiers with his blade.

    The tribunal then ordered the delivery of the torture instruments, explained that Imstari himself would wield the equipment, and instructed Friendless to be about his work, lest he be punished himself. As Imstari struggled against Friendless' control, the mind-controlled Polaris noted that this seemed cruel, but Havok advised her to recall how the Grad Nan Holt had been treated, and he further noted that the torture of an enemy wasn't just a right but a sacrament.

    When Magneto, Frenzy, and Gambit arrived, the tribunal questioned who they were, and Friendless noted them to be super-normal natives of the planet Tellus (an older name for the goddess/personification of the Earth) who were in league with the Shi'ar. Magneto advised the telepath to read a little deeper to see that a Shi'ar battalion stood ready to destroy their base but had allowed them to approach first to broker a truce. When the tribunal replied that they desired no truce, Magneto warned them that if they sent himself and his allies back empty-handed that the battalion would "pour enough firepower into your bay to melt it to slag."
(X-Men Legacy#255) - When the Grad Nan Holt noted that they had learned the Shi'ar could not be trusted, Gambit explained that they were only advising them to move their people out of the targeted base and leave the prisoners until the last moment as a safety guarantee. The tribunal argued that there was only prisoner alive and that his sins were too high to release him...and then Friendless had Imstari kill himself.

    The Shi'ar commander then ordered his men to fire all weapons on maximum aperture, and after the blast struck, when Magneto prepared to fight back, the Friendless-controlled Polaris blasted him from behind and told him that he had hurt the Grad Nan Holt and therefore had to die.

(X-Men Legacy#256) - As the Grad Nan Holt tribunal noted that the Shi'ar guns were decimating their forces, the leader started to order a retreat, but Friendless telepathically commanded him to instead order them to advance on the enemy and to send him to inspect the damage to the outer wall.

(X-Men Legacy#257) - Friendless manipulated the Grad Nan Holt janissaries and Commander Gemet to declare peace and to unite against the terrans, enemies who allegedly worked against them both. To that end, Gemet showed the Grad Nan Holt to the Anathema Vault, where they stored the weapons banned from use in normal conflicts but still available in times of direst emergency.

    When a Shi'ar soldier questioned their decaying orbit, Friendless spoke through Gemet, telling him that killing the Terrans would save the station and that no loyal Shi'ar would question that: Gemet then had a pair of soldiers take that soldier into custody and instructed them to kill him if he spoke again.

(X-Men Legacy#257 - BTS) - As Magneto, the Starjammers, and Redhand's group worked to build a working ship from the remains of the ships in the dockyard, Rachel sensed Friendless and sent her astral self to investigate him.

(X-Men Legacy#257) - Manipulated by Friendless, Commander Gemet and the Janissaries located their enemies in the dockyard, and Gemet had the Null Cascade, a factory for anti-matter, set up and instructed that no one was to pass spinward of the machine. Gemet noted that the weapon was effective at any range, including interplanetary.

    As Friendless sensed Rachel's astral self and sent his own to confront her, Commander Gemet activated the Null Cascade; at its power, one of the Janissaries exclaimed, "By the home-nest!"

--X-Men Legacy#255

Note: The original janissaries were members of the Turkish infantry forming the Sultan's royal guard between the 14th-19th centuries. The term janissary also means "devoted follower or supporter." are these guys janissaries? 
     I suppose that while they were a ruling tribunal, they made a point of ultimately being in the service of the Grad Nan Holt. Still it seems more like a descriptor than a title... I like the term tribunal a lot better. TRIbunal also seems nice since there were three of them.  



(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - When Iratha Tzo was impregnated by a worker of the Spindle nests, an unspecified enforcer/punisher called her "foulness" and told her that her eggs would be smashed, except for one, which the reader/sender believed to contain a psi-capable embryo. 


(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - The enforcer/punisher later delivered Iratha Tzo's child to a teacher/assessor, announcing to the teacher and the students the hatchling born outside of clan and sept, instructing that he be called "Friendless" and to heap scorn upon him wherever possible.

--X-Men Legacy#256


(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - The enforcer/punisher later delivered Iratha Tzo's child to a teacher/assessor, announcing to the teacher and the students the hatchling born outside of clan and sept, instructing that he be called "Friendless" and to heap scorn upon him wherever possible.

     The teacher/assessor assured the enforcer/punisher that he would do so.


X-Men Legacy#256

The teacher/assessor apparently not only treated Friendless harshly but encouraged and permitted the other students to torment him harshly.

images: (without ads)
X-Men Legacy#250, pg. 29 (Starjammers vs. Grad Nan Holt);
    #254, pg. 13, panel 4 (face with multiple separated hemimandibles);
    #255, pg. 3, panel 2 (Grad Nan Holt base on Gul Damar as seen through Shi'ar scanning equipment);
        pg. 11, panel 2 (Janissaries; full, seated);
            panel 3 (Friendless; face, close, partial);
        pg. 12, panel 1 (Janissaries; faces, various obliques);
            panel 2 (Janissaries; faces, profiles);
        pg. 13, panel 4 (Janissaries, seated, closer);
            panel 5 (Friendless, upper);
        pg. 18, panel 4 (Friendless, face, eyes-glowing);
    #256, pg. 2, panel 3 (swarming, and close-up of one full-body);
        pg. 8, panel 2 (Friendless manipulating Janissaries into conflict);
            panel 3-5 (Friendless extruding extra limbs from back and leaping to confront Rachel Grey);
        pg. 10, panel 1 (Iratha Tzo, eggs, and enforcer/punisher);
            panel 2 (young Friendless brought to class);
            panel 3 (peers bullying Friendless);
            panel 5 (Friendless' skills);
        pg. 11, panel 1 (Friendless rejected by Janissaries);
            panel 2 (Friendless face, profile, extended hemimandibles);
            panel 3 (Friendless releasing power against Janissaries);
            panel 4 (Janissaries under Friendless' control);
        pg. 12, panel 1 (full, distant, low detail);
            panel 2 (face);
        pg. 20, panel 4 (Friendless, main);
    #257, pg. 5, panel 4 (Friendless manipulating Janissaries and Gemet);
        pg. 14, panel 2 (Friendless' astral self confronting Rachel's);
    #258, pg. 1, panel 2-3 (psychic hand through Rachel's head);
        pg. 12, panel 6 (Friendless riding Null Cascade and challenging others);
        pg. 14, panel 4 (Friendless assaulted by Rachel and Rogue)

X-Men Legacy#250 (August, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth (penciler), Tom Palmer & Craig Yeung (inkers), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#253 (October, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Khoi Pham (penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#254 (October, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth (penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#255 (November, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth (penciler), Craig Yeung & Jay Leisten (inker), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#256 (November, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth (penciler), Craig Yeung with Jeff Huet and Ed Tadeo (inkers), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#257 (December, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Khoi Pham (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#258 (January, 2012) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth (penciler), Ed Tadeo (inker), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)

First posted: 03/02/2023
Last updated: 04/01/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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