
Real Name: Luther Manning

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-7484) reanimated human cyborg

Legal Status: Citizen of the USA (Earth-7484);
    legally dead as of 1985 A.D.

Occupation: Adventurer;
    former Colonel in the US Army, mercenary assassin, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent

Group Membership: Formerly CIA, the "Heralds" (Bloodstorm-1298, Hyperion-1121, Iron Man-8410 (Arno Stark, aka "Iron Man 2020), Killraven-691, Logan/Wolverine-811, Spider-Girl-1122), Project: Alpha-Mech, US Army

    (Earth-7484) Collie, Nina Ferry, Simon Ryker's Luther Manning clone (Simon Ryker- & CIA-associated), Pelops (possibly aka Blackwulf), Redeemers (Big Man, Gentle Sam, Iron Butterfly, Sage, Swashbuckler), sewer dwellers (aka "tunnel folks"; notably Danny), Linc Shane (and his unidentified group), Lord Tantalus, Dr. Wilcox;
        formerly Julian Biggs, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), Teresa Devereaux, Godwulf, Timestream (Henry Akai), Mike Travers;
       Rockwell International, Manned Armor Division; IBM Corp; Federal Systems Division; and BASF Corp were all involved in Project: Alpha-Mech; Deathlok was created by a group of doctors (apparently including Drs. Curtis Giles, Wilkins, Dr. Wilcox +/- Jim; and presumably with direct or indirect guidance from Harlan Ryker (Hellinger))
    (Earth-616) Blackwulf (Lucian), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Deathlok (Michael Collins), Devil-Slayer (Eric Simon Payne), Falcon (Sam Wilson), Fantastic Four, Nick Fury (Sr.), Professor Louis Kort, Luther Manning, Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic), Peacekeeper (Joshua), Siege (John Kelly), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Stark International, Thing (Ben Grimm), Tunnel Dwellers;
        formerly the Brand Corporation, Nth Command, Roxxon, Harlan Ryker, S.H.I.E.L.D. (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division);
        enslaved by Kurt Dagmar impostor (apparently a Martian Master) & Bekker
    (Earth-9997, aka Earth X) Annihilus, Blastaar, Luke Cage, Mac, Monster Android, Peter Parker, Redwing, Sasquatch, Venom, X-51
    (other realities) formerly the Bangers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justice Peace, a group of alternate reality Deathloks

    (Earth-7484) Julian Biggs and his men, black market meat storehouse staff, Bryce and his partner, cannibals, Dr. Commonhate, "Cubists," Death Machine, Doomsday Mechs, drones, Curtis Giles and his unidentified associate, Grissom, Hellinger, Hugo, Luther Manning clone-CIA version, Luther Manning clone/ Doomsday Mech, Mason and his associates, "Mr. Briefcase"/courier and his associates, "Cubist" "Muties", Omni-Computer, Peters, Provisional Revolutionary Army (notably Strake and Sylvia), Red Skull (presumably Johann Shmidt), unidentified scavengers, Simon Ryker, Strake (apparent government assassin), Timestream, Trouble-Shooters, War-Wolf;
       formerly Luther Manning clone (Simon Ryker & CIA associated),
Nina Ferry (as she was bonded to the Death Machine);
       Nina Ferry was forced to act against Deathlok in guiding the Death-Machine/Super-Tank via her linkage to the Omni-Computer;
    (Earth-616) A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics), Bekker, Brand Corporation, Bushwacker (Carl Burbank), Cult of the Harvester of Eyes (and presumably, indirectly, Vera Gemini), Kurt Dagmar impostor, Mayan Devourer, Fixer (Paul Norbert Ebersol), Walter Jenkins, King of the Sewers and his agents, Luther Manning, Mentallo (Marvin Flumm), Nth Command, Mr. Parkins, Roxxon Corporation, Harlan Ryker, S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate; notably Timothy "Dum-Dum" Dugan, Mr. Parkins);
        formerly Deathlok (Michael Collins), Captain America, Devil-Slayer, Falcon, Fantastic Four, Nick Fury, Impossible Man, Invisible Girl (Sue Richards), Cory Payne, President of the United States (POTUS), S.H.I.E.L.D. (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division), Siege, Thing;
       Iron Cross (Clare Gruler) may or may not have been a factor in controlling Deathlok's control by Dagmar/Bekker;
    (Earth-9997/"Earth X") Celestials, Watchers;
        formerly Annihilus, Blastaar, Monster Android;
    (other) Bangers, Justice Peace, Satyrnin and her warriors, Time Variance Authority

Marital Status: Marriage terminated as Manning is believed to be legally dead

Known RelativesJanice Travers (formerly Janice Manning; widow (as he is legally dead), Richard Manning (son);
    unidentified parents (referenced in Marvel Two-In-One I#27)

Aliases: Deathlok; Deathlok the Demolisher;
    Not really aliases, but maybe noteworthy for completeness sake:
       "Death Machine" - In Astonishing Tales I#28, Ryker says, it's not a Death-Machine the world needs now, or an army of walking Death Soldiers, but a Saviour-Machine. After destroying Ryker's Super-Tank/Death-Machine, in Astonishing Tales I#31, Deathlok says, "The Death-Machine is dead. Long live the Death-Machine." In Astonishing Tales I#36/2, as Godwulf parts company with Deathlok, he says, "Au revoir, Death-Machine."
    Linc Shane and his revolutionaries mistakenly believed Deathlok was the Saviour Machine, and Shane subsequently told Deathlok that he was the "savin'est machine";
    Deathlok also jokingly referred to himself as "Two-Gun Kid Corpse" and "Twinkletoes";
    he also gets called "freak," "cyborg," and "the Deathlok cyborg" a few times; and the Thing called him "Uggums" (considering Deathlok to be even uglier than himself) and "handsome"

Place of Birth (Luther Manning): Detroit, Michigan (Earth-7484)

Base of Operations: Mobile;
    last seen in the sewers on Earth-616;
    briefly Timestream's Timeskipper;
    formerly mobile across Earth-7484;
    formerly the Kurt Dagmar imposter's base in Germany's Black Forest, Earth-616;
    briefly X-51's moonbase and Attilan, Earth-9997 ("Earth X");
    formerly an unidentified S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate);
    formerly the Brand Corporation's Long Island facility (410 Gannon Avenue, Long Island City, New York), Earth-616;
    formerly an unidentified S.H.I.E.L.D. (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division)) facility;
    formerly Manhattan and the surrounding area of Earth-7484;
    created within Simon Ryker's base (presumably within one of the World Trade Center towers), Manhattan, New York;
    born in Detroit, Michigan

Education: Military academy graduate

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales I#25 (August, 1974)

Deathlok the Demolisher - OHotMU skeleton diagram OHotMU I & Deluxe Edition main image

Powers/Abilities: Deathlok's composition and abilities have changed over time. This entry starts with his initial form/abilities and progresses to modifications, largely in chronological fashion.

    Deathlok's synthetic bone, muscle, and organs have been surgically joined to the still-functioning remains of his human body. His spine and pelvis, plus the major bones of his legs and arms have been replaced by surgical grade stainless steel (some of which was later replaced with an unidentified metal). His organic semi-living tissue has been enhanced to superhuman levels of function.

    His entire right arm is artificial: steel bone, core-less helical motor-driven muscle, and synthetic flesh. Gimballing ball-and-socket joints fill his knee, hip, and shoulder sockets. Ratchet-lockable coiled-springs have been implanted in his legs. His spine has been girdled by articulated flat-springs to reinforce the mechanical coupling of his spine to his pelvis. Half of his skull is replaced by a metal exo-skull. The superficial layer of his skin is composed of long chain polymer with integrated metal-affinity polymer.

     Percentage composition in initial form, listed by his computer (circa Astonishing Tales I#33):

          17% decaying organic matter
        36% amnio-biotic fluid preservative (for reference, approximately 60% of the human body is water, and 7-8%; 60% of Deathlok's 53% organic matter comes out to 31.8% fluid; his decaying form may require more moisture?);
        47% computer circuitry, life support systems, power pack generator, bio-neuronic artificial synapse conduits (presumably including mechanical bionics)

    Deathlok's artificial musculature and steel enhanced skeleton grant him enhanced human physical abilities, including strength (he could initially lift 980 pounds with his right arm and 2 tons with both arms, but his body parts have been replaced and enhanced over time, enabling him to lift closer to 10 tons), speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes.
    He may or may not be stronger following his various modifications.

    His artificial right arm has the tensile strength of forged steel. His right hand can crush a revolver, and the limb is strong and durable enough to be punched through a steel door 3-inches thick (provided he is sufficiently braced).

    His original form could run at 42 mph. He could make a standing high-jump of 20', and a broad jump of 27'.

    His milli-pore oxygen/waste filtration-enhanced cardiovascular system gives him approximately five times normal human endurance.

    The reaction center of his computer/brain are about 100,000 times as efficient as a normal human's, although this is encumbered by motor response time, giving Deathlok a practical reaction time 20 times as fast as human. His conventional respiration is augmented by a waste filtration system that enhances his physical endurance to 5x human normal. The filtration systems is intended to be serviced every 2-3 years of normal respiration.
    Deathlok's computer was programmed to prevent him from killing himself, although he code try to manipulate others into killing him.

    His cyborg system can alter/regulate his chemical balance as indicated; for example, if he were to be stunned, a chemo-solution simulating organic adrenalin could be sent rushing to his brain, rapidly restoring full function.



Deathlok the Demolish - OHotMU skull diagram

    His vocal cords have been replaced by a speech synthesizer, and his left ear has been replaced by an audio pick-up.

    All of his brain but the cerebrum, certain parts of the medulla oblongata, and parts of the hypothalamus, have been removed and replaced by computer micro-chips containing the majority of memories and knowledge possessed by his human brain.

     Life-simulation was programmed into Deathlok's computer memory banks to facilitate "normal functioning" among living humans.

    His left eye is artificial and has (had) three interchangeable optical elements that can be slid into place by cybernetic command.

        The first is a 7 power telescopic lens with a 5 degree field of view, which sees at 1,000 feet what the unaided eye sees at 140 feet.

        The second is a 30 power microscopic lens which can focus over a range of 3-inches to 27-inches.



       The third is an image intensifier in the infra-red region of the spectrum (3,964 Angstrom Units) with a miniature scanning IR laser array that acts like a small searchlight to enable him to see in total darkness or to track a target by his or footprints (a least when the target had departed within five minutes). 

        These optical elements all focus on a full-color (except while in the infra-red mode which looks like black and white TV) imaging surface, only 1/4 inch, with a resolution comparable to his organic eye.

deathlokdemolisher-at25-card deathlokdemolisher-at25-armport 
     When he was first reconstructed, his computer/brain was programmable through a hard-wire cartridge slot -- also used for maintenance, reprogramming, and systems analysis -- in his right arm that consisted of light encoded multi-mode input/output.
     This has since been removed.

    Despite his bionic parts, Deathlok is still subject to certain human limitations and needs. Because his respiratory system is mostly intact, though enhanced, he still needs to breathe air to oxygenate his organic parts. He must ingest foodstuffs to nourish his digestive tract and organic components, and he also must defecate waste products.

    He is no longer capable of physical reproduction, as he lacks both the physical/mechanical components and the fuel.


    His major source of power is/was a small heavily-shielded nuclear powered thermo-electric generator, which is located near his spleen and needs re-fueling every 8.3 years. Because part of his brain is still intact he needs to sleep periodically. A side-effect of the drug which inhibits his body's immune-system's normal rejection of non-organic parts is to slow his cell-division rate to the point of ineffectiveness. As a result, wear and tear, as well as cumulative cell-rejection of his non-organic parts, will eventually cause major destruction of his organic parts, necessitating their replacement. His systems were initially projected to remain active for 30 years.

    Luther Manning is of gifted intellect and is a brilliant military strategist (Per Astonishing Tales I#25, Simon Ryker considered him to have been the most brilliant military strategist alive (prior to his death)) and formidable hand-to-hand combatant, being proficient with knives, daggers, handguns, and laser pistols.

    Manning's own knowledge, skills, and thought processes were computer augmented; these are integrated to the point that volition is often the result of computer heuristic algorithms rather than conscious free will. He had advanced computer-enhanced hunches (statistical interpretation of seemingly unrelated phenomenon) and pattern recognition. Despite this, his thoughts also existed independent of the computer system, effectively granting him two personalities (he generally referred to his computer as "'puter" when communicating with it. While the computer could make recommendations and perform advanced functions at his request, Manning's mind almost uniformly remained in control of Deathlok's actions and functions. Nonetheless, Manning maintained an antagonistic attitude towards the computer, generally responding to it with hostility.

    Initially, Deathlok had a second computer personality (or third personality altogether), which seemed almost to manifest his id, as stream of consciousness ramblings. This was eventually revealed to be an implant placed by Simon Ryker, which served as a bug to track his position.

    His costume is composed of woven metal-mesh of considerable durability.

Deathlok's gun from OHotMUdeathlokdemolisher-at26-pistolblasts 
    He is traditionally armed with a portable 150 watt/second helium-neon laser pistol, with a 1/2 inch exit beam capable of boring through 1/2 inch stainless steel in 1 second.

      On Earth-7484 circa 1990-1991, Deathlok used a series of helicopters, including the one he stole from the US Army, the one he was given by Hellinger, and one that was presumably given to him by the CIA.


    He also carries a 9" throwing dagger, patterned after the Marine Corps combat knife, which is magnetized to stick to his leg.




    Deathlok was markedly upgraded by (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. Amongst these enhancements were jettison boots that allowed him to fly and maneuver in close quarters.

    S.H.I.E.L.D. also installed a tracking device in his brain.

    Over time, Deathlok underwent significant modification. Certain parts wore down and/or became nonfunctional, requiring replacement.

    His jettison boots were not observed after he returned to his world, and they were certainly active by 2011.



    By 2011, his left arm was mechanical as well. His right lower limb was detachable/modular.

    His left hand was usually replaced a a bladed, ballistic, or energy-discharging weapon, and some of the units can even morph into other forms.

    His plasma weapon was able to liquefy the powerful Mayan creature known as the Devourer.


deathlokdemolisher-dlok29-speed    He is probably somewhere between Class 10-25 strength, as he could chase down and stop a fleeing Humvee-type vehicle (weighing approximately 2.5 tons and traveling at a speed of no more than 70 mph) and flip it on its side.deathlokdemolisher-dlok29-scav-hum-flip

    Some, if not all, of the steel in his body has been replaced with a metal that could not be identified by Earth-616 scientists of the modern era.

    At some point following his Earth-9997 ("Earth X") adventures, his computer systems became inactive.

      At one point Deathlok possessed one of Godwulf's Time Gauntlet's enabling him to travel through time. It is not know whether he still possesses this, or whether it still works.

     He is experienced in operating the Redeemers' personal aircraft, rocket-powered and possessing paired lateral blaster units on their aft ends



Deathlok the Demolisher - Captain America I#286 cover

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 600 lbs. (see comments);
(Manning) approximately 210 lbs.
Eyes: (Organic) Blue, (artificial) red sclera with blue iris
: Gray-brown (originally brown); Luther Manning had brown hair; Deathlok had very sparse hair initially, but sometime after the assault on Timestream's base, the Demolisher had long gray-brown hair on the non-metal-covered side of his head;
Skin: Gray-green (originally "pink"/"Caucasian")




Distinguishing Features: Much of his body is composed of armored cybernetic implants. The remainder of his organic body is composed of slowly decaying flesh, which gives off a rotting odor. Additionally, the chemical preservative gives off another odor.






(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3: Deathlok) - Luther Manning was born in Detroit, Michigan.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS) - Simon Ryker served in boot camp alongside Luther Manning.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 (fb) - BTS) - Luther and Janice (his future wife, although she was just in high school at this time) spent some time in a park by a lake.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 - BTS) - Luther and Janice (his wife (or possibly his girlfriend at the time) spent their first summer together in a beach house in an unidentified area.

    They had a pet Collie named Collie who lived with them there.

(Astonishing Tales I#28 (fb) - BTS) - Luther Manning and his wife Janice's favorite places to go were in Manhattan.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3: Deathlok) <Late 1970s> - Luther Manning enlisted in the US army.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3: Deathlok) - Manning rapidly rose through the ranks to become colonel.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales I#35 (fb) - BTS / Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) <1983 A.D.> - The Roxxon Oil Company, via the Brand Corporation's Nth Command succeeded in Operation: Purge, banishing Earth's super heroes extradimensionally (to likely terminal fates) and then attempted to take over the USA via more conventional warfare.            

    Eventually, many US cities, including Manhattan +/- all of New York City were bombed by unidentified parties.

(Marvel Fanfare II#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Red Skull secretly funded and directed Roxxon's Nth Command in these efforts.
    This occurred in 1983 A.D. of the Earth-7484 reality, and it represents the point of divergence from Earth-616
     (or, if the dates are topical, @ 4-6 years after Manning joined the army)

(Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - Roxxon then staged a coup on the USA, which resulted in mass chaos and no clear victor.

(Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - War broke out in the Middle East, followed by more wars across the globe.

(Astonishing Tales I#35 (fb) / (Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS) - Explosions from an unrevealed source destroyed Manhattan and a dozen other American cities. Simon Ryker had most of the people of Manhattan relocated to Long Island, which became the new metropolis.
    It is unclear whether more people were killed in the initial blast or in the emergency mass evacuation.

(Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS) - Eventually the military wrested control of the chaos in the USA, but violence still continued on a massive level and their control remained tenuous. A number of separate factions struggled for control, including the CIA and other splinter groups.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes?: Deathlok) - Together, Harlan (Hellinger) and Simon Ryker spear-headed Project: Alpha-Mech, designed to build armies of cyborg super soldiers; however, each Ryker had his own agenda, causing them to split from the CIA.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Deathlok - BTS) - The Project was under the direction of the CIA, and performed with the aid of major contractor Rockwell International, Manned Armor Division; IBM Corp; Federal Systems Division; BASF Corp.


(Astonishing Tales I#35 (fb)) - Project: Alpha-Mech established the body-banks, where all organic waste was recycled.

deathlokthedemolisher-at27-manning-face(Astonishing Tales I#27 (fb)) <Circa 1985 A.D.> - During a war-games training session, Col. Luther Manning shared his frustrations with his friend and fellow soldier Mike Travers. Manning stated that he had wondered more than a few times if all the computer running this "war" and all of the "fancy weapons and stuff" were not just an excuse to keep the soldiers busy and the "fat cats" comfortable. deathlokdemolisher-at26-concussionbomb

    They were visited by Captain Simon Ryker (see comments), who ordered them to finish their talk/stroll and go through some real maneuvers.

    Manning mocked Ryker's rank, and noted that he had been climbing on top of everybody's back in his effort to make it to major.

    Asserting that he was still commanding officer, Ryker punished them for their irreverence by sending them into war maneuvers without helmet or gear.

(Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales I#27 (fb) / Astonishing Tales I#30 (fb)) - While on the obstacle course, Mike Travers saved Luther Manning's life from a bomb.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb)) - Ten minutes later, however, Luther Manning had half of his face and all of his right arm blown off by a concussion bomb.

(Paradise X: The Heralds#2 (fb) - BTS) - Manning lost his "best friend" during the war.





(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS) - Wishing to preserve Manning's knowledge and experience, Simon Ryker chose him to be part of Project: Alpha-Mech in the event that he did not survive surgery.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb)) - Luther Manning died on the operating table, but, as per Simon Ryker's orders, the doctors kept a portion of his brain alive. As the doctors pronounced him dead, they raised their objections to Simon Ryker, who threatened them with court martial if they continued to complain.

(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - At least two clones of Luther Manning were created, with one retained by Simon Ryker and one by Harlan Ryker.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS - not in this issue that I see) - Manning was left in stasis for five years, part of Project: Alpha-Mech's body-banks, while his wife and friends were told he was dead.
    #28, at least, confirms that he was "frozen" for five years.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I##3: Deathlok) <Circa 1990 A.D.> - Harlan Ryker was part of a quartet of scientists and surgeons (apparently including Curtis Giles, Dr. Wilcox, and Dr. Wilkins) who converted Manning into the cyborg warrior codenamed Deathlok.

      They transplanted his still-living brain back into his preserved corpse, which was augmented with bionic parts.

     The process took weeks complete.

(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok was intended to be a weapon beyond the pain of extinction.

(Astonishing Tales I#28 (fb) - BTS) - Ryker had a directive implanted into Deathlok's computer, preventing him from killing himself.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3: Deathlok) - Manning awakened to find himself in a body that was partially his own and with a mini-computer occupying a portion of his cranium.


deathlokdemolisher-at25-leap(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Deathlok - BTS) - Hellinger took Project: Alpha-Mech and broke away from the military. Hellinger continued to advance his process, converting himself into a cyborg. He also continued advancing his Alpha-Mechs.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb)) - Simon Ryker, alongside Nina Ferry, oversaw Deathlok's training.deathlokdemolisher-at25-punchgirder

    At Ryker's request, an unspecified doctor detailed Deathlok's abilities.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok initially killed when commanded. Gradually, he came to question his orders, and finally he became aware of what he was: A hideous aberration composed of rotting flesh and polished metal, and he began to rebel.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok demonstrated tendencies toward rebellion against his built-in computer; in his last two missions, he four times disregarded programmed orders, once defied a direct order, and twice acted counter to programming.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb)) - Deathlok apparently attempted to confront Ryker, but an inches thick door delayed him sufficiently for Ryker's agents to introduce anesthesia into Deathlok's chemical bloodstream, incapacitating him.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb) - BTS) - Simon Ryker had Deathlok brought in for examination and questioning. After receiving injectable sedation under Peters' direction, Deathlok was placed in a power siphon.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2) - In an effort to restore their control over Deathlok, a group of scientists, including Hugo and Dr. Commonhate, subjected him to illusions of his past existence, including his wife Janice and his former pet Collie. He resisted the illusions, becoming more angry with Ryker and his men for using his cherished memories against him.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb)) - Alongside Peters, Ryker prepared to question Deathlok regarding the nature and reasons for his rebellion.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb)) - Although Peters assured Ryker that Deathlok was heavily sedated and would be helpless, they were both very surprised to hear Manning's voice, revealing that his personality had reasserted itself and taken control of Deathlok's form. Deathlok then reversed the flow of the power siphon, enabling him to break free from the restraints and escape.

(Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb)) - In the process of escaping, Deathlok smashed Simon Ryker's head into a computer panel, knocking loose a panel in the back of Simon Ryker's own cyborg head. Additionally, Deathlok found Mike Travers, who showed him that he was still being programmed by the card Ryker had implanted in his forearm. Deathlok destroyed the card and escaped in a helicopter with Travers, and Ryker swore vengeance on the both of them.

deathlokdemolisher-at27-ladderblasting    Deathlok was initially somewhat enamored of his new form, considering himself to be immortal. However, after they landed the helicopter on a roof top and lit a fire to cook some food, Mike revealed to him how he had actually died and been reanimated by technology.

    Immediately thereafter, cannibals swarmed over them and while Deathlok fought them off, agents of Ryker (including Peters) arrived in another helicopter and then subdued and escaped with Mike aboard their helicopter. One of the cannibals bit Deathlok in the knee, preventing him from trying to leap after the escaping helicopter. deathlokdemolisher-at25-face

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok became a mercenary, hoping to earn enough money to pay to have his brain transplanted into a normal human form.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok took a contract from Julian Biggs to kill Curtis Giles and his associate. Unbeknownst to Deathlok, Simon Ryker was Biggs' immediate superior, and Ryker believed the two men to merely be out to stop Project: Alpha Mech.

(Astonishing Tales I#25) - Deathlok killed Curtis Giles and his associate then sought out Biggs, surprising him by knowing his base's location, and then killing several of his enforcers when they tried to stop him from directly confronting Biggs. Deathlok similarly fought his way past Biggs' security devices.

    Upon being confronted, Biggs refused to pay him, and Deathlok attacked him, battering him into pieces and revealing him to be another cyborg (or just a robot).

    Simon Ryker then taunted him, transmitting through Biggs' form, telling him the men he killed were out to stop Project: Alpha-Mech. Ryker told him he would never allow him to have a brain transplant (to return to human form).

(Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok traced the helicopter that had abducted Mike Travers to a storehouse for black market meat; however, he was initially unaware that Ryker's agents had merely planted a decoy there.

(Astonishing Tales I#26 / Astonishing Tales I#27 (fb)) - There he defeated (and possibly killed) a sniper (apparently Peters, and certainly one of Ryker's agents who had abducted Mike) who attacked him, after which he fought his way into the storehouse and overpowered Ryker's agents, forcing them to reveal that Travers was being held in the Statue of Liberty.

    Traveling there via his helicopter, which he then left on auto-pilot and descended to the ground via a rope ladder, Deathlok defeated more of Ryker's agents and -- despite warnings of danger from his computer -- broke into a cell, which contained Simon Ryker and his cyborg warrior War-Wolf, whom Ryker then claimed was Travers.

(Astonishing Tales I#27) - Ryker set the War-Wolf on Deathlok, who found himself unable to fight back against what he believed was his best friend.

    As a result, Deathlok was pummeled, and War-Wolf yanked Deathlok's vital life-line from his body.

    When Deathlok's defeat seemed imminent, Ryker revealed that War-Wolf was not actually Travers, and also lied again, telling Deathlok that Travers had died in the process of trying to turn him into a cyborg. deathlokthedemolisher-at28-obprof

    Angered by this insult, Deathlok rallied and destroyed the War-Wolf, though they both fell from the statue in the process.

    Though weakened by the energy leeched from his lifeline, Deathlok was pleased to learn that the third voice in his head, the stream-of-consciousness one, had been removed in the process; his computer system revealed that voice to have been an implant used by Ryker to trace him, and the computer had then neutralized it.

    Deathlok then returned to his former house to tell his wife, Janice, that he was still alive, but he fled after realizing that she didn't believe him and thought he was only a monster.

    Devastated, Deathlok left Janice (along with the son he had never seen) and tried to kill himself with his laser gun, but crushed the gun after finding that his computer prevented him from killing himself.

(Astonishing Tales I#28 - BTS) - Linc Shane and his people, who supported the rebellion against Ryker, heard through the grapevine that Ryker had built a new Saviour Machine.
    They incorrectly figured this to be Deathlok (Simon Ryker himself was to be the Saviour Machine)

(Astonishing Tales I#28) - Disgusted with his entire existence, Deathlok tore the flag insignia from his costume.

    Salvaging a number of firearms from an armory in the park, Deathlok flew back to Manhattan, wandering around the rubble that used to be he and Janice's favorite spots.

    Eventually he was attacked by a group of cannibals, and he took out of his frustrations on them, beating them savagely.


deathlokdemolisher-at30-twogunsdeathlokdemolisher-at30-cover    After they all had fallen, he was confronted by a tank (unbeknownst to Deathlok, this was Ryker's "Super-Tank," cybernetically directed via Nina Ferry, controlled by the Omni-Computer) as well as Ryker's Trouble-Shooters (armed with laser rifles).

    During his battle against it, Deathlok encountered Linc Shane, a revolutionary opposing Ryker, who believed Deathlok to be the "Saviour Machine" that Ryker had built.

    However, as they were both in jeopardy from the tank's assaults, Deathlok and Linc teamed up to escape it.

    Directed by his computer, Deathlok tried to return to his helicopter, only to see it pushed off the top of a building by Ryker's agents. Soon after, they were cornered against the Northern wall of the city.

(Astonishing Tales I#30) - Deathlok protected Linc from being killed by the tank, but as Deathlok helped the injured man over the wall, Linc was fatally shot down by the Trouble-Shooters.

    Reluctantly dropping Shane's corpse, Deathlok continued over the wall to escape the tank and Trouble-Shooters, after which the tank, which blew a hole in the wall to follow him.

    The Trouble-Shooters pursued him as well, but he eventually dropped them all.

    In addition, Deathlok fashioned a crossbow out of scrap material and launched a girder into the tank, destroying it.

(Astonishing Tales I#30 - BTS) - Meanwhile, Mike Travers escaped from Ryker's cell and began tracking down Deathlok.

(Astonishing Tales I#31) - Deathlok encountered Travers, but their reunion was brief once Travers revealed that he had married Janice after Luther Manning had been declared dead. Deathlok punched down Travers but stopped short of killing him, warning him that he would kill Travers if he ever saw him again.

    Deathlok then followed a helicopter, intending to steal it, and he walked in on criminals killing Summers, an agent of Quartuccio; these criminals allegedly held the final living surgeon who had created Deathlok. Deathlok killed  three of the criminals, but the leader of the group -- to whom Deathlok referred as "Mr. Briefcase" -- took off in the helicopter.

(Astonishing Tales I#32) - Deathlok shot out the helicopter's stabilizer blades, causing it to crash, though softly enough for the pilot to survive. However, by the time Deathlok reached the helicopter, the pilot had already fled, and Deathlok tracked him via infra-red vision.

    Entering the 59th and Lexington subway station, he found the fleeing criminal mortally wounded by programmed human drones (presumably under Hellinger's control). Ignoring his computer's recommendation to flee as more drones arrived, Deathlok took out his frustration (at losing a chance to find the surgeon) on them, eventually knocking out a support beam and collapsing the subway on them when they threatened to overpower him by weight of numbers. Deathlok subsequently opened the briefcase the criminal had carried, but his computer revealed that it was filled with counterfeit money.

(Astonishing Tales I#33) - Deathlok was disgusted when his computer informed him that cannibals were drawn to him by the scent of his decaying flesh. Believing Simon Ryker was behind the recent confrontations involving the counterfeit money, Deathlok repaired the downed helicopter, and its pre-programmed destination brought him to one of Simon Ryker's estates in Long Island. Deathlok was annoyed when his computer revealed that it was aware he could have taken the helicopter rather than having pursued its pilot, but the computer noted that it was not programmed to answer questions unless they were vocally or internally asked.

    At the estate, agents of Simon Ryker tried to impede Deathlok's entry, but Deathlok easily knocked them down and entered the building; meanwhile, Deathlok's computer noted that his life systems were functioning at only 67%. There Deathlok first met Hellinger deathlokdemolisher-at34-laserpistol -- who claimed to be Simon's prisoner and to be dying of radiation poisoning -- as well as Hellinger's Luther Manning clone. Harlan revealed himself to be the surgeon who had created Deathlok (though he didn't tell him that he was the mastermind, and that the third surgeon Deathlok had been seeking was another man altogether, nor that he was Simon Ryker's brother).

    Hellinger also stated that Simon Ryker had imprisoned him ever since the surgery; additionally he claimed that he was suffering from radiation poisoning and a deteriorating nervous system, as were the other doctors that had worked on Deathlok, all planned by Ryker as a precaution for the future.

    Deathlok posited that the clone would have a form compatible with his brain that would not reject a mind-transfer, but both Hellinger and Deathlok's computer stated that there wasn't enough of Luther Manning left to transfer. While it lacked information on Hellinger, Deathlok's computer suggested that Hellinger did not appear to be a threat although his physical structure was blurred and that he had considerable organic surgery grafted onto his original physiology (see comments).

    Hellinger also told Deathlok that he had been secretly assisting him, and that Simon's prisoner, Nina Ferry, was the key to Ryker's destruction (though Michael Travers had already freed Nina).

(Astonishing Tales I#33 / Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger further revealed that he had re-programed Ryker's' computers and manipulated events to draw Deathlok to him as well as explaining why Nina Ferry, was the key to Ryker's destruction. After Hellinger showed Deathlok his arsenal of advanced weaponry, from which Deathlok picked a new laser pistol, Deathlok agreed to make Ryker pay if Hellinger found a way to return Luther Manning to normal. deathlokdemolisher-at34-omni-com

    Hellinger subsequently convinced Deathlok to strap a briefcase containing a bomb to his wrist, promising it would be released from him upon reaching the castle base of the Provisional Revolutionary Army in Central Park, where Travers and Nina was allegedly being held.

    En route, Deathlok's computer informed him that his link to the Omni-Computer was still functional, allowing Ryker, at least, to be aware of his every move as soon as it happened. Upon overpowering some of the Army and reaching the castle, however, the cable failed to release, leaving Deathlok stuck with the bomb with only a few seconds until detonation.

(Astonishing Tales I#34) - As time ran out, Deathlok shoved his cybernetic arm (and the bomb and briefcase it held) through the opening of an armored door, intending to shoot off the cable to the briefcase and perhaps escape the blast; however, he found his arm jammed in the door as the bomb exploded and destroyed his arm, incapacitating, but not killing him.

    <1/1/1991> - Wearing an exoskeleton, Mike Travers carried Deathlok to CIA headquarters.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok's arm was rebuilt (and he was further restored from the injuries he had suffered battling War-Wolf, etc, bringing him back to 100% systems function and stabilizing his decay factor) over the course of two days. The CIA also implemented their own programming -- including a new input terminal in his right arm -- allowing them to control Deathlok's mobility, as well as some other functions to some degree. The CIA programming ensured that Deathlok would do anything to stop Simon Ryker. It also allowed them to see through Deathlok's eyes (or at least his bionic eye).

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - <1/3/1999> - Deathlok awakened but was immobilized until Teresa Devereaux, head of the CIA, introduced herself, restored his mobility, and revealed his reprogramming. Travers subsequently explained to Deathlok that the CIA was fighting Ryker and that - as they thought Deathlok was their best chance of stopping Ryker -- they had rebuilt him and reprogrammed him to serve them.


    Not believing Travers, Deathlok shoved his laser pistol into his face and threatened to end his lies, but Travers informed Deathlok he had been programmed not to harm him: Deathlok could still  function as an individual, but only while serving the CIA against Ryker. After detailing how Simon Ryker was on his way to becoming omnipotent, Devereaux sent Deathlok to confront Ryker.

    Deathlok then traveled to Ryker's base, and he sent his helicopter -- presumably under his computer's control -- directly at the base while he scaled the building. After Ryker's men had blown up the helicopter, Deathlok ambushed and overpowered Ryker's men and then entered the base to confront Ryker himself. However, Ryker's body was inert due to his mind being transferred into the city-wide Omni-Computer, and Deathlok was introduced to Simon Ryker's Luther Manning clone, this one containing the mind of Dr. Wilcox, the last of the three surgeons to have worked on Deathlok.

    After assaulting Ryker's form and being nearly destroyed by defense mechanisms, Deathlok coerced Wilcox / Luther Manning clone to hook him (Deathlok) up to the Omni-Computer, too. There he was confronted by the virtually all-powerful Simon Ryker, now the Savior Machine. Although Deathlok threatened him, Ryker welcomed Deathlok as a son, telling him that they were now linked as one, "linked to infinity...intelligence supreme...mind without end!"

    Deathlok considered Ryker to be mad and wondered how he was going to stop him.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Meanwhile, Hellinger prepared to transform his Luther Manning clone into the first of the Doomsday-Mechs.

deathlokdemolisher-at35-cybvssryk(Astonishing Tales I#35) - Deathlok confronted the image of "Ryker," which was actually photons arranged in a sense pattern for the benefit of recognition. Ryker warned Deathlok that he (Ryker) was the over-riding impulse signal within the "brain" of the omni-computer and could destroy him (Deathlok) as easily as he negated the illusion of Deathlok's laser pistol.

    Assembling a photonic image of Earth, Ryker then showed Deathlok what had happened to the world in the years since Luther Manning's death and discussed his plans to "save it" in an attempt to convince Deathlok to join his mission. Considering Ryker to be power mad and intent on controlling the world, Deathlok attacked him.

    Their opposing ionic charges generated greater amounts of destructive force, but Deathlok maintained his grip on Ryker, willing to sacrifice his own life to stop the madman. Dr. Wilcox, however, managed to pull both of the back into the real world, although initially Deathlok's mind was in Ryker's body and vice-versa. At Wilcox's direction, one of the other men reversed the molecular flow and returned Ryker and Deathlok's minds to their bodies. Unhinged by the various transfers and still believing himself to be Deathlok, Ryker ultimately collapsed to the ground, insensate.

    Although Ryker was no longer a threat, Deathlok's CIA programming compelled him to execute him, but CIA agents led by Teresa Devereaux then rushed in and took custody of Ryker. After Teresa explained their programming, Deathlok was able to remove the programming circuitry implanted into his arm port.

    Deathlok intended to leave the group behind until they revealed Hellinger's continued threat, although were apparently unaware that his Doomsday-Mech was en route to CIA headquarters to kill them.

    In addition, they showed him that Wilcox's mind was being rejected from the Luther Manning clone, and they prepared to transfer Deathlok's mind into the clone, restoring him to human form.

    However, while the clone gained the original Manning's mind, the process had merely copied it, and Deathlok continued to exist, unchanged.

(Astonishing Tales I#36) - Deathlok remained immobile, restrained by CIA technology. Soon after, Hellinger's Doomsday-Mech attacked CIA headquarters, assaulting the Manning clone, and Manning's distress was transmitted to Deathlok, freeing him from the magneto-strictive effect rendering him motionless.


    Deathlok blasted the creature with his laser pistol, and its energy dispersed rapidly, causing it to apparently discorporate.

(Astonishing Tales II#36 - BTS / Marvel Spotlight#33 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf clandestinely caused the Doomsday-Mech to vanish before it could destroy Deathlok.

(Astonishing Tales I#36 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok apparently agreed to continue to work for the CIA, who designed an Exact Medical Replica (EMR) of Deathlok, which was linked to the original's cyborg functions. With this they intended to monitor his systems for failure while he was out on assignment.

(Astonishing Tales I#36 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok apparently agreed to continue to work for the CIA, who designed an Exact Medical Replica (EMR) of him, which was linked to the original's cyborg functions. With this they intended to monitor his systems for failure while he was out on assignment.

(Astonishing Tales I#36 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok apparently received a new helicopter from the CIA.

(Marvel Team-Up I#46) - While seeking to take out the mutants and cannibals who had been running rampant since Ryker's downfall, Deathlok encountered the time-traveling Spider-Man of Earth-616. Seeing Deathlok preparing to fire on a group of seemingly normal people, Spider-Man (of course) assumed Deathlok to be the villain and stopped him from shooting them. The mutants ("The Cubists") then attacked them both, and Spider-Man and Deathlok had to team-up to survive their assault. After the mutants left, Spider-Man and Deathlok were attacked by Strake and Grissom, a pair of snipers who still served Ryker. Spider-Man was less than pleased when Deathlok slew the snipers, but they were then confronted by the regrouped "Cubists." The two made short work of the unorganized mutants, after which Spider-Man used the time machine to head back to Earth-616.

(Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - Spider-Man's return via the time platform was observed by Mentallo, who read of his mind and learned of his encounter with Deathlok (although Spider-Man himself could not remember it at the time).

(Astonishing Tales I#36) - Deathlok went out on assignment to locate remaining agents of Simon Ryker within the former New York subway system. These men had no idea Ryker was no longer active. While Deathlok fought them, he was joined by Godwulf, who used the subways as his base to oppose and sabotage the efforts of Ryker, etc.deathlokdemolisher-mspot33cov

(Astonishing Tales I#36 / Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok attempted to follow Godwulf to learn more about him, but Godwulf transported him across time and dimensions back to Earth-616, before Operation: Purge had occurred, to briefly hide and protect him from Hellinger.

(Astonishing Tales I#36 - BTS) - When Deathlok was transported out of the Earth-7484 dimension, his contact with the Deathlok EMR was severed, and the CIA, as well as the Luther Manning clone, believed him to have died.

(Marvel Spotlight I#33) - Deathlok arrived at Manhattan's New Grace Hospital, where he was mistaken for a demon by Devil-Slayer (who had been battling the demonic Cult of the Harvester of Eyes), who attacked him. Deathlok fought back, easily overpowering Devil-Slayer who held him off by psychically jamming his laser pistol and using his shadow cloak to knock him off of his feet. After Devil-Slayer fled in an alien dimension for a respite, Deathlok encountered Cory Payne, whom he briefly mistook for his own former wife, Janice. Eventually Devil-Slayer transported them both into a pocket dimension and assaulted Deathlok with an anti-matter mace. Deathlok convinced Devil-Slayer that he was not a demon, and the two returned to Earth, where they were assaulted by the Cultists. Teaming up, they swiftly drove off the Cultists, after which Deathlok was pulled through time again.

(Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf attempted to return Deathlok to his proper time almost immediately he had transported him. However, this plan backfired, since Hellinger had monitored Godwulf's displacement of Deathlok. Not knowing exactly who Godwulf was or what his motivations were, Hellinger decided to return Deathlok to his proper time to find out. Independently, Godwulf also attempted to return Deathlok to his proper time.

(Marvel Two-In-One#26 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to use Deathlok as their pawn, the Fixer and Mentallo traveled to the Baxter Building, the base of the Fantastic Four, and used Dr. Doom's time machine to snatch Deathlok from the timestream and returned him to the modern time period of Earth-616.

(Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#26 (fb) - BTS) - This transportation thwarted both Hellinger and Godwulf's efforts. Godwulf lost track of Deathlok due to this.

(Marvel Two-In-One#26) - Deathlok appeared before the Fixer and Mentallo as they opposed the Thing and Nick Fury.deathlokdemolisher-mtio26

(Marvel Two-In-One#27) - The Fixer and Mentallo duped Deathlok into assaulting the Thing and Fury. After the Fixer fired a control device onto Deathlok's head, Mentallo distracted the heroes with the illusion of a dinosaur attacking them while they transported Deathlok back to their base.

(Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - The Fixer and Mentallo spent the next week training Deathlok for their plans. The control device (either the original one or a subsequent device) was made so that it could not be removed. Deathlok was armed with a special rifle armed with another control device.

(Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - Fury learned that the Fixer and Mentallo were targeting the incoming President of the United States (POTUS) at his inauguration.

(Marvel Two-In-One#27) - The Fixer and Mentallo sent Deathlok after the incoming POTUS at his inauguration in Washington, D.C. Though unable to resist the mind control and lacking access to his computer, Deathlok retained the capacity for thought, and he was furious to be under another's control again; he cursed Luther Manning's parents for having brought him into existence.

(Marvel Two-In-One#27 - BTS) - Fury informed the Fantastic Four of the Fixer and Mentallo having targeted the incoming POTUS, and the heroes prepared to protect their target. Reed Richards contacted the Impossible Man...

(Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - ...convincing him to impersonate the incoming POTUS with the aid of some dissolving make-up to give him human colors.

(Marvel Two-In-One#27) - The voicing his opposition to the Fixer's plans, Deathlok remained unable to resist his commands. Nonetheless, Deathlok warned the Fixer that he would not control him forever and that when he broke free of his gizmo, he would come back for him and that the Fixer would not live long enough to know what hit him.

    Deathlok decided to come out of hiding and attack the POTUS in plain site so that the heroes might be able to stop him. Nonetheless, Deathlok still moved too quickly to be stopped, and he shot the seeming POTUS with a control device, after which the Thing attacked him. Unable to kill himself, Deathlok attempted to goad the Thing into killing him, but the Thing backed off upon realizing this, and the Invisible Girl finally contained him in a force field. 

    However, Reed Richards had summoned the Impossible Man to impersonate the POTUS (aided by some make-up), and the device had had no effect on him.

    The Fixer refused to remove his control device from Deathlok.

(Marvel Two-In-One#28 (fb) - BTS) - S.H.I.E.L.D. (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division)'s scientists failed to disengage the Fixer's mind-control device from Deathlok's cerebral cortex.

(Marvel Two-In-One#28 (fb) - BTS) - Stark International's scientists failed to disengage the Fixer's mind-control device from Deathlok's cerebral cortex.

(Marvel Two-In-One#28) - Reed Richards failed to disengage the mind-control device as well. He then sent the Thing to bring Deathlok to Professor Louis Kort, London's foremost specialist in both cybernetics and bio-genetics. Their flight to London was briefly disrupted by an encounter with the Piranha and Namor the Sub-Mariner.

(Marvel Two-In-One I#30 - BTS) - Kort worked his hardest to save Deathlok.

(Marvel Two-In-One I#32 (fb) - BTS) - Kort saved Deathlok from dying, though Deathlok had to remain in a capsule for another 60 days.

(Marvel Two-In-One I#34) - Professor Kort successfully freed Deathlok from the control device, though he was still left in a stupor. S.H.I.E.L.D. then arrived and took Deathlok into their possession.

(Marvel Two-In-One I#54 (fb) - BTS / Deathlok II#32 (fb)) - Deathlok was stolen from a S.H.I.E.L.D. depot by agents of Roxxon.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Deathlok / Deathlok II#32 (fb)) - Deathlok was placed under the supervision of Earth-616's Harlan Ryker at Brand Corporation, an agent of Roxxon's Department M (for "Mutagenics"). Based on Deathlok's systems, Ryker built an entirely robotic simulacrum of Deathlok.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Deathlok) - Ryker's robot was turned over to Roxxon's Nth Command for testing.

(Marvel Two-In-One#53 - BTS) - Less than a month later, Thomas Lightner proceeded with Operation: Berserker, sending the Deathlok robot to assault the Thing to prevent him from interfering with their Nth Command efforts within Project: PEGASUS.

(Marvel Two-In-One#54 - BTS) - The Deathlok robot attacked the Thing, but was forced to flee when Quasar and other security agents approached. Within the Project: PEGASUS' "Pit" (where federal energy project's radioactive materials were stored and contained for eventual disposal), the Deathlok robot began construction of a Nth Projector, but as Quasar approached he was forced to attack him to prevent the device's discovery. The Thing soon arrived alongside other security agents; faced with defeat and capture, the Deathlok robot activated its self-destruct mode, containing an explosive device. Quasar shattered the robot, and the robot further terminated its own remains to prevent them from searching its programming.

(Captain America I#286 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Deathlok) - At the Brand Corporation's Long Island City location, Ryker continued to work on the original Deathlok, restoring him to fully functional status and reprogramming him to serve them.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb)) - Ryker and his team began working on a Deathlok cyborg of their own. Rather than merely duplicate the existing version, they studied its systems and began working on improvements.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb)) - Once reassigned to Cybertek, Ryker utilized existing technical advancement data to design his own Deathlok cyborg. This cyborg was later activated by the mind of John Kelly, and later Michael Collins.

deathlokdemolisher-cap286-lastpage(Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok was intended to lead the Nth Commandos/Roxxon storm trooper forces to assault Washington D.C. as part of Roxxon's plot to take over the USA following the banishment of its superhumans via their own Operation: Purge.

(Captain America#288 (fb) - BTS) - Back on Earth-7484, Godwulf was approached by the (formerly Simon Ryker-controlled) Luther Manning clone (the one associated with the CIA and with Deathlok's memories and computer link-up). The clone felt certain that Deathlok might still be alive in another era, and Godwulf gave him.

(Captain America I#286) - Godwulf sent the  Luther Manning clone back and across time to Earth-616, just days before Operation: Purge. Manning tracked Deathlok to the seemingly abandoned Brand Corporation facility, where he was observed and joined by Captain America. The two invaded the facility, but Deathlok then appeared and shot the Manning clone through the chest.


(Captain America I#287) - Deathlok overpowered Captain America, but he was then drawn to the dying Manning clone; upon contact, the clone restored Deathlok's memories. Deathlok then turned on the Brand Corporation agents, freeing Captain America and then blowing up the facility. After burying the clone, Deathlok returned to Manhattan's 23rd Street Subway station base to be picked up by Godwulf's transport device, and Captain America dove through the portal as well; both arrived in Earth-7484 at Godwulf's 23rd Street Subway station base in the year 1993 A.D.

(Captain America I#288) - After Captain America was updated on the history of Earth-7484, they met up with Godwulf's Redeemers and prepared for an assault on Hellinger to stop his plans to destroy all humanity and replace them with his Homo Ascendant Doomsday Mechs. Captain America convinced Deathlok that he could be the symbol to rally the people of his world to a better existence.

    Captain America, Deathlok, Godwulf, and the Redeemers assaulted Hellinger's base. Only Captain America and Deathlok made it to confront Hellinger, who used his machines to wrest control of Deathlok's computer mind and to make Deathlok attack Cap, although he only stunned the hero. Perhaps inspired by Cap, Deathlok's humanity resisted Hellinger, and he turned on Hellinger, blasting him repeated through the chest, destroying him.
    Godwulf and his Redeemers then rejoined them, and they made an alliance with Deathlok to help rebuild their world.

(Captain America I#289 - BTS) - Captain America returned to Earth-616, where he foiled Nth Command, preventing Operation: Purge from occurring in his reality.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb) - BTS) - Restoring a semblance of civilization apparently dew the interest of a foreign monarch (unknown to Deathlok, this was Henry Akai, aka Timestream). Timestream established a command center from which he launched a cyber-tank army that ravaged the country (presumably America).

(Deathlok II#32 (fb)) - Godwulf led Deathlok and the Redeemers on a mission to oppose this foreign monarch, whose identity was only appreciated by Godwulf.

     Deathlok's arm They successfully destroyed his command center, but all of the Redeemers were killed in the struggle. Deathlok and Godwulf were the only ones to make it out alive on their side. Timestream survived as well

    The retaliation for this mission led to massive nuclear attacks from three sides. After learning that Godwulf had been withholding information from the others, Deathlok separated from Godwulf.



deathlokdemolisher-mfanii1-full (Daredevil I#336 (fb) - BTS) - Lord Tantalus of Earth-7484 was soundly defeated and rehabilitated for the good of his people. Pelops was still alive in that reality, as well.

(Daredevil I#337 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok fought beside Tantalus "in a world that didn't deserve the service we gave it."

(Marvel Fanfare II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok failed to lead his people to a better future.

(Marvel Fanfare II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok learned that the Red Skull had directed the re-creation of the Nth Command's technology, leading them to a second attempt at Operation: Purge in Earth-616.

(Marvel Fanfare II#1) - Deathlok traveled back to Earth-616, outside the Brand Corporation facility, but his arrival was detected by S.H.I.E.L.D., whose agents investigated and confronted him. He prepared to attack them to prevent them from interfering with his mission, but his systems suddenly shut down, and he was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.

(Daredevil I#336 (fb) - BTS) - While in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, the Demolish periodically ranted aloud about his past life. These were recorded and saved in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database. Amongst this information was his past involvement with Lord Tantalus and Pelops of his reality.

(Marvel Fanfare II#1 (fb) - BTS) - S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, led by Mr. Parkins, seized control of Manning's brain, keeping Deathlok inert aboard their Helicarrier, while they performed numerous repairs and upgraded his technology, though they did find certain metals and components that they could not identify.

(Marvel Fanfare II#1) - Deathlok regained control of his systems and broke free, armed with new jet boots and other weapons added by S.H.I.E.L.D.. He broke free from the Helicarrier, defeating the Falcon and other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the process.

    Meanwhile, Justice Peace (an agent of the Time Variance Authority) met with Captain America, convincing him to stop Deathlok from changing certain conditions. Captain America teamed up with the Falcon and confronted Deathlok back at the Brand facility. Deathlok fought to destroy the Purge technology present there, but Cap and the Falcon obstructed his progress until he convinced them of what he was trying to do.

    Justice Peace arrived just before Deathlok revealed the Red Skull's involvement in Operation: Purge, and Captain America revealed that the Red Skull had been killed in Earth-616 and was no longer a threat (he got better, of course). With the Purge technology destroyed, Captain America and the Falcon convinced Justice Peace not to kill Deathlok, but to instead return him to his own reality. Justice Peace warned him that his reality's Red Skull was still alive and active.


deathlokdemolisher-pxh1-heralds(Paradise X: The Heralds#1 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok was recruited by X-51,the Machine Man of Earth-9997 (a.k.a. Earth X), and taken to X-51's reality.

(Paradise X: The Heralds#1) - On the moon in X-51's reality, Deathlok was introduced to the robot's other "Heralds", likewise recruited from other timelines: Hyperion (Earth-1121), Spider-Girl (Earth-1122), Killraven (Earth-691?), Bloodstorm (Earth-1298?/Earth Mutant X), and Iron Man (Earth-8410/ Earth 2020). The final recruit was Logan, the Wolverine from Earth-811 (Days of Future Past); as Deathlok was introduced to him, 'Puter annoyed it's cyborg host when it made a negative comment regarding the mutant.deathlokdemolisher-pxh1-shooting

    X-51 explained to his recruits about how the Celestials of this reality had created superhumans as anti-bodies to protect Celestial Eggs within planets, with the Watchers overseeing their development, and that the egg within this Earth (Earth X) had been destroyed. Then the robot espoused his belief that alternate realities had been created by the manipulations of Mephisto, seeking to avoid final judgment at the end of time, and that all the other Earths were thus still endangered by their own Celestial Eggs; he had brought the diverse heroes there to send them to warn those other Earths of this threat. Deathlok's 'Puter continued to make comments distracting him from the briefing, but he went along with X-51's plan to send them to other timelines to warn the Reed Richards native to those worlds.

(Paradise X: The Heralds#2 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok agreed to aid X-51 in exchange for X-51's promise to silence the computer that continually tormented his thoughts.

(Paradise X: The Heralds#1) - Deathlok was paired with Killraven and sent to a world ruled by the tyrannical Satyrnin, a hostile world where only those trained for war might survive long enough to carry out the mission. Within seconds of arrival, the pair were attacked by the tyrant's guards. The two heroes opened fire, though Deathlok commented that 'Puter recommended they surrender in order to be taken to Satyrnin. Killraven replied to this suggestion by asking the cyborg when he had last surrendered. "Never"; and the two heroes continued shooting.

(Paradise X: The Heralds#2) - Deathlok and Killraven surrendered to Satyrnin's forces, and they revealed to her the reason for their visit. However, as the Celestial Egg wouldn't threaten her world for another 1000 years, she was unconcerned with it; in fact, she was mostly just interested in romancing Killraven.

    Deathlok and the other "Heralds" (except Killraven) were brought back to the moon of Earth-9997, where the other Watchers had arrived, intending to execute Uatu for having revealed the existence of the Celestial Egg, which had resulted in the Heralds' mission.

(Paradise X: The Heralds#3) - Guided by X-51, Uatu unwittingly showed the Heralds (joined by Killraven) how they could save their own worlds from the Celestial Eggs. When the Watchers prepared to take action against Uatu, the Monoliths transported the Watchers to all of the alternate Earths containing Celestial Eggs, which made the natives of those realms aware of the Celestial Eggs, which essentially ensured that humanity would eventually destroy these Eggs. X-51 then brought the Heralds to Attilan, promising to grant each of their wishes in turn.

(Paradise X#1) - Deathlok was present alongside the other Heralds on Earth X as Spider-Girl's wish was fulfilled by bringing her to meet that world's Peter Parker. However, Spider-Girl unwittingly attacked Earth X's Venom, assuming her to be a villain.deathlokdemolisher-px9-cover

(Paradise X#2) -  Deathlok watched as Spider-Man broke up the fight between Venom and Spider-Girl. Learning the truth, the two girls embraced, after which Spider-Girl revealed that in her reality she was the daughter of the Spider-Man clone.

(Paradise X#3) - Deathlok and the other Heralds attended the wedding of King Britain to the Inhumans' Medusa, where Bloodstorm met up with Earth X's Storm, who agreed to a blood transfusion to cure her vampirism.

(Paradise X#6) - Deathlok accompanied the Heralds as they arrived outside of the Baxter Building while Redwing battled Annihilus, Blastaar, and the Monster Android. Things escalated into a battle against the Guardians of the Galaxy as well. Meanwhile, Wolverine confronted the Wolverine of Earth-9997, detailing their "origins" (or the freaky, weirdo Earth X version, which is the goofiest thing in a whole goofy series. Maybe true for Earth X (an alternate Earth), not true for the Days of Future Past (a divergent Earth)). The Heralds' Wolverine joined with Earth X's Peter Parker, Venom, and Luke Cage in bringing the fight to a halt, capturing both the Negative Zoners and the Guardians.

(Paradise X#7) - Reed Richards prepared to try to resolve two major problems; he sought to restore death to Earth X in a controlled fashion, to end the existence of those suffering in constant agony. At the same time, souls who passed from Earth X were sent into "Paradise" in the Negative Zone of that reality, which expanded the anti-matter core of the Negative Zone and threatened its inhabitants' existence. Reed plotted to slow the expansion of Paradise via Pym Particles, and he organized an army, including the Heralds, Guardians, and Negative Zoners, plus Peter Parker, Venom, Luke Cage, Mac, Redwing, and Sasquatch.

    However, Earth X's Mephisto released Jude the Entropic Man, sending him out to the world to kill all he encountered.

(Paradise X#8) - Narrowly escaping Jude, Reed gathered his army (even further expanded), and they prepared to invade the Negative Zone.

(Paradise X#9) - X-51 summoned Deathlok back to his moonbase, where the robot told him the origins of the Earth X Ghost Rider (Blaze), after which X-51 showed Deathlok a new body which could be his.

(Paradise X#10) - X-51 continued to reveal the history of Earth X to Deathlok until the Guardians of the Galaxy, alongside Killraven and Iron Man 2020, returned. Killraven was sent back to his reality, satisfied by the history of the Guardians, which told him that at least in one reality Earth would be liberated from the Martian Masters. Iron Man 2020 intended to travel to the Guardians future (which was before the Badoon had been defeated), where he would use radiation to push humanity towards mass mutation so that they could more easily overthrow the Badoon.

(see comments; also additional images in the comments and appearances sections)


(Deathlok II#32 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok's computer crashed, leaving him without any of its scanning capacities, etc.

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) - The apparent Martian Master posing as German terrorist and arms-dealer Kurt Dagmar summoned Deathlok to Earth-616 where he put Deathlok under his control as part of an army of alternate reality Deathloks he had assembled.

(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - Abducting Toro (Thomas Raymond), "Dagmar" planted intel to lead the Human Torch to him in his secret base in Germany's Black Forest. The Torch was joined by Namor and the Winter Soldier.

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) - The Winter Soldier was given information to lead him to "Dagmar" by Iron Cross (Clare Gruler) who was also a prisoner of Dagmar.

(All-New Invaders#8 - BTS) - Invading the base of Dagmar, Namor and the Torch were confronted by an army of Deathloks.

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok-7484 remained by Dagmar's side.

(All-New Invaders#9) - As the alternate reality Deathloks engaged Namor and the Torch, Dagmar had his aide Bekker attempt to take control of the Torch. Deathlok-7484, still possessing control of his mind but not his body, warned Dagmar that he would kill him for what he was doing. Dagmar mocked Manning as tiresome, but when Bekker suggested that he could increase the mental restraint on Manning to shut him up, Dagmar declined, noting that he actually enjoyed Manning's idle threats. Dagmar further taunted Manning with his various alternate reality counterparts serving under him.

    Deathlok-7484 warned Dagmar that he would not let him play with time, reality or his life, but Dagmar corrected Manning that by the virtue of being a Deathlok, he was already dead.

    After Dagmar and Bekker took control of and incapacitated the Torch, Dagmar ordered Deathlok-7484 to use a weapon -- an improved version of a weapon used by the Kree Tanalith the Pursuer -- to slay Namor. However, the blast was deflected by the shield of the arriving Captain America (Steve Rogers) and instead fatally struck Dagmar, who in death was apparently revealed as a Martian Master.

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - With Dagmar's death, Deathlok-7484 regained his free will and also took command of the other Deathloks, halting the conflict.

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - After Captain America respectfully informed Deathlok-7484 of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s imminent arrival and their potential plans for the Deathloks, Manning destroyed the device that was preventing himself and the other Deathloks from returning to their worlds, and -- after the other Deathloks had all vanished and he had bemusedly noted how it reminded him of the saying "old soldiers never die...they just fade away" -- he bade Cap farewell and was presumably sent back to Earth-7484.




(Deathlok II#29/2) - At some point, he gave up the alias of Deathlok, calling himself only the Demolisher from then on.

(Deathlok II#29/2) <2011 A.D.> - The Demolisher pursued a pair of scavengers who stole his pack while he was looking for supplies. Catching up to their fleeing Humvee, he flipped it on its side, dragged them out, and then shot them through the legs before leaving them behind for the cannibals to feed on.

    He was then confronted by Timestream, who promised to restore his humanity and his world to him. Before the Demolisher could respond, Timestream pulled him through a temporal portal.

    Apparently neither the Demolisher nor Timestream realized that they had battled on opposite sides in the conflict that led to the massive nuclear war years before.

(Deathlok II#29/2) - Timestream's return to Earth-7484 triggered a timeflux that was discovered by Godwulf.

(Deathlok II#31) - Aboard Timestream's Timeskipper ship within the vortex of time, the Demolisher was introduced to a number of Timestream's cyborg warriors (the Bangers), as well as Luther Manning of Earth-616, within whom Timestream had generated a temporal warp that had morphed him into a duplicate of the original Deathlok the Demolisher's form.

    Timestream tricked the Demolisher (though he remained skeptical) into believing that this altered Luther was the Demolisher's own past self. After Timestream demonstrated his power by turning one of his cyborgs back into her fully human form, the Demolisher agreed to join Timestream.

    Pursuing Timestream's goal of preventing Captain America from stopping Operation: Purge, which he stated would form a new reality, the Demolisher joined Timestream, Manning-616, and the Bangers in traveling into the past of Earth-616, as Captain America and the Luther Manning clone approached the Brand facility (circa Captain America I#286). Timestream instructed Deathlok to kill Cap and the Manning clone, assuring him that this would not affect the Demolisher's current existence.

replace the original Deathlok the Demolisher with Manning-616, who would then be pulled forward to Earth-7484 to confront Godwulf.

(Deathlok II#32) - Godwulf led Deathlok (Michael Collins) and Siege (both Earth-616 natives) to stop Timestream, the Demolisher, etc., from interfering with the past of Earth-616. Collins tore off the Demolisher's right arm, and Timestream was forced to lead his agents away to plot anew.

    The Demolisher rebuilt himself from the other damaged or dead cyborgs, but since he didn't fully trust Timestream, he was reluctant to tell him the rendezvous location from which Godwulf would pull Deathlok forward to Earth-7484 (circa Captain America I#287). The Demolisher eventually convinced himself that aiding Timestream might restore all of his allies who fell in the past wars, and so he directed him to the subway station (see comments).

    Again, however, Godwulf, Deathlok (Collins), and Siege thwarted Timestream's plot. Manning ambushed and defeated Siege, but Timestream cast Godwulf and his allies into the literal timestream itself; Godwulf subsequently used his time-warp technology to transport Timestream and his allies there as well. 


(Deathlok II#33) - The recent interaction between Godwulf and Timestream had exacerbated the Demolisher's suspicions, and when Manning-616 blindly defended Timestream, the Demolisher realized that Manning-616 was not his past self at all. Still, as he was dependent on Timestream to escape the literal timestream, the Demolisher continued to assist him. They had another conflict with Godwulf, Manning, and Siege, during which the Demolisher could have slain Deathlok (Collins), but he hesitated due to uncertainty regarding Godwulf and Timestream's connections, allowing Siege to knock him away. When Deathlok (Collins) ripped out Manning-616's power cable to no effect (when the same injury would have crippled him at that time in his existence), the Demolisher was certain that he had been duped regarding Manning-616 being his past self.deathlokdemolisher-dlok32-p1-face

(Deathlok II#34) - Following Timestream into the past of Earth-7484 shortly before Operation: Purge, the Demolisher then pressured Timestream to reveal his origins. The Demolisher and Timestream quickly realized that they had fought each other in the past, and the Demolisher blamed Timestream for destroying their world. Timestream's Bangers defeated the Demolisher and left him for dead, but he was recovered by a group of sewer dwellers (aka tunnel folks). They guided the Demolisher to the tunnel to Nth Command in exchange for his slaying several sewer rats on which they could feed. The Demolisher met up with Deathlok (Collins), joining forces to oppose Timestream.deathlokdemolisher-dd235-face

    While Timestream sought to kill his own younger self (knowing the Time Variance Authority would then terminate that reality due to its many disruptions), the Demolisher, Deathlok (Collins), and Godwulf opposed him and his cyborgs. After fighting past some of the Bangers, the Demolisher skewered Timestream with his own technosword, but Timestream's time-powers restored him.

    Deathlok (Collins) finally neutralized Timestream by turning the Nth Projector on him. Godwulf convinced the Demolisher not to kill the younger Timestream, and he asked the Demolisher to return to their time with him and work together again. The Demolisher instead stole one of Godwulf's Time Gauntlets, using him to get as far away from Godwulf as possible.

(Daredevil I#335 (fb) - BTS) - The Demolisher returned to the modern era of Earth-616.

(Daredevil I#336 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking refuge from the normal civilians, the Demolisher lived within the sewers, working alongside and protecting a group of Tunnel Dwellers, including Joshua, the former Peacekeeper.

    Eventually, however, the Demolisher abandoned his new allies.


deathlokdemolisher-dd235-fullish (Daredevil I#335) - While the behemoth known as the King of the Sewers revived the Mayan monster the Devourer, the Demolisher watched from a distance. He tried to tell himself that he was not a hero and that it wasn't his problem anymore. However, when Daredevil battled both the Devourer and the mercenary Bushwacker, the Demolisher felt the need to get involved. The Demolisher aimed his weapon at Bushwacker, noting that "splatterin' your mug all over the sewer in an explosion of gray matter's my first choice" for how to respond for having his peace disrupted.

(Daredevil I#336) - Although he considered that Daredevil was the source of the disruption and that perhaps he should leave him to his fate, the Demolisher assisted Daredevil against both Bushwacker and the Devourer. Leaping atop the Devourer's back, the Demolisher tried futilely to physically overpower the creature, which instead grabbed and pulled him off. When the Devourer bit him, Manning mocked how his metal frame did not taste too good.

    The King of the Sewers led his servants to attack Daredevil as well, but then Peacekeeper arrived and added his Tunnel Dwellers to the struggle, aiding Daredevil and the Demolisher. Morphing his gun into some unidentified plasma weapon, the Demolisher blasted the Devourer, with a sustained blast over minutes transforming it into a puddle of bubbling ooze. When King tried to assault Daredevil, the Demolisher held him off at gunpoint.deathlokdemolisher-dd236-blastdevour

(Daredevil I#337) - The Demolisher was still with the Tunnel Dwellers when Blackwulf (Lucian) confronted them, wishing to learn how his father, Lord Tantalus, could be rehabilitated (as he apparently had been in Earth-7484's future). Mistaking Blackwulf's  confrontational approach for a challenge, Deathlok charged him, only to be knocked back by Blackwulf's shadow lance.

    However, just then the tunnels began to explode, caused by explosives left there by agents of Walter Jenkins. Daredevil, who had forced Jenkins to reveal the locations of the explosives, shared this information with Peacekeeper, the Demolisher, Blackwulf, and the Tunnel Dwellers, and they worked together to disable them; the Demolisher carefully disarmed a number of the devices, while Blackwulf contained those that could not be disarmed in time.

    The Demolisher prepared to sacrifice himself to save the others from a large batch of explosives, but Blackwulf stopped him, redirecting the blast. The Demolisher joined the others in digging through the rubble to find Daredevil, though the hero had already managed to defeat King and deactivate the last of the bombs.

    With the conflict over, Blackwulf questioned the Demolisher about how Lord Tantalus could be rehabilitated, but the Demolisher told him that he didn't know what the differences between the two realities' Tantalus was, that their fates were already set, and that anything else he told him would just make it worse. The Demolisher noted that Pelops "at least lived," possibly hinting that Pelops had died sometime after his previous reference.

    With that, the Demolisher wandered back into the depths of the tunnels, declining Blackwulf's offer to start anew alongside his allies. The Demolisher said he had to sort out himself before he could work with anyone else.


Comments: Conceived, plotted, and drawn by Rich Buckler, with significant input/modification by Doug Moench.
    Astonishing Tales has a pair of features discussing Deathlok's conception by Rich Buckler, Doug Moench, and Roy Thomas: Mindlock x 3; and a more cartoony one.
    Thanks to Grendel Prime and Loki for providing the high-resolution images for this. My scanner is shitey currently.
    Speaking of which, I will replace the lower-resolution images from the 1990s issues with digital ones as they become available.

    I have placed the events in this order, b/c certain changes have taken place in the "older" Deathlok (such as the destruction of the computer portion of his brain) and his overall appearance that are markedly different than the earlier versions seen. There is a nearly 18 year gap in his history that can otherwise be filled by subsequent adventures.
    Info from the Earth X series should not apply to any other reality unless specifically confirmed outside of the Earth X stories. However, I see no reason that characters from alternate worlds can't travel to Earth X, since the Earth X characters interacted with Earth-616 and other realities' characters in Avengers Forever.
    X-51 makes some comment about not using time travel technology to get the Heralds, but they're not all from the same time period, and some of them have a sliding timescale like Earth-616, while others don't. I'm not taking that rule as hard and fast.
    It seems to be that everyone who writes a story about Deathlok since 1983 seems to think that the story in Captain America I#286-288 was the last time the character was seen, and so every story shows Deathlok as he existed in that story.
    So, until someone else "gets it," Daredevil I#337 (published in 1994, thirty years ago at the time of this profile update) will remain the most recent chronological appearance of Luther Manning. I have no idea what "The last Luther Manning story" from the 2014 All-New Invaders stories is supposed to mean.
    I suspect that there will be divergent Deathloks to fulfill the need to keep having Deathlok in his classic form.

    Luther Manning was confirmed as having been a colonel in Astonishing Tales I#25 at the time of his death and Ryker to have been a major at least by the time of Deathlok's rebellion and escape. Per Astonishing Tales I#27, Ryker was a captain at the time he was commanding officer of the military base when Manning was mortally wounded. The OHotMUs mistakenly identified Ryker as a major at the time of Luther Manning's death.
    If the Captain was Navy then his rank is the same level as an Army's Colonel; then who was giving the orders would come down to seniority.
    Maybe that's it, but Ryker has traditionally been described as affiliated with the US Army. Perhaps Ryker was just commanding officer of the base. My understanding is that a superior officer is a superior officer, regardless of who is commanding officer, but maybe that was not the case in this time of war, or perhaps Manning did not force control over Ryker.

    Some 1970s stories listed Deathlok's timeline as taking place in the past of Killraven's timeline, both of which were in the past of the Guardians of the Galaxy's timeline. Killraven and the Guardians' still seems to be the same, as far as I can tell, but I don't think Deathlok's fits. Deathlok's history has been shown 18 years past the battle with Hellinger, which was supposed to have occurred in the early 1990s. That would place his most recent events AFTER 2001 in his timeline, and there was no evidence that his reality had been conquered by the Martian Masters.
    The idea that Deathlok and Killraven inhabited the same timeline was supported by George Olshevsky in The Official Index to Marvel Team-Up for the issues featuring Deathlok and Killraven, pace Defenders I#26. Aside from this, during the System Bytes crossover, in Guardians of the Galaxy Annual#2, a flashback showed that a counterpart of Deathlok existed on Earth-Guardians of the Galaxy, though probably of Michael Collins (since Collins appeared in the Daredevil Annual that tied into the System Bytes Crossover.)
--Per Degaton
    I think the Captain America I#286-288 stories put that idea to rest, as did the 1990s Guardians of the Galaxy series. The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe confirms repeatedly that they are not the same timeline. Now be silent.

    In New Avengers I#33, the Owl revealed a captive Deathlok/Luther Manning that he had stolen from SHIELD. The Hood took it from him, then sacrificed it (blew it up) to rob Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. This thing had the appearance of Deathlok circa the 1990s of his reality rather than the Deathlok of 2011 A.D. forward seen in the Michael Collins Deathlok series. When briefly released from stasis, it growled. Then they blew it up. There is absolutely no reason for this to be Deathlok the Demolisher. I'd suggest another replica...perhaps even the Deathlok Exact Medical Replica. OR a duplicate of the Roxxon-created Deathlok robot.

Errata in original Deathlok schematics:

Deathlok's weight:

deathlokdemolisher-pxh1-dlokbackstoryThe Heralds:

It was eventually revealed that not all of the Heralds were whom they were initially thought to represent. Spider-Girl was not her exact counterpart from Earth-982, and Hyperion was from a much darker future than Earth-712.
    At any rate, the Heralds are:

Other stuff:

    Astonishing Tales I#33 had Deathlok's computer note that Hellinger's physical structure was blurred and that he had considerable organic surgery grafted onto his original "physiognomy."

Physiognomy refers to the archaic practice of assessing a person's character or personality from his or her facial appearance. However, it can refer to the general physical characteristics of a person.

Physiology refers to the study of functions and mechanisms in a living system

Anatomy refers to the internal structure of organisms.

I think that Hellinger has had major modification of his anatomy, but references to modification of his appearance/physiognomy is not overtly inaccurate.

    The POTUS in Marvel Two-In-One#27 is Jimmy Carter, but that is obviously a topical reference.

   In Captain America I#286, the Luther Manning clone "remembers" how Luther Manning's brain and nervous system were transplanted into a synthetic body. In the classic stories, it was Luther's body that was rebuilt with bionics. I think this is errata or just mis-remembrance for the clone, whose mind was programmed with Deathlok's memories.
    That issue also references Deathlok having time traveled back to 1976, which is a topical reference, as that was the date of the comics when Deathlok traveled back in time in Astonishing Tales I#36.
    Deathlok traveled to Earth-616, which was a sliding timescale. 1976 stories equate to 10-12 years ago Marvel Time.

    I know the events of Deathlok II#29-34 are confusing, and I've detailed them as clearly as I can. It was a cool story, and you probably need to get the issues yourself to fully understand them.
    However, it is noteworthy that the Fordham Roads Station references are erroneous, as this station was actually Manhattan's 23rd Street Station.

    I am not sure how Deathlok grew hair after the nuclear war, but he did!

   At the end of Ka-Zar the Savage#34 (October, 1984) there is a back-up story that has Ka-Zar going to the Land of Cancelled Heroes. There is a ton of cameos from characters whose books were canceled including Deathlok.
--Paradox Factor

    Deathlok was initially announced as the new lead feature for Marvel's Worlds Unknown comic (to follow their Sinbad features in #7-8 (June-August, 1974)). "...will concentrate on the Doug Moench-Rick Buckler presentation of a strip based on a hero half-man, half-machine...Cyborg."
    This was in FOOM#4 (Winter, 1974)'s "Far-Out Fanfare and Infoomation!" on the page labeled "20."

    HBK123 noted:

    The Luther Manning Deathlok has a card in the Marvel Snap game. The game notably has NO storyline mode and does not require a designation

   A Deathlok resembling of Earth-199999's Mike Peterson exists as a costume only in Disney INFINITY: 2.0 video game

    Mike Castle noted:

There are three Deathlok figures in the Marvel Legends line: the first two were based on Luther Manning and explicitly identified as him, the third was Deathlok of Earth-10511.

The Deathlok figure in the Marvel Super Hero Squad line is based on Luther Manning. This version is from Earth-91119. The story is not given, and he does not appear in the animated series, but the toy confirms that he has a counterpart in this reality. This set also includes Iron Man 2020 of Earth-48224.

Marvel Infinite Series has a Luther Manning action figure.

    According to Wikipedia: "Psychotron" by Megadeth (from the album Countdown to Extinction, 1992) was inspired by the Deathlok character

    There are also some Deathlok action figures, etc. I've exhausted my time and energy sorting out the alternate realities associated with various video games -- thanks to HBK123 and Mike Castle for all of their assistance in that regard -- and I'm ready to move forward with other profiles.
    At some point, I'll add the action figure information that Mike has compiled for me.

Profile by Snood.
Paradise X text, images, and comments by Loki.

Deathlok the Demolisher should be distinguished from:

He has no known connection to

helicopter (US Army issue)

deathlokdemolisher-at25-helicopterdeathlokdemolisher-at26-helicopterThis helicopter notably had autopilot mode

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) / Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb)) - Escaping from Ryker's containment, Deathlok took Mike Travers with him and reached the building's roof heliport, after which he stole an army helicopter, and they departed.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok used the helicopter as his means of transportation while he worked as a mercenary.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS) - After slaying Curtis Giles and his associate, Deathlok flew the helicopter to the base of Julian Biggs.

(Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok presumably flew the helicopter to the black market meat storage plant to which he had seemingly tracked the helicopter on which Mike Travers had been abducted.

(Astonishing Tales I#26) - Deathlok subsequently flew the helicopter to Liberty Island, where Travers was reportedly held.


(Astonishing Tales I#27) - Having left the helicopter hovering in auto-pilot mode Deathlok eventually tackled Ryker's War-Wolf off of the edge of the statue's pedestal, landing atop War-Wolf and finally terminating it with his laser pistol. Too weak to climb back up, Deathlok had his computer summon the helicopter down to him. Rather than confront Ryker in his weakened state, however, Deathlok programmed the helicopter to fly to his former home outside of Fort Dix in hopes of reuniting with his wife. She was horrified by his form, and he fled.

(Astonishing Tales I#28) - Deathlok flew the helicopter back to Manhattan.

(Astonishing Tales I#28 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok left the helicopter atop a building while he explored the city.

(Astonishing Tales I#28) - After being pursued by some of Ryker's men and his Super-Tank, Deathlok followed his computer's advice to return to the helicopter, only to see Ryker's men push it off of the top of the building, causing it to crash on the ground below

--Astonishing Tales I#25

Note: Deathlok shoot have left the helicopter in autopilot mode rather than parking it atop a building.

helicopter (Hellinger's)

deathlokdemolisher-at31-helicopter(Astonishing Tales I#31) - In Lower Manhattan, Deathlok observed a helicopter, which he apparently followed some distance north to encounter a group of unidentified men who had just been paid by Summers, an agent of Quartuccio, who apparently sought the final living surgeon who had created Deathlok.

     The criminals slew Summers, and Deathlok killed the criminals, but the leader of the group -- or at least their spokesman, carrying a briefcase (Deathlok called him "Mr. Briefcase") -- took off in the helicopter.

(Astonishing Tales I#32) - Deathlok shot out the helicopter's stabilizer blades, causing it to crash, though softly enough for the pilot to survive.

    However, by the time Deathlok had traveled to the helicopter atop a building on 57th and Madison, "Mr. Briefcase" had already slain a pair of cannibal attackers and -- wounded in the process -- fled toward the 59th and Lexington subway station.

(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger apparently arranged that entire confrontation in order to draw Deathlok to him.

(Astonishing Tales I#33) - Having found "Mr. Briefcase" already mortally wounded by drones (who were presumably also under Hellinger's control), Deathlok repaired the downed helicopter and used its pre-programmed destination to head towards Long Island, to one of Simon Ryker's estates. There Deathlok met with Hellinger who sent him into on a mission to recover Nina Ferry, who Simon Ryker had linked to his Omni-Computer, allowing her to know everything Simon knew; however, Hellinger instead sabotaged the mission, attempting to destroy Deathlok.

(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Although Nina had been recovered by the CIA, Hellinger -- who Deathlok believed could restore his humanity -- sent him to recover her (and Mike Travers) from the Provisional Revolutionary Army, based out of Central Park's Belvedere Castle. Deathlok traveled there via Hellinger's helicopter.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Dismembered in the process of following Hellinger's plan, Deathlok was recovered by Travers and brought to the CIA, where he was repaired and reprogrammed to obsessively pursue Simon Ryker.

(Astonishing Tales I#34) - Deathlok then traveled to Ryker's base, and he sent his helicopter -- presumably under his computer's control -- directly at the base while he scaled the building. After Ryker's men had blown up the helicopter, Deathlok ambushed and overpowered Ryker's men and then entered the base to confront Ryker himself.

--Astonishing Tales I#31


 (Astonishing Tales I#36/2) - Presumably was left on standby when Deathlok was sent to bring in some residual agents of Simon Ryker, during which he was encountered Godwulf and was sent back in time

  --Astonishing Tales I#36/2

Note: This helicopter was just mentioned by Deathlok's computer.

    Who knows, maybe the CIA summoned back or otherwise recovered this helicopter, or perhaps it just used all of its fuel and then crashed to the ground.


Astonishing Tales I#25, pg. 2, panel 3 (upper, with gun);
        pg. 6, panel 7 (doctors working on Deathlok);
            panel 8 (installing brain);
            panel 9 (working on bionic arm);
       pg. 8, panel 7 (punching through girder);
       pg. 9, panel 2-5 (Deathlok's skull diagram);
          panels 6-8 (training/leaping over pole);
          panels 9-10 (card slot);
       pg. 10, panel 1-3 (Deathlok holding gun and dagger (clamped to right calf in middle image);
          panel 6 (throwing dagger through a man's chest);
    #26 cover (Death-Machine for hire)
        pg. 11, panel 4 (helicopter on roof);
        pg. 14, panel 2-5 (mortally wounded by concussion bomb);

        pg. 15, panel 6 (firing on Ryker's men while descending rope ladder; rear view);
    #27, pg. 1 (firing on Ryker's men while descending rope ladder; front view);

        pg. 5, panel 4 (Manning full);
        pg. 6, panel 1 (Manning upper);
            panel 3 (Manning face);
    #28, pg. 8, panel 2 (full, rear oblique);

       pg.8-9, bottom panel (eyes);
       pg. 17, panel 4-5 (helicopter pushed off building);
    #30 cover (with makeshift crossbow);
        pg. 16, panel 1 (with pistols and bandoleers)
    #31 cover (pistols firing; Yesterday Dies Today!)
        pg. 10 (Hellinger's men's helicopter);
    #32, pg. , panel (infra-red tracking of footprints);
          panel (eye recognizing footprints);

    #34, pg. 16, panel 2-3, 5 (Deathlok plugged into Omni-Computer);
       pg. 17, panel 1-2 (Deathlok & Ryker's faces merged within Omni-Computer cyberspace);
    #35, pg. 7 (cyber-image of Deathlok vs. Simon Ryker);
Marvel Spotlight I#33 cover (vs. Devil-Slayer; not in outer space)
Marvel Two-In-One I#26, last page, last panel (full body);
Captain America I#286 cover (face)
        pg. 3, panel 2 (Manning face (actually the clone)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition, p42 (1990s Deathlok image)
        pg. 43 (cybernetic systems: body and skull) - larger version of image from OHotMU I#15: Deathlok's bionic systems

        pg. 44 (gun) - larger version of image from OHotMU I#15: Deathlok's gun
Deathlok II#29; second story, pg. 4, panel 1-2 (modular right arm);
          panel 4 (chasing down Humvee);
        pg. 7, panel 1 & 3 (2011; Demolisher full oblique with gun; face in profile)
Deathlok II#31, last page (2011 Demolisher straight-on; knees up)
Deathlok II#32 cover (2011 Demolisher face);
       pg. 1 (2011 Demolisher face, different angle);
Deathlok II#33 cover (Demolisher, Deathlok (Collins), & Luther Manning-616);
Daredevil I#335, pg. 11, panel 4 (face);
        last page, last panel (mostly full but distant; leveling weapon at Bushwacker)

    #336, pg. 12, panels 5-7 (left arm morphing from machine gun-type weapon into plasma weapon);
       pg. 13, panel 2 (blasting Devourer);
Marvel Fanfare II#1, pg. 5, panel 1 (bound to wall);
       pg. 6, panel 4 (full, with enhancements);
       pg. 7, panel 5 (in flight);
       pg. 8, panel 6 (with gun);

Paradise X: The Heralds#1, pg. 6, panel 4 (with other Heralds);
       pg. 8, panel 2 (Deathlok's back story explained);
       pg. 17 (with Killraven, shooting blaster);
Paradise X#9 cover (X-51 offering new body to Deathlok);
Paradise X Special Edition, pg. 2-3 (Heralds featurette)
All-New Invaders#9 cover

deathlokdemolisher-at25-cover Appearances:
Astonishing Tales I#25 (August, 1974) - Rich Buckler & Doug Moench (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Rich Buckler, Klaus Janson, Al Milgrom & Mike Esposito (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#26-27 (October-December, 1974) - Rich Buckler & Doug Moench (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Pablo Marcos (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#28 (February, 1975) - Rich Buckler (writer/artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#30 (June, 1975) - Rich Buckler & Doug Moench (writers), Rich Buckler, Keith Pollard & Arvell Jones (pencils), Al McWilliams (inks), Len Wein (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#31 (August, 1975) - Doug Moench (writer), Rich Buckler & Keith Pollard (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Len Wein (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#32 (November, 1975) - Rich Buckler & Bill Mantlo (writers), Rich Buckler, Keith Pollard & Bob McLeod (artists), Len Wein (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#33-35 (January-May, 1976) - Rich Buckler & Bill Mantlo (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#36 (July, 1976) - Rich Buckler (writer/pencils), Keith Pollard (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Marvel Team-Up I#46 (June, 1976) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Marvel Spotlight I#33 (April, 1977) - David Anthony Kraft (writer), Rich Buckler, Mike Nassar & Arvell Jones (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Marvel Two-In-One I#26-27 (April-May, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), Ron Wilson (pencils), Pablo Marcos (inks)
Marvel Two-In-One I#28 (June, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), Ron Wilson (pencils), John Tartaglione (inks)
Marvel Two-In-One I#30 (August, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), John Buscema (penciler), Pablo Marcos (inker)
Marvel Two-In-One I#32 (October, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), Ron Wilson (penciler), Sam Grainger (inker)
Marvel Two-In-One I#34 (December 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), Ron Wilson (pencils), Pablo Marcos (inks)
Marvel Two-In-One I#53-54 (July-August 1979) - Mark Gruenwald & Ralph Macchio (writers), John Byrne (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Roger Stern (editor)
Marvel Fanfare I#4 (September, 1982) - David Anthony Kraft (writer), Michael Golden (pencils), Bob Downs (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Captain America I#286-288 (October-December 1983) - Jean-Marc DeMatteis (writer), Mike Zeck (pencils), John Beatty (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)deathlokdemolisher-dlok33-cover
Deathlok II#29 (November, 1993) - Gregory Wright (writer), Kevin Kobasic (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

Deathlok II#31-33 (January-March, 1994) - Gregory Wright (writer), Kevin Kobasic (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Deathlok II#34 (April, 1994) - Gregory Wright (writer), Kevin Kobasic & Anthony Williams (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Daredevil I#335-337 (December, 1994 - February, 1995) - Gregory Wright (writer), Tom Grindberg (pencils), Don Hudson (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Fanfare II#1 (September 1996) - Jamie Campos (writer), Robert Brown, Bruce Jones & Scott Kolins (pencils), Mike Witherby, Justin Bloomer & Scott Kolins (inks), James Felder (editor)
Paradise X: Heralds#1-3 (December, 2001 - February, 2002) - Jim Krueger & Alex Ross (writer), Steve Pugh (pencils/inks), Mike Marts (editor)
Paradise X#1-2 (May-June 2002) - Jim Krueger & Alex Ross (writer), Doug Braithwaite (pencils), Bill Reinhold (inks), Mike Marts (editor)
Paradise X#3 (August 2002) - Jim Krueger & Alex Ross (writers), Doug Braithwaite (pencils), Bill Reinhold (inks), Mike Marts (editor)
Paradise X#6-8 (December, 2002 - February, 2003) - Jim Krueger & Alex Ross (writer), Doug Braithwaite (pencils), Bill Reinhold (inks), Mike Marts (editor)
Paradise X: Ragnarok#1-2 (March-April 2003) - Jim Krueger & Alex Ross (writers), Tom Yeates (artist), Mike Marts (editor)
Paradise X#9-10 (May-June 2003) - Jim Krueger & Alex Ross (writer), Doug Braithwaite (pencils), Bill Reinhold (inks), Mike Marts (editor)
New Avengers I#33 (October 2007) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Leinil Yu (artist), Molly Lazer  (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
New Avengers I#35 (December 2007) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Leinil Yu (artist), Molly Lazer  (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
All-New Invaders#8-10 (September-November, 2014) - James Robinson (writer), Steve Pugh (artist), Emily Shaw (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)

First posted: 04/11/2005
Last updated
: 09/02/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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