Real Name: Valtorr
Identity/Class: Extradimensional magic user
Occupation: Mystic entity
Group Membership: Octessence (Balthakk, Cyttorak, Farallah, Krakkan, Ikonn, Raggadorr, Watoomb)
Affiliations: Decay (Yoshiro Hachiman);
invoked by the Ancient One, Baron Mordo,
Cyrus Black, Clea,
Doctor Strange, Howard
Duck, Tiboro
and presumably other mystics;
presumably Oshtur;
see also the Catalogue
of Correspondences for Oshtur from Ian McNee's reading of the
First Tarot
Enemies: Unrevealed;
spells used against numerous beings
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Valtor, Valthorr
Base of Operations: Extradimensional realm;
possibly active on Earth in what would become the
modern Taiwan.
First Appearance: (Invoked in-story) "Vapors of
Valtorr" Strange Tales I#115 (December, 1963);
"Vipers of Valtorr" invoked Strange Tales I#144 (May,
(Seen) Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#49 (January,
Powers/Abilities: The full extent of Valtorr's power remains unknown. Valtorr is an entity who grants magical power to those who invoke him, typically in spells. He typically adopts forms of and/or grants power in the form of gas ("Vapors of Valtorr") or snakes ("Vipers of Valtorr").
History: Valtorr 's origins are unrevealed. He was likely worshipped at some point on Earth, though whether he is closer to god or demon is open to speculation.
(Iron Man III#22 (fb)) - <Millennia ago> Eight great mystics, including Valtorr, gathered, and a disagreement arose as to which was the most powerful. To settle the argument, they entered into the Wager of the Octessence: Each created a totem, with each totem holding a fraction of its creator's vast power and possessing the ability to transform the first human who touched it into an Exemplar, a living embodiment of that power.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#48 - BTS) - As many other omnipotent beings, Valtorr was involved in the War of the Seven Spheres, a cyclic conflict between magic entities which would endure for 5000 years.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#49) - Valtorr was invoked by Dr. Strange and appeared before him alongside a number of other mystic beings, each of whom wanted to enlist Strange as a weapon in the War of the Seven Spheres, appealing to the Protocols of Servitude. To escape his would be controllers, Strange pronounced the Enchantment of Emancipation, refusing to serve Valtorr or any other being in their war.
(Iron Man III#22) - Yoshiro Hachiman followed a calling to the Temple of Valtorr in Tahiti, where he found the Verdant Vial of Valtorr, which transformed him into the Exemplar Decay.
Comments: "Vapors of Valtorr," and "Vipers of
Valtorr" created by Stan Lee.
Whirlwind form revealed by Len Kaminski, Geof
Isherwoood, Bob Petrecca & Don Hudson (inks).
Serpentine form revealed by Kurt Busiek & Roger
Stern, Sean Chen, Rob Hunter, Rags Morales, Nelson & Eric Cannon..
Valtorr could be considered Behind-the-Scenes in all of Decay's appearances, but I'll refer you to Decay's profile for that information.
Writers say "millennia" all the time, as if they were really an ancient time. It's possible that it was hundreds of thousands of years ago, or even millions or billions.
Per David Sexton:
Invoking powerful Entities to bolster
and strengthen defenses, attacks, purposes and so on is quite logical.
It could happen not only when a long verbal formula is spelled, but also
with simple exclamations like "By the Fangs of Faralloh!" or "
the fetters of red Cytorakk...".
An incomplete list of Valtorr's invocations is
reported below. The invocations of the Vapors
of Valtorr, the Vipers of Valtorr
and the Valtorr's Stings are reported
in their relative spell profiles.
Doctor Strange I#180: Banishment (Abjuration)
By Hoggoth's grim clan,
by Valtorr's dread clime --
let arms and their man
now fade from this time!
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#7/1: Abjuration
By Faltine and Ikonn and dark Valtorr,
by Seraphim, Denak and Raggadorr--
by Dormammu, Watoomb and Cyttorak--
Agamotto be now hurled back!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#48: Banishment (Abjuration)
Creatures wholly abhorrent
to sight,
you err when you stray so far from the night.
To the void with you I do banish
before this world hears your discordant song.
By Valtorr, Cyttorak, and Satannish
I command thee hastily to -- begone!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#49: Emancipation Incantation (Abjuration)
Satannish, Watoomb and Raggadorr
Ikonn, the Seraphim and Cyttorak
Agamotto, Oshtur and Muniporr
Hoggoth, the Faltine, Valtorr and Denak!
Those whom I named plus other I'v omitted
whose who threatened my cherished liberty
hark to this irrevocable decree:
such enslavement will not be permitted
your claims on my person I now reject
all demands of servitude I must deny
for your wisdom and might I've the utmost respect
but the price for its use is far too high
better the path I walk be mine alone
hear now these words: let my fate be my own!
Defenders I#82: Exclamation: Valtorr's eyes!
Marvel Super Heroes III#14: Banish wraiths (Abjuration)
By Hoggoth's ever-grim host--
by Valtorr's dreaded clime--
let yonder ebony ghosts
now fade from out this time!
Marvel Super Heroes III#11: Strange dispelled a previous
enchantment (Abjuration)
By the Vapors of great Valtorr,
which do all things conceal--
now let our forms congeal! [spell...]
O, Valtorr, bathe us into thy ken--
and let us stand once more as men. [...dispel]
Profile by Snood.
Valtorr has no KNOWN
connections to:
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#49, p16, panel 2 (vapor form)
Iron Man III#22, p17, panel 5 (viper form)
Strange Tales I#115 (December, 1963) - Stan Lee (co-plot, dialogue, editor), Dick Ayers (co-plot,
script), Dick Ayers (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks).
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#49 (January, 1993) - Len Kaminski
(write), Geof Isherwood (pencils), Bob Petrecca & Don Hudson (inks),
Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Iron Man III#22 (November, 1999) - Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern
(writers), Sean Chen (pencils), Rob Hunter, Rags Morales, Nelson &
Eric Cannon (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
First Posted:
Updated: 05/31/2011
Updated: 12/14/2017
Updated: 07/30/2018
Last updated: 05/17/2021
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