colosseum-battletide-3-sectorxz45THE GAMES

Instigator: Megaira, Termagent

Purpose: Originally served as a blood sport competition for spectators/remote viewing;
    eventually used to summon the 

Allies: Acquisition leader, Battletide, Dark Angel's ambusher, Marshals, Megaira, Tasker,  Termagaira, Termagent, unidentified creature ambushing Death Angel

Participants: Dark Angel (Shevaun Haldane), Death's Head (Minion), Hercules (Heracles/Alcaeus), Killpower (Julius Mullarkey), Knights of the Tempered Brotherhood/Temploids, Psylocke (Elizabeth Braddock), Sabretooth (Victor Creed), Smith, Termagent, Wolverine (James Howlett/Logan);
bandanna-wearing-shooter combatant; crustacean combatant; green-armored combatantgreen winged combatant; "jellyhead"; mask and fedora-wearing shooter combatant; prognathic combatant; robotic winged combatant; wrist-blade combatant; insectoid combatant; Oasis sector latter combatants;

Others involved: Spectators; alien beaten by Sabretooth; alien incapacitated by Psylocke; unidentified alien skullcapped by Smith

Location: Colosseum, a "dark back-water of space," unidentified star system and galaxy

Associated technology: Containment globes/spheres; Inhibitor Collars; mothership; shuttle;

First Appearance: BattleTide#1 (December, 1992)



(BattleTide#2 (fb) - BTS) - Per Tasker, "Every three cycles (see comments), warriors from across the multiverse were invited to Colosseum to participate in the greatest blood sport of them all...the Games."

(BattleTide#3 (fb) - BTS) - In previous tournaments, the Temploid Order resurrected the wounded and dying warriors.

(BattleTide#2 (fb) - BTS) - Termagent and Megaira were the Game's all-time champion team.

(BattleTide#3 (fb) - BTS) - The "Omniversal Transmitter" in the Tower provided a direct link to viewing channels of the populated cosmos.

(BattleTide#1) - In recent years, Termagent and Megaira slaughtered a number of other warriors, warming up for the upcoming battle to summon the Battletide.

(BattleTide#2 (fb) - BTS) - Termagent and Megaira's agents captured Smith and transported him to Colosseum.

(BattleTide#2) - Termagent and Megaira transported a number of warriors captured from Earth -- including Dark Angel, Death's Head, Hercules, Killpower, Psylocke, Sabretooth, and Wolverine -- to Colosseum, instructing Tasker to prepare to receive the combatants in their training cells.

    Hours later, Tasker floated on a hoverdisc in front of a number of viewscreens with the "invited" combatants in containment spheres, and he addressed the record-level crowd, reviewing the history of the Games and announcing that this year would be the most spectacular and ruthless Games ever held, as this year, they were to the death.

    Additionally, Tasker noted that notorious heroes from the lower order worlds, like Earth, had been "persuaded" to participate.

    Tasker then outlined the rules:

    The combatants -- wearing inhibitor collars to force their compliance -- were all paired with a partner for the course of the battle, and if one of the pair died, the partner would be slain by the collar. Refusal to fight would be punished, as the collar would stimulate an overdose of adrenal hormones (see comments). Monitoring via holo-cameras would prevent any escape, the combatants' every move would be monitored by trillions of beings across the multiverse (see comments). The combatants were further advised to prepare themselves for day one, the elimination round, with those who survived going through to the following day's final, free-for-all conflict, where they would contend with the Game's all time champion team, Termagent and Megaira.

    At Termagent's command, the combatants were transmatted to the battle zones where they met their partners.

    In Battle Zone One, Death's Head and Killpower defeated multiple combatants. Struggling futilely against one pair of combatants, the two swapped opponents and swiftly proved victorious.

    In Battle Zone Two, Wolverine and Sabretooth attacked each other before being blasted apart by penalty, after which they were assaulted by their opponents. Proving victorious, the maddened warriors were sent against Death's Head and Killpower.

    Dark Angel was paired with Smith in the Oasis Sector, and they took out their opponents, after which they were confronted by the Knights of the Tempered Brotherhood (aka the Temploids and the Temploid Order). They subsequently defeated other combatants.

    Hercules was caught in a net by his attackers, the Avian Tag Team, leaving Psylocke to face them both herself. games-bt2-bz1-jelly-armory

(BattleTide#3 (fb)) - Hercules and Psylocke overcame their opponents.

(BattleTide#3 (fb)) - Smith and Dark Angel dominated another set of opponents.

(BattleTide#3) - Tasker interrupted the savage Killpower & Death's Head vs. Wolverine & Sabretooth battle, returning the warriors to stasis globes and announcing they had completed the first day of contest and had fought well: The survivors would get to enjoy a night of supervised relaxation before tomorrow's final free-for-all bout. Tasker subsequently reviewed the first day's battles, noting that Psylocke and Hercules had ended the day ahead on points despite a rocky start. After reviewing the other fights, he focused on Termagent and Megaira's "virtuoso performance."

    As the warriors enjoyed a night of debauchery under the watchful eye of Colosseum's marshals, Dark Angel met with Death's Head, Psylocke, and Wolverine, telling them that the Temploids had told her that the Battletide could result in the destruction of all existence. They subsequently recruited Hercules, Killpower, Sabretooth, and Smith and then met with the Temploids (who prevented the marshals from detecting their absence). The Temploids detailed the threat of the Battletide and noted how the lethal nature of this year's Games would summon it/them: When the Battletide reached Colosseum, it would be able to access and feed upon all 17.6 trillion sentient beings viewing the Games. The heroes plotted to stop it by disabling the transmitter, with their efforts facilitated by the savant Killpower being able to disable their inhibitor collars.

    The next day, in Sector X245, the warriors from Earth joined forces against all comers before removing their collars, leading Termagent and Megaira to confront the heroes just as the Battletide arrived just outside Colosseum's orbit.

(Battletide#4 - BTS) - The Battletide washed over Colosseum, overwhelming the spectators and most of the remaining combatants.

    Dark Angel and Psylocke formed mystic shields to protect the heroes' minds, allowing them to fight off those under the Battletide's influence.

    Termagent and Megaira merged back into their previous self, the powerful Termagaira.

    While Death's Head and Killpower confronted Termagaira, the others were left to fend for themselves against the Battletide-controlled horde.

    Ultimately, Termagaira was consumed by the Battletide, and Killpower merged a damaged Temploid with Death's Head to destroy the Battletide.

Comments: Created by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, and Geoff Senior.
    The Games on Colosseum stories occurred within the Marvel UK imprint.

    There are numerous unidentified but uniquely-appearing characters in this series, some involved in action sequences, some briefly pictured, some combatants,some spectators. I covered a number of them, but didn't cover the ones just pictured in crowds. One of the spectators looks a little like one of the Aliens (a la Al the Alien). It would be fun to see the characters fleshed out a bit more.
    Seems exceedingly unlikely, but one never knows, does one? No, one does not...

What is a cycle?

    A cycle is generally a year, which is one revolution of a planet around its sun...but a year for Earth is not the same as a year for another world unless it traveled around its sun in the exact same time as Earth...unlikely...distance, solar and planetary masses, ...manganese, and chinch bugs...and other things about which I'm not an expert.

    This profile was completed 1/05/2019, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.

Profile by Snood.

The Games name has no known connections to

acquisition leader
     This being was an agent of Termagent and was apparently in charge of the acquistions of the desired combatants from Earth for the Great Games on Colosseum.

BattleTide#1 - BTS) - After the shuttle departed the mothership in Earth's orbit, it flew into the atmosphere and apparently teleported Psylocke and Wolverine aboard from a rock tower they had scaled in the Appalachian mountains.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - Wolverine and Psylocke were placed into containment tanks.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Sabretooth and Hercules were captured and placed into containment tanks.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - As Dark Angel made an appointment for a sensory deprivation tank in a New Age shop in Kensington, London, England, which she suspected was a front for some of Mys-Tech's activities.

(BattleTide#1 - BTS) - As Dark Angel relaxed in the tank, waited for things to go quiet, and then began psychically probing the rooms of a building around her, a purple creature was teleported into the tank with her.

     Dark Angel sensed the creature just before it ambushed her, reaching for her with a giant claw. As she fought back the creature dove atop her.

     <Presumably one of the marshals> reported <presumably to the acquisition leader> that the nullifiers had insufficent power to contain her. An instruction was made to boost power to omega levels to maintain the containment field. These increased levels allowed Dark Angel to be subdued.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dark Angel was transported into the shuttle and placed into a containment tank.

(BattleTide#1 - BTS) - Flying above the Kamuni Atoll island in the South Pacific, the shuttle locked onto Death's Head with a transmat beam; however, as Death's Head was in the midst of a battle with Killpower, he was transported as well.

(BattleTide#1 - BTS) - A marshal announced to the acquisition leader that they had completed their collection and confirmed their captives' identities, although there was a potential error in that they had detected a body weight anomaly.

     The acquisition leader noted this to be irrelevent and that the marshal should inform Termagent that the contestants from Earth were now on their way to Colosseum.

(BattleTide#2 - BTS) - The acquistion leader was not seen as Death's Head and Killpower fought off marshals seeking to contain them; ultimately Termagent and Megaira subdued the pair.


Note: I called him "acquisition leader" because that seemed to be his task, but he wasn't identified at all. His voice was apparently heard giving commands, but he was only shown in that one panel, and then not shown in #2 when events largely continued from the end of #1.

We don't even know that the character is a male.

The creature has at least a muscular left arm, elongated fingers (at least three...we don't know for sure that it has a thumb), and is either covered in body armor or is (more likely, in my opinion) a cyborg. It's lower half seemed to be a hover chair.

Cool-looking character, but not much else to say about he/she/it.

green-skinned alien beaten by Sabretooth

    This alien  was presumably recruited to Colosseum to participate in the Great Games, although it is possible he could be part of the service staff, or perhaps a spectator who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. During the night of recreation/celebration after the first day's battles, the green-skinned alien ended in a fight or was just attacked by Terran super-villain Sabretooth, who savagely beat him.

    Wolverine broke up the fight to recruit Sabretooth to join their plot to prevent the Battletide from destroying the universe.



Note: Let me know if you see this guy appearing elsewhere...that's all I've got, otherwise.

green-skinned alien psi-bladed by Psylocke


(Battletide#4 - BTS) - The Battletide washed over Colosseum, overwhelming the spectators and most of the remaining combatants. Dark Angel and Psylocke formed mystic shields to protect the heroes' minds, allowing them to fight off those under the Battletide's influence.

    Termagent and Megaira merged back into their previous self, the powerful Termagaira.

    While Death's Head and Killpower confronted Termagaira, the others were left to fend for themselves against the Battletide-controlled horde.

(Battletide#4) -  Psylocke used her psi-blade to incapacitate but not kill a green-skinned alien.


Note: Not the same as the one Sabretooth beat up...

warrior who tried to brain Dark Angel and got the top of his skull cut off by Smith


     Large, muscular and green, with a top-knot/fore/mid-lock of hair and pale blue-green skin, he wielded some giant spikey-mace deal.

(Battletide#4 - BTS) - The Battletide washed over Colosseum, overwhelming the spectators and most of the remaining combatants. Dark Angel and Psylocke formed mystic shields to protect the heroes' minds, allowing them to fight off those under the Battletide's influence.

    Termagent and Megaira merged back into their previous self, the powerful Termagaira.

    While Death's Head and Killpower confronted Termagaira, the others were left to fend for themselves against the Battletide-controlled horde.

(Battletide#4) - As this guy came up behind Dark Angel and prepared to smash her in the back of the head, the otherwise taciturn Smith warned her to look out.

     Meanwhile, Smith swiftly formed a bladed disk, which he hurled at the giant attacker, slicing off the top of his skull mid forehead, presumably taking a substantial section of his brain with it.

     The giant attacker was incapacitated and presumably slain (unless he had some regenerative abilities or rapid and effective medical/surgical treatment).


Note: As the profile title notes, it is unclear whether this guy had been a spectator or a participant, but he looks like a warrior to me...



battle zone one
first combatants

Two of the combatants in the Great Games, willing or not:

     The tall purple crustacean creature (on the left of the image) had apparently four arms on each side of its thorax (with at least one on each side with pincer-like claws), large spike projection from the top and bottom of its head, sharp fangs from at least the upper jaw, toe legs, and a tail.

     The shorter combatant (on the right of the image) had red skin, pointed ears, and was apparently prognathic (having under underbite, with prominent mandibular (lower jaw) canine teeth. He carried a pair of hand blasters able to rapidly fire apparent laser beams (which could apparently penetrate Death's Head's head.
     The blasters made a "THRAKKA!" sound.

(BattleTide#2) - Shortly after Death's Head and Killpower were transported to Battle Zone One, the crustacean and prognathic combatants burst through a brick wall and assaulted them.

(BattleTide#2 (fb) - BTS) - Death's Head and Kilpower apparently defeated (and presumably slew) these combatants, as they soon faced and defeated a series of subsequent combatants.


Note: As the contest was to the death, I'd expect both of these guys to have perished, since Death's Head and Killpower survived to take out numerous other combatants throughout the day.

The smaller guy reminds me of Star Wars' Snaggletooth...or maybe one of the characters from the Laugh-A-Lympics' Really-Rottens team...

If I were to name them, I think I'd go with Pincer (or Pinsur, or Crustac) and Pronath.


green-armored combatant


     A combatant in the Great Games, willing or not, he (presumably) was partnered with the anemone-like creature that Killpower eventually called "Jellyhead."

     The green-armored combatant wore highly durable armor that enabled him to shrug off various ballistic charges from Killpower, to survive behind directly under a collapsing large stone archway (although it did knock him to the ground), and to be unphased by having a 4-6" thick wooden log swung by the superhumanly strong Killpower (the log broke off against his armor, while the warrior was not even physically moved by the impact).

     However, he was much more vulnerable to bladed weapons (at least those made out of whatever Death's Head's blades were made of)

     He was superhumanly strong, and he could hysically throw off several hundreds of pounds of stone piled atop him. Additionally, he could launch the spiked mace on his right wrist with explosive force. He had no hands, and while he had spiked maces on both wrists, he was only shown to launch the one on the right side; it is unrevealed whether he could launch the spiked mace from his left wrist. He could presumably reattach the spiked mace after launching it, but it either didn't automatically return to him, or Killpower collapsed the archway on him before it could return to him.

(BattleTide#2) - By nightfall, in Battle Zone One, after Death's Head and Killpower had taken out enough combatants to be described as "knee-deep in fallen opponents," they faced off against the green-armored combatant and "Jellyhead."

     Killpower was exasperated as the armored warrior weathered everything he had to give and continued to assault him.

     Similarly frustrated, Death's Head suggested they swap opponents.

     Death's Head swiftly and repeatedly stabbed the armored warrior in the chest, releasing large volumes of blood (presumably) and leading to the warrior's apparent demise. 

    Killpower swiftly destroyed "Jellyhead."



Note: This combatant is also shown in the bottom right image of the main profile.

     As the contest was to the death, I'd expect both of these guys to have perished, since Death's Head and Killpower were confronted by their next combatants as soon as these two fell.

    Similarly, as they faced Death's Head and Killpower toward the end of the day's combat, it would seem that they likely took out multiple combatants before facing those two.




    A combatant in the Great Games, willing or not, he (presumably) was partnered with the green-amored warrior:

     Called "Slimeball" by Death's Head and "Jellyhead" by Killpower,  he gray creature with short tentacles appeared to be similar to a Medusazoan (jellyfish) or Actinarian (including sea anemone). It appeared to be composed entirely of those short tentacles, and it lacked any obvious internal organs. If cut apart by lasers or blades, it could just reassemble itself. However, a sufficiently powerful explosive device could blow it to pieces and destroy many of its tentacles; and it all of its tentacles were destroyed, that was sufficent to destroy it.

     "Jellyhead" could compress/flatten or extend itself, altering its height/width signficantly, and it could also grab an opponent, swinging him/her/it up over itself and smashing it to the ground on the opposite side with great force.

(BattleTide#2) - By nightfall, in Battle Zone One, after Death's Head and Killpower had taken out enough combatants to be described as "knee-deep in fallen opponents," they faced off against the green armored combatant and "Jellyhead."

     Death's Head was frustated as the "ugly spoor" ("Jellyhead") recovered from his assaults, even when he sliced it into pieces, and continued to batter him.

     As Killpower was similarly frustrated, Death's Head suggested the swap opponents.

    Killpower fired an explosive round into "Jellyhead," blowing it apart, after which he stomped on the tentacles that still flopped around until there weren't any more.

Meanwhile, Death's Head's bladed weapons took out the green-armored warrior.


Note: This combatant is also shown in the bottom right image of the main profile.

     As the contest was to the death, I'd expect both of these guys to have perished, since Death's Head and Killpower were confronted by their next combatants as soon as these two fell.

    Similarly, as they faced Death's Head and Killpower toward the end of the day's combat, it would seem that they likely took out multiple combatants before facing those two.

battlezone two combatants - shootee guys

Two of the combatants in the Great Games, willing or not:

Both men used similar, rapid-fire automatic weapons.

The one guy was shorter and more muscular, human in appearance, and wore a bandanna/do-rag. He was more verbose.

The other guy wore a leathery mask over his face, as well as fedora-type hat, an overcoast, and gloves, completely covering his flesh.

BattleTide#2) - The two shooters were sent to Battlezone Two for the first battle, arriving in time to see their opponents, Sabretooth and Wolverine, fighting each other before being stunned by their inhibitor collars.

     The bandanna/do-rag guy mocked the "dumb Earth creatures" for fighting each other when they should be worrying about other tag-teams.

     The guy in the mask agreed but told his partner to just "shuddup and shoot them," at which point both men began firing rapidly at Sabretooth and Wolverine.


Note: As the contest was to the death, I'd expect both of these guys to have perished, since Sabretooth and Wolverine survived to go on to face other combatants.

     I'd guess they shot up Sabretooth and Wolverine, dropping them, but then the mutants' healing factors allowed them to recover and take out the two shooters.



oasis sector - smith ambusher



    A combatant in the Great Games, willing or not, he was partnered with the death-locust thing

     A brown, semi-humanoid biped, he looked to have three clawed fingers and a thumb on each hand, with two toes on each foot. He had a pair of ears with pinnae like hoofstock, pointed in the posterior direction. He appeared to have composite eyes, like an insect.

     He had a pair of long, horn-like projections pointing in an inferior and lateral direction (down and out), as well as a pair of smaller, curved horns/spikes projecting from the corners of his mandible (lower jaw).

     He seemed to lack an external nasal structure.

     He had numerous sharp teeth, which apparently did little to dissuade him from letting his long, pointed tongue hang out of his mouth most of the time.

     He could extend a pair of serrated blades from each gauntlet, and he had a number of smaller spikes extending from the same base.

(BattleTide#2 - BTS) - Transported to the Oasis sector, he hid within a tree in preparation for an ambush.

(BattleTide#2) - As Dark Angel and Smith approached the trees, this combatant dove out of tree at Smith. Either via warning from Dark Angel or his own instincts, Smith tumbled out of the way, causing his attacker to hit the sand.
As this combatant extended his wrist blades, Smith formed a lash-like weapon, which he then whipped around his attacker before releasing a devastating energy blast.


Note: As the contest was to the death, I'd expect this guy and his partner to have perished, since Smith and Dark Angel survived to continue in the Games.

     He wore a cape with a distinctive symbol on it, although I don't know what it is meant to signify.


oasis sector - dark angel ambusher


      A combatant in the Great Games, willing or not, it was partnered with the wrist-bladed combatant.

      This creature was some form of death-locust...or killer sand flea...or something. It had paired antennae, at least four four pointed limbs, sharp, fanged teeth, and an armored, chitinous exoskeleton.

(BattleTide#2 - BTS) - Transported to the Oasis sector, this combatant buried itself in the sand in preparation of an ambush.

(BattleTide#2) - As Dark Angel and Smith approached the trees, this combatant emerged from the sand and confronted Dark Angel with a "Skreeee!" sound. Dark Angel swiftly fired an energy blast that apparently took out the creature.


Note: As the contest was to the death, I'd expect this guy and his partner to have perished, since Smith and Dark Angel survived to continue in the Games.

oasis sector - latter combatants

  Two of the combatants in the Great Games, willing or not:
    One of the combatants appeared to be some sort of reptilian quadruped, with spikes on its back and a mouth that opened widely.

    The other combatant had red-purple skin and clawed fingers (at least three) and a thumb (that's all that was seen of it).

BattleTide#3) - Confronting Smith and Dark Angel in the Oasis sector, the reptilian quadruped was apparently speared in the shoulder or neck by Smith while the purple handed combatant faced Dark Angel.

(BattleTide#3 - BTS) - Tasker showed footage of their combat in Oasis sector.


Note: As the contest was to the death, I'd expect both of these guys to have perished, Smith and Dark Angel survived to continue in the Games.

Similarly, as they faced
Smith and Dark Angel later in the day's combat, it would seem that they likely took out other combatants before facing those two.

battlezone "four" - avian tag-team


     Two of the combatants in the Great Games, willing or not:

    The green combatant had wings extending from wrist to ankle, somewhat like the wings of a bat, enabling flight
    Its face is hard to describe, so just check out the image to the right.

    The silver-gray combatant either appeared to be robotic or perhaps was completely covered in armor  (it looks more robotic to me)
    Its wing arose from its back, enabling flight.
    It had sharp teeth running
    It had spikes running from the center of its fact over the top of its head and down the length of its tail.

(BattleTide#2) - In an identified battle zone, the two winged combatants ambushed Hercules and Psylocke, casting weighted nets at them.

    While Psylocke's alertness and quick reflexes allowed her to dodge her net, Hercules was caught.

    As the winged combatants circled overhead, Hercules demanded the "cowardly dogs" release him.

BattleTide#3) - Psylocke nailed the green flyer with a telepathic bolt, while a freed Hercules got on top of the robotic flyer wrapping one arm around its neck and using his other arm to pull its nose upwardly.

(BattleTide#3 - BTS) - Tasker showed footage of their combat in Oasis sector.

--BattleTide#2 (3

Note: Another image of the winged combatants is shown in the Colosseum profile's Battle Zone "Four" sub-profile.

    As the contest was to the death, I'd expect both of these guys to have perished, as Hercules and Psylocke survived to continue in the Games; however, it is possible the heroes just claimed victory and allowed their opponents to survive.


inhibitor collars

The combatants in the Game (not including Termagent and Megaira) wore inhibitor collars to force their compliance.

They were all paired with a partner for the course of the battle, and if one of the pair died, the partner would be slain by the collar. Refusal to fight would be punished, as the collar would stimulate an overdose of adrenal hormones (see comments).

BattleTide#2) - When Wolverine and Sabretooth were transported to Battle Zone Two, they swiftly attacked each other before being blasted apart as a penalty via their inhibitor collars, after which they were assaulted by their opponents.

(BattleTide#3) - Guided by the Temploids, the heroes plotted to stop the approaching Battletide by disabling the transmitter. When Death's Head noted that the restraining collars wouldn't let them step out of line, the Temploids noted that as Termagent's technology was mystic bound, they needed to work hard in the hours they had left to free the combatants from the collars. games-bt3-inhibitor-profile

     The Temploids and others were pleasantly surprised when the savant Killpower removed his own collar and proved able to disable the others inhibitor collars.

     During the next day's combat, Wolverine and Death's Head tore off each other's inhibitor collars, after which Psylocke, Hercules, Sabretooth, Dark Angel, and Smith all removed their own collars, presumably facilitated by Killpower.


Note: Despite Tasker's instruction that if one combatant died the other would be slain by the collar, we saw multiple examples of one combatant being slain while the other continued to fight. Perhaps most other combatants were willing, and only the Earth-derived group and Smith needed the collars?





     The immense mothership had an aperture at its base through which the shuttle could enter, after which it closed via six converging spikes.

    The mothership was covered in a number of spikes, but when it prepared to fly, the spikes would compress to make it more aerodynamic...although it was, of course, flying through the vacuum of  space.

     The mothership flew through space and could also achieve warp speeds. It transported the shuttle to a distant orbit of a planet, after which the shuttle was released to enter the planet's atmosphere and capture targets.

(BattleTide#2) -  After the shuttle had collected and placed in stasis Dark Angel, Death's Head, Hercules, Killpower, Psylocke, Sabretooth, and Wolverine, the shuttle then flew into the massive mothership, which then warped away, delivering them to Colosseum.


Note: I would speculate that a single mothership carried inhabitants of numerous shuttles to Colosseum.

colosseum-battletide-mothership-lateral colosseum-battletide-mothership-flight




--BattleTide#1 (2
     The mothership flew through space, transporting the shuttle to a distant orbit of a planet, after which the shuttle was released to enter the planet's atmosphere and capture targets.

     Those aboard the shuttle released into Earth's atmosphere included the acquisition leader, a number of marshals, and Termagent and Megaira (although they could have teleported from the mothership).

     The shuttle included a tractor beam to lock onto and transport targets into its interior; stasis tanks able to contain powerful captives; nullifiers to neutralize superhuman abilities; the means to locate specific beings on a planet; the means to apparently teleport beings to and from its interior to and from specific locations;

     The immense mothership had an aperture at its base through which the shuttle could enter and depart.

     The shuttle dwarfed the island of Kamuni Atoll.

BattleTide#1 - BTS) - After the shuttle departed the mothership in Earth's orbit, it flew into the atmosphere and apparently teleported Psylocke and Wolverine aboard from a rock tower they had scaled in the Appalachian mountains.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - Wolverine and Psylocke were placed into containment tanks.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Sabretooth and Hercules were captured and placed into containment tanks.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - A purple creature was teleported into a sensory deprivation tank containing Dark Angel; as the creature struggled to capture her, the shuttle's nullifiers proved insufficent to contain her until the acquisition leader had the power boosted to omega levels to maintain the containment field. These increased levels allowed Dark Angel to be subdued.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dark Angel was transported into the shuttle and placed into a containment tank.

(BattleTide#1) - Flying above the Kamuni Atoll island in the South Pacific, the shuttle locked onto Death's Head with a transmat beam; however, as Death's Head was in the midst of a battle with Killpower, he was transported as well.

(BattleTide#2) - Death's Head and Killpower fought off marshals seeking to contain them; ultimately Termagent and Megaira subdued the pair.

The shuttle then departed Earth's atmosphere and boarded the mothership, which transported it to Colosseum



containment globes/spheres

globes-other participants

After arriving on Colosseum, combatants were contained within yellow energy globes that allowed movement but prevented escape.

Tasker floated on a hoverdisc in front of a number of viewscreens with the "invited" combatants in containment spheres, and he addressed the record-level crowd, reviewing the history of the Games and announcing that this year would be the most spectacular and ruthless Games ever held, as this year, they were to the death.

(BattleTide#3) - Tasker interrupted the savage Killpower & Death's Head vs. Wolverine & Sabretooth battle, returning the warriors to stasis globes and announcing they had completed the first day of contest and had fought well: The survivors would get to enjoy a night of supervised relaxation before tomorrow's final free-for-all bout.


Note: In addition to the known beings within the globes, from the main image there are a number of partially sen combatants.

     We know nothing beyond what you can see visually here, so I'll just leave it at that. I'd love some back-story info on these guys...




The marshals facilitated and served as enforcers in the Games.

Large (perhaps 8' tall), broad, and strong, they wore red body armor with their faces exposed. They had small, dark eyes, no external nasal structure, and were somewhat prognathic, with their mandibular canine teeth projecting out of their mouths.

(BattleTide#1 - BTS) - Aboard the shuttle in Earth's atmosphere, Marshals presumably assisted the acquisition leader in locating, capturing, and containing Dark Angel, Hercules,  Psylocke, Sabretooth, and Wolverine; and transporting aboard Death's Head and Killpower.

(BattleTide#1) - As one of the marshals checked on the captives, another marshal announced to the acquisition leader that they had completed their collection and confirmed their captives' identities, although there was a potential error in that they had detected a body weight anomaly.

     The acquisition leader noted this to be irrelevent and that the marshal should inform Termagent that the contestants from Earth were now on their way to Colosseum.

(BattleTide#2) - A number of marshals struggled against Death's Head and Killpower, seeking to contain them.

     Marshal 386 contacted the bridge, noting that the weight anomaly had been explained as they had acquired a second specimen along with Death's Head. As he requested immediate back-up, Death's Head extended a spike through his head, killing him.

     Death's Head and Killpower continued to overpower the marshals until Termagent and Megaira subdued the pair.

     At Termagent and Megaira's instruction, the marshals then placed Death's Head and Killpower in stasis alongside the others.

(BattleTide#2 - BTS) - The shuttle subsequently entered the mothership and was transported back to Colosseum.

(BattleTide#3 - BTS) - The marshals supervised the combatants night of relaxation in the Pleasuredome.

(BattleTide#3 - BTS) - The Temploids apparentlly mystically cloaked from the marshals the departure of the terrestrial participants and Smith from the Pleasuredome when they departed to meet with the Temploids.

(BattleTide#3) - After the terrestrial heroes and Smith freed themselves from their inhibitor collars, the marshals fought futilely to subdue them. When Termagent and Megaira arrived to prevent any escape, the Marshals stood by them.

(BattleTide#4) - As the Battletide descended on Colosseum and merged with Termagent and Megaira, the marshals stood in shocked surprise.

     Like the spectators, the marshals presumably fell under the Battletide's influence, seeking to slaughter those who resisted them.

(BattleTide#4 - BTS) - The marshals were not seen after Termagaira and the Battletide were destroyed.

--BattleTide#1; (identified) BattleTide#2 (3 - BTS, 4




(BattleTide#2 (fb) - BTS) - Per Tasker, "Every three cycles (see comments), warriors from across the multiverse were invited to Colosseum to participate in the greatest blood sport of them all...the Games."

     Spectators observed each performance of the Games in some fashion.

(BattleTide#3 (fb) - BTS) - The "Omniversal Transmitter" in the Tower provided a direct link to viewing channels of the populated cosmos.

(BattleTide#2) -On Colosseum, Tasker floated on a hoverdisc in front of a number of viewscreens with the "invited" combatants in containment spheres, and he addressed the record-level crowd, reviewing the history of the Games and announcing that this year would be the most spectacular and ruthless Games ever held, as this year, they were to the death.

     The crowd cheered as Tasker iintroduced the Games' all-time champion team, Termagent and Megaira, and as the games commenced and the combatants were transported to their various battle zones.

(BattleTide#3) - At the conclusion of the first day of contest, Tasker re-collected the combatants and transmitted to the spectators how the combatants would enjoy a night of supervised relaxation before tomorrow's free-for-all bout.

(Battletide#4 - BTS) - The Battletide washed over Colosseum, overwhelming the spectators and most of the remaining combatants.

    Dark Angel and Psylocke formed mystic shields to protect the heroes' minds, allowing them to fight off those under the Battletide's influence.

    While Death's Head and Killpower confronted Termagaira (the merged form of Termagent and Megaira, the others were left to fend for themselves against the Battletide-controlled horde of spectators and combatants.

--BattleTide#2 (3-4

Note: Other spectators are seen in the main profile here and in the Colosseum profile here:


Dark Angel's ambusher

games-colosseum-bt1-da-captor's hand(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - As Dark Angel made an appointment for a sensory deprivation tank in a New Age shop in Kensington, London, England, which she suspected was a front for some of Mys-Tech's activities.

(BattleTide#1 - BTS) - As Dark Angel relaxed in the tank, waited for things to go quiet, and then began psychically probing the rooms of a building around her, a purple creature was teleported into the tank with her.

     Dark Angel sensed the creature just before it ambushed her, reaching for her with a giant claw. As she fought back the creature dove atop her.

     <Presumably one of the marshals> reported <presumably to the acquisition leader> that the nullifiers had insufficent power to contain her. An instruction was made to boost power to omega levels to maintain the containment field. These increased levels allowed Dark Angel to be subdued.

(BattleTide#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dark Angel was transported into the shuttle and placed into a containment tank.


images: (without ads)
BattleTide#1, pg. , panel 3 (purple hand reaching for Dark Angel);
          panel 4 (purple creature's back as it leaps atop Dark Angel);
       2nd to last page, panel 5 (Death's Head & Killpower acquired);
       last page, panel 1 (shuttle collect DH/KP);
          panel 2 (collection supervisor; marshal shown fully);
    #2, pg. 1, panel 1 (shuttle);
          panel 2 (marshals vs. Death's Head & Killpower);
       pg. 5, panel 3 (mothership accepting shuttle);
          panel 4 (mothership, profile);
       pg. 8, panel 4 (Tasker introducing participants to crowd);
       pg. 9-10, panel 1 (shows other unidentified contestants in globes);
       pg. 11, panel 3 (spectators as combatants are teleported away);
       pg. 12, panel 4 (Battlezone 1, first opponents);
       pg. 13, panel 7 (Battlezone 2,
shootie guys);
       pg. 14, panel 4 (Oasis sector, Smith ambusher);
          panel 5 (Dark Angel ambusher);
       pg. 15, panel 2 (Dark Angel blasting attacker);
          panel 5 (Smith snaring attacker);
       pg. 16, panel 3 ("BZ4"; Avian Tag Team snare Hercules);
       pg. 18, panel 1 (BZ1 - latter opponents -" jellyhead" & "armory");
          panel 5 ("jellyhead" flattening Death's Head);
       pg. 19, panel 1 ("armory" full profile);
            panel 5 ("armory" throwing off collapsed wall);
       back cover - additional combatant in globe
    #3, pg. 5, panel 1-2 (contestants in globes in ship with Tasker);
       pg. 6, panel 3 ("BZ4"; Hercules and Psylocke finish attackers);
          panel 4 (Smith and Dark Angel vs. latter wave);
       pg. 7, panel 2, 3, 5, 6 (Termagent & Megaira vs. opponents);
       pg. 16, panel 4 (inhibitor on DH);
          panel 6 (Killpower removing inhibitor);
       pg. 17, panel 5 (final round);
    #4, pg. 5, panel 3-4 (spectators);
       pg. 9, panel 7 (green guy psi-bladed by Psylocke);
       pg. 10, panel 3 & 7 (forelock/skullcapped guy);

BattleTide#1 (December, 1992) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), John Freeman (editor)
BattleTide#2 (January, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), John Freeman (editor)
BattleTide#3 (February, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), Jacqui Papp & John Freeman (editors)
BattleTide#4 (March, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), Jacqui Papp (editor)

First posted: 09/09/2021
Last updated: 09/07/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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