Real Name: Rebecca Brown
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman)
Occupation: Model
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Brad
Enemies: Hawkeye (Kate Bishop),
Jessica Jones
Known Relatives: Elena (sister)
Aliases: Dahlia Dorian
Base of Operations: Venice Beach, California,
First Appearance: Hawkeye V#5 (June, 2017)
Powers/Abilities: After undergoing
Terrigenesis, Rebecca Brown found herself transformed into another
female form, this one representing her ideals of beauty. At random
times (sometimes regularly scheduled, sometimes triggered by anger),
Brown shifts into the form of a dragon. In her dragon form, Rebecca has
four wings and is capable of flight and breathing fire. It is
unrevealed if she has additional shape-changing abilities.
Height: 5'4" (by approximation)
Weight: 115 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde; formerly brown
History: (Hawkeye
V#5 (fb) - BTS) - In Venice Beach, California, Rebecca Brown briefly
dated Brad, although he considered her average.
(Hawkeye V#6 (fb) - BTS) - When Rebecca
was exposed to the Terrigen Mists, she emerged from her cocoon in a new
form and she considered herself much more conventionally beautiful.
Calling herself Dhalia Dorian, she enjoyed her new looks until one day
she turned into a dragon and felt out of control, though she soon
reverted back to her new self.
(Hawkeye V#5 (fb) - BTS) - Dhalia
Dorian began a modeling campaign with company, Salome. Dhalia also
shattered every mirror in her apartment so she wouldn't have to look at
(Hawkeye V#6 (fb) - BTS) - Dhalia began
recording the times every day that she would change to dragon form.
Hating the lack of control over her abilities, she
asked her friend Brad for help in finding a new body and he had
connections to Derek Bishop, who was advertising LMDs that people could
transfer their consciousnesses into. Rebecca's sister Elena began
worrying about Rebecca, who she hadn't seen in weeks, and she hired
private investigators Jessica Jones and Kate Bishop to look into
Rebecca's disappearance.

(Hawkeye V#5) - Jessica Jones and Kate Bishop tracked
Dhalia down at a party and realized she was Rebecca, telling her that
Elena was looking for her. Dhalia told them that Elena was only after
her money and she asked them to leave the party. Later, Jones and
Bishop snuck into Dhalia's apartment and were attacked by her dragon
form. They began fighting back, not realizing the dragon was
Rebecca/Dhalia. Bishop set off an explosive arrow, blowing up the
apartment and sending Jones flying as Dhalia flew away.
(Hawkeye V#6) - The dragon landed on
the Hollywood sign, alarming the locals. That night in human form,
Dhalia met Brad at Griffith Observatory and he tried convincing her she
had no problems because she was beautiful. Furious, Dhalia changed back
into the dragon form as Brad fainted then Jones and Bishop attacked
again. The dragon was hit with arrows and fists until Kate convinced
Rebecca to change back into her human form and she convinced Jessica to
stop fighting. Kate and Jessica promised to put Rebecca into contact
with the Inhumans so she could learn more about her people and powers,
and Rebecca promised to call her sister to check in.
Comments: Created by Kelly
Thompson and Michael Walsh.
Profile by Chadman.
Rebecca Brown has no known connections to:
- Rebecca,
Richard Fisk ally @ Web of Spider-Man I#87
- Brown,
killed by trolley cart @ Death's Head I#3
- Brown,
Terry Morrow ally @ Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special
- Abraham Brown,
of the Sons of the Tiger @ Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu I#1
- Abraham Lincoln
Brown, congressman @ Daredevils I#11/3
- Arnold Brown,
Imperial Hydra @ Strange Tales I#135
- Bwana
Brown, leader of Kato-Kato tribe @ Journey into Unknown Worlds
- Agent
Jeff Brown, of Omega Flight @ Omega Flight I#1
- Bennington
Brown, Kid Colt foe @ Kid Colt, Outlaw I#112
- "Boom-Boom" Brown,
Two-Gun Kid ally @ Two-Gun Kid I#64
- Charity Brown,
Dracula ally @ Dracula Lives I#1
- Chuck Brown,
detective of Earth-93060 @ Hardcase I#2
- Colleen Brown,
Dracula foe @ Tomb of Dracula II#3
- Francis Brown,
Dracula foe @ Tomb of Dracula I#65
- Frank Brown,
Mary Jane Watson ally @ Amazing Spider-Man I#259
- George
Brown, Gordon Sanders alias, werewolf @ Marvel Mystery Comics I#14/5
- Hobie Brown,
Prowler, Spider-Man ally @ Amazing Spider-Man I#78
- Jamal Brown,
of Earth-93060 @ Hardcase I#1
- Jim
Brown, Awesome Android foe @ Avengers VI#3.1
- Jubal Brown,
Hellcow foe @ Giant-Size Man-Thing I#5/5
- Kenny Brown,
Daily Bugle employee @ Annex I#1
- Laura
Brown LMD, Deltan @ Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D I#6
- Lester Brown,
of NYPD @ Wolverine II#88
- Lila Brown,
Willie Lumpkin ally @ Marvel Age I#65
- Linda Brown,
Aunt May ally @ Strange Tales I#97/3
- Mary
Brown, encountered swamp monster @ Tales to Astonish I#30
- Karisma, Mary
Brown, of Femizons @ Fantastic Four I#266
- Mindy Brown,
Spider-Man ally @ Amazing Spider-Man I#78
- Michael Brown,
Human Torch ally @ Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special
- Mimi Brown,
Roadie, Mys-Tech foe @ Shadow Riders I#1
- Paul
and Molly Brown, suburban couple @ Uncanny Tales I#50/3
- Nan Brown,
Hellcat ally @ Marvel Fanfare I#59
- Nick Brown,
Lois London's mother @ Dazzler I#20
- Rachel Brown,
Reno Jones ally @ Gunhawks I#1
- Ronnie
Brown, Barbara Norris ally @ Defenders I#21
- Tarkington
Brown, Daredevil foe @ Daredevil I#195
- Vicky Brown,
alias of Asbestos Lady @ Captain America Comics I#63/4
- or any other "Rebecca" or "Brown" characters.
images: (without ads)
Hawkeye V#5, p16, pan1 (dragon form)
Hawkeye V#6, p16, pan5 (face)
Hawkeye V#5, p1, pan1
(before transformation)
Hawkeye V#5, p11, pan4 (in advertisement)
Hawkeye V#5-6 (June-July, 2017) - Kelly Thompson (writer), Michael
Walsh (artist), Charles Beacham (editor)
First Posted: 03/27/2021
Last updated: 03/27/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let
me know.
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