Real Name: Dinesh Deol

Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate

Occupation: Super hero; former engineer

Group Membership: None; formerly Royal Inhuman Diplomatic Mission (Captain Swain/Jovana, Crystal/Crystalia Amaquelin, Flint/Jason, Gorgon/Gorgon Petragon, Naja)

Affiliations: A-Force (Dazzler/Alison Blaire, Nico Minoru, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Singularity), Avengers (Captain America/Sam Wilson, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan, Nova/Sam Alexander, Spider-Man/Miles Morales, Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew, Thor/Jane Foster, Vision, War Machine/James Rhodes), Auran, Avengers Unity Division (Cable/Nate Summers, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Deadpool/"Wade Wilson", Doctor Voodoo/Jericho Drumm, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Rogue/Anna Marie, Synapse/Emily Guerrero), Beast (Hank McCoy), Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon), Blinky, Ulysses Cain, Phillip Chang, Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange), Downer (Daisuke), Friday, Flint (Jason), Forey, Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Inferno (Dante Pertuz), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Iso (Xiaoyi Chen), Karnak, Lockjaw, Luna Maximoff, Frank McGee, Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin), Mosaic (Morris Sackett), Moon Girl (Lunella Lafayette), "moth-like Inhuman", Mrs. Patel, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Naja, New Avengers (Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Hulkling/Teddy Altman, Songbird/Melissa Gold, Squirrel Girl/Doreen Green, Wiccan/Billy Kaplan), Panacea (Ash Minnick), People's Defense Force (Collective Man, Lady of Ten Suns, Scientific Beast, Spirit Animal), Quake (Daisy Johnson), Reader, Romeo, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), S.H.I.E.L.D. (Maria Hill, others), Son of Satan (Daimon Hellstrom), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Thunderbolts (Atlas/Erik Josten, Fixer/Paul Norbert Eberson, Kobik, MACH-X/Abner Jenkins, Moonstone/Karla Sofen, Winter Soldier/James Barnes), Triton, Ultimates (Black Panther/T'Challa, Blue Marvel/Adam Brashear, Ms. America/America Chavez, Spectrum/Monica Rambeau), Yao Wu

Enemies: Banyan (Ajay Roy), Celestial Destructor, Chitauri, Commissar, Hydra, Jack, Kang the Conqueror, Kludge, Mister Hyde (Calvin Zabo), Mr. Sinister (Nathaniel Essex), Unhumans, the Unspoken, X-Men (teen Angel/Warren Worthington III, Archangel/Warren Worthington III, teen Beast/Hank McCoy, Cerebra, Colossus/Piotr Rasputin, teen Cyclops/Scott Summers, Forge, Emma Frost, Genesis/Evan Sabahnur, Glob/Robert Herman, teen Jean Grey, Havok/Alex Summers, Iceman/Bobby Drake, teen Iceman/Robert Drake, Magik/Illyana Rasputin, Magneto/Max Eisenhardt, Mystique/Raven Darkholme, Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Old Man Logan of Earth-21923, Oya/Idie Okonkwo, Pixie/Megan Gwynn, Psylocke/Betsy Braddock, Rockslide/Santo Vaccarro, Sabretooth/Victor Creed, Stepford Cuckoos, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Sunfire/Shiro Yoshida, Warpath/James Proudstar, Wolverine/Laura Kinney)

Known Relatives: Anoop Deol (father), Adhira Deol (mother), Devi Deol (sister)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New Attilan;
   formerly Mumbai, India

First Appearance: Free Comic Book Day 2015: Avengers#1/2 (July, 2015)

Powers/Abilities: After undergoing Terrigenesis, Grid developed the power to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum, generating waves (in the form of concentric circles) from his body, most often his wrists (as he lost his hands in the process). Grid can see and then control or alter certain electromagnetic waves, resulting in a variety of effects, including disrupting electric signals, delivering small electrical shocks to the brain, firing out energy bursts, communicating with machinery, propelling himself through the air to fly, and even lifting a car into the air. Grid can generate electromagnetic energy, but can also channel and redirect other sources of energy. Grid has high-tech prosthetic hands attached to his body. He is also a college educated engineer.

Height: 5'8" (by approximation)
Weight: 160 lbs. (by approximation
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

(Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dinesh Deol grew up in the Dharavi neighborhood of Mumbai with his father, Anoop (an engineer), his mother, Adhira, and his sister, Devi. He grew up down the hall from noisy neighbor, Mrs. Patel. His parents supported Dinesh in school to become an engineer himself.

(Free Comic Book Day 2015: Avengers#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - Dinesh Deol was an engineer in Mumbai who prided himself on working with his hands.

(Free Comic Book Day 2015: Avengers#1/2) - Dinesh Deol was in a crowd ready to see the new movie "One Night in Ooty" when the Terrigen Cloud hit, and Dinesh was transformed into an Inhuman, emerging with new powers, his hands now gone and replaced with concentric circles. When Ajay Roy, the star of the film, was transformed into a monstrous plant creature, he attacked the civilians, and Dinesh used his powers to stop a thrown car. Just then, Hydra agents attacked, opening fire on Dinesh, but Medusa, Naja, Triton, and the Human Torch arrived to fight the villains. Naja explained what being an Inhuman was to Dinesh, who explained that he was now seeing everything in lines, in terms of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(All-New Inhumans#1 (fb) - BTS) - Grid was equipped with mechanical hands to help him focus his powers.

(All-New Inhumans#5 (fb) - BTS) - Grid grieved the loss of his hands, as he had always planned on doing something amazing with his engineering, like building a light rail across India. He mixed some metal into his hair gel so he could use his powers to style his own hair. He enhanced his own hands with outputs, diagnostics, and update options.

(Uncanny Inhumans#8 (fb) ) - In New Attilan, Grid saw Medusa give Crystal a special assignment.

(Uncanny Inhumans#1) - Medusa led Iso, Flint, Grid, and Inferno in battling Chitauri warriors in Central Park, then she gave an interview to the media.

(Uncanny Inhumans#2) - Grid and Flint were in New Attilan when the Human Torch rushed by on a mission, but they soon disappeared, briefly erased from the timestream by Kang the Conqueror.

(All-New Inhumans#1/1) - Flint and Grid joined Gorgon in collecting a sample of the Terrigen Mists, and Gorgon put them through a training exercise on how to use their powers. They landed their ship and heard Gorgon yell at the local media, then they met with Captain Swain, who informed them that Crystal was off on a mission, as was Naja. Soon, the group went down to Sydney, Australia, where Crystal was facing off against a paramilitary unit, including an Inhuman named Jack, to save the life of Ash Minnick, a new caged Inhuman. Grid struggled to direct his electromagnetic energies, and to disarm the villains. The team went to investigate a Skyspear in the Outback, where Grid took measurements with his powers, and Gorgon translated a word on the side in an ancient Inhuman dialect, that read "genocide". Just then, Swain informed them the cloud was passing over Sin-Cong.

(All-New Inhumans#2) - As Crystal led a mission into Sin-Cong, Naja remained behind with Ash (now called Panacea) and Grid to investigate mysterious energy sources from nearby buildings. They soon found a group of civilians who'd been mutated by radiation, a product of the Commissar's drive to create weapons for Hydra.

(All-New Inhumans#3) - Naja, Grid, and Panacea received a directive from Crystal to look into a particular building, and Naja knocked out guards as Grid overwhelmed the security systems. Inside, they found mutated super-beings in cages, and Grid begged Panacea to help them. Panacea healed two of the mutates, and then killed the third with a brain aneurysm, unable to cure him. Naja, Flint, and Panacea soon saw that the Commissar and his armored soldiers had captured Crystal and Flint, and they went to war with the soldiers.

(All-New Inhumans#4) - Grid was held captive until Crystal de-escalated the conflict in Sin-Cong. Grid later saw Panacea heal Flint, who'd been subjected to poison gas.

(All-New Inhumans#5) - Grid confided feelings in Flint before he joined Flint and Crystal in going to China to investigate a Skyspear, and they met Spider-Man, Phillip Chang, and Dr. Wu. Wu and Chang were fascinated by Grid's powers and metal hands, and the People's Defense Force arrived to investigate. When Collective Man tried to remove the Skyspear physically, it took over his mind.

(All-New Inhumans#6) - Spider-Man pulled Flint and Grid back as the Skyspear took over the minds of Crystal and Spirit Animal, using their voices to warn the others away from the Skyspear before it made them attack. As the Skyspear took over Collective Man as well, Grid, working with Chang and Wu, found a way to use his power to do a mini-electroshock to the brain, and he freed the others from the Skyspear's control. Grid was thrilled when Dr. Wu offered him a research position, and he promised to think about it.

(Civil War II#1) - Grid joined Medusa, Triton, Crystal, Beast, Iso, Human Torch, Flint, Reader (with Forey), and Inferno in seeking out the new Inhuman Ulysses, who could read the future. Weeks later, the group of Inhumans joined the Avengers, the Ultimates, the X-Men, the New Avengers, the Avengers Unity Division, A-Force, Shaman/Michael Twoyoungmen, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Dr. Strange/Stephen Strange, Son of Satan/Daimn Hellstrom, and S.H.I.E.L.D. (Maria Hill, others) in responding to the threat of the Celestial Destructor and its servitors, and the threat was soon averted magically. The heroes gathered to celebrate.

(Civil War II#2) - Medusa led Reader, Flint, Karnak, Iso, Grid, Triton, Beast, and Crystal to the Triskelion, where they demanded the A.I. Friday reveal Stark to them. S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers, and the Ultimates arrived to stop them, asking for a chance to de-escalate the conflict with Stark without violence. They soon found Iron Man, who had freed Ulysses, and Ulysses foresaw an image of the Hulk burning the city and killing heroes, but this time the images projected into the brains of those around them.

(Thunderbolts IV#2) - Crystal led Naja, Flint, Gorgon, and Grid to a warehouse, where the Thunderbolts had seemingly destroyed several Inhuman cocoons.

(Thunderbolts IV#3) - The Inhumans attacked the Thunderbolts, with Grid disabling the power source to the armor of MACH-X. Fixer hacked in to the R.I.V., forcing the Thunderbolts to stand down while the Thunderbolts escaped.

(Thunderbolts IV#3 - BTS) - Swain and Grid examined the alien cocoons the Thunderbolts had destroyed.

(Uncanny Inhumans#11) - Medusa stood before a group of Inhumans (Iso, Crystal, Karnak, Triton, Grid), the Human Torch, Friday (who Grid disrupted), Captain Marvel, Captain America (Sam Wilson), Black Panther, Spectrum, Maria Hill, Vision, and Thor (Jane Foster) at Stark Tower to make peace. Later, at Medusa's order, Grid struggled to bypass Friday's defense networks in order to access Stark's personal emails and give them to Medusa.

(All-New Inhumans#10) - Grid helped evacuate the Inhuman city of Utolan before the Terrigen Cloud hit. As they left with the refugees, Grid checked on Flint.

(All-New Inhumans#11) - Grid joined the team in saving mutants from the Terrigen Mists. Grid, Flint, and Naja later played "capture the flag" before meeting Crystal's daughter, Luna. Later, they attended Crystal's birthday party.

(Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1) - When an Inhuman named Kludge attacked the Indian Navy wearing a mechanized suit, Crystal and the Inhumans responded in the R.I.V. Crystal ordered Grid to use his powers to shut down the situation, and Grid did so, though he was reluctant, recognizing that it would do billions of damage to the Navy's computer systems. After putting Kludge into custody, the Inhumans helped tow the Navy ship back to shore. Grid learned that Kludge was also an engineer, but recognized that Kludge was quite mad. Grid took Naja and Inferno into Mumbai to show them around, and he took them back to his old neighborhood of Dharavi, then introduced them to his family. While Devi took Inferno and Naja shopping, Grid explained to his parents that he couldn't just move home because he was traveling the world and trying to help others. Banyan then knocked on the door, and the Deols recognized him as the famous actor. Grid went with Banyan, who explained that he'd been forced to kill many crimnals and take over their enterprises. He showed Grid a machine that Kludge had designed to steal the power from Mumbai and to put it in control of Banyan. When Grid refused to help him, Banyan trapped him in a cage, then revealed that he'd had Grid's parents captured, and he stabbed Anoop in the leg to inspire Grid to activate the machine and steal the city's power. Grid did so, but he sent out a message to Naja and Inferno to come back and save him, and they did so, defeating Banyan and freeing the Deols. Grid took the poverty-stricken neighborhoods off the grid, using his powers, and then he made himself the source of power in those neighborhoods, something he believed he could do from then on. He delivered the news to his parents.

(All-New X-Men II#13) - Grid joined Crystal's team in helping Romeo contain a new moth-like Inhuman, meeting teen Iceman, Genesis, and Oya of the X-Men.

(Uncanny Inhumans#13) - Grid joined with Ms. Marvel, Naja, Flint, and Inferno in New Attilan to discuss Medusa's escalating plots against Iron Man. Grid wondered how far his loyalty to the royal family stretched.

(Uncanny Inhumans#14) - Iron Man's drones took over New Attilan and captured Black Bolt. Iso gathered Reader, Flint, Grid, Naja, Inferno, and others as Karnak challenged her to take control of defending Attilan. Iso led Grid and Inferno to the throne room, joining Karnak and Triton in fighting to free Black Bolt.

(Death of X#1) - Crystal, Gorgon, Flint, Grid, Naja, and Iso approached Matsumoto, Japan aboard the R.I.V. as the Terrigen Cloud approached. Hydra agents attacked and the Inhumans fought back. The Inhumans were nearly overwhelmed before the new Inhuman, Daisuke, attacked and put all the Hydra agents to sleep.

(Death of X#2) - When the mutants realized that the Terrigen Cloud was fatal to mutants, they panicked, and Crystal's team was sent to Barcelona to help save any mutants exposed there. Grid, Gorgon, Flint, and Naja were sent to the surface to help while the others diverted the cloud. When civilians began to panic, Crystal ordered Daisuke to put everyone in the city to sleep, including the X-Men, while the Inhumans remained immune.

(Death of X#3) - Grid and the others commended Daisuke on his power control, and Grid enthusiastically suggested that Daisuke pick a codename; he chose Downer. The X-Men (teen Angel, teen Cyclops, Cerebra, Forge, Storm, teen Iceman) felt betrayed by the Inhumans and confronted them, and Magik took Downer to Limbo, then more X-Men (Magneto, Warpath, Colossus, Rockslide, Wolfsbane) arrived. Magneto surrounded the Inhumans behind a metal wall.

(Death of X#4) - The Inhumans broke free and the conflict escalated, ending when the X-Men destroyed one of the Terrigen Clouds, then Black Bolt seemingly killed Cyclops.

(IVX#0) - Iso and Beast delivered tech to the R.I.V., and Flint and Grid were happy to see Iso.

(All-New X-Men II#17) - Grid saw the Inhumans fight the X-Men in New Attilan.

(IVX#3) - When New Attilan was taken over by the X-Men, Iso and Inferno had Ms. Marvel gather Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Reader and Forey, Synapse, Quake, Grid, and Mosaic to help take back the city.

(IVX#5) - Iso, Inferno, Grid, Ms. Marvel, Quake, Moon Girl, and Mosaic, with teen Cyclops and Forge, examined the plans for the Terrigen Eater, and Moon Girl improved on the design. Iso made plans to ask for help from Ennilux to make the modified machine, feeling she had no choice. Grid, Mosaic, Ms. Marvel, Quake, and Inferno joined Cyclops in heading to Iceland, where the Terrigen Cloud would hit next, and they were attacked by the X-Men. During the battle, Grid tried using his powers on Magneto, who overpowered him with ease.

(IVX#6) - Lockjaw teleported Medusa, Naja, Reader (with Forey), Karnak, Black Bolt, Flint, Frank McGee, and Synapse to Iceland, where they joined with Ms. Marvel, Crystal, Grid, Inferno, Quake, and Mosaic in facing off with the X-Men. Emma seized mental control over some of the Inhumans, forcing them to fight their allies. Naja knocked out Storm, not realizing that Mosaic was possessing her. As the Inhumans began realizing Emma Frost had been manipulating events, Iso, Moon Girl (with Devil Dinosaur), and Forge arrived from Ennilux with a device that would destroy the Terrigen Cloud, as they realized that not doing so would result in the death of all mutants on Earth. Medusa destroyed the Cloud, and Emma Frost was exposed as being behind events. She launched a group of Inhuman-hunting Sentinels and they opened fire on the Ennilux ships, killing many. Medusa was ready to defeat Frost, but Havok turned on her and teleported away with Frost. Medusa delivered the news of the Terrigen destruction to her people, then she abdicated the throne, giving it over to Iso. Iso planned to hold elections.

(Inhumans Prime#1) - Grid was among the Inhumans who helped take down the Unspoken and Maximus the Mad.

(Mosaic#6) - Grid and others saw the Human Torch reveal Mosaic, a new Inhuman, to them.

(Uncanny Inhumans#20/2) - Grid joined other Inhumans in celebrating Medusa at the Quiet Room.

(Secret Warriors II#2 (fb) ) - Outside New Attilan, Inferno, Naja, Grid, and Frank McGee saw Hydra, led by Mister Hyde, invade the city and take many captive, including Grid. They stayed in hiding in the city for a few days, and they ended up battling Hydra when soldiers identified them. Inferno's powers were overloaded and he got separated from the others.

(Black Bolt#8) - When Black Bolt and Blinky landed in the city, Iso, Grid, Naja, Auran, and Frank McGee were ready to attack, assuming it was Maximus in disguise. They realized quickly that it was actually Black Bolt when Lockjaw appeared.

(Secret Warriors II#10) - In New Attilan, Inferno tried connecting with Grid and Naja, but they were upset with having been abandoned. When Inferno stole a ship, Grid accompanied Inhuman guards, under the lead of Iso, to confront Inferno.

(Secret Warriors II#11) - Iso moved to arrest the Warriors, but Magik teleported them away. A large group of Inhumans, including Grid, teleported to the Tower of Wisdom to battle Mr. Sinister and the Unhumans. After the battle, Iso had the Tower of Wisdom and Mr. Sinister's Terrigen research destroyed, determining a new future for the Inhumans.

Comments: Created by Charles Soule and Brandon Peterson.

Profile by Chadman.

Grid has no known connections to:

Anoop and Adhira Deol

(Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dinesh Deol grew up in the Dharavi neighborhood of Mumbai with his father, Anoop (an engineer), his mother, Adhira, and his sister, Devi. Hew grew up down the hall from noisy neighbor, Mrs. Patel. His parents supported Dinesh in school to become an engineer himself.

(Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1) - Grid took Naja and Inferno into Mumbai to show them around, and he took them back to his old neighborhood of Dharavi, then introduced them to his family. While Devi took Inferno and Naja shopping, Grid explained to his parents that he couldn't just move home because he was traveling the world and trying to help others. Banyan then knocked on the door, and the Deols recognized him as the famous actor Ajay Roy. Grid went with Banyan, who explained that he'd been forced to kill many criminals and take over their enterprises. He showed Grid a machine that Kludge had designed to steal the power from Mumbai and to put it in control of Banyan. When Grid refused to help him, Banyan trapped him in a cage, then revealed that he'd had Grid's parents captured, and he stabbed Anoop in the leg to inspire Grid to activate the machine and steal the city's power. Grid did so, but he sent out a message to Naja and Inferno to come back and save him, and they did so, defeating Banyan and freeing the Deols. Grid took the poverty-stricken neighborhoods off the grid, using his powers, and then he made himself the source of power in those neighborhoods, something he believed he could do from then on. He delivered the news to his parents.

--Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 ([Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 (fb)], 1

Devi Deol

(Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dinesh Deol grew up in the Dharavi neighborhood of Mumbai with his father, Anoop (an engineer), his mother, Adhira, and his sister, Devi. Hew grew up down the hall from noisy neighbor, Mrs. Patel. His parents supported Dinesh in school to become an engineer himself.

(Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1) - Grid took Naja and Inferno into Mumbai to show them around, and he took them back to his old neighborhood of Dharavi, then introduced them to his family. Devi took Inferno and Naja shopping.

--Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 ([Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 (fb)], 1

Mrs. Patel

(Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dinesh Deol grew up in the Dharavi neighborhood of Mumbai. Down the hall lived noisy neighbor, Mrs. Patel.

--[Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 (fb)]

images: (without ads)
All-New Inhumans#11, p3, pan1 (main)
Death of X#1, p2, pan1 (face)
Free Comic Book Day 2015: Avengers#1, p14, pan2 (2nd)
Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1, p10, pan1 (Devi Deol)
Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1, p11, pan4 (Anoop and Adhira Deol)

Free Comic Book Day 2015: Avengers#1/2 (July, 2015) - Charles Soule (writer), Brandon Peterson (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Uncanny Inhumans#1-2 (December, 2015 - January, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Steve McNiven (penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)
All-New Inhumans#1-2 (February-March, 2016) - James Asmus, Charles Soule (writers), Stefano Caselli, Nico Leon (artists), Nick Lowe (editor)
All-New Inhumans#3-4 (March-April, 2016) - James Asmus, Charles Soule (writers), Stefano Caselli (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
All-New Inhumans#5-6 (May-June, 2016) - James Asmus (writer), Andre Lima Araujo (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Uncanny Inhumans#8 (July, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Kevin Walker (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Civil War II#1-2 (August, 2016) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), David Marquez (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts IV#2-3 (August-September, 2016) - Jim Zub (writer), Jon Malin (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Uncanny Inhumans#11 (August, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Carlos Pacheco (penciler), Andy Owens (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)
All-New Inhumans#10 (October, 2016) - James Asmus (writer), Stefano Caselli (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Uncanny Inhumans Annual#1 (October, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Kevin Walker (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)
All-New Inhumans#11 (November, 2016) - James Asmus (writer), Rhoald Marcellius (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
All-New X-Men II#13 (November, 2016) - Dennis Hallum (writer), Mark Bagley (penciler), Andrew Hennessy (inker), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
Uncanny Inhumans#13 (November, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Carlos Pacheco, Kim Jacinto (pencilers), Andy Owens (inker), Wil Moss (editor)
Death of X#1 (December, 2016) - Jeff Lemire, Charles Soule (writers), Aaron Kuder (artist), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
Death of X#3 (January, 2017) - Charles Soule, Jeff Lemire (writers), Aaron Kuder, Javier Garron (artists), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
IVX#0 (January, 2017) - Charles Soule (writer), Kenneth Rocafort (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
All-New X-Men II#17 (March, 2017) - Dennis Hallum (writer), Mark Bagley (penciler), Andrew Hennessy (inker), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
IVX#3-5 (March-April, 2017) - Charles Soule, Jeff Lemire (writers), Javier Garron (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
IVX#6 (May, 2017) - Jeff Lemire, Charles Soule (writers), Leinil Francis Yu (penciler), Gerry Alanguilan (inker), Wil Moss (editor)
Inhumans Prime#1 (May, 2017) - Al Ewing (writer), Ryan Sook, Chrishopher Allen (pencilers), Walden Wong, Keith Champagne (inkers), Wil Moss (editor)
Mosaic#6 (May, 2017) - Geoffrey Thorne (writer), Bruno Oliviera (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Uncanny Inhumans#20 (May, 2017) - Charles Soule (writer), Ario Anindito (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Secret Warriors II#2 (July, 2017) - Matthew Rosenberg (writer), Javier Garron (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Black Bolt#8 (February, 2018) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Christian Ward (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Secret Warriors II#10-11 (February, 2018) - Matthew Rosenberg (writer), Javier Garron, Will Robson (artists), Sarah Brunstad (editor)

First Posted: 10/13/2020
Last updated: 10/13/2020

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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