Real Name: Nora Jackson

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Student

Group Membership: None

AffiliationsAngela Del Toro, Mike, Sano Orii, Randy, Amy Sheridan

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Parents (names unrevealed)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York

First Appearance: White Tiger#2 (February, 2006)

Powers/Abilities: None


(White Tiger#2) - Wealthy socialite Nora, a student at New York University, hired a security detail to go with she and her friend Amy to the Genosha Club. The security men, former FBI agent Angela Del Toro, Mike, and Randy, rode in the limousine with the girls and listened to their banter. At the club, Angela, who really impressed the girls, helped keep a guy off of Nora, then athletically sparred with Sano Orii, who'd been flirting with Amy. The girls were impressed.

(White Tiger#3) - Nora and Amy appeared in the paper again. The three bodyguards continued following them around to various clubs.

(White Tiger#4 - BTS) - The girls flunked midterms, so their parents took away their partying privileges until their grades rose.

(White Tiger#5 - BTS) - The girls' parents agreed to let the girls party one night per week as long as they kept their grades up. They were given their security officers back.

Comments: Created by Tamora Pierce, Timothy Liebe, Phil Briones, and Don Hillsman.

Profile by Chadman.

Nora Jackson has no known connections to

Amy Sheridan has no known connection to:

Amy Sheridan

(White Tiger#2) - Wealthy socialite Nora, a student at New York University, hired a security detail to go with she and her friend Amy to the Genosha Club. The security men, former FBI agent Angela Del Toro, Mike, and Randy, rode in the limousine with the girls and listened to their banter. At the club, Angela, who really impressed the girls, helped keep a guy off of Nora, then athletically sparred with Sano Orii, who'd been flirting with Amy. The girls were impressed.

(White Tiger#3) - Nora and Amy appeared in the paper again. The three bodyguards continued following them around to various clubs.

(White Tiger#4 - BTS) - The girls flunked midterms, so their parents took away their partying privileges until their grades rose.

(White Tiger#5 - BTS) - The girls' parents agreed to let the girls party one night per week as long as they kept their grades up. They were given their security officers back.

--White Tiger#2, 3, 4 - BTS, 5 - BTS

Mike and Randy

(White Tiger#2) - Employees of James Guerrero, retired Air Force commandos Mike and Randy were sent on a security detail with former FBI agent Angela Del Toro. They were sent to watch over socialites Nora and Amy, though Mike took a liking to Nora. At the club, Sano Orii and Cobra (Piet Voorhees) entered, so Del Toro  athletically sparred with Orii while Mike and Randy got the girls out.

(White Tiger#3) - Mike and Randy continued working with Angela, who was required by Veronique Guererro to wear different clothing besides black, to watch out for Nora and Amy at various local clubs.

(White Tiger#4 - BTS) - When Nora and Amy's grades dropped, their security detail was taken away.

--White Tiger#2 (White Tiger#2-3, 4 - BTS

images: (without ads)
White Tiger#3, p13, pan1 (all images)

White Tiger#2-5 (February-May, 2006) - Tamora Pierce, Timothy Liebe (writers), Phil Briones (penciler), Don Hillsman (inker), Ruwan Jayatilleke (editor)

First Posted: 02/02/2008
Last updated: 01/29/2008

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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