Real Name: Inapplicable

Identity/Class: Genetically engineered mutant human

Occupation: Inapplicable

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Dr. Anderson; Well, maybe its "parents", or the people it ingested and used to help increase its intelligence...

Enemies: Calloway; Calloway's captain; Namor; Weinstein; its genetic progenitors

Known Relatives: Dr. Carolyn Sheridan ("mother"), Dr. Jerry Baker ("father")

Aliases: The Protoform

Base of Operations: Formerly East 106, off the coast of New York;
                                     (formerly) Anderson Bio-Technic in Paterson, New Jersey.

First Appearance: Namor the Submariner I#6 (September, 1990)

Powers: Sluj was genetically designed to constantly adapt to its environment; it seemed to be capable of living either in air or water, and could control its physical shape, forming it into human-like appendages or features, and propelling itself at a high degree of speed. It metabolized raw sewage into a less-toxic material, which became the main substance of its body. It had telepathic abilities which were emphasized by its creators; to read minds, it engulfed humans in its body, sapped their strength, and encased them in transparent yellow balloon-like cocoons. It would then think 'along' with them, mimicing their thought processes, and increasing its intellectual capacity throw this way; Dr. Sheridan didn't believe it could be more evolved than a dog or a cat when it died, but it was able to form the thought "mother" at its end. Those immersed in it found their physical strength ebbing, and were placed in stasis of some sort and cocooned. The mass also produced some sort of bio-static which interfered with radio communications within its immediate vicinity.

History: (Namor I#7 & 8 (fb)) - The creature dubbed 'Sluj' by the media was created at Anderson Bio-Technic in Paterson, New Jersey, as supposedly the first entirely-artificial genetically-engineered life form. In truth, the team designing it had gone over-budget with no real results, and concocted a hoax to buy them time, and to save their jobs. Drs. Carolyn Sheridan and Jerry Baker used standard cloning procedures on their own cellular matter, which was then mutated drastically by Sheridan, so that it would be completely unrecognizable as human. Unfortunately, the company's head immediately announced their creation to the media, and the team were forced to find a way to destroy their hoaxed creature without revealing its nature. They lured a junkie into the lab, and killed him in a bathroom stall, then flushed their lifeform down the toilet and destroyed their records. To lend verasimilitude to their story of a religious zealot breaking in and destroying their creation, Dr. Sheridan hideously scarred her face using a caustic laboratory chemical, and claimed that the madman had thrown it in her face. The protoform wasn't killed, however; it lay dormant in East 106, the spot on the ocean floor where all the garbage and sewage from New York and New Jersey is dumped, ingesting sewage and making itself bigger.

(Namor I#6) - Namorita is hailed by the ocean-liner Sea Queen off the coast of New York, and asked to check out a sonar blip which matches no known ocean creature, and is located in the center of East 106. She discovers Sluj, and is engulfed by its mass; Sluj then rises to the surface, and spreads itself over the Sea Queen and abducts all its passengers before moving on. A news helicopter films it, and word soon reaches Namor, who reaches the empty Sea Queen just as Sluj emerges from the water, in the form of a gigantic human hand.

(Namor I#7) - At Anderson Bio-Technic, Sluj's creators watch their 'child's' return, while Namor circles the mountainous form, which has taken on somewhat-human features. Sluj begins to move towards NYC, but Namor, carrying the stranded newscopter that had been filming it, arrives shortly before it. As Sluj approached the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, ships arrayed against it sprayed it with a chemical foam, which pained but did not stop it; Sluj flows over the bridge, and engulfs the ships, despite Namor's attempt to move one out of range. Inside the mass, he finds himself unable to breathe, his skin burning and his strength ebbing; when he finds Sluj's victims encased in transparent cocoons, he is only able to remove one before he's forced to retreat. He lands at the police line at the south edge of Manhattan in time to hear a distorted explanation of Sluj's creation from Dr. Sheridan. He breaks open the cocoon and frees the girl trapped inside, and then flies out to deliver a gene-scrambling viral agent designed by the Anderson crew into Sluj. Sluj is killed, but in its death-throws it manages to break upon southern Manhattan, killing its progenitors in the process.

(Namor I#8) - Namor wakes up on top of a building, and discovers his ankle wings gone, victims of the anti-mutant virus. In Battery Park, Namorita wakes up, and frees herself from her cocoon; Namor arrives, as does Dr. Weinstein from Anderson, who explains the truth about Sluj's genesis.

Comments: Sluj created by John Byrne.

The experiment that created Sluj sounds an awful lot like the origin of the "Crawlers" encountered by the Avengers -- the similarities are as follows:

  1. Both artificially engineered in the tri-state area, and designed to survive in a variety of environments;
  2. Both flushed into the sewers when their projects 'failed', and became a new lifeform after combining with other chemicals and materials;
  3. Both had limited intelligence, and communicated telepathically.

The protoform could very well have been separated in the sewers, with some of it being flushed out to sea to become Sluj, and some of it being left in the sewers to become the Crawlers.

I don't see any reason why part of Sluj couldn't have remained at East 106 while the main bulk of the mass attacked NYC, and still be alive there today...

Sluj reminds me of Spore, the Deviant mutate, another Byrne creation.

Profile by Flank McLargehuge, with sub-profiles added by Chadman

Clarifications: Sluj has no known connection to:

Dr. Carolyn Sheridan

(Namor I#7 (fb)) - Carolyn was hired by Anderson Bio-technic based on her theories on DNA manipulation. 

(Namor I#8 (fb)) - While working with co-workers Jerry Baker and Weinstein on a bio-matrix project, their resources were quickly tapped with no results.  Baker and Sheridan used their own cells to create a human life-form, then mutated the clone into an unrecognizable mass, hoping this small success would buy them time to find a real success.  When Dr. Anderson prematurely released their information to the public, Sheridan and Baker knew their 'find' would never stand up to scrutiny, so they planned a sabotage crime.  Baker lured a drug addict into the building and murdered him, making it look like suicide, and Sheridan threw acid on her own face.  With the cover story of a man who committed these crimes, flushed the organism, and committed suicide, they escaped being tried as criminals.  The life-form was flushed down the toilet.

(Namor I#6 BTS) - After ten years, the life-form manifested as a giant garbage creature that continued to grow that the media called Sluj.  Sluj over-ran an entire ship called the Sea-Queen, absorbing all the passengers into itself.

(Namor I#7) - Jerry tried to deny that the Sluj creature was theirs, but Carolyn claimed responsibility and stated that they would have to destroy it.  Carolyn traveled to Manhattan and discussed with the police Captain and Calloway about Sluj's false origins.  The police didn't believe her until Namor showed up with a girl inside of a feeding bubble from inside Sluj.  Carolyn deduced that since the creature was made to be genetically adaptable, the girl was likely being digested.  Namor freed the girl, who discussed feeling as though her mind had been violated.  Carolyn realized that the creature's telepathic potential must have manifested itself.  She gave Namor a gene-scrambling virus in a test tube to release in the creature and destroy it.  Jerry joined Carolyn at the docks, and she remained, facing up to her creation.  After Namor released the virus, Sluj started screaming, and Carolyn learned that Jerry had lied about that.  Jerry tried to run, but Carolyn held him there until Sluj sloshed over them, calling Carolyn mother.

--Namor I#7 ( 7 (fb), 8 (fb), [6], 7

Dr. Jerry Baker

(Namor I#6 BTS) - After ten years, Carolyn's creation manifested as a giant garbage creature that continued to grow that the media called Sluj.  Sluj over-ran an entire ship called the Sea-Queen, absorbing all the passengers into itself.

(Namor I#8 (fb)) - While working with co-workers Carolyn Sheridan and Weinstein on a bio-matrix project, their resources were quickly tapped with no results.  Baker and Sheridan used their own cells to create a human life-form, then mutated the clone into an unrecognizable mass, hoping this small success would buy them time to find a real success.  When Dr. Anderson prematurely released their information to the public, Sheridan and Baker knew their 'find' would never stand up to scrutiny, so they planned a sabotage crime.  Baker lured a drug addict into the building and murdered him, making it look like suicide, and Sheridan threw acid on her own face.  With the cover story of a man who committed these crimes, flushed the organism, and committed suicide, they escaped being tried as criminals.  The life-form was flushed down the toilet.

(Namor I#7) - Jerry tried to deny that the Sluj creature was theirs, but Carolyn claimed responsibility and stated that they would have to destroy it.  Jerry joined Carolyn on the Manhattan docks, where she'd given the gene-scrambling virus to Namor.  After Sluj started screaming at the virus's release, Carolyn found out Jerry had lied.  She held him there when he tried to run, then Sluj sloshed over both of them.

--Namor I#7 ( [6], 8 (fb), 7

Calloway and the Captain

(Namor I#7) - Calloway and his police Captain tried to handle crowd control at the south end of Manhattan while the creature Sluj rampaged.  Soon Carolyn Sheridan showed up and shared a made-up story about Sluj's origins.  The Captain was disinclined to believe her until Namor showed up with a girl in a feeding bubble from inside of Sluj. The police watched as Namor freed the girl, heard her experiences, then rushed off to defeat Sluj with a virus-vial given him by Sheridan

--Namor I#7 ( 7

Dr. Anderson

(Namor I#7/8 (fb)) - Owner of Anderson Bio-technic, Dr. Anderson hired Dr. Carolyn Sheridan and Jerry Baker.  After they created an artificial life-form, Anderson prematurely released the information to the public against their recommendations.  Anderson Bio-technic was soon the victim of a brash crime that resulted in their discovery being lost.

--Namor I#7 ( 7 (fb), 8 (fb)


(Namor I#8 (fb)) - Weinstein worked with Carolyn Sheridan and Jerry Baker at Anderson Bio-technic on a bio-matrix project.  When they were unsuccessful, Sheridan and Baker unethically made a clone and claimed it was an artificial life-form they'd discovered.  Fearing public exposure, they staged a crime that let them get away with their mistakes.  Weinstein kept their secret for them.

(Namor I#8) - Weinstein, after confirming that Sheridan and Baker had been killed by Sluj (the life-form), was taken to Namor by a police officer to explain Sluj's true origins.  Weinstein confirmed that Sluj was no longer a risk to the city.

--Namor I#8 ( 8 (fb), 8



(Carolyn Sheridan) Namor I#7, p1, pan4
(Jerry) Namor I#7, p1, pan3
(Calloway and the Captain) Namor I#7, p18, pan2
(Dr. Anderson) Namor I#8, p14, pan4
(Weinstein) Namor I#8, p13, pan3

Last updated: 01/23/06

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