Real Name: Unrevealed; possibly Skinner or John

Identity/Class: Demon (Class II, Lilin)

Occupation: Predator, warrior, follower of Lilith

Group Membership: Lilin (Bad Timing, Blackout, Bloodthirst, Creed, Dark Legion, Doc, Fang, Girth, Infinks, Meatmarket, Nakota, Outcast, Parasite, Pilgrim, Pixil, Scatter, Short Circuit, Sister Nil, Skitter, Spitfire, others)

Affiliations: Lilith

Enemies: Black Hole (Dr. Keene, Mr. Wright, Spook), Bone, Darkhold Redeemers, Anton Hellgate, Midnight Sons (Blade/Eric Brooks, John Blaze, Frank Drake, Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange, Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch/Noble Kale, Hannibal King, Morbius, Vengeance/Michael Badilino), R'ack, Rock

Known Relatives: Lilith (mother), Lilin (brethren), Louise (wife, deceased) and unidentified son (deceased)

Aliases: John

Base of Operations: Currently unknown;
   formerly the Vault;
   formerly the Black Hole;
   formerly his family home in Chatham, New York;

First Appearance: Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#3 (October, 1992)

Powers/Abilities: Skinner is an extremely savage warrior. He possesses great superhuman strength (Class 25) and durability. He is immune to the effects of aging and conventional disease. It is possible that even if he were destroyed, he could be resurrected by Lilin or another powerful sorcerer.

His true form is that of skeletal creature, with razor-sharp projections protruding from virtually every surface. He uses his own body as a weapon, slashing through flesh, concrete, and even solid steel. He uses the flesh of his victims to cover himself, allowing him to take on a human appearance.

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Gray



(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#3 - BTS) - Skinner is the child of the demonqueen Lilith, in millennia past, he was one of her greatest and fiercest warriors. He enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, and was more than willing to slay human, mutant, or even other Lilin. After Lilith's defeat unknown ages ago, Skinner began to gradually mellow. He eventually took a human form, and in the modern era, he had a wife and family. He was happy in this role.

(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#3) - Lilith, alongside the Lilin Pilgrim and the half-breed Blackout, located Skinner and commanded him to join her anew. Skinner reluctantly agreed to do as he had been commanded, but also realized that his family could become pawns in this struggle as well (his son would grow up to be a half-breed Lilin). To prevent this, Skinner killed his own family, adding their flesh to his own as a memento.

    Skinner was quick to transfer the blame to Lilith's enemies, reasoning that if they had not fought Lilith, he would not have needed to be taken from his previous life (he did have plans of gaining revenge on Lilith once he had fulfilled his obligations to her). Skinner confronted John Blaze, and then used hostages to force him to flee so that he could then hunt him. When Skinner caught up to him, Blaze blasted him with hellfire gun, which served only to strip him of his fleshy covering (including the flesh of his family). The Ghost Rider then arrived, and the two blasted Skinner repeatedly until he was "nothing but ashes." However, after they left, Skinner crawled from the smoldering ruins of their battle.

(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#14) - Skinner slew a man and re-covered his body with his skin. He pursued Blaze, hoping to take his skin as well. He ran down Blaze and Ghost Rider in a truck, but after a short battle he left alongside Centurious and the Lilin.

(Nightstalker#14, Ghost Rider III#44, Marvel Comics Presents I#143, Darkhold#15, Morbius#16,
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#60 - all BTS), Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#17, (Nightstalkers#15, Ghost Rider III#45, Marvel Comics Presents I#145/4, Darkhold#16, Marvel Comics Presents I#146/3, Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#61, Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#18, Midnight Sons Unlimited#4 - all BTS) - During the events known as "The Siege of Darkness", Skinner, alongside an army of Lilin, participated in the onslaught on the heroes known as the Midnight Sons.

BTS - Skinner was captured and imprisoned in the superhuman detention and research facility known as the Black Hole, deep within the Appalachian Mountain Range.

(Ghost Rider III#62-64) - Despite repeated escape attempts, Skinner remained a captive at the Black Hole. The Spook, one of the heads of the facility, enjoyed taunting him while he remained bound and helpless.

   The Ghost Rider was imprisoned in the Black Hole, but his vigorous struggles resulted in regions of power disruption within the facility, allowing Skinner to escape. Skinner attacked the Ghost Rider, who attempted to subdue him with his "Penance Stare." While Skinner was incapacitated by its effects, the Stare somehow reflected back on the Ghost Rider as well. Ghost Rider left Skinner in the facility, which blew up a few minutes later.

(Over the Edge#9) - A government clean-up team poured through the wreckage of the Black Hole, and Skinner burst forth, slew them, and took their flesh. Lilith had been seemingly slain during the Siege of Darkness, and Skinner decided that the only thing left for him to do would be to fulfill his original mission--kill Blaze and the Ghost Rider. He cut a bloody path across the country as he tracked them. After a short struggle, Ghost Rider managed to bind Skinner with his chain, and drug him behind his cycle for two hours until he surrendered. Skinner was then sent to the Vault.


(Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance#1 (fb) - BTS) - Skinner turned on his kind and became a demon killer. He eventually ended up in Hell.

(Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance#1) - In Hell the demon torturer R'ack forced Skinner to fight Michael Badilino and promised him to take a day off of his torture if he made Badilino bleed. During the fight Skinner made a deal with Badilino that would help them both get out of Hell. Skinner used a shard of Ghost Rider's Hellfire-infused bone to help Badilino transform back into Vengeance. Vengeance then broke Skinner's shackles and they took out the demons together. After that they broke out Anton Hellgate, but got attacked by the demons Rock and Bone, who tried to stop their breakout. Skinner and Vengeance fought their way through them and countless other demons while dragging Hellgate behind Vengeance's bike to a weak point between Hell and other dimension. Vengeance used bone shards to stick Hellgate to a wall and Skinner cut him open and turned him into a portal out of Hell using a ritual. Vengeance took Skinner back to Earth, but on their way back saw Skinner's memories and how he killed his family. Back on Earth tried to defend his past actions as an act of mercy, but Vengeance had none of it and burned him with Hellfire, sending Skinner back to Hell.

Comments: Created by Howard Mackie and Adam Kubert.

Profile by Snood. Update by Markus Raymond (Return of Vengeance).

Not to be confused with:

Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#3, p6, pan1 (main)
Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance#1, p14, pan5 (head shot)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#3, p17, pan3 (attacking)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#3, p20-21, pan3 (bones form)

Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#3 (October, 1992) - Howard Mackie (writer), Adam Kubert (pencils), Chris Warner (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#14 (September, 1993) - Howard Mackie (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Tom Palmer, Jeff Albrecht, Ralph Cabrera & Tim Tuohy (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#17 (December, 1993) - Howard Mackie (writer), Henry Martinez (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Ghost Rider III#62-64 (June-August, 1995) - Howard Mackie (writer), Salvador Larroca (pencils), Sergio Melia (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Over the Edge#9 (July, 1996) - Bruce Sakow (writer), Robert Brown (pencils), Mike Witherby (inks), James Felder (editor)
Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance#1 (February, 2021) - Howard Mackie (writer), Javier Saltares (pencils/inks), Marc Deering (inks), Mark Basso (editor)

First Posted: 04/13/2002
Last updated: 10/12/2024

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