Real Name: Aggamon

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Purple Dimension) magic user

Occupation: Ruler, Slavelord

Group Membership: Lords of the Netherworlds (Tiboro, others unidentified, all associates of Dormammu)

Affiliations: Ruler of the people of the Purple Dimension;
loose alliance with Clea, Dagoth, Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange, time-displaced), Dormammu, Kaecilius, Illyana Rasputina, Tiboro, Umar

Enemies: Auntie Ante, Clea, Count Kaoz, Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange), Doctor Voodoo (Jericho Drumm), Dormammu (as Flyx), General Strange (Stephen Strange of the War of the Seven Spheres), Daimon Hellstrom, Jennifer Kale, Medico Mistico, Mahatma Doom, Nico Minoru, Peregrine Child, Professor Xu (Xandra Xian Xu), Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen), Three Mothers (Crawling, Crown, Wyrd), Wong;
his slaves (possibly including the Minions of Mordo (Adria, Demonicus, and Kaecilius)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Aggamon the All-Powerful

Base of Operations: A castle in the portion of the Purple Dimension located in the Gobi Desert;
   formerly a castle within the Purple Dimension

First Appearance: Strange Tales I#119/2 (April, 1964)



Powers/Abilities: Aggamon is a sorcerer with a power level on par with that of Dr. Strange early in his career. Much of his power is apparently derived from the gems mined from his home dimension. He can conjure visions and open portals to other dimensions.
He uses a Jeweled-Demolisher Beam which can project beams of mystic force comparable to those of Dr. Strange's first amulet.
Aggamon lacks the strength of will and courage of others, and will surrender before risking life or injury.
He is served by a legion of guards armed with pike-like weapons, and he lords over a group of slaves who mine his gems.

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 234 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: None


Aggamon's true origins are unknown. He may be a native of the Purple Dimension, or he may just have set it up as his own base. He commented, "In a thousand years, no captive has ever escaped through the Purple Veil!"--which may indicate that he has ruled there for a millennia.
At some point, he began to bring natives of other dimensions to the Purple Dimension, and turned them into slaves, to mine the gems of that dimension. He trades the gems to others in exchange for power for himself.

(Strange Tales I#119/2) - Two men stole the Purple Gem from Dr. Strange's Sanctum, and were pulled through the gem across the Purple Veil, where they were enslaved by Aggamon. Strange traveled to the Purple Dimension in order to free the two men. Aggamon agreed to return them to Earth, if Strange would take their place as prisoner. Dr. Strange agreed, but after the two men were released, he explained he only agreed to take their place, and not to stay there. Freeing himself, Strange challenged Aggamon to single combat. Aggamon used his Jeweled Demolisher Beam against Strange's amulet. The two locked in power for hours, and their very life forces began to weaken as they focused all of their power against each other. Ultimately, it was Aggamon who lost the game of "Chicken," surrendering to Strange rather than risking death. Before leaving, Strange cast a spell over Aggamon, weakening him, and telling him that he could only ever regain his strength by releasing his slaves.


(Strange Tales I#140/2-141/2 - BTS) - Aggamon was one of the "Lords of the Nether-Worlds," summoned to the Dark Dimension by Dormammu to observe his battle against Dr. Strange (as later revealed in Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2/5). The Lords returned to their respective realms after Dormammu's defeat at Strange's hands.


(Doctor Strange II#56 - BTS) - Dr. Strange was attacked by the Minions of Mordo: Adria, Demonicus, and Kaecilius. As Strange began to overpower the three, Adria located the Purple Gem. Sensing its power, she tried to use it against Strange. However, the Gem served only as a one-way portal to the Purple Dimension, and all three of the minions were sucked away.



(Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2/5) - Clea and Flyx (actually Dormammu in disguise) sought allies against Umar and Baron Mordo. They began their quest to recruit the Lords of the Nether-Worlds with Aggamon. The lord of the Purple Dimension declined, explaining that he must remain neutral in order to maintain his trade of the Purple Gems. He then offered to sell them a gem, saying that they might use it to court the favor of one of his fellow "Lords." Clea and Flyx agreed, but he then entrapped them within the Purple Gem, as punishment for his past defeat by Strange. However, they managed to escape: Flyx called upon his "full Faltinian power"--maintaining his cover-up as Dormammu--and shattered half of Aggamon's domain. They then bluffed Aggamon ("Flyx" had exhausted his stored power) into surrendering, and they agreed to leave them in peace if he would supply them with all of the gems of power they need for the upcoming conflict with Umar.

(Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#48 - BTS) - Clea and Flyx (presumably utilizing the power of the Purple Gems), alongside Tiboro and five other Sorcerers (whom I can't identify, presumably other Lords of the Netherworlds), traveled to the Dark Dimension to take down Umar and Mordo. They were successful, and Umar conceded defeat and relinquished the throne rather than face the combined power of the sorcerers. However, Flyx than revealed himself as Dormammu, retook his power, and banished Tiboro and the others from the Dark Dimension.

(Death of Doctor Strange#3 - BTS) - Aggamon was threatened by the Three Mothers and was forced to flee the Purple Dimension.

(Death of Doctor Strange#4 (fb) - BTS) - He formed an alliance with Tiboro, Umar and Dagoth to murder Doctor Strange. They convinced Baron Mordo's minion Kaecilius to commit the crime in return for Doctor Strange's hands...

(Death of Doctor Strange#3 (fb) - BTS) - ...because that way Strange's soul would remain on Earth and he couldn't be replaced as Sorcerer Supreme, which would result in the fall of the magic barrier around Earth that prevented extradimensional beings from easily invading Earth. Though they knew this would draw the Three Mothers to Earth as well they knew there were enough superhuman beings on the planet to protect them.

(Death of Doctor Strange#1 - BTS, 2) - After the murder of Doctor Strange the mystic barrier around Earth fell and Aggamon was the first to take advantage of the situation and transported part of the Purple Dimension to the Gobi Desert.

(Death of Doctor Strange#1 - BTS) - China immediately threatened to nuke the area.

(Death of Doctor Strange#3 (fb) - BTS) - China tried to nuke Aggamon, but failed.

(Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers#1 - BTS) - Aggamon took the Chinese nuclear bomb and allied with the other warlords to send a contingent of their underlings to the Florida Everglades and destroy the unprotected Nexus of All Realities. They were stopped by a Juggernaut-like being from the Crimson Cosmos.

(Death of Doctor Strange#4 - BTS) - Clea summoned the warlords Aggamon and Tiboro to a meeting at Umar's palace in New Umarria, Antarctica.

(Death of Doctor Strange#4) - Aggamon attended the meeting along with three underlings. Also present were Tiboro, Umar, Baron Mordo and Kaecilius. The time-displaced Doctor Strange, who was investigating the murder of the current Doctor Strange, confronted the warlords about their involvement in the murder and was at first mocked by Aggamon for trying to bring them to justice. Strange had already solved the case and confronted the warlords with the reasons for their alliance and the identity of their agent and actual murderer--Kaecilius.

(Death of Doctor Strange#5) - Aggamon tried to flee when the Three Mothers and Peregrine Child closed in on New Umarria, but Wong and many of Strange's allies had cast a spell of binding that forced the warlords to stay. The time-displaced Doctor Strange used black magic to temporarily reform Doctor Strange from the hands Kaecilius had stolen from Strange's corpse. Aggamon then joined forces with the time-displaced Doctor Strange, Tiboro, Illyana Rasputina and Clea to form a pentagram in the sky above New Umarria to banish the Three Mothers, but the Peregrine Child prevented it and devoured the astral form of the time-displaced Strange only for him to ignite all the magic the Peregrine Child had devoured from the inside to destroy it.

(Doctor Strange VI#1 - BTS) - The UK government entered into an agreement with Aggamon to deport the refugees from the shattered city of Kalumesh to the portion of the Purple Dimension in the Gobi Desert.

(Doctor Strange VI#1) - Aggamon enslaved the refugees, but the deportation was stopped by Clea and Doctor Strange, who then confronted Aggamon in the Gobi Desert. Clea claimed possession of the Kalumeshis and Aggamon handed them over because he didn't want any trouble with Clea and Doctor Strange. He again mocked the previous murder of Strange and as a lesson to Clea and Strange killed one of the refugees before they left.

   Aggamon hung out in his throne room with a Kalumeshi female and put a plan in motion to get his revenge on Clea and Strange. Moments later he was attacked...

(Doctor Strange VI#1/2) - ...and decapitated...

(Doctor Strange VI#8 (fb) - BTS) - General Strange, who did it is a gift to Clea, whom he still loved.

(Doctor Strange VI#10 (fb)) - Clea returned to Aggamon's palace to kill him, but found his decapitated corpse. She was seen by a W.A.N.D. spy working for Pandora Peters.

(Doctor Strange VI#4 - BTS) - Clea Strange was W.A.N.D.'s number one suspect in the assassination of Aggamon.

(Doctor Strange VI#2 - BTS) - Wong reported Aggamon's assassination to Doctor Strange.

(Doctor Strange VI#3 - BTS) - Aggamon's death left a power vacuum in the Purple Dimension and his territory in the Gobi Desert, leaving these lands on the brink of war.

(Doctor Strange VI#5 - BTS) - Tiboro also blamed Clea for Aggamon's murder.

(Doctor Strange VI#8 - BTS) - General Strange revealed to Clea that he was Aggamon's murderer.

Comments: Created by Stan "The Man" Lee and "Sturdy" Steve Ditko.

When the Minions of Mordo were pulled into the Purple Gem, it seems likely that Aggamon would have tried and perhaps succeeded in enslaving them, as he does with anyone who enters his dimension. I'd like to see that confrontation.

There's a whole batch of characters from Dr. Strange's adventures that deserve to be brought back. In addition, only two of the Lords of the Nether-Worlds have ever been identified. I'd like to know who the rest are.

In Marvel: The Lost Generation#5, Ralph Macchio reported that Roger Stern believed that all of Dr. Strange's adventures through to Strange Tales I#122 actually occurred in the pre-modern era, which would place Aggamon in that era.

The Purple Gem sat on Strange's shelf from Strange Tales I#119 (1964) to Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2 (1992), and so is Behind-the-Scenes in every appearance of the Sanctum between those issues. It would have been one of the things seemingly destroyed by Urthona @ Dr. Strange II#80-81, but was apparently saved by Agamotto. Nonetheless, let me know if you have any other actual appearances of the Purple Gem, and I'll add them.

It seems that some of the Lords of the Netherworld joined part of the Champions of Los Angeles plot against Zeus.
--Per Degaton

Aggamon has an entry in Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook.

Profile by Snood. Update by Markus Raymond (Captain America to Death).

No known connection to:

The Purple Dimension and the Purple Gem(s) have no known connection to:


Purple Dimension

Type: Mystic Realm

Environment: Alien

Usual Means of Access: Magic (most often through one of the Purple Gems)

Dominant Lifeforms: Green-skinned humanoids
(it is uncertain whether they are natives, or just colonized it)

Prominent Inhabitants: Aggamon

The realm is chock full of magical gems, which are mined by the slaves of Aggamon, the greedy and domineering ruler of the Purple Dimension. It is also known as the Purple Veil (or perhaps that's the name of the dimensional barrier surrounding it).

(Marvel Tarot) - The Purple Dimension is part of the Consecution of Colors, a group of realms also including the Crimson Cosmos and Raggadorrthey are separated from the Inner Realms by Brona's Barrier, but they are accessed via the Bridge of Asbru.

   Huge, surreal geological formations and powerful magic gems are almost common in this realm

(Captain America & the Mighty Avengers#2) - Kaluu banished Redline of the Fast Five to the Purple Dimension without his armor.

(Valkyrie: Jane Foster#4) - After years the Minions of Mordo (Kaecilius, Adria and Demonicus) escaped the Purple Dimension through a mirror made of a Purple Gem and arrived back on Earth in the Institute for the Study of Ancient History where Dr. Annabelle Briggs held a guest lecture about archaeology. Her lecture included the mirror she had found in the ruined Temple of Aggamon in Sumeria.

   Doctor Strange and Valkyrie (Jane Foster) fought the trio until the Grim Reaper (Eric Williams) appeared and used the mirror to trap Doctor Strange's astral form in the Purple Dimension.

(Valkyrie: Jane Foster#5) - Valkyrie (Foster) brought Grim Reaper to Valhalla, took the mirror back to Earth and destroyed it, freeing Strange's astral form and reuniting it with his body.

(Death of Doctor Strange#1 - BTS, 2) - Part of the Purple Dimension was transported to the Gobi Desert by Aggamon after the mystic protective barrier was shattered upon Doctor Strange's death.

(Death of Doctor Strange#1 - BTS) - China immediately threatened to nuke the area.

(Death of Doctor Strange#3 (fb) - BTS) - China tried to nuke the area, but failed due to Aggamon.

(Doctor Strange VI#1) - Part of the Purple Dimension remained in the Gobi Desert. Kalumeshi refugees were temporarily deported to this location until they were freed from enslavement by Doctor Strange and Clea.

(Doctor Strange VI#3 - BTS) - Aggamon's death left a power vacuum in the Purple Dimension and the Gobi Desert territory, leaving it on the brink of war.

--Strange Tales I#119/2 ([Doctor Strange II#56], Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2/5, Captain America & the Mighty Avengers#2 Valkyrie: Jane Foster#4-5, [Death of Doctor Strange#1], 2, [3 (fb)], Doctor Strange VI#1, [3]

Purple Gem

One of the many gems of the Purple Dimension. This one, in particular, was passed on to Doctor Strange by the Ancient One.

(Strange Tales I#119/2) - It was stolen by two criminals, who were then pulled through the gem to the Purple Dimension, until Strange rescued them.

(Strange Tales I#123/2) - Doctor Strange attempted to use the Purple Gem to entrap the Norse god Loki in the Purple Dimension, but Loki shattered the portal projected by the gem with a single gesture.

(Doctor Strange II#33) - Strange used the Purple Gem to amplify the energies of the Amulet of Agamotto, in order to destroy a nightmarish creation of the Fear-Lord, the Dweller-in-Darkness.

(Doctor Strange II#56) - The sorceress Adria sought to use the Purple Gem against Doctor Strange, but she and her allies (Demonicus and Kaecilius), were instead pulled through the Gem into the Purple Dimension.

(Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2/5) - Clea used the Gem to bring herself and Flyx to the Purple Dimension.

Aggamon revealed that the Gem held by Strange was just one of the many gems of power originating from the Purple Dimension.

--Strange Tales I#119/2 (Strange Tales I#119/2, 123/2, Doctor Strange II#33, 56, Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2/5

Death of Doctor Strange#2, p2, pan1 (main)
Strange Tales I#119, p20, pan2 (using Jeweled-Demolisher Beam)
Strange Tales I#119, p19, pan1 (head shot)
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2, p51, pan3 (on throne)
Doctor Strange VI#1/2, p8 (death)
Strange Tales I#140, p15, pan5 (Lords of the Netherworlds)
Strange Tales I#119, p18, pan4 (Purple Dimension)
Strange Tales I#119, p15, pan2 (Purple Gem)

Strange Tales I#119 (April, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Strange Tales I#123 (August, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (pencils/plot), George Roussos (inks)
Strange Tales I#140-141 (January-February, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Doctor Strange II#33 (February, 1979) - Roger Stern & Ralph Macchio (writers), Tom Sutton (pencils), Rudy Nebres (inks), Mary Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange II#56 (December, 1982) - Roger Stern (writer), Paul Smith (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2 (1992) - Roy Thomas & Jean-Marc Lofficier (writers), Frank Lopez (pencils), Jimmy Palmiotti (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#48 (December, 1992) - Len Kaminski (writer), Geof Isherwood (pencils), Bob Petrecca, Barnett & Don Hudson (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Marvel Tarot (2007) - David Sexton (writer/designer), Doug Sexton (technical consultant), Jeff Christiansen (continuity consultant), Michael Short & Cory Levine (assistant editors), Mark D. Beazley & Jennifer Grünwald (associate editors), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Captain America & the Mighty Avengers#2 (January, 2015) - Al Ewing (writer), Luke Ross & Iban Coello (artists), Tom Brevoort & Wil Moss (editors)
Valkyrie: Jane Foster#4 (December, 2019) - Al Ewing & Jason Aaron (writers), Cafu (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Valkyrie: Jane Foster#5 (January, 2020) - Al Ewing & Jason Aaron (writers), Cafu (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Death of Doctor Strange#1-2 (November-December, 2021) - Jed MacKay (writer), Lee Garbett (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers#1 (December, 2021) - Alex Paknadel (writer), Ryan Bodenheim (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Death of Doctor Strange#3-5 (January-March, 2022) - Jed MacKay (writer), Lee Garbett (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Doctor Strange VI#1 (May, 2023) - Jed MacKay (writer), Pasqual Ferry (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
   Story 2: Jed MacKay (writer), Andy MacDonald (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Doctor Strange VI#2-3 (June-July, 2023) - Jed MacKay (writer), Pasqual Ferry (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Doctor Strange VI#4 (August, 2023) - Jed MacKay (writer), Andy MacDonald (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Doctor Strange VI#5 (September, 2023) - Jed MacKay (writer), Pasqual Ferry (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Doctor Strange VI#8 (December, 2023) - Jed MacKay (writer), Pasqual Ferry (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
Doctor Strange VI#10 (February, 2024) - Jed MacKay (writer), Pasqual Ferry (artist), Darren Shan (editor)

First Posted: 11/16/2002
Last updated: 10/11/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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