
Real Name: John Crenella

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-1287) mutate circa 2072 A.D. (see comments)

Occupation: Adventurer;
    former haberdasher

Group Membership: Strikeforce Morituri

AffiliationsBackhand (Greg Mattingly), Brava (Domenica Contreras), Hardcase (Burke O'Halloran), Commander Yuri Pogorelich, Shear (Walther Feyzioglu), Silencer (Akiya Bandaranaike)

Enemies: The Horde;
Blackthorn (Aline Pagrovna), Radian (Louis Armanetti), Scaredycat (Pilar Lisieux), Scatterbrain (William Deguchi), Toxyn (Ruth Mastorakis)

Known Relatives: Unidentified father

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    born in East Orange, New Jersey


First Appearance: Strikeforce: Morituri#13 (December, 1987)


Powers/Abilities: Wildcard could adapt/replicate the powers of other Morituri within an unspecified but close range of him. 

    He could replicate such abilities even if the being whose powers he was duplicating was unconscious. 

    It is unrevealed if he could retain such abilities once adapting them if he moved out of the range from which he could adapt such powers. wildcard-1287-brava

    He was seen to adapt the strength of Brava and the sound-muting power of Silencer. 

    Like most Morituri, he at least temporarily possessed some degree of superhuman strength and endurance as part of the first phase of the Morituri process, which helped his body survive the development of unique powers.

    He carried some sort of blaster in a hip holster, presumably so he would still be able to fight even if he was separated from other Morituri, but was never seen to use it during his brief tenure. Presumably it was the standard issue energy blaster other Earth forces used.

Height: Unrevealed (he didn't seem particularly short nor particularly tall; perhaps 5'8" to 5'11")
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 155-170 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Strawberry blond

Strikeforce: Morituri#13 (fb) - BTS) - Born in East Orange, New Jersey, John Crenella worked in his father's clothing store until the Horde came to Earth and took his father as a slave. 

wildcard-1287-upper-chest(Strikeforce: Morituri#13 (fb) - BTS) - John volunteered for the Morituri process (see comments) to oppose the Horde, gaining the power to duplicate the power of any nearby Morituri, and he adopted the codename Wildcard. 

wildcard-1287-blackthorn(Strikeforce: Morituri#13) - Wildcard was with fellow new Morituri Backhand, Brava, Hardcase, Shear, and Silencer when they were greeted by commander Yuri Pogorelich, who had replaced fallen commander Beth Luis Nion. 

    Yuri addressed the Morituri, detailing and/or listening to their history and abilities; when he got to Wildcard, John interrupted detailing his history and demonstrating his powers via duplicating Brava's strength. John vowed to show the Horde what happens when someone messes with a Crenella. 

    Yuri noted his approval and advised them all to get some rest before their press conference the next day at Debutante Hall.  

    The next day, however, Yuri informed the new Morituri that the press conference was cancelled, as their predecessor Morituri agents had gone rogue in a space mission, after which they had returned to Earth in a Horde ship, attacked Paideia (Earth's ruling government) personnel, and stolen a troop skimmer to escape. 

    The new Morituri were assigned to bring in the renegades, and they reluctantly complied after Yuri assured them that the renegades would be treated fairly after being brought in.

    Wildcard and his group confronted their predecessors as they considered their fate and options in an old auto factory, collapsing the roof and asking them to come out and talk to avoid a fight. 

    When the predecessors escaped the assault, Backhand commented that they should have figured that the telepath would detect them, and Wildcard replied that they had forgotten about their predecessors' flight boots. 

    When the two groups battled, Brava was quickly taken out by Toxyn, but Wildcard nonetheless accessed Brava's strength, shattering the roof below them as they fought. 

    Backhand chided Wildcard for his idiotic maneuver, reminding him that they didn't have flight boots like their predecessors. 

    After Toxyn took out Silencer and explained how they had flown to Jupiter and taken out a Horde ship, Wildcard adapted Silencer's powers and muted Toxyn, noting that that was exactly what a bunch of traitors would say. 

    Scaredycat then jumped on Wildcard's shoulders and wrapped her legs around Wildcard's neck, insisting he hear Toxyn out. wildcard-1287-dying

    Wildcard fought back, insisting Scaredycat get off him and then telling Shear to stop conversing with Radian and get her off.

    After threatening to cut Scaredycat in half, however, Wildcard suddenly had trouble breathing, and Radian told Scaredycat to get off of Wildcard as something was wrong. 

    Desperately announcing it was too soon as he'd only had weeks, Wildcard futilely tried to siphon power from the unconscious Blackthorn. 

    Collapsing as he asked for help, Wildcard swiftly died and decomposed.wildcard-1287-death

(Strikeforce: Morituri#13 - BTS) - Blackthorn subsequently considered that Wildcard had taken her power to die her death. 

    Wildcard's death stopped the fight, with the newer Morituri appreciating their new existence and what their predecessors were living with.

Comments: Created by Peter Gillis, Brent Anderson, and Scott Williams.

    I haven't read this series, and I just profiled a single-appearance character at the recommendation of fellow writer Loki. By what I read in this issue and a little "never-wrong" Internet research, Strikeforce Morituri is a future reality circa 2073 A.D. (as of when it was written in the late 80s) where Earth was overrun by the extraterrestrial Horde. Scientist Dr. Kimmo Tuolema developed a process that could grant humans super-powers but proved fatal within a year. The process was named the Morituri Effect, and it was used to empower agents to fight the Horde.   
        Biowar Facility Alpha, aka "The Garden," test facility was based on Dr. Tuolema's daughter's vid-comics' X-Men's Danger Room.
        For once the internet is right about the date. While the comic doesn't initially commit to a specific year, the sequel Electric Undertow is set ten years after the Horde were defeated and takes place in 2083; allowing that a couple of years might have passed between the start of the series and the end of the original run of the title, that would place the first issue of Strikeforce: Morituri circa 2071 A.D. and the issue where Wildcard debuts and dies around 2072 A.D. - Loki

    "Morituri te salutant" is a Latin phrase meaning "Those who are about to die salute you." It used in the gladiatorial games as the participants addressed their emperor, Caesar.

    A Gambit in the Exiles was identified in-story as being from Earth-1287.

     Strikeforce Morituri took place on Earth, yes, but it's an Earth of around 100 years in the future as of the 1980s, where IIRC superhumans never existed until the title team was created to fight the alien Horde.
    There were a few "in-joke shots" like seeing Galactus' helmet on the Horde ship, but, really, it might as well have been an Epic series like "The One" or "Brats Bizarre" for all the connection it had to anything else). As off the 1980s Marvel Universe map as G.I. Joe.
    Sort of like Earth-Supreme-Power with an invading race as the catalyst for the story developments instead of just the one alien infant, I guess.
    But there's nothing to say that on such an Earth, the government didn't employ an agent called Maverick and that he couldn't have been under the authority of a guy who looked like Nick Fury. There've been odder juxtapositions, and since Exiles didn't have any problem pulling characters from "far enough in the future" that Nightcrawler, Magneto, etc. could have adult offspring, there's no reason Maverick-1287 couldn't have been pulled from Strikeforce Morituri's "future" (explaining why he's a COSTUMED government agent). It's the easiest way to explain why the same Earth-number is applied to both concepts, for those few of us who care.
--Ronald Byrd

    Ronald is correct in saying that within the Strikeforce comics themselves there were only Easter eggs that might suggest it is an alternate Earth within the Marvel multiverse, though it's worth noting it wasn't just Galactus' helmet on the Horde ship; they also had Captain America's shield and the Silver Surfer's board, not to mention some Green Lantern battery lanterns, the giant penny from the Batcave and Robbie the Robot. Jokes or not, that suggests the Strikeforce's past did have superhumans on Earth, who perhaps all died off. Heck, maybe the Morituri process came about because someone was trying to rediscover the Super Soldier serum. The fact that there were vid-comics about the X-Men doesn't prove they were purely fictional in this reality, since we've seen X-Men comics in the movie Logan too; fictional stories based on real people have plenty of precedent. And that existence of X-Men comics within the Strikeforce Morituri era would count against Ronald's suggestion that 1287 Gambit came from after the Horde invasion; if the X-Men are from the past, he probably is too.

   However, even more clear connections were established in X-Force IV#4, when Cable is informed that a villain called Volga purloined the technology he is using from "Earth-1287," and explains that the tech, developed in response to an alien invasion, transformed recipients into superhumans but also killed them within a year, a clear reference to the Morituri process. The person explaining this even mentions that the the soldiers of Earth-1287 had a phrase they used, recalling it as "When it comes your time to die..."; though this isn't an exact match to how "Morituri te salutant" translates into English, given it's someone's vague recollection of what they were told the phrase was by a third party, it's close enough to be pretty clear cut.

    So, if Earth-1287 had superhumans in the 20th century, how come people in the late 21st don't seem to recall them? I'd look to the real world for how that works. We live in a world where people are surprised to learn that Titanic was based on a true story and where the vast majority of in-their-day important and well-known public figures are largely forgotten by the general public within a couple of generations. It's not hard to believe that the superhumans of the 20th century have largely faded from public consciousness by the 2070s, especially if the Heroic Era of Earth-1287 was a lot briefer than on Earth-616. - Loki

    This profile was completed 7/31/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

Strikeforce: Morituri#13, pg.7, panel 3 (mostly full);
        pg.9, panel 7 (upper; chest exposed);
            panel 8 (adapting Brava's power);
        pg.24, panel 2 (adapting Silencer);
            panel 3 (upper; pattern in place of exposed chest);
        pg.26, panel 2 (full; adapting Blackthorn);
            panel 4-5 (death x 2)
        cover (using his blaster, the only time we see it drawn)
Strikeforce: Morituri#7, pg.17, panel 1 (Horde trophy room)

Strikeforce: Morituri#13 (December, 1987) - Peter Gillis (writer), Brent Anderson (penciler), Scott Williams (inker), Carl Potts (editor)

First posted09/07/2021
Last updated: 09/06/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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