Real Name: Eugene "Flash" Thompson
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-78127) human mutate
Occupation: Adventurer, vigilante
Group Membership: Spider-Army
(Arachnosaur of Earth-99476,
Captain Universe/Peter Parker of Earth-13,
Kwaku Anasi of Earth-7082,
Old Man Spider/Ezekiel Sims of Earth-4,
Prince of Arachne/Peter Parker of Earth-71004,
Scarlet Spider/Kaine of Earth-616,
Silk/Cindy Moon of Earth-616,
SP//dr/Peni Parker of an unidentified reality,
Spider-Girl/Betty Brant of Earth-78227,
Spider-Girl/Anya Corazon of Earth-616,
Spider-Girl/May Parker of Earth-982,
Spider-Ham/Peter Porker of Earth-25,
Spider-Man/Bruce Banner of Earth-70105,
Spider-Man/Max Borne of Earth-9500,
Spider-Punk/Hobie Brown of Earth-138,
Spider-Man/Miles Morales of Earth-1610,
Superior Spider-Man/Otto Octavius of Earth-616,
Spider-Man/Peter Parker of Earth-616
Spider-Man/Peter Parker of Earth-2301,
Spider-Man/Peter Parker of Earth-8351,
Spider-Man/Pavitr Prabhakar of Earth-50101,
Spider-Man/Ben Reilly of Earth-94,
Spider-Man 2099/Miguel O'Hara of Earth-928,
Spider-Monkey/Peter Parker of Earth-8101
Spider-UK/Billy Braddock of Earth-833,
Spider-Woman/Ashley Barton of Earth-807128,
Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew of Earth-616,
Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy of Earth-65);
formerly Midtown High School football team
Affiliations: An unidentified pair of female students;
presumably the same wide circle of friend as his Earth-616
counterpart (such as Liz Allan, Sally Avril, Jason Ionello,
"Tiny" McKeever, Charlie Murphy, and Seymour O'Reilly) -- though none were
identified in this story
Enemies: Chameleon (Dmitri Smerdyakov), Crusher Hogan (Joseph Hogan), Tinkerer (Phineas
T. Mason), Vulture (Adrian Toomes)
Inheritors of Earth-001 (Jennix, Morlun, Solus), Venom of
Known Relatives: Presumably the same as his 616 counterpart; Harrison Thompson (father), Rosie Thompson (mother), Jesse Thompson (sister)
Aliases: "Flash";
"dream-boat" (from one of his girlfriends)
Base of Operations: Central Park, New York City, New York, Earth-13 (place of death)
formerly New York City, New York
First Appearance: What If? I#7 (February, 1978)
Powers/Abilities: Captain Spider was superhumanly strong (presumably Class 10) and swift. He could cling to and scale walls and other surfaces, and he had a "spider sense," warning him of danger.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Strawberry blonde
(What If I#7 (fb) - BTS) - Flash and his friends mockingly declined the bookish
Peter Parker's invitation to attend a great exhibit at the science hall.
(What If I#7 (fb) - BTS) - Changing his mind that the exhibit might be a kick and a good way to spend time with both of his girlfriends (they could be Sally Avril and Liz Allan, though they don't look quite right), Flash brought the girls to the exhibit.
(What If I#7) - As Dr. Eric Schwinner of General Techtronics
demonstrated a radiation controlling device, Flash rushed in with his
girlfriends, pushing Peter aside and telling Schwinner, "You tell 'em, Mr.
Wizard." When the irradiated spider dropped down, it landed on and bit Flash.
Though he cried out in pain, when one of his girlfriends asked if he was OK, he
acted like a spider bite couldn't bother a tough guy like him. Nonetheless,
feeling like he might collapse, Flash suggested to the girls that they all go
outside for some fresh air.
Curious about how the radiation might have affected the
spider, Peter Parker picked it up, planning to study it at home and perhaps use
it as the basis for his term paper.
Outside, Flash noted how he felt like he
was exploding with power. When a car rushed at the trio, Flash tossed the girls
to safety, shoved the speeding car aside, and then yanked the driver out and
threatened him. When one of the girls wondered how he had done that, he realized
it must have been the spider bite, but instead feigned ignorance, comparing it
to people performing superhuman feats during an adrenaline rush. Intrigued by a
sign for a wrestling exhibition, Flash brought the girls inside and then
challenged "Crusher" Hogan to a match for the hundred dollars offered to anyone
who could stay in the ring with him. Flash easily tossed Hogan around but then
accidentally broke his neck while trying to spin him around so the girls could
see their faces. Flash was momentarily devastated by having killed someone, but
when the police tried to arrest him, he broke free and jumped through a glass
window, instinctively scaling the wall to escape unseen.
Excited by his powers but realizing he was a fugitive, Flash sought to make up for the killing by becoming a super hero, as he had always fantasized about being (and as he had always seen himself as the heroic type). Breaking into Ace Costumes, Flash cobbled together a costume, to which he made a few modifications, and then dubbed himself Captain Spider.
The name of Captain Spider soon was spoken in fear by the criminal underworld, as he easily overpowered villains such as the Chameleon and Tinkerer. After he took out a gang of criminals stealing a bird statue, however, he encountered the Vulture, who sought to steal the statue for himself. Flash grabbed the Vulture's leg, but was soon pulled high into the air. Realizing he had to hold on, Flash caught the Vulture's fist and prepared to punch his foe out, but the Vulture smashed him in the head with the statue. Stunned, Flash let go, and though the rushing air revived him, he lacked any means to stop himself and so he fell into an alley far below. His fall was seen by Peter Parker, who had been keeping an eye on Captain Spider, and who was surprised to unmask him as Flash and swiftly determined that Flash was dead
(What If I#7 (fb) - BTS) - Returning home, Peter studied the irradiated spider he had kept, realizing it had been the source of Captain Spider's powers and eventually creating a formula from the last of the spider's venom. Empowered, Peter adopted the costume and alias of Spider-Man and created a pair of web-shooters and his webbing formula to complete the identity.
(Amazing Spider-Man III#9 - BTS) - Through unrevealed ways, Flash survived the supposedly fatal fall and continued to operate as Captain Spider (see comments).
(Amazing Spider-Man III#9 - BTS) - Captain Spider was one of many alternative Spider-Men contacted by Billy Braddock, the Spider-Man UK of Earth-833. Braddock explained that beings called the Inheritors were massacring and feeding on Spider-Totems throughout the multiverse. To counter this, he was gathering an army to defeat the Inheritors. Captain Spider decided to join UK on Earth-13.
(Amazing Spider-Man III#9) - Captain Spider was present when several spiders reached Earth-13, also known as the safe zone.
(Spider-Verse#1/2) - Captain Spider and a number of other spiders went on a mission to recruit more Spiders for their cause. Traveling to Earth-2301 (Mangaverse) they helped defeat that universe's Venom who was fighting "his" Spider-Man.
(Amazing Spider-Man III#10 - BTS) - Spider witnessed the arrival of a time-displaced Earth-616's Superior Spider-Man (Otto Octavius) who had agreed to join the Spider-Army along with his former Superior Spider-Army.
(Amazing Spider-Man III#11) - When Earth-616's Peter Parker and Otto Octavius fought over leadership of the Spider-Army, Captain Spider was eager to see the outcome. Eventually, Parker won and sent several teams on a mission, severely depleting the number of Spiders in the Safe Zone. Moments after the teams departed, the Zone was attacked by the Inheritors; Jennix, Morlun and Solus. Before any Spider could act, Morlun lunged towards Captain Spider's neck, draining his energy and killing him. In the following battle, not even the Cosmic Spider-Man's power proved sufficient to defeat Solus who killed him, along with Spider-Monkey of Earth-8101.
(Amazing Spider-Man III#12) - Captain Spider's corpse was seen as Solus killed the Prince of Arachne (of Earth-71004) and Arachnosaur (of Earth-99476).
(Spider-Man 2099 II#7) - As Lady Spider (of Earth-803) and Spider-Man 2099 (of Earth-928) travelled back to the Safe Zone they discovered the corpses of all the murdered Spiders.
Comments: Created by Don Glut, Rick Hoberg, and Sam Grainger.
So, how did Captain Spider survive
that supposedly fatal fall? It's of course possible he was merely
stunned by the fall and Peter Parker, panicked and shocked, simply
jumped to conclusions. An other explanation might be found in the
actual story. Peter took the radioactive spider that bit Flash home for
further study. Given his scientific prowess, it's not unthinkable he
was able to distill a serum or formula that boosts healing. If that's
the case, it certainly didn't seem to help him against Morlun.
Spider-Verse I#1/2 actually makes
a bit of a mess of things chronologically mess. It shows Captain Spider
and a group of Spiders travel to the Mangaverse to recruit the
Mangaverse Spider-Man. However, the character isn't seen anymore until
right after Captain Spider's death. He appears along with two other
Japanese Spider-Men newly recruited by Spider-Girl (Anya Corazon of
Earth-616) and Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy of Earth-65). An explanation of
this could be that he declined to join until he was once again
approached by the Spider-Girls.
I didn't list others in attendance at the
Science Exhibit that Betty didn't encounter. We know the
(Carl King) was there, and
also Jessica Jones/Cambell and Silk (Cindy Moon).
Though not discussed in this story, since
Peter wasn't Spider-Man, he wouldn't have even been in the right place to have
had a chance to stop "the Burglar" who went on to fatally shoot Ben Parker. It's
possible Flash might have caught sight of the Burglar preparing to break in to
the Parker house and stopped him. Otherwise, unless some other circumstance
changed things, the Burglar may killed Ben Parker in this reality, too.
Unless otherwise specified, all locations and beings related in this profile refer to Earth-78127 versions.
Original appearance and sub-profiles by Snood, Spider-Verse appearances by MarvellousLuke.
Profile by MarvellousLuke & Snood
Captain Spider has no known connections to
Intrigued by a sign for a wrestling exhibition shortly after discovering his powers, Flash brought the girls inside and then challenged "Crusher" Hogan to a match for the hundred dollars offered to anyone who could stay in the ring with him. Flash easily tossed Hogan around but then accidentally broke his neck while trying to spin him around so the girls could see their faces. Flash was momentarily devastated by having killed someone, but when the police tried to arrest him, he broke free and jumped through a glass window, instinctively scaling the wall to escape unseen.
--What If? I#7
The newly empowered and christened Captain Spider was spoken in fear by the criminal underworld, as he easily overpowered villains such as the Chameleon.
--What If? I#7
The newly empowered and christened Captain Spider was spoken in fear by the criminal underworld, as he easily overpowered villains such as the Chameleon.
--What If? I#7
After he took out a gang of criminals stealing a bird statue, however, Captain Spider encountered the Vulture, who sought to steal the statue for himself. Flash grabbed the Vulture's leg, but was soon pulled high into the air. Realizing he had to hold on, Flash caught the Vulture's fist and prepared to punch his foe out, but the Vulture smashed him in the head with the statue. Stunned, Flash let go, and though the rushing air revived him, he lacked any means to stop himself and so he fell into an alley far below. His fall was seen by Peter Parker, who had been keeping an eye on Captain Spider, and who was surprised to unmask him as Flash and swiftly determined that Flash was dead
--What If? I#7
images: (without ads)
What If? I#7, p9, pan3 (main image)
What If? I#7, p4, pan4 (bitten by spider)
What If? I#7, p9, pan2 (in costume)
Amazing Spider-Man III#11, p15, pan1 (death)
What If? I#7, p7, pan1 (Crusher Hogan)
What If? I#7, p9, pan3 (Chameleon)
What If? I#7, p9, pan4 (Tinkerer)
What If? I#7, p10, pan6 (Vulture)
What If? I#7 (February, 1978) - Don Glut (writer), Rick Hoberg (pencils), Sam Grainger (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man III#9 (January, 2015) - Dan Slott (writer), Olivier Coipel (pencils, inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Verse#1/2 (January, 2015) - Skottie Young (writer), Jake Parker (pencils, inks), Nick Lowe, Ellie Pyle (editors)
Amazing Spider-Man III#11 (February, 2015) - Dan Slott (writer),
Olivier Coipel (pencils, inks), Wade von Grawbadger, John Livesay,
Victor Olazaba, Mark Morales (inkers), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man III#12 (March, 2015) - Dan Slott (writer), Giuseppe
Camuncoli (pencils), Cam Smith (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Man 2099 II#7 (February, 2015) - Peter David (writer), William Sliney (pencils, inks), Devin Lewis, Ellie Pyle (editors)
First Posted: 03/23/2015
Last updated: 02/09/2015
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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