sandorz-lt-8116-monarchy-upper Lieutenant SANDORZ

Real Name: Sandorz (first name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Reality-8116) extraterrestrial (unidentified but grossly human race);
    lived and died approximately 1 million A.D.

Occupation: Soldier (sailor?), pilot

Group Membership: Monarchy, Imperial Navy, First Nova Squadron

Affiliations: Served King Nellor

Enemies: Delilah D-50, the Instrumentality, the People, Vanth (soon to be Dreadstar)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    died in the Village (aka
Research Center Delta 219), planet Caldor, Chalfalon star system, Empirical Galaxy, Reality-8116;sandorz-lt-8116-monarchy-face

First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (1982)

Powers/Abilities: Lt. Sandorz could operate a flyer (single person aircraft) and presumably use its technology (weapons, flight control, diagnostics).

    He likely had some degree of combat experience, both armed (likely hand-blasters, at least) and unarmed

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6')
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 220 lbs. )
Eyes: Apparently dark blue or brown (he was seen only in poor lighting)
Hair: Brown (including moustache)

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - The Monarchy's intelligence forces received decades-old information about the Instrumentality's "cat warriors,"  and they resolved that they should destroy them before they were put into action as well as to terminate any scientists they found on the site. 

    A months later, while Vanth was visiting Syzygy, the Monarchy's First Nova Squadron assaulted the village with orders to terminate all cat people and scientists they encountered. 

    First Nova Squadron slaughtered all of the peaceful cat people...

(Epic Illustrated#15) - ...(excepting the younger Oedi, who survived)...

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - ...and they slew Delilah, the human woman who lived among them, as well.

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - During the conflict, Lt. Sandorz's flyer crashed under unrevealed circumstances, leaving him trapped in it.Overlooked in the batle, he was left behind.

 (Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar  - BTS) - Returning to the village and observing the slaughter that had occured, including that of his wife, Delilah, Vanth head Sandorz moaning and found Sandorz in his downed flyer.

    Brandishing his powerful Sword of Icy Fire, Vanth demanded to know who he was and where he had come from, ordering him to speak or die horribly. Promising Vanth anything he wanted to know, Sandorz identified himself to be of the First Nova Squadron, from his majesty's Imperial Navy. sandorz-lt-8116-monarchy-death

    When Dreadstar asked why he had done this, Sandorz explained how the Monarchy's intelligence forces had gotten word of these cat warriors and that they had figured that they should waste them before they were put into action.

    Sandorz commented that he felt that the Monarchy did not have anything to worry about with these cats and that while they must have missed Vanth, the rest of his squadron would be back once they realized that he was missing.

    Sandorz then advised that he surrender to him, and he would see that Vanth was properly treated.

    Vanth instead assured Sandorz that by the time his ships returned, neither of them would be there for them to find.

    As Vanth raised his sword, Sandorz complained that he had answered his questions, but Vanth swung down his powerful weapon, explosively destroying the flyer and slaying Sandorz.

Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.

Dreadstar / Reality-8116 primer

Profile by Snood.

Lt. Sandorz
should be distinguished from:

First Nova Squadron has no known connection to:

First Nova Squadron

sandorz-lt-8116-monarchy-nova(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - The Monarchy's intelligence forces received decades-old information about the Instrumentality's "cat warriors,"  and they resolved that they should destroy them before they were put into action as well as to terminate any scientists they found on the site. 

    A months later, while Vanth was visiting Syzygy, the Monarchy's First Nova Squadron assaulted the village with orders to terminate all cat people and scientists they encountered. 

    First Nova Squadron slaughtered all of the peaceful cat people...

(Epic Illustrated#15) - ...(excepting the younger Oedi, who survived)...

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - ...and they slew Delilah, the human woman who lived among them, as well.

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - During the conflict, Lt. Sandorz's flyer crashed under unrevealed circumstances, leaving him trapped in it.Overlooked in the batle, he was left behind.

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar) - Encountering crashed soldier Lt. Sandorz of the Monarchy's Imperial Navy's First Nova Squadron, Vanth learned who was responsible and why before killing him. Plotting vengeance, Vanth accepted the title of Dreadstar and resolved to join the Monarchy's army.

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - Vanth spent the next two years rising to the rank of captain in the Monarchy's Second Royal Division. He considered Sgt. Milnor one of the best marines he had ever fought beside.

    On the planet Jaxon's Tomb, Dreadstar's orders led Monarchy forces to retake section seven and send the Instrumentality forces there into full retreat. Monarchy casualties were very light, except First Nova Squadron who led the advanced assault wave and were wiped out to the man.

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar - BTS) - Lt. Halea reported to Dreadstar the successful retaking of section seven and the extermination of the First Nova Squadron.

--Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar

: (without ads)

Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar, pg. 24, panel 4 (First Nova Squadron departing after slaughter);
        pg. 27, panel 2 (in downed flyer);
          panel 3 (upper);
          panel 5 (face);
       pg. 28, panel 1 (flyer and body destroyed)

Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (1982) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist), Archie Goodwin & Jo Duffy (editor)

First posted: 10/29/2023
Last updated: 12/04/2023

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