Real Name: Oedi

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Reality-8116) extraterrestrial genetically-engineered ("The People" of Caldor) being;
(approximately 1 million A.D.)

Occupation: Warrior;
    former leader, farmer

Group Membership: Dreadstar and Company (Syzygy Darklock, Vanth Dreadstar, Skeevo Phlatus, Willow)

    minimal former affiliation with the Instrumentality, who created the People and who gave them limited supplies in exchange for their harvest

Enemies: The Monarchy (notably King Nellor and the First Nova Squadron, including Lt. Sandorz)

Known Relatives: Oedi (father, deceased), Lectra (mother, deceased), unidentified siblings (deceased)

    "Kitty Cat" (from Ray Stoner-21194, at least)

Base of Operations:
    formerly the Village, Caldor, Empirical Galaxy

First Appearance: (Seen only in shadows, unidentified) "The Price," Eclipse Graphic Album Series#5 (1981);
Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (1982);
    (identified) Epic Illustrated#15;
   (identity/appearance from Marvel Graphic Novel confirmed)  Dreadstar and Company#5: The Dreadstar and Company Files: Oedi (November, 1985)


Height: Unrevealed ()
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps )



(Dreadstar and Company#5: The Dreadstar and Company Files: Oedi) - Still a child at the time, Oedi, had been watching his father, also named Oedi, and his father's friends at work. 

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar) - The People (including both Oedis) found Vanth and decided to bring him to Delilah, as he was one of her kind. 

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb)) - Oedi and his friends carried Vanth into Delilah's place, and she figured he would be dead by morning from the radium laser.oedi-8116-mgn-face-profile

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar) <Thirty years later> - An alien spacecraft, the Lightcutter II, arrived on Caldor and landed in Mist Valley, carrying the cyborg mystic Syzygy Darklock.

("The Price" (fb) - BTS / Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS / Dreadstar and Company#5: The Dreadstar and Company Files: Oedi) - The now-adult younger Oedi and Minde' observed the ship's arrival -- initially thinking it to be a falling meteor -- and followed his lights to Mist Valley. They noted how for three days the pilot had just sat there, as if he were waiting for someone. 

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - Oedi and Minde' considered that the alien visitor looked somewhat human, although his scent was "wrong" (presumably his mystic and/or cyborg nature) and when he moved they heard a slight metallic sound. They decided to show him to Vanth to see what he thought. 

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar) - Oedi showed amd discussed the vistor with Vanth, and he resolved to visit him and find out what he was up to. Oedi told him to be careful, noting that if anything happened to him, Delilah would skin them alive. 

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar) - After meeting the visitor, Vanth told Oedi and Minde' that his name was Syzygy Darklock and that he was no threat to the People as long as he was left alone.

(Dreadstar and Company#5: The Dreadstar and Company Files: Oedi) - At some point, Syzygy also met and spoke with the younger Oedi, telling him of the Monarchy and Instrumentality war and noting that Vanth was destined to force an end to the war.

(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS)  <A few(?) years later> - The Monarchy's intelligence forces received decades-old information about the Instrumentality's "cat warriors,"  and they resolved that they should destroy them before they were put into action as well as to terminate any scientists they found on the site. 

    Four months later, while Vanth was visiting Syzygy, the Monarchy's First Nova Squadron assaulted the village with orders to terminate all cat people and scientists they encountered. 

    First Nova Squadron slaughtered all of the cat people...

(Epic Illustrated#15) - ...excepting the younger Oedi, who survived.

('Breed III#6 (fb) - BTS) - Ten years prior to the main story (see comments), Oedi "got stuck" in the interdimensional nexus-realm Elsewhere, and his blasters lost their charge during their transport there. Oedi encountered Raymond Stoner of Earth-21194's modern time period, who -mistaking the cat-man for one of the 'Breed (hybrid human-demons, of which Stoner was one but whom he opposed) -- chased Oedi halfway across Elsewhere, trying to kill him. 

('Breed III#6 (fb) - BTS) - Vanth employed Darklon the Mystic to help in retrieving Oedi from Elsewhere, and the two arrived in Elsewhere together. 

('Breed III#6 (fb)) - Upon reuniting with Vanth (see comments), Oedi powered up his blasters off of Vanth's Sword of Icy Fire. 

('Breed III#5 (fb) - BTS) - Wyrd recruited Vanth, Oedi, and Darklon (along with D'jinn the Gargoyle, Kid Cosmos, and the Wayfarer) to assist Raymond Stoner in Elsewhere against an assault by a demon race.

('Breed III#5) - As Raymond Stoner prepared to face the demon forces, Wyrd introduced him to the "Elsewhere Alliance."

('Breed III#6) - Stoner vaguely remembered Oedi, and he explained the reasons for the past assault and apologized after Oedi refreshed his memory. Oedi advised Stoner he would have been a lot more sorry if his blasters had still had their charges back then

    Desiring to maintain his demon father's undivided attention, Stoner sent Oedi to drop a bomb amidst the demon warriors; although believing that prematurely drawing the demons' attentions was a bad idea, Oedi went along with Stoner's instruction, as it was his war. 

    The bomb's explosion led the demons after Oedi, and he used his blasters to cut them down and lead them away from the main group, reporting that he would return once he'd eliminated his attackers, although reinforcements were already pouring in.  

    When Kid Kosmos captured a pair of mystic demons and wondered if Stoner would want them for questioning, Oedi wondered if he was kidding before killing both demons with his blasters.

    After Oedi returned to Stoner and Vanth, Vanth decided that Oedi could watch Stoner's back and went in for deeper mayhem. When Stoner tried to stop him, Oedi assured Stoner that Vanth knew what he was doing and that he would not be overwhelmed as Stoner feared. Vanth confirmed this by generating a devastating power blast with the sword that made Stoner wonder if the sword was nuclear-powered; Oedi noted it to be like magic and that Vanth gotten a lot more deadly with the sword since they ran together. 

    Stoner then led Oedi into the heart of the fight, and eventually the vast numbers slain -- mostly by Darklon and the Wayfarer -- resulted in the appearance of the massive demon leader, with the warrior demons retreating. When Stoner instructed the others to depart while he confronted his father, Vanth countered that he and Oedi didn't run away from fights, and Oedi replied, "I don't?" After Darklon noted that he sensed that Stoner was right in that the battle was for him alone, Vanth accepted this, and he and Oedi departed through Darklon's mystic portal.

Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.

Dreadstar / Reality-8116 primer

'Breed appearance chronology/rambling...

    So, I think ultimately it was that Oedi was trapped there for 10 years, while only a short period of time passed in Reality-8116; Oedi is either long-lived, or perhaps Elsewhere is a timeless limbo, and he didn't age. And, again, maybe Oedi just thought it was a decade or it just seemed like a long time and he was exaggerating.

    The Price was originally published in black and white in Eclipse Graphic Album Series #5 (1981). It was reprinted, with colorized artwork, in Dreadstar Annual#1 (1983) by Epic (the licensed characters/stories division of Marvel)

    I would like to see Oedi someday encounter the cat-demon Bialgesuard.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar, pg. 13, panel 3-5 (Vanth with the junior Oedi and Minde', with both together);

"The Price," Eclipse Graphic Album Series#5 (1981) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist); I don't know who edited it; reprinted in Epic's Dreadstar Annual#1 (1983) it credited Jo Duffy (associate editor) and Archie Goodwin (editor)
Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (1982) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist), Archie Goodwin & Jo Duffy (editor)
Dreadstar and Company#5: The Dreadstar and Company Files: Oedi (November, 1985) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist), Archie Goodwin (editor), Jim Shooter (consulting editor)

'Breed III#5-6 (September-October, 2011) - Jim Starlin (writer, artist), Robert Kirkman (chief consulting editor)

First posted09/02/2022
Last updated: 09/30/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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