TIAMAQ - Great Beasts
    --Marvel Heartbreakers#1

TIAMAT - legendary monster of Mesopotamian myth
    - LEVIATHAN--Ghost Rider III#28

TIAMAT - allegedly a former sister planet to Mars hundreds of millions of years ago, destroyed in a bloody war
    *D*(app-annunaki-aliens)--Silver Surfer IV#7 (7(fb, des)

TIAMAT - extraterrestrial, sent to earth by elders of his race @ 3000 years ago to destroy S’met’kth/Messiah, coming seen by Montgomery, Deadpool was recruited as the Mithras to stop him from destroying S’met’kth, killed Noah Dubois and others of Landau, Luckman, & Lake who sought him out, became obsessed with the destruction of the Mithras/Deadpool, elders gave his weapons to Deadpool when Tiamat lost focus on S'met'kth.
    immensely strong, master of armed and unarmed combat, wore powerful armor
    (app)--Deadpool III#21(pictured), 22 (23-25

TIAMAT of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - occultechnological demon
    --2099 Unlimited#4/2

TIAMET - Undying
    --[Cable I#81], 84, (identified)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#12


TIANA of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - see HELA 2099--Ravage 2099#2

TIAN-GOU - demon-dog associated with Chinese mythology; believed to have eaten the sun during eclipses
    --[Iron Man IV#11]

TIBERIAS of the Hyborian era - Aquilonian(?), soldier at Fort Tuscelan, slain by Swamp Demons of Zogar Sag
    *D* (app-zogar sag)--"Beyond the Black River," Weird Tales#35; Savage Sword of Conan#27 (27d)

TIBET (Attilan, Kamar-Taj, Mount Everest, portal to K’un-Lun )
    (net-china)--Strange Tales I#115

    Also included Eden and Hawkeye
    --Captain America Comics#5; Incredible Hulk#3 (X-Force minus 1?, Hawkeye III#7(fb),8(fb)

TIBORGH - Pheragot captain, attempted destruction of the Axi-Tun
    (app)--Cosmic Powers Unlimited#5

TIBORO - Sixth dimension, humanoid, Lords of the Netherworld, ruled tribe in South America ages ago, waits for earth’s civilization to fall into decadence so he can rule the entire planet, has been opposed by Dr. Strange.
    magical powers, majority of which require his wand
    (2006#11, app)--Strange Tales I#129 (129(fb), 129, [140/2-144/2], [Dr. Strange I#177], 178, Dr. Strange II#35, 54(fb2), 54(fb1), [Dr. Strange III#2/5], Dr. Strange III#48

TICKER ( ) - agent of Headhunter, personal assistant
    (app-hh)--Namor I#7 (9

TICKLER ( ) of Earth-57780, used giant feathers to tickle then steal from people, stopped by Spider-Man
    (app)--Spidey Super Stories#12/2

TICK TOCK (      ) - mutant?, Nightshift, former assistant to Locksmith.
    precognitive abilities limited to seconds, wm, bald, briefly given ability to alter flow of time around others by Satannish
    (U#5,app)--Spider-Woman I#50 (50(fb), [47-49],50, Captain America I#330,331, Solo Avengers#3/2, West Coast Avengers II#40, Avengers West Coast#76-79

TIDAL WAVE DEVICE - invented by Dr. Sam Burley (under duress) and Professor T’Kora for Yellow Claw.
    capable of producing a tidal wave large enough to destroy New York City
    --Nova I#17

TIDE - see BATTLETIDE (app-bat)--Death's Head/Killpower: Battletide I#1

TIEPIN of Earth-Grit - counterpart of Kingpin, inadvertently killed by Dourdevil, who assumed he was Dean Martin
    *D* (app-dourdevil)--Daredevils#8

TIERMES - Russian or Finnish god of war--not in MU  (unless it's the guy from Thor I#300 in the council of Godheads)

TIERRA del MAIZ - Central American country, totalitarian republic, briefly ruled by Diablo until defeated by Alpha Flight
    --Alpha Flight I#102 (103

TIERRA VERDE (Felix Guillermo Caridad, Paolo Caridad, Sister Salvation)
    - Central American country, contained remnants of the deviant mutate Spore
    --Wolverine II#18 (19-23

    --[Amazing Spider-Man An25/3], Spectacular Spider-Man An11/2 (Web of Spider-Man An7/6

TIFFANY ?? - drug overdosed by Mr. Brownstone
    *D*--Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil that Men Do#1 (1d)

TIGER of the Hyborian era - see VLADISLAV, OLIGERD--The Flame Knife; Savage Sword of Conan#31

TIGER (Hughes Aït-Kaci) - Euroforce

TIGER (    ) - member of gang seeking the death of Ted Mankowski

TIGER of the TITANS - defeated by Hercules in ages past, sent against he and Ben Grimm when they entered the castle of Y'androgg.
    --Marvel Two-In-One#44 ([44 (fb)], 44

TIGER AMULETS - empowered Sons of the Tiger and various incarnations of the White Tiger
    --Deadly Hands of Kung Fu I#1

TIGER CLAW ( ) - enemy of Shang-Chi
    (app)--Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu#4 (4(fb), 4, [Master of Kung Fu I#52 (fb)], 52

TIGER DIVISION - see HYDRA TIGER DIVISION (app)--Strange Tales I#136

TIGER GOD - associated with the Jade Tiger amulets, empowered White Tiger
    listed as corresponding to Oshtur in Ian McNee's Catalogue of Corresondences
    --[Deadly Hands of King Fu#1]
, 19?
    Avengers Academy#35-36, 39, Mighty Avengers#3, 7-8, Mighty Avengers: Family Bonding?, Uncanny Avengers#3 (2014), Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders#1-2, All-New Avengers#1 - clarify each series on comicvine
    Avengers VI#0
, New Avengers IV#5-7, 15, 18, Ultimates 2 II#9, 100, Avengers: No Road Home #4

TIGER ISLAND (Tiger's Beautiful Daughter) - one of the Eight Heavenly Realms associated with K'un-Lun

TIGER JANI - circa 1860 AD, monstrously powerful woman, slew Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar II, battled and defeated by the Brahman
    --Immortal Iron Fist#15

    (net-lostgen)--(g) Young Allies#1

    (net-gold)--(g) Daring Mystery Comics#2

TIGER MINN - Sons of Yinsen, former servant promoted into the Twelve after slaying Wong-Chu after the warlord had caused the death of the former Twelve member he had loved; acted as head of the Sons under the control of Ultron / Iron Man Model 16 armor (who posed as Ho Yinsen), presumably slain in the destruction of New Timbetpal
    (app)--Iron Man Annual 2000 (Iron Man III#46-47, 48 d)

TIGER SHARK (Todd Arliss) - Egghead + Helmut Zemo’s Masters of Evil, empowered by Dr. Dorcas by draining powers of Sub-Mariner, further mutated by
    Arlys Tigershark* (I#11, D#13, Namor I#36, OH:AZU#1, app)--Sub-Mariner I#5 (5 (fb), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#13, SubM#5-6, 7, 9/15 (fb), 15-16, 24, 44 (fb), 43-46, Incredible Hulk II#160 (fb), 160, Marvel Team-Up I#14 (fb), 14, Super-Villain Team-Up#1 (fb), 1-3, Ms Marvel#15-16, Avengers I#222, 228 (fb), 228-230, Code of Honor#3, 273,274, West Coast Avengers II#16 (fb), [275], West Coast Avengers II#16, Marvel Comics Presents#53/3(fb), 54/3 (fb), 53/3-56/3, Wolverine II#19 (fb), 19-21, MCP#77/4, Namor#34 (fb), 34-40, 46(fb), 46-47, Fantastic Four I#385, Namor48, F4#386, Nam54-56, 58, Thunderbolts#3 (fb), 33(fb), 3, 25 (fb), 18-20, 24-25, Defenders II#7 (fb), 7, 11, [Alias#26], She-Hulk III#5,6, [New Avengers#1-3/4(fb)], [New Warriors III#1 (fb)], 1, Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America#2, New Avengers#35, Punisher War Journal II#13-15, Thunderbolts: Reason in Madness#1, Deadpool IV#5

TIGERSTRIKE ( ) - Weapon Prime
    (net)--X-Force#11 (12, 13, [14], Northstar#

tiger women of Iraina - worshippers of Ja-Quari
    (app-ir)--Kull the Conqueror III#1

TIGER WYLDE of Earth-928 circa 2099 AD - former member of Alchemax and ruler of Latveria 2099, rebuilt self as cyborg, destroyed by Doom via a Tritonium bomb, rebuilt as android, form destroyed when everything but head sent through time portal.
    *D* (app)—Marvel Comics Presents#118/4, Doom 2099#1 (2-4d, 22-24d)

TIGER's BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER - immortal weapon of ??, participated in the contest at the Seven Cities of Heaven, aided in fighting off Xao and the forces of Hydra, accompanied Iron Fist and the other immortal weapons to Earth
    master martial artist
    --Immortal Iron Fist#8 (11-14, 16

TIGRA - ancestor of Greer, created @ 10th Century from a human woman by Cat People Flavius & Helene, mother of second race of Cat People by the Balkatar at that time, destroyed the Sorcerer’s Guild
    --What If? I#35/2 ( West Coast Avengers II#6(fb)

TIGRA (Greer Grant Nelson) - Avengers, Avengers West Coast, Avengers Infinity, widow of Bill Nelson, initially mutated by Mal Donalbain and outfitted with Cat costume, later mutated into Tigra by Cat People when critically injured;
    served w/ pro-registration forces during super hero civil war, infiltrated Secret Avengers and betrayed them, but discovered by Black Panther
    (I#11,D#13,M, OH: Av, CWBDR)--Giant-Size Creatures#1 (Monsters Unleashed#10/3, Marvel Chillers#3,4, Marvel Two-In-One#19, MarvChil#5-7, Marvel Team-Up I#61(fb), Fantastic Four I#177-179, 181-184, MTU#67, Marvel Premiere#42, Avengers I#211, Silver Surfer III#14(fb), Marvel Graphic Novel: Death of Captain Marvel#1, Av212,213, Captain America I#267, Av214, Uncanny X-Men#155,156, Av215,216, Incredible Hulk II#279, Marvel Super Heroes: Contest of Champions#1,[2,3], Marvel Graphic Novel#16: Aladdin Effect, MTU#125 Spider-Woman I#49,50, Av240(fb), 238, 240,241, She-Hulk II#3(?), West Coast Avengers I#1, Iron Man An7, West Coast Avengers I#2-4, Av250, 253,254, Rom#65,66, IM191, 193, 201, Marvel Graphic Novel#27, West Coast Avengers II#1,Vision & Scarlet Witch II#1,WCA#2,V+SW2, WCA 3, 4, Secret Wars II#5, WCA5, 6,7, 8, 9, SW II#9, Eternals II#12, WCA10, Hulk320-323, WCA11, F4#293,294, WCA12,13, Avengers An15,West Coast Avengers An1, WCA14,15, [Av274], West Coast Avengers#16-24, Meph v...4/Thor I#381, West Coast Avengers An2,Avengers An16, WCA25, 26-28, 38(fb), Iron Man I#226, WCA29, IM227, WCA30-37, West Coast Avengers An#3/2, WCA#39-41, Av302,303, AvAn18/2, IM243, WCA42-46, Avengers Spotlight#23/2, Av305,306,[307],308, Fantastic Four I#333, Avengers West Coast#47-50,52, [56], [63], AvSpot#38, AWC#66-68, AvSpot30, Av329, AWC69(fb),69, Marvel Super-Heroes III#2/5, Excalibur I#37-39, Av332,333, Damage Control III#3, AWC70-74, MCP#162/3,163/4,164/2,165/4, AWC#83, IM284, Av381/2,382/2, Avengers III#1-3, Captain America III#3, Av4, Avengers Infinity#1-4, Thor II#30, Maximum Security#1, Thunderbolts#57, Captain America I#50/5, Tigra#1-4, Marvel Universe: The End#1, 5, 6, MK Spider-Man#6 (fb), Av86-88, GLA#2, She-Hulk II#7, Thing II#8 (fb), 8, [Civil War#2]/She-Hulk II#15, Civil War#3-4, Fantastic Four#539, CW5, Black Panther IV#24, CW#6, [7],, Mighty Avengers#3 Avengers: The Initiative#6, [Ms. Marvel II#18 (fb)], 18-20, New Avengers#35

TIGRE, el (Juan Meroz) - treasure hunter, discovered the Star Stone and the Sacred Pendant of Kukulcan, briefly transformed into the embodiment of Kukulcan until separated from the Pendant, later empowered to serve Man-God (Maa-Gor), attempted to gain greater power via the Mystic Mists, mutated into man-ape form, leapt to his death from a cliff
    Briefly possessed great telepathic and telekinetic powers, later able to control felines
    -KUKULCAN* *D*--X-Men I#25 (26, Ka-Zar: Lord of the Hidden Jungle#3, 4, 5d

TIGRE, el - see SABRETOOTH--Wolverine II#??

TIGRE, el - ship, headquarters of a branch of the Corporation run by Filippo Ayala
    *Des* (app/beet)--[Deadly Hands of Kung Fu#22/2], 31

TIGRESS of the Hyborian era - see CHIA--Sword of Skelos; Savage Sword of Conan#56

TIGRESS WARRIORS - see TIGER WOMEN of IRAINA (app)--Kull the Conqueror III#1

TIGRINA - Cat People, killed Cat Burglar, seeing him as a mouse
    (app-Cat Burglar)--Astonishing I#18/4

TIK TAAK TOE - giant dragon, fought Fin Fang Foom in the past
    --[Marvel Holiday Special 2006#1/2] ([1/2 (fb)]

TIKUAK - Kosmosian, first soldier of the palace guard

TILA - former owner of Tila’s Eden bar until it was destroyed in a fight between Magpie’s gang and Latch, convinced Latch to repay her by taking her to Selpher’s mine, fell in love with him, but it was unrequited
    --Eden's Trail#1 (2-5

TILBROK - ancient animal man, killed by Pangeans, motivated animal people to rebel against Pangeans
    *D*--[Ka-Zar the Savage#29], 31 (31(fb,d))

TILBY, TRISH (Patricia Tilbert) - TV reporter, former girlfriend of Beast/McCoy
    (XM: MC-MF, net)--X-Factor I#7 (8-11, 14, 17, 19-22, 26,27 [28], Cloak & Dagger III#1, Uncanny X-Men#232(fb), XFac29,[30] , 33, UX234, XFac36, 51,52, 56, [UX264], XFac56,57, 59, UX270, [XFac60], UX274, XFac65, UX285, 294, Namor I#54,56, Wolverine II#89,90, X-Men: Prime, Cable II#22, UX323, Venom: Along Came a Spider#1, 3, Venom: The Hunted#1, Onslaught: Marvel Universe, X-Men II#57,58, Sensational Spider-Man#10, X58, Punisher III#16, Venom: On Trial#1-3, UX341-345, 347-350, X70,71, Incredible Hulk Annual 1997/2 Elektra I#19, Spider-Man Unlimited#22, X87, Avengers Annual 1999, X87, Magneto Rex#3, Iron Man III#37, 38(fb), X109, 111, Wolv162, X117, Thunderbolts#57, X125, Marvel Holiday Special 2004/2(fb)

TILDA - Asgardian, Captain of the Crimson Hawks, past romance with Fandral
    (app-crimson)--Thor I#454

TILLER - see EDWARDS, ETHAN--Marvel Knights Spider-Man#18

TILLIE the HUN (Matilda von Tromp) - Band of the Bland, aerobics instructor at Hefty Huggable women’s health club, convinced to rejoin band in order to give out more beating.
    large + strong woman, uses mace + battleaxe, which may mystically enhance her strength
    (app)--Marvel Treasury Edition #12 (She-Hulk II#15-17

TILLIS, CALEB "REB" - head guard at the Cage, sadist, released Mauvais to kill Wolverine, possibly killed by Sabretooth
    --Wolverine II#164 (165

TILLMAN, JENNIFER - girlfriend of Benjamin, rejected Martin Bastinelli
    --Daredevil vs. Punisher#2

TILTON, ROLAND R. ; - head of Tilton enterprises, allied with Keerg in attempt to mine resources of Atlantis
    --[Marvel Team-Up II#8], 9 (10,11

TILTON ENTERPRISES - Roland R. Tilton's company
    --Marvel Team-Up II#9 (10,11

TIM - partner of Captain Wonder during WWII, later adopted Captain Tim as identity after Captain Wonder's disappearance
    *D* (net-gold, app)--(g) Kid Komics#1 (2, The Twelve I#7

TIM ?? - human, disfigured by Masque, allied with Pixie in kidnapping children to protect them from Masque
    (app-pixie)--Ghost Rider III#9 ([9(fb)], 9

TIM ?? - small-time drug dealer, pawn of Zodiak
    (app-zodiak)--Ghost Rider III#19


TIMBER - see HUGH, TIMBER--Tangled Web#13

TIMBERIUS – "evil" Inhumans.
    control plants, tree-like body
    LUPO* (D#6)—Incredible Hulk II An#1(Inhumans III#7(fb), Hulk An1, Fantastic Four I#83, Incredible Hulk II#119,120, Amazing Adventures II#1,2, Silver Surfer I#18, F4#131, [Inh I#1], —Marvel Fanfare I#3 (4)

TIMBERWOLF by NIGHT 2099 of Earth-Amalgam -werewolf by night + timber wolf, legion of galactic guardians I
    --Spider-Boy Team-Up#1

TIMBETPAL - Southeast Asian nation, home to Ho Yinsen, Sun-Tao, and others; invaded by Wong-Chu
    --Iron Man III#S

TIM BOO BA - alien conqueror, tyrant of an unnamed Microworld, seemingly drowned by a tear from child of Earth, later tricked Googam into using Reed Richards' Molecular Compactor to enlarge he and his army, rampaged across Earth until defeated by Elektro, Fin Fang Foom, Googam, and Gorgilla; imprisoned
    *D* (Marvel Monsters, app)--(g) Amazing Adult Fantasy#9; reprinted in Monster Menace#1 (Fin Fang Four#1

TIME's ARROWS - designed by Immortus, sent into past eras by Kang, used to wipe out alternate realities
    --X-Men and Spider-Man: Time's Arrow: Book 1: The Past

TIME AGENTS - see ELF (app-elf)--Defenders I#115, 123

TIME ARROWS - devices used to weed out timelines, used by a renegade Kang
    --X-Men and Spider-Man: Time's Arrow: Book One: The Past, p106

TIME BIKE - device created by Reed Richards, used to track Metron's energy residue, used to travel between Earth-616 and DC Earth dimensions
    capable of cross-dimensional and cross-time travel
    (app)--Avengers/JLA#2 (1(fb), 2(fb), 2

    --Secret Wars II#5 (X-Force minus 1, X-Force I#94(fb3), SecWar II#5->boom boom)

TIME BOMB (Louis Joubert) - Harriers, SHIELD I, reported by Hardcase as killed or badly injured
    (M-har)--Uncanny X-Men#261 ([Wolverine II#139]

TIME-BOT - robot of Dr. Doom, stole Mjolnir for him
    fire beam that transports objects or beings through time
    (aap)--Thor I#409 (410

TIMEBREAKERS (Sovereign and Worker Caste Drones) - discovered the Panoptichron and inadvertently damaged a number of reality, began recruiting Exiles to repair the realities, departed Panoptichron after seeming destruction of Earth-1720 and deaths of their Exiles team
    --[Exiles#1], 62 (63(fb), [1-61], 62-68, 69, [70], 71, 72-73, [75], 77-82, 83, 84, 85-86, 87, Annual#1, Exiles#90-91, 94, 95 (fb)

TIME BROKER - creation of the Caste Drones within the Panoptichron, used to communicate with the Exiles, mediates Exiles, dwells in pocket realm within Limbo, explained the situation and gave them the Talus
    (OH:AoA)--Exiles#1 ( 19, 22, 28, 30, [40], 45?, 48, 59-61, 65, 84-85

TIME BUOY - see LUANN BLOOM--Defenders I# ,119

TIME BUBBLE of Earth-8810 - fifteen year long time barrier to time travel @ 20 years in future, destroyed along with that entire universe when the Galactus of that timeline destroyed himself with the Ultimate Nullifier
    *D* (1990s, FFE, app)--Avengers I#296 (Fantastic Four I#340(fb), [338(fb)], [Thor I#372(fb)], [Av295(fb)], 296(fb), [295(fb)], 296,297, [FF341(fb)]/337, 338, 341(fb)/339+340, 341

TIME DIAMONDS - grew on tree in extraterrestrial planet whose core was unstable and exploded; an asteroid carrying the time diamonds crashed into Earth (definitely -10964 and possibly -616) circa 65 million BC
    (app)--Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1

TIME GEM - Infinity Gems, formerly used by Runner
    --Avengers Annual#7, (identified) Thanos Quest#1 (
    TQ#1,2, Infinity Gauntlet#1,
Rune/Silver Surfer#1, Hardcase23, Ultraforce I#10, Hc26, Ultraforce/Avengers Prelude#1, Avengers/Ultraforce#1, Ultraforce/Avengers#1, Black September Infinity, Thanos#3-6, JLA/Avengers#1-4

TIME GUARDIAN - based at crossroads of time, weakened by chronifact, used Killpower to help recover and destroy it
    (app)--[Motormouth & Killpower#8], 9 (Killpower: The Early Years#1-4, [Mm/Kp#8], 9, [Mys-Tech Wars#1-3], 4, Mm/Kp#12, Dark Guard#1, [2], 3, [4], [Die-Cut vs G-Force#1, 2]

TIME HORN - weapon used by Turner D. Century, designed to fatally destroy the nervous system of those under 65 years old, though it only knocked them unconscious
    (app-turner d. century)--Marvel Team-Up I#120

TIMEKEEPER (Hank Joern) – AIM scientist, leader of an outpost in Venture Ridge, Wyoming, attempted to tap into power of Holly-Ann Ember
    (app)--Marvel Graphic Novel#16: Aladdin Effect (Marvel Universe: The End#2

TIME-KEEPERS (Ast, Vort, Zanth) - beings existing at the end of time, created by He who Remains, allow Uatu his alternate worlds portal, chose Immortus as apprentice & custodian of seven millennia, apparently destroyed by Kang after they attempted to negate the bulk of the timelines to ensure their own existence
    (2006#11, app)--Thor I#282 (245(fb)/Avengers Forever#9(fb)/What If? II#39(fb), Thor I#245, W?39(fb), [39(fb)], Th282(fb)/AvFor8(fb), [Quasar#30 (fb)]/What If II#13?, [AvFor8(fb)/Avengers I#2], [AvFor8(fb)], 8(fb), [8(fb)], [8(fb)/Avengers West Coast#42-44, 48, 50-52], [Avengers West Coast#62], Quasar#26, [Quasar#30(fb)], [W? II#35-38], 39, Avengers: Terminatrix Objective#3, [AvFor8(fb)], 8(fb), 9(fb), 1, [2-9], 10-12, Marvel Universe: The End#2, [Marvel Knights 4#17(fb)], 16-17 

TIMELOZAR - medication patented by Timely, used to treat symptoms of brain cancer, taken by Wong
    --Dr. Strange: The Oath#1

TIMELY - city in Wisconsin, formed in 1901 by Kang posing as Victor Timely, released variety of technological innovations, connected to Chronopolis
    --Captain America Annual#11 (
Avengers Annual#21/6

TIMELY PHARMACEUTICALS (Nicodemus West) - tests experimental drug in India, learns of Nicodemus West, offered him a position in their company in return for not using his magic to heal others, which might put them out of business; they also covered up his involvement with Pavlish & further instructed him to seek out other abusers of the occult arts and to have their powers checked; directed him to destroy Oktid's Elixir and anything associated with it; evidence of activities sent to Matt Murdock and various regulatory agencies by Night Nurse
    --[Dr. Strange: The Oath#1], 3 ([4 (fbs)], [1-2], 3-4, [5]

TIMELY PLAZA - New York building, headquarters of Goodman, Lieberman, Kurtzberg, & Holliway
    --She-Hulk I#2

TIMELY, VICTOR - see KANG (I#6, D#6, M, ME, Young Avengers Director's Cut, OH: Av2005)--Avengers Annual#21/6

TIMELY, VICTOR, Jr. - see KANG (I#6,D#6,M,ME, Young Avengers Director's Cut, OH: Av2005)--Avengers Annual#21/6

TIMELY, VICTOR III - see KANG (I#6,D#6,M,ME, Young Avengers Director's Cut, OH: Av2005)--Avengers Annual#21/6

time machine of John Bentley - built circa 1962 A.D.; used to travel to various periods in the past--Tales to Astonish I#33/2
time machine of Dr. Doom - Fantastic Four I#5
time machine of Professor Dolen - built circa 1959 A.D.; used by Dolen to travel back in time to 6th century Camelot, where his future knowledge led to him becoming Arthur's magician, dubbed Merlin; may have been an alternate reality Camelot vs. just during one of Merlin's many periods of time away from Camelot--Strange Worlds#4/2
time machine of Ed Evans - built circa 1955 A.D.; used to briefly travel to 2055 A.D. of Earth-55979--Strange Tales I#38/4
time machine of Frederick Fenton - built circa 1963 AD; used to travel to Earth-63996's 30th century, where it ran out of power, stranding him there--Journey into Mystery I#96/3
time machine of Frank Haynes - built circa 1959 A.D.; used to travel to Earth-59619s' 2059 A.D. and then back to 1944 A.D.; disintegrated en route to the past--World of Fantasy#18
time machine of Harry Hoomple - based on design by colleague Lucy, resembled a car, used to travel back to a prehistoric era where he was slain by monstrous "cave-men"--Mystery Tales I#10/1
time machine of Ashley Hunt; built circa 1965 A.D.; used to travel to Egypt circa 2699 B.C. to loot tomb of Tut-Kin-Tut where it was buried--Tales of Suspense I#3/1
time machine of Eric Kane - built circa 1963 A.D.; used to travel into distant past where he shot a Neanderthal man that was one of his ancestors, which somehow left him in the form of a Neanderthal man when he returned to the present--Strange Tales I#109/3
time machine of Kara - would-be alien conqueror who sought to conquer the solar system by recruiting great military leaders from history--Adventures into Weird Worlds#3/2
time machine of Otus Kline, sent Kool-Aid Man back to 1773--The Adventures of Kool-Aid Man#2
time machine of Kerwin Kronus - used in an attempt to prevent the creation of the Hulk--Incredible Hulk II#204
time machine of Filbert Phelps - built circa 1962 A.D.; used to travel to one year forward in his own future, which was a void as it apparently did not exist yet--Journey into Mystery I#85/2
time machine of Walter Phelps - built circa 1965 A.D.; used to travel 25 A.D. in hopes of using his advanced tech to become king--Tales of Suspense I#21
time machine of Willy Phelps - built circa 1960 A.D.; used to travel to Earth-45968's 2010 A.D. where it was destroyed--Strange Tales I#68/5
time machine of Simon Stanley - built circa1963 A.D.; stolen by research assistant Jukes who used it to travel 100 years into the past, where he was trapped in immaterial form--Tales of Suspense I#43/2
time machine of Adam Tyler, used to travel to the dystopian future of 2053--Strange Tales I#20/5
time machine of Harvey Wilkes - built circa 1959 A.D.; used by Jason Grubb to travel to 6th century Camelot--Tales of Suspense I#3/2
time machine of Earth-4935 - used by Cable - --Cable II#1
time machine of Clockwise - contained within his armor--She-Hulk II#3
time machine of Future Man-46141 - used to travel back to 1946 with goal of conquering that time period so that people from the future could relocate there--All-Winners Comics#21
time machine of Justin Alphonse Gamble- disguised as a house--Power Man and Iron Fist I#79
time machine of Godwulf of Earth-7484 - --Astonishing Tales II#36
time machine built by XSE's Greystone, exploded killing him and shunting Havok-616 to Reality-1292 ("Mutant X")--X-Factor I#149
time machinery of Immortus - --Avengers I#10
time machine(s) of Kang the Conqueror - --Avengers I#8
or any of his alternate timeline/reality counterparts
time machine of the Leader - used to travel back to Gamma mutate prehistoric man--Incredible Hulk II#283
time machine of Rama-Tut - used to travel from Earth-6311's year 3016 to Earth-616's 2950 B.C.--Fantastic Four I#19
or any of his alternate timeline/reality counterparts
time machine of the Scarlet Centurion - --Avengers Annual#2
or any of his alternate timeline/reality counterparts
time machinery of the Time Guardian - --Motormouth & Killpower#9
time machinery of the Time Variance Authority (TVA) - --
time machine of Zarrko the Tomorrow Man - --Journey into Mystery I#86
time machine of Zelda the witch - --Homer the Happy Ghost I#19/1

time machine - built by neo-Nazis, stolen by Kirby Martell--War Machine I#15
time machine of Arro Gorron of Earth-59591 circa 2469 AD - used to travel back to 20th century of Earth-616--Tales to Astonish I#3
time machine of Derek Welles of Earth-60911 circa 2050 AD - used to travel to 3045 AD--Tales to Astonish I#11/3
time machine of Mary Bobkins of Earth-62184 - appeared in the form of a tree; traveled from presumptive 1980s to 1962 twice, the second time to retrieve the atomic yo-yo left behind by her son, Tommy Bobkins III, and found and formerly held by the young version of her future husband, Tommy Bobkins, Jr.--Amazing Adult Fantasy I#8/4
time machine of Earth-62192 - used by Roderick Kane to escape 51st century and travel to 1962--Strange Tales I#92/2
time machine(s) of Earth-70165 - circa 2889 A.D.; residents disguised time machines in the past as haunted houses; Norman Crane used one to travel back to 1959 A.D., confirming the disguise to be undiscovered--Journey into Mystery#59
time machines of Earth-81244, required sending two pods in opposite directions in time --Rampage Magazine (UK) I#40

TIME MASTER (Elias Weams) - encountered ant-man (Pym), fired at age 65, sought vengeance by creating machine to age others, went on a rampage, but came to senses when inadvertently aged his nephew Billy; surrendered, granted pardon, rehired by old boss
    (1960s, app)--Tales to Astonish I#43

TIME MASTER of Earth-20476 - see KRONUS, KERWIN (app-kronus)--Incredible Hulk II#204

TIME PROJECTOR - device created by Zakka, allowed him to view the past and transport objects or beings to the present to serve him, used to bring forth Attila the Hun, Jack the Tipper, Tutinax, a Neanderthal, and a knight on horseback
    --Eternals Annual#1

TIME QUAKE - events in which Immortus (as the Whisperer) thwarted the effort of the Time Twisters (who were posing as the Time Keepers) to destroy various nexus beings--those causing him to cease to exist as master of time, he became a temporal wave-altering the course of all time, until the Fantastic Four-Powerless injected Immortus’ past self with the Saturnyne Symbiont, decreasing his affinity for temporal energy.
    They used Dr. Doom of Earth-Fantastic Five: Spider-Man, Irondroid of Earth-Ultravision, Thor of Earth-Thor:Thrall of Set, and Wolverine: Lord of the Vampires as their agents
    --What If? II#35 (36-39

TIME RAY - creation of Elias Weems/Time Master.
    Able to age any living thing to a geriatric state, as well as to reverse the effects
    (app-tm)--Tales to Astonish I#43

TIME REVERSAL RAY - created by Calvin Zabo
    generate images depicting past events which the person or persons targeted had enacted.
    (app)--Journey Into Mystery I#105

TIMESHADOW ( ) - mutant, Alliance of Evil, encountered Michael Nowlan in drug rehabilitation facility following action in Vietnam.
    create temporal duplicates, each capable of independent action
    (U#1)—X-Factor I#4(voice), 5 (5(fb), 4-6

TIMESLIP (Rina Patel) - New Warriors.
    able to alter flow of time around her
    (2006#11, net)--New Warriors I#59 (60-63 64/[NW59], 65, 67,68, 72, 75

TIMESLOT - Death Sponsors.
    traverse dimensions, blond haired female
    --Uncanny X-Men Annual#16

TIME SMASHER (    ) - native of alternate future, encountered Merlyn
    ill-defined but vast power
    --Rampage Monthly#40 (42-44

TIME SORCERESS (    ) - Spider-Man video game
    --Amazing Spider-Man Family#6/4 (2009)

TIMESTREAM – the junction point of all time and dimension
    —Deathlok II#32 (33, 34

TIMESTREAM of Earth-7484 (Henry Akai) – former member of Nth Command, employed the Bangers
    (AZU#4, app)--Deathlok II Annual#1 ([Captain America I#289(fb)],Deathlok II#34(fb),34 [Astonishing Tales#36, Cap286-288], Deathlok#32(fb), [34(fb)], [An1(fb)], An1, [Dlok#33(fb)], Dlok27-29,31-34

TIME STRYKE - mini-series set @ 2050 AD, involving Badhand and a dying Dr. Evelyn Necker

TIME TRAVELERS - Microverse, manifestation of Enigma Force, patterned after prince Wayfinder
    featurette in Micronauts I#2
    (app)--Micronauts I#1 (33(fb), 8(fb), Annual#1, Micronauts I#1-3, 6, 8, 10-12, 14, 15, 21-22, 24/2-26/2, 27-30, 32-33, 49, 52, 55-56, 59, Micronauts I#10, 20

TIME-TWISTERS - alternating variants of Time Keepers, original creations of He Who Remains, posed as Time Keepers to dupe Immortus into transforming Scarlet Witch into a nexus guardian, involved in events of Time Quake
    travel backwards through time, destroying it as they go
    (2006#11, app)--Thor I#243 (245(fb)/What If II#39(fb), Thor243(fb), [242],243,244,245, W?39(fb), Avengers West Coast#62, What If? II#35-39, Marvel Universe#2?

TIME VARIANCE AUTHORITY - (Mr. Alternity, Deputy Secretaries, First Secretary, Justin Alphonse Gamble, He Who Remains, Mobius M. Mobius, Mr. Orobouros, Mr. Paradox, Mr. Tesseract, Time Zone manager)
    - immense bureaucratic organization, clones employees and automatically creates computer terminals to monitor alternate timelines, sent Justice Peace back after Zaniac, Reed Richards temporarily deleted their files on earth-616 dimension, thrown into turmoil when kang assisted alioth in breaking into their realm, regulates time travel and temporal anomalies
    Use Justice Peace + others, TVA Police Department, Casey;
    have employed Death's Head (FPA) and Godwulf in the past
    -TVA (2006#11, app)—[Thor I#372], Fantastic Four I#346 (Fantastic Four An24/2, F4#346, 353-354, Fantastic Four An27, Deathlok II#31, [33], What If? II#37-39, Unlimited Access#2, Avengers Forever#9?(fb), Marvel Knights 4#15, 18, She-Hulk II#3-5
    Thor I#245/What If? II#39(fb)

TIME VARIANCE AUTHORITY POLICE DEPARTMENT - accompanied Justice Peace in effort to capture Goldwulf
    - TVAPD--Deathlok II#32

    --Dr. Who Magazine#135

TIME WARP TRAVELER of Comicsville - fake weapon of the Death Master in the storyline of Harvey Norton/White Zero
     (app-comics)--2001: A Space Odyssey#5

TIMHOTEP - Microverse, King of Qarn, father of Lilas, friend of Genis-Vell & Rick Jones
    --[Captain Marvel V#20], 24 (25

TIMM, LAUREN - governess to Thomas and William Maximoff
    --Avengers West Coast#47

TIMMONS, Mr. - Landau, Luckman & Lake, older bm, has warp chamber in shop, employed Dorian + Weasel
    --Generation X#36 (37,38

TIMMONS, MICHAEL - University of Colorado Springs chapter of M.O.N.S.T.E.R., normal human, park ranger at Yellowstone(?), gave Generation X a tour
    --Generation X: Crossroads

TIMMY ?? - son of deceased police officer, feared his mother was an addict, consulted Matt Murdock, learned his mother was diabetic
    --Marvel Super-Heroes III#2/3

TIMOR - home planet of Saurids

TIMORAN - Atlantean traitor (sleeper cell?), slain by Namor
    *D*--Sub-Mariner #1 (2007)

TINA ?? - Penn State, friend of Victoria Anderson
    (app-victoria)--Vision II#

TINA ?? - Al's Diner, heavy set African-American woman
    --New Warriors IV#1 (4, 6, 10

TINAC - former leader of Coalition Fleet, continued attempts at Silver Surfer's life until deposed by Rodor,
    male, blue skin, white hair
    --Silver Surfer III#103 (124(fb), [123]

TINEX of Earth-cable - TIme displacement NEXus, utilized by Cable to return himself and Kane to modern times, contained within Niagra Falls, destroyed by Clan Chosen
    --Cable II#1 (2

TING TANG - weapon of Bombu
    --Marvel Monsters: Where Monsters Dwell#1

TINK (Tinkabelinos Hardleg) - MI-13, fairy dissident, daughter of Oberon; allied with Captain Midlands, Peter Wisdom, John the Skrull & Maureen Raven; established "marriage" with Pete Wisdom as part of peace treaty with the Fairy people
    human-size fairy
    --Wisdom#1 (2-6, Captain Britain & MI-13#2, Captain Britain and MI13#2-4

TINKELBAUM, HENRY "HANK" - Young Allies, nicknamed "Tubby" in the propaganda comic version of the group, lived a good life as a businessman, eventually killed after being hit by a bus
    built like an offensive lineman, with a head like a battering ram
    Keitel* *D*--(Tubby/propaganda version) Young Allies#1; (true version) Young Allies 70th Anniversary Special#1 (
Young Allies#1-20, Captain America: Forever Allies#1-4 (fbs), Young Allies 70th Anniversary Special#1 (fb), 1

TINKER ( ) - ally of Blade.
    skilled at designing equipment and weaponry, legless bm
    --Blade: Vampire Hunter II#1 (2 (named)

TINKERBELLE (    ) - Royalist Forces of America
    --Captain America I#

TINKERER (Phineas Mason) - Survivors Guild, brilliant inventor, constructs weaponry for various super-villains, occasionally undertakes crime on own, created toy, father of Agent (Rick Mason), stabbed in spine by Punisher
    (D#13, M, 2006#11)--Amazing Spider-Man I#2 ([20], [Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes#5(fb)], [AmzSp159],160, [182],183, [Avengers I#179], Incredible Hulk I#238, Spectacular Spider-Man II#53, [Captain America I#319],324, Marvel Graphic Novel: Agent, Amazing Spider-Man#310, Web of Spider-Man#58, Cap369, Alpha Flight I#79, New Mutants I#86, [Cap385/2], Deadly Foes of Spider-Man#1,[2,3], [AmzSp340,341] [Darkhawk#3], [WebSp79], Cage I# , Amz369,370, Spider-Man: Dead Man's Hand#1, Cable II#65, [Avengers III#27],  Secret War#1/2, 1 (fb), [Secret War: From the Files of Nick Fury(fb)], Deadline#2-4(fb),[1],2,[3],4, [Secret War#1-5?], Marvel Knights Spider-Man#6, [12?], Punisher War Journal II#1, 16

"TINKERER's aliens" - green skinned, some served as Thanos-Thralls
    --[Amazing Spider-Man I#2], Captain Marvel I#27

TINNER, Dr. - Former scientist under Dr. Doom, designed failsafe to allow Doom to awaken from Nightmares, also designed device to send several people into the same dream
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents#100/1 ([100/2-100/4]

TINSEL of Earth-93060 ( ) - Exiles-Deming, slain by Bloodbath
    *D* (app)--Exiles (uv) I#1 (2, 3d, 4(sp))

TINTA - Fall People
    --Sensational Spider-Man II#13

"TINY" - see TALBERT, RUSS (app)--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#116

TINY ( ) - King's Crossing, large young farmhand
     (app-king)--Fantastic Four Annual#17

TINY - Canadian? trucker, friend of Joe Bob, assaulted Wild Child, slain by him
    *D* (app-joebob)--Weapon X: The Draft: Wild Child#1 (1d)

TINY DANCER (    ) - Russian agent in similar fashion to Black Widow
    --Enter the Heroic Age#1/3

"TINY E" ( ) – Scourge/Watchtower
    (app-scourge)—Wolverine II#154 (155

TINY TIM of Earth-Nightside - Others, took over the Little People after having Little Bertha killed as part of a plot of the Five

TIPPI CANOE - Native American woman, transported to "Odd Dimension" under unrevealed circumstances, sought to eat Howard but apparently incinerated by reflection of her companion Tyler II's micro-wave beam
    (app)--Crazy Magazine#11/2

TIPPIT, LEONARD - vast power, nearly caused nuclear holocaust, removed from time + space by Watcher
    accessed Destiny Power
    (app)--Avengers I#101

TIPPIT, PIT of the "Age of Legend" - see PIT TIPPIT (app-arak)--Tower of Shadows#7/3

TIPPY-TOE - squirrel summoned by Squirrel Girl to oppose Batroc's Brigade, saved from Maelstrom's vortex, became Squirrel Girl's next partner, joined GLA & GLX with her
    (app-squirrel)--GLA#4 (GLX-MAS Special#1
    Deadpool/GLI - Summer Fun Spectacular#1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/5, 1/7

"TIPTOE" - Kree, killed by Phalanx
    *D*--Nova IV#5 (5d)

TIR-ZARR - Kree warrior, served under Yon-Rogg
    (app)--Captain Marvel I#8

TISCHENKO, - GRU, superior to Black Widow (Belova), conspired with Captain Lubyev to force Belova to become the Widow
    --Black Widow: Pale Little Spider#1 (3

TISHA ?? - former fiancé of Derek McDowell, blamed his obsession with the Frankenstein monster for his abuse, badly burned while trying to destroy the monster
    (app-derek)--Monsters Unleashed#2 ([4]

TISIPHONE - Furies, possessed Paula Harris
    MATRIARCH*, DARK LADY* (app-furies)--Avengers I#50, Ghost Rider III#77 ([GR80 (fb)]/GR92(fb4), [Av50 (fb)], 50, GR77-80

TITAN - moon of Saturn, first colonized by Uranos and followers after ship from Uranus was destroyed by Kree, re-colonized by Mentor and Sui-san after all others were destroyed in a civil war, inhabited by Titanian eternals, contains massive computer ISAAC
    (I#10,D#13)--Iron Man I#55 (
    Ka-Zar V#10, FF545-546, 548-549

TITAN - sea creature from "Atlantis"
    --Tales of Suspense I#28; Uncanny Tales from the Grave#12 (Mighty Avengers#24

“THE TITAN” (unrevealed) – Sleeping caveman inadvertently awoken by Hank McCoy while on African safari; imprisoned in cave.
    – Edições Gep#1

titan - Titans of Olympus, affected inhabitants of Oceanus

TITAN ( ) - Imperial Guard.
    grow to large size
    (I#5,D#6,M)—X-Men I#107 (108,[109(fb)], X-Men: Spotlight on the Starjammers#2, Uncanny X-Men#275, Thor I#446, Avengers West Coast#82, Starjammers#4

TITAN - space shuttle, used by Brood-possessed Simulacra crew to reach Earth
    --X-Men / Fantastic Four#1 (4-5

TITANs (Byrina, Calanda) - race pre-dating the gods of Lemuria
    --Red Sonja III#4

TITANs of OLYMPUS (Coeus, Crius, Cronus, Hyperion, Iapetus, Metis, Mnemosyne, Oceanus, Phoebe, Rhea, Tethys, Theia, Themis) -
Oceanus and Tethys, Hyperion and Theia, Coeus and Phoebe, Cronus and Rhea, Mnemosyne, Themis, Crius,  & Iapetus
    Iapetus and the Oceanid Clymene (daughter of Oceanus & Tethys) bore Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius – members of the second generation of titans. 
    Leto was the daughter of the titans Coeus and Phoebe, a cousin of Epimetheus and the other second generation titans.  She later bore Apollo and Artemis. 
    Helios was the son of Hyperion and Theia, and another cousin of the second generation Titans. 
    Pallas was the son of Crius and the minor sea goddess Eurybia, and another cousin of the second generation titans.  With the River Styx, he fathered Kratos & Bia. 
    The rest (Dione, Ophion, Hecate) are part of a mythology that predated the Olympian scheme (see Pelasgian Creation myth) and were later reincorporated into the Olympian scheme haphazardly. 

    - predecessors of Olympian gods, offspring of Gaea + Ouranos, siblings to the Cyclopes, Hecatocheiroi, Erinnyes/Furies, Giants
    --Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide#1 (fb),

TITANs - see ETERNALs of TITAN (Annihilation: Nova Files)--Iron Man I#55

TITANIA (Davida DeVito) - leader of Grapplers, killed by Scourge
    *D* (D#20)--Marvel Two-In-One#54 (55,56, 58, Dazzler#13, Marvel Two-In-One#96, Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide#1 (fb), Thing I#33d)

TITANIA (Mary "Skeeter" MacPherran) - Helmut Zemo and Dr. Octopus’ Masters of Evil, Frightful Four, Superia’s Femizons, Worthy, empowered on Battleworld by Dr. Doom, wife of Absorbing Man, developed cancer, cured?, briefly given the Power Gem, imprisoned in Ant Farm
    vast strength and durability
    SKIRN* (D#13, M, 2006#11)--Secret Wars I#3 (She-Hulk III#10 (fbs), 10(fb)//3-12, Secret Wars II#7, Avengers #270, 273, Amazing Spider-Man 283, Av275, Iron Man I#238, Captain America I#340, Solo Avengers#14/2?, Marvel Graphic Novel: Avengers: Deathtrap: The Vault, Avengers Spotlight I#26, Fantastic Four I#326-328, 330-333, Guardians of the Galaxy#28,29, Cap411,[412,413],414, Web of Spider-Man#59, Web64,65, AvSpot#29/2, [Cap387,388],389-391,[392], Thor I#436, She-Hulk II#49, Th447,448, Thunderstrike#16, [Avengers Unplugged#3],4, Marvel Valentine Special#1/4, Amz429, Heroes for Hire#17, Thor II#14(fb), Fantastic Four III#22, Thor II#25-27, Captain America III#50/5, Thor55, She-Hulk I#10(fb), 9, 10-12, Underworld#4-5, Amazing Spider-Man#533, Marvel Holiday Special 2006#1, FF547-549, She-Hulk II#21, [She-Hulk II#22 (fb)], 22-23

TITANIA - pet cat of Diana Hetherington
    --Captain Britain and MI13#12 (13

TITANIA of Otherworld - Queen of the Fairies?, mother of Tink?, locked inside a mountain by husband? Oberon

TITANIC THREE (Crimson Dynamo, Radioactive Man, Titanium Man (Bullski))
    - briefly joined forces to act as authority figures in Vietnam
    (app)--Avengers I#130 (130(fb), 130, Giant-Size Avengers#4(fb), 4, Iron Man I#74, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3

TITANIS - Eternal, summoned to the Grandmaster’s orbiting base to serve as potential candidate for his game against Death. bf
    (app)--Marvel Super Heroes: Contest of Champions#1([2,3]

TITANIUM - Elements of Doom
    --Avengers Collectors Edition#1

TITANIUM MAN (Boris Bullski) - Remont 4, Russian, enemy of iron man, manipulated green liberation front, transformed into card and shredded, reformed by
    posed as member of the Hammer, attacked Stark's space station, later tried to foil Iron Man's efforts to destroy the Stuart-Barnes 2 comet, lost in space, employed by Tony Stark to assault him during the Metahuman Investigations Meeting in order to prove the value of allowing superhumans freedom to act as needed
    great strength, wore large suit of armor
    OTHER*, BUTCHER*, "Andy Stockwell" (I#11, D#13, 2006#11, IM)—Tales of Suspense I#69 (70,71, 81-83, 93,94, Iron Man I#22, Avengers I#130, Giant-Size Avengers#4, IM73, Champions#7-10, IM113, 132,134,135, [Thor354,355,357],358, Soviet Super Soldiers#1, Captain America/Fury: Blood Truce, Secret Defenders#12-14, Iron Man An13/2(fb), [IM#314],315-317, [Iron Man III#83(fb)], 83, Amazing Spider-Man II#530-531

    —X-Men vs Avengers#1 ( Iron Man I#229d)

TITANIUM MAN (Corp. Gennedy Ovinnik) -
    --Iron Man: Legacy#4 (5

TITANNUS - armored skrull mutate, brainwashed by king of the Trellions and sent to Earth, believed that he was seeking champions on Earth to help revive his inert lover Amissa, pummeled Sunfire when confronted by him, battled a number of heroes, tore off his own head when Amissa condemned him, but head began to regrow during which time he was placed under the mental control of Tokyo scientists who sent him to rampage in the USA
    immensely strong and durable, vast regenerative abilities
    (2006#11)--Marvel Team-Up III#2 (12(fbs), 2, 4-6, 7-9, 10-13, 20, 22, 24-25

TITANO - immense crustacean living at the ocean's floor, caused tidal waves off the coast of Japan, attacked ships off of Hawaii, led by Commander Hartnell to be trapped in an iceberg in the arctic by a submarine painted to look like a giant squid
    able to rip a ship in half with its claws
    (app)--Tales of Suspense I#10

TITANOS - first city of Eternals, built on Arctic mountains, decimated during civil war between Kronos and Uranos, rebuilt better than before, almost completely destroyed by experiment that destroyed form of Kronos and further empowered the other Eternals
    --Captain Marvel I#29 (What If? I#24/2

"TITANS THREE" - brief alliance of Hulk, Namor, & Silver Surfer to prevent Nuclear Weather Control station from becoming operative; pre-cursor to the Defenders
    --Sub-Mariner #34 (35)

TITAN TIME PROBE - creation of Sagittarians, sent to Earth to capture form of Bruce Banner for evaluation after he deactivated their Planet-Destroyer
    --Incredible Hulk II#111

TITHE (Sandra Morgan) - mutant, Hellfire Club Inner Circle member
    (app)--X-Men Legacy I#217 (Wolverine: Origins#29

TITHE COLLECTOR ( ) - over 100 years old, collected debt to Candra owed by Thieves and Assassins Guilds
    --Gambit I#1 (Gambit III#12, GamIII#9(fb), Gam I#1, Rogue I#2, GamIII#9, 12(fb)

TITO of the Hyborian era - shipmaster of the Argus, Conan ally, slain by Odongo of the Tigress' crew
    *D* (app)--Conan the Barbarian I#58

TITO ?? - owner of the Velvet Lounge
    --She-Hulk II#9

TITO ?? - driver of Matt Murdock
    --Daredevil: Father#5

TITO ?? - Death Reign
    *D*--Terror II#4 (4d)

TITUBA - @ 1691, slave from West Indies (Barbados), ensorcelled by Dracula and sent to take vengeance among people of Salem Massachusetts for the death of Charity Brown, @ 1692, resulting in the Salem Witch Trials
    (app-charity)--Dracula Lives#1/2

TITUS GERMANICUS - Roman officer circa 200 AD, battled Worms of the Earth, ultimately betrayed Bran Mak Morn, resulting in his death
    --Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth

TITUS SULLA - Roman officer @ 200 AD, crucified a Pict, prompting Bran Mak Morn to summon the Worms of the Earth against him, slaughtered by them
    *D* (app-bran)--Worms of the Earth; Savage Sword of Conan#16/4 (17/4

TITYUS - prisoner of Tartarus, stretched over nine acres of the underworld while two vultures fed on his liver, which regenerated back with each lunar cycle;
    son of Zeus and Elare, grew to giant stature while raised by Gaea, father of Europa, grandfather of Euphemus; allegedly encouraged to rape Leto for Hera, slain by Apollo and Artemis
    (app-tartarus)--Thor Annual#19

TIURNO, POL of the Hyborian era - Nemedian weaponsmaker, worked for Count Nerval in Corinthia, but secretly betrayed him to Baron Gorbeck, designed osprey costume to fly, slain by Conan
    Brilliant inventor, wore feathered wings and razor-sharp talons
    OSPREY**D* (app)--Savage Sword of Conan Magazine#108 ([108(fb)], 108d

TIVAN, MATANI - wife of the Collector, mother of Carina, died of apathy, briefly resurrected by Grandmaster’s bet with debt, but again succumbed to apathy
    *D* (app)—Avengers I#174 ([Silver Surfer I#3 (fb)], Av174(fb,dies), Surf4(res,d)

TIWAZ (Buri*) - possibly created by energy of Demiurge, great-grandfather of Thor, grandfather of Odin, father of Bor, lives on outskirts of Asgard, giant
    <Born One - translation> BORRI?--Thor I#353( New Mutants I#83,84

TJ - Backdoor Boys, escaped from Globally Branded Content.com
    --Howard the Duck III#1 (2

 T'KAL of Reality-77119 - Rumati race, king
    --Silver Surfer: Requiem#3 (2007)

T.K.O. - Hellbent, female, killed by Manx
    superhumanly fast punching ability
    *D* (app-hellbent)--Marc Spector: Moon Knight#53d

T’KORA - Wakandan, prominent scientist, mind-controlled by Yellow Claw to develop tidal wave device
    --Nova I#13

TLAANGO - extraterrestrial, submissive part of psycho-sexual relationship with Master/Caffrey, sought vengeance after he was killed by Karl Coven, directed Ulzak’s army to him
    (app)--Captain Marvel VI#10 ([11], 12

T.M.A.N. - The Minority Action Network
    --X-Factor II#2

T'MANJA BERRIES - Skrullian food
    --[Avengers: The Initiative#14]

"T'MUNEE" - influential African allied with Sir Guy Cross-Wallace
    (app-crosswallace)--Marvel Comics Presents#74/2 (75/2, 77/2

T'NAJA BEASTS - creatures in Skrull Empire
    --Avengers: The Initiative#15

TNNEYA - Enslavers, consort of Mrrungo-Mu
    LAY TNNEYA* (app-enslaver)--Marvel Graphic Novel: Silver Surfer: Enslavers

    (app-snakeroot)--Daredevil I#319

TNTNT of Earth-93060 (Tyrannosaur, Naiad, Torso(d), Neuronne, Tugun, Taboo)
    --Strangers (uv)#3

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