Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Magical being, apparent reanimated corpse/unliving being (see comments)

Occupation: Former guardian of the Ebony Blade

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Black Knight (Dane Whitman);
    presumably Merlin and/or the Black Knight (Percy of Scandia)

Enemies: The Guardian challenged those who drew the Ebony Blade from its scabbard in a battle to the death, and he fought to force such beings to prove their mettle, although he appeared to wish a worthy candidate to succeed.                                                                          .

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed (perhaps Avalon/Otherworld);
    formerly Garrett Castle (formerly Bridgewater Castle and Castle Scandia), near Stroud, England

First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes II#17 (November, 1968)


Powers/Abilities: Gigantic in stature (nearly 8' tall per the Black Knight (Dane Whitman)'s estimation), the Guardian was powerfully built and wielded a large, spiked mace on a chain, which he could use to shatter solid stone walls with a single blow.

    The Guardian was powerfully built, but its green color and its skeletal facial features made him appear to be either a decomposing or unliving being or perhaps a reanimated corpse.

    The Guardian was presumably affected by some spell that kept him alive/existing in some form -- although apparently decaying somewhat -- until a worthy successor obtained.

Height: Unrevealed ("almost 8' tall" by the Black Knight's estimation)
Weight: Unrevealed (at that height with that build, he would be around 530 lbs. assuming human composition)
Eyes: Unrevealed (possibly none; his face was skull-like but his eye-regions were shaded and only shown as black; just before fading to dust, his head was an eyeless skull; eye color while a living being is unrevealed)
Hair: Unrevealed (likely none, but he wore a helmet; hair color in life is unrevealed)


Marvel Super-Heroes II#17 (fb) - BTS) - The Guardian of the Ebony Blade lied dormant within Garrett Castle for over a millennium (see comments), presumably awakening any time the Ebony Blade was drawn from its wall-locked hand.guardian_ebony-blade-msh17-defeated

(Marvel Super-Heroes II#17 (fb) - BTS) - Nathan Garrett apparently attempted to pull the Ebony Blade from its wall-locked hand-held scabbard, but was presumably judged unworthy and was unable to do so.

(Marvel Super-Heroes II#17 - BTS) - Dane Whitman, the Black Knight, traveled to England's Garrett Castle, which he had inherited from his uncle, Nathan Garrett (his predecessor as the Black Knight, albeit a criminal incarnation).

    Whitman lit the Brazier of Truth, summoning the spirit of his ancestor, Sir Percy of Scandia, the Black Knight of Camelot. Guided by Percy to the wall-locked hand holding the scabbard containing the Ebony Blade, Whitman drew the Ebony Blade.

(Marvel Super-Heroes II#17) - The wall then shattered, and the immense Guardian emerged and informed Whitman that as he had drawn the Ebony Blade, he must now defeat its eternal guardian or face death.

guardian_ebony-blade-msh17-disintegrating    The Guardian then swung his mace, shattering the wall by Whitman and drawing him out of his consideration of what had drawn him there and causing him to wonder aloud if he would survive.

    The Guardian advised him that his survival rested on his decision, and Whitman reasoned that the choice before him was whether to use the Ebony Blade on his foe, who seemed already unliving or his weapon.
Correctly choosing the Guardian's mace, Whitman used the Ebony Blade to cleave it in twain.

    The Guardian then informed Whitman that he had guessed rightly, and that his own guardianship of the Ebony Blade, and that the enchanted sword was now Whitman's.

    He then noted that it was time for the sleep that never ended, and he collapsed, his flesh and then his bone fading away to dust.

Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, Howard Purcell, and Dan Adkins.

    The Official Marvel Index to the Avengers#3 (October, 1987) describes the Guardian as "a large demon armed with a magic mace." The caption described it as a "living, loathsome entity" and an "ageless menace," while Whitman considered it to be unliving. He also referred to Whitman as "mortal" and "man of flesh and blood" which would indicate that the Guardian was not mortal.

    I'm not sure that the Guardian is a demon, it seemed to be a valiant spirit who wished the Black Knight to succeed so he could end his long watch.

    I'd think it was some long-dead knight of Camelot, chosen to wait and guard the Ebony Blade, perhaps granted superhuman size and power but gradually decaying in the process. Or perhaps he was a native/agent of Avalon/Otherworld.

    At the time of the original story, no one had held the Ebony Blade since Sir Percy, and it was stated that the Guardian had lain dormant for over a millennium (from 6th century Camelot to the mid-20th century) but that has been retconned over time, starting with Eobar Garrington, the Black Knight of the Crusades, but we've subsequently seen Sir Henry and Sir William as active during time periods with guns and cannons. Perhaps each of the Black Knights faced the Guardian, but he otherwise lay dormant beyond these minutes of challenges? Or maybe the Ebony Blade was removed from Garrett Castle at some point, perhaps by Sir Raston (who may have escaped without destroying the Guardian's mace, and the Guardian couldn't leave the castle?), and then only returned after the last person before Whitman wielded it, such that the Guardian hadn't truly revived in over a millennium. Or perhaps, if Eobar Garrington revived him, the sliding timescale will make it over a millennium in 2187 AD). Or...dorcas farkas...

Per the Grand Comics Database:

Possible inkers who assisted Adkins include Tom Palmer (pages 2-3); Dick Ayers (pages 16, 17, 20) and Paul Reinman (page 22).

Staff artists who made alterations throughout the book include Marie Severin, Herb Trimpe and John Romita, who redrew Dane Whitman's face throughout most of the story. Info per Nick Caputo, March 2013.guardian_ebony-blade-msh17-wall-locked-hand

What is the wall-locked hand, you may ask...well-------------------------->

    This profile was completed 2/10/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.

Profile by Snood.

The Guardian of the Ebony Blade
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)

Marvel Super-Heroes II#17, pg. 9, panel 1 (main image);
       pg. 10, panel 1 (mace - wall smash);
          panel 3 (mace, cleaving);
          panel 4 (defeated);
          panel 5 (skull in dust)

Marvel Super-Heroes II#17 (November, 1968) - Roy Thomas (writer & associate editor), Howard Purcell (penciler; see comments), Dan Adkins and Co. (see comments; inker), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 09/03/2021
Last updated: 08/30/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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