Real Name: Bethel Doan
Identity/Class: Human variant (Hidden race);
possibly hybrid human Elderspawn (see comments for Serpent Men of Starkesboro)
Occupation: Former student
Group Membership: Serpent Men of Starkesboro
Affiliations: Ethan Stoddard (at least former fiance), Ebora, Lemuel Joad, N'Gabthoth, Set, Shuma-Gorath, Sligguth
Enemies: Dr. Stephen Strange;
presumably Ancient One (Yao), Clea, Johnny Frames, Wong
Known Relatives: Ethan Stoddard (at least former fiance)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Apparently the dark hills outside Starkesboro, Massachusetts;
formerly Starkesboro, Massachusetts;
formerly a "rooming house" in Manhattan, New York;
formerly Salem State College (presumably Massachusetts, see comments)
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere#4 (September, 1972)
Powers/Abilities: Bethel had unspecified education and knowledge from his university training.
As one of the "serpent men of Starkesboro," she had subtle reptilian features, including scales on her skin and a green palor (and perhaps narrowed/vertical pupils).
She spoke with sibilance, hissing her "s" sounds.
Whether she was poikilothermic (cold-blooded) or had any other reptilian features is unrevealed.
She was influenced to do the will of Sligguth.
Height: Unrevealed (she was almost a full head shorter than Ethan, who seemed to be about the same height as the 6'2" Dr. Strange, so perhaps 5'2" - 5'4")History:
Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Bethel Doan was born and raised in Starkesboro.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Bethel and her fiance, Ethan Stoddard, left Starkesboro and went to Salem State College, and later to New York City for graduate studies.
(Marvel Premiere#4 - BTS) - Ethan had a "rooming house" in Manhattan. It is not specified, but it seemed that he and Bethel had separate homes, which would fit for an unmarried couple from a conservative town in the early 1970's.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Beth's thesis was on the occult arts in America, and some of her work touched on Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Stephen Strange, and his work.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) <2 months before the main story> - Bethel decided to return to Starkesboro to continue her research at the local library, which had a lot of books other places did not, such as the Thanatosian Tomes.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb)) - As Bethel left, she assured Ethan that she would only be gone for a few weeks, but he told her that he had never liked their hometown, as so few had seemed to escape it, and that he had thought they had accomplished this. He further told her that he had a strange feeling about it, and he told her repeatedly not to be long. She assured him that she would not, and she promised to write every day.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Beth's letters to Ethan began to half-coherently discuss dark gods and forbidden
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) <3 weeks before the main story> - Bethel's abruptly stopped writing letters to Ethan, and his letters were returned unopened. Ethan was certain that they were in love, and that this cessation of contact was related to something from her research.
(Marvel Premiere#4 - BTS) - Ethan recruited aid from Dr. Strange to rescue his fiance.The next day Ethan questioned the librarian about Bethel's whereabouts, first being ignored before receiving an invitation to leave town with the outsider he had brought in.
(Marvel Premiere#4) - Ignoring this, Ethan entered the
library and found Bethel. Although she heard him calling her, Beth
remained silent initially, after which she also advised him to depart
with his outsider friend. When Ethan forced a confrontation with Beth, he
was shocked to see how she had taken on the "Starkesboro look" as
(Marvel Premiere#5 - BTS) - Ghe townspeople chanted in an ancient language and in ever more deep and reptilian voices as Sligguth and his priestess, Ebora, arrived.
Remotely/apparently aided by the Ancient One, Strange broke free from his chains and, via multiple spells invoking various mystic principalities, drove off Sligguth.
Ebora then urged the "Spawn of Sligguth" to assault Strange (who was weakened from his struggle with Sligguth) and they swarmed over and battered him. Calling on the Vapors of Valtorr, Strange pained and drove off his attackers, after which he headed down the tunnel in pursuit of Sligguth.
(Marvel Premiere#5 - BTS) - Sensing the danger to Strange and the Ancient One, Clea traveled to Dr. Strange's sanctum, confirmed the nature of the threats to her allies, and then led Wong to join her in traveling to Starkesboro.
After the Vishanti suspended the town's evil aura, Strange drove Sligguth from his lair.
(Marvel Premiere#6 - BTS) - Strange apparently slew Sligguth, which awakened N'Gabthoth, the Shambler from the Sea, who headed to the surface.
Arriving in Starkesboro, Clea and Wong encountered Johnny Frames, but all three were captured by townspeople under Ebora's influence and brought up the sacred cliff to N'Gabthoth's roost and then manacled them to the altar. Ebora then called to N'Gabthoth, who overpowered the weakened Strange when he arrived to rescue his allies. Strange virtually exhausted himself shattering the altar and free the captives, who engaged the serpentine townspeople. The Ancient One's astral self then merged with Strange, shielding him from the town's aura and allowing Strange to eventually destroy N'Gabthoth.
(Marvel Premiere#6 (fb) - BTS) - At some point after Strange's first driving off N'Gabthoth, and perhaps not until after Strange's apparently killing N'Gabthoth, the people of Starkesboro (including presumably Ethan and Bethel) fled back into the dark hills.
(Marvel Premiere#6) - With N'Gabthoth's death, Starkesboro's evil aura lessened, and Strange swiftly regained his strength.
Comments: Created by Archie Goodwin, Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith, and Frank Brunner.
After playing a major role in Marvel Premiere#4, Bethel Doan wasn't
seen or mentioned again in the rest of the arc. Archie
Goodwin & Roy Thomas wrote #4, and then Gardner F. Fox took over
for the rest of the arc, but Roy Thomas remained the editor throughout.
Somewhat oddly, in #6, Johnny Frames appeared with a very similar
back-story about his fiance, Deborah, having been drawn back into editorial note even referenced the similarities.
Bethel Doan originally had a sub-profile under the Serpent Men of Starkesboro, 02/15/2002.
Profile by Snood.
Bethel Doan should be distinguished from:
Marvel Premiere#4 (September, 1972) - Archie Goodwin & Roy Thomas
(writers), Barry Windsor-Smith (pencils), Frank Brunner (inks), Roy
Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere#5 (November, 1972) - Gardner F. Fox (writer), Irv Wesley (pencils), Don Perlin (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere#6 (January, 1973) - Gardner F. Fox (writer), Frank Brunner (pencils), Sal Buscema (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
First posted: 01/29/2023
Last updated: 01/29/2023
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