Real Name: Elejea
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate
Occupation: Handmaiden
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Mr. Bixby, Captain America (Steve Rogers), Gorgon (Gorgon Petragon), Inferno (Dante Pertuz), Iso (Xiaoyi Chen), Marista, Frank McGee, Ambassador McIntyre, Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin), Mendicus, Minxi, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Naja, Gabriela Pertuz, Sterilon, Thor (Thor Odinson), Triton, Vinatos
Enemies: A.I.M., Lash, Lineage (Gordon Nobili), Tribe (Grove, Kacy, Mother Bones)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New Attilan
First Appearance: Inhumans II#5 (March, 1999)
Powers/Abilities: After emerging form the Terrigen Mists, Elejea possessed green skin and white eyes, and the power to create a force field in the air, which can be overloaded by concussive energy.
Height: 5'9'' (by approximation)
Weight: 130 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: White; previously black irises with yellow sclera (see comments)
Hair: Black
History: (Inhumans
II#5) -
Elejea accompanied Mendicus and another Inhuman female to the United
Nations and watched as he acted as ambassador for the Inhumans. He met
with Ambassador McIntyre and Mr. Bixby.
(Inhumans II#6) - Elejea accompanied the weary Mendicus
back to Attilan, where he reported on human politics. She was worried
about his fragile state.
(Inhumanity I#2)- After Attilan's fall, handmaidens Minxi and Marista joined Elejea in tending to Medusa at Avengers Tower. Elejea reported that the clean of Attilan's ruins were ongoing and that the Inhumans were working with other superheroes. Later, she reported that humans were stealing and experimenting on some Inhuman cocoons before they opened.
(Inhuman I#2) – In New Attilan, Elejea informed Queen Medusa that Captain America was there for a visit. Elejea soon informed Medusa of a problem outside the city, where A.I.M. was attacking. Elejea informed Medusa that she'd received requests from many major networks for interviews then Elejea showed in Lineage.
(Inhuman I#3) – Elejea tried stopping Lineage from approaching Medusa but he showcased his powers to channel his ancestors' memories through his skin and Medusa allowed him to continue.
(Inhuman I#4) – In New Attilan, Elejea
was shot by some
Inhuman gunmen in front of Medusa, Thor and Inferno. Vinatos was
summoned to treat her. Elejea stabilized in the hospital, where Medusa
visited her later.
(Inhuman I#8) – Frank McGee talked to Elejea about
Auran's death then made the choice to give the news to her twins.
(Inhuman I#9) – Elejea welcomed Sterilon, Lineage, Frank McGee, Triton, Ms. Marvel, Inferno, Gabriela Petruz, Gorgon, Naja and others to the funeral for Vinatos. Medusa shockingly entered, her personality having been inverted by a spell, and she cruelly flung Vinatos' coffin out into the river. Later, Elejea was present when Medusa declared war on the humans.
(Inhuman I#12) – After the
forces of Ennilux were defeated, Medusa sent Elejea with Inferno and
Naja to greet Iso, a new Inhuman among them.
(Inhuman I#13) – Elejea flanked Medusa with Triton and Lineage proposed they go investigate a Kree base that Black Bolt had destroyed. Elejea followed Medusa, McGee and Triton through the door with Lineage but Lineage soon stranded them there, leaving them to face the forces of Lash and his Tribe (Grove, Kacy, Mother Bones, others) on their own.
(Inhuman I#14) – Elejea fired guns during the fight with the Tribe then used a light shield to protect the others from a power blast by Lash. Elejea held up as long as she could but her shield was soon overwhelmed and she was killed.
Comments: Created by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee.
In her original appearance, Elejea had black eyes before a yellow background but they were stark white in her later appearances. She also had spikes on the sides of her face that later disappeared.Profile by Chadman.
Elejea has no known connections to:
Inhumans II#5-6 (March-April, 1999) - Paul Jenkins
(writer), Jae Lee (penciler/inker), Jimmy Palmiotti, Joe Quesada
Inhumanity I#2 (March, 2014) - Matt Fraction (writer),
Nick Bradshaw, Todd Nauck (pencilers), Scott Hanna, Tom Palmer
(inkers), Nick Lowe (editor)
Inhuman I#1-3 (June-September, 2014) - Charles Soule (writer), Joe
Madureira (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Inhuman I#4 (October, 2014) - Charles Soule (writer), Ryan Stegman
(artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Inhuman I#8 (January, 2015) - Charles Soule (writer), Pepe Larraz
(artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Inhuman I#9 (February, 2015) - Charles Soule (writer), Ryan
Stegman (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Inhuman I#12 (April, 2015) - Charles Soule (writer), Ryan
Stegman (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Inhuman I#13-14 (May-June, 2015) - Charles Soule (writer), Andre Lima
Araujo (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
First Posted: 08/08/2020
Last updated: 08/08/2020
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