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Membership: Axis Annie, Fräulein Fatale, Madame Mauser, Penny Panzer;
formerly Vichy Vixen

Purpose: Sabotage, espionage, murder & thievery

Affiliations: Icon (Baron Blood, Brain Drain, Count von Blitzkrieg, DoctOrangutan, Geist, Hollow Men, Fritz Krone and his robots, Leopard Woman, Planner, Dieter Skul, Spider-Queen, Geoffrey Sydenham, Vunderknight, others);
formerly Third Reich (Nazis)

Enemies: Avengers Initiative (Blonde Phantom/Louise Mason, Dominic Fortune, Nick Fury, Kraven/Sergei Kravinoff, Powell McTeague, Namora, Sabretooth/Victor Creed), Liberty Legion (Blue Diamond/Elton Morrow, Miss America/Madeline Joyce, Whizzer/Robert Frank)

Base of Operations: Sao Paolo, Brazil;
formerly mobile

First Appearance: Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (August, 2009)


(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - Working for Nazi scientist Brain Drain the Übermädchen infiltrated the Hogarth Shipyards in the US as a team of electricians to incorporate Brain Drain's mind-control technology into the new attack-transport ship USS Markham's communications system so all soldiers and sailors on board would fall under Nazi control during their voyage over to Europe.

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1) - Miss America infiltrated the shipyard to find the saboteurs. After catching Axie Annie the others revealed themselves and when the Übermädchen were not strong enough to overpower Miss America on their own, Madame Mauser used Brain Drain's mind-control tech to send the workers wearing helmets, secretly connected to Brain Drain's tech, against Miss America. The Übermädchen knocked out all guards, chained up Miss America after the mind-controlled workers had caught her, and planned to blow up everyone who had seen them, so they could continue their mission afterward. The workers not under mind-control united to take on the Übermädchen and defeated them. Miss America broke her chains and took the gas canisters, which were going to blow, up into the sky where they could blow up without injuring anybody. Back down the female workers had already chained up the Übermädchen and called the army to pick up the saboteurs.

(Avengers 1959#3 (fb) - BTS) - After the war Axis Annie, Madame Mauser, Frälein Fatale and Penny Panzer hid out in Sao Paolo, Brazil for fourteen years.

(Avengers 1959#4 (fb) - BTS) - They were sent skull medallions by Geoffrey Sydenham to join his organization Icon and regrouped when they heard that others who had received these medallions where protected from imprisonment.

(Avengers 1959#3) - Provided with a gunboat the Übermädchen assaulted Nick Fury and Blonde Phantom on their way to Madripoor on the Indian Ocean. The Übermädchen captured the speedboat of Fury and Blonde Phantom, but only outnumbered them for a short time. McTeague and the Avengers Victor Creed, Dominic Fortune, Namora and Sergei Kravinoff arrived with their ship to come to Fury and Blonde Phantom's aid against the former Nazi women. McTeague chained them up in magic chains and Namora carried them on to the Avengers' ship.

(Avengers 1959#4) - Still chained up the Übermädchen were taken to the southwestern shore of Madripoor where the Avengers interrogated them. Creed had Axis Annie at her throat and was told by Fury to back off. Fury then interrogated Annie by himself, learning from her that the skull medallions had appeared in their respective apartments in Sao Paolo out of nowhere. They regrouped because they had heard that the others receiving these medallions where protected from going to prison. Fury then gave Creed the permission to kill the Übermädchen. (see comments)

Comments: Created by Jen Van Meter (writer) & Andy MacDonald (artist).

The spelling devil is strong with the Übermädchen. Umlaute are not used in English and therefore are a bit of a problem for writers using them. Übermädchen became Ubermadschen in Avengers 1959. Übermädschen would work as well if Fury had a German dialect from....I don't even know where they say Mädschen, but I've heard it before.

"Mädchen" means "girl" or "daughter" (the latter is usually Tochter, but it can work in some rare cases), so I guess their group name is supposed to translate to "Supergirls".
--Ron Fredricks

Copyright infringement not intended!
--Markus Raymond

Not much to say about Axis Annie. Another character with Axis in the name and your typical Aryan dreamgirl at that. It kind of seemed like she took over leadership in Avengers 1959 or maybe she was deemed the weakest with the absence of Vichy and therefore was the one interrogated.

Frälein Fatale is an obvious play on Femme Fatale. Frälein is German for miss so she was actually Miss Fatale. She was called Fraulein Fatale in Avengers 1959 because the umlaut was missed.

Madame Mauser was named after the famous German weapons manufacturer. She was originally called Mauzer, but in Avengers 1959 it was corrected to Mauser. Her hair color had changed from blonde to black. Her weapons of choice were guns possibly manufactured by the manufacturer she took her name from.

Penny Panzer wore a traditional dirndl in her first appearance. She filled it out pretty well and would've fit right in at the annual Oktoberfest in Bavaria.

Vichy surrendering first was so French. Racist stereotypes still work! ;)

I wouldn't put it past Victor Creed to kill a bunch of women, but I doubt the others present would just go along with it....though I am not sure who would want to stop him from killing former Nazis.

If it was me I would identify these Timely Comics Nazi female spies (named & unidentified) as the Übermädchen: Elsa [Captain America Comics#41 (8/44) Human Torch story], Maria [USA Comics#3 (3/42) Captain Terror story], Stephanie (Stefanie in German) [Marvel Mystery Comics#50 (12/43) Human Torch story], unidentified [Daring Comics#9 (Fall/44) Sub-Mariner 3rd story (used Betty Dean's name)], unidentified [Marvel Mystery Comics#60 (12/44) Sub-Mariner (escape tunnel under the building/house is how she could survive)] & unidentified [Marvel Mystery Comics#74 (7/46) Patriot story] or Ingavon Leche [All-Winners Comics#5 (Sum/42) Destroyer story] or Elinor von Drei [Marvel Mystery Comics#44 (6/43) Human Torch story] or Baroness Elsa von Kampf (Baroness Battle in english) [Miss Fury Comics#6 (Win/44-45), 7(Fall/45) Miss Fury].

Profile by Markus Raymond.

The Übermädchen have no known connection to:

Axis Annie should not be confused with:

Fräulein Fatale should not be confused with:

Madame Mauser should not be confused with:

Penny Panzer should not be confused with:

Vichy Vixen should not be confused with:

Axis Annie

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - Axis Annie was a German spy. She joined the Übermädchen to work for Nazi scientist Brain Drain undercover as Mary at the Hogarth Shipyards to incorporate Brain Drain's mind-control system into the USS Markham's communications system.

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1) - When Miss America exposed the Übermädchen Axis Annie was knocked around by Miss America before Madame Mauser used Brain Drain's mind-control tech to send the workers wearing helmets, secretly lined with the tech, to capture Miss America. Annie then knocked out a few guards, chained up Miss America and kept the free workers at bay while the mind-controlled workers disengaged the valves on gas canisters to blow up everyone that knew about the Übermädchen's true identities. The free workers showed their courage and defeated the Übermädchen even without Miss America's aid. They then chained up the Übermädchen while Miss America got rid of the damaged gas canisters.

(Avengers 1959#3 (fb) - BTS) - After the war Axis Annie hid out in Sao Paolo, Brazil for fourteen years.

(Avengers 1959#4 (fb) - BTS) - When she and the other Übermädchen were sent skull medallions by Geoffrey Sydenham they regrouped after hearing that others receiving these medallions were protected from imprisonment.

(Avengers 1959#3) - The Übermädchen attacked the speedboat of Nick Fury and Blonde Phantom with their gunboat on the Indian Ocean. The Avengers (Victor Creed, Dominic Fortune, Namora, Sergei Kravinoff) and McTeague came to the aid of Fury and Blonde Phantom and defeated the Übermädchen. McTeague chained them up and Namora took them onboard the Avengers' ship.

(Avengers 1959#4) - Taken to the southwestern shore of Madripoor Axis Annie, still chained up, was interrogated. Fury held back Creed from killing her and then interrogated Annie, who revealed that the medallions they were wearing just appeared at their apartments one day and they regrouped because they had heard these medallions where like a get out from jail card. Afterward Fury gave Creed permission to kill the Übermädchen.

--Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, Avengers 1959#3-4

Fräulein Fatale

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - Fräulein Fatale was a German agent, who joined the Übermädchen to work for Nazi scientist Brain Drain undercover as Phyllis at the Hogarth Shipyards to incorporate Brain Drain's mind-control system into the USS Markham's communications system.

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1) - When Miss America exposed the Übermädchen Fatale knocked out some guards, but then was no match against Miss America until Madame Mauser used Brain Drain's mind-control tech to send the workers wearing helmets, secretly lined with the tech, to capture Miss America. Fatale kept the free workers at bay while the mind-controlled workers disengaged the valves on gas canisters to blow up everyone that knew about the Übermädchen's true identities. The free workers showed their courage and defeated the Übermädchen even without Miss America's aid. They then chained up the Übermädchen while Miss America got rid of the damaged gas canisters.

(Avengers 1959#3 (fb) - BTS) - After the war Fräulein Fatale hid out in Sao Paolo, Brazil for fourteen years.

(Avengers 1959#4 (fb) - BTS) - When she and the other Übermädchen were sent skull medallions by Geoffrey Sydenham they regrouped after hearing that others receiving these medallions were protected from imprisonment.

(Avengers 1959#3) - The Übermädchen attacked the speedboat of Nick Fury and Blonde Phantom with their gunboat on the Indian Ocean. The Avengers (Victor Creed, Dominic Fortune, Namora, Sergei Kravinoff) and McTeague came to the aid of Fury and Blonde Phantom and defeated the Übermädchen. McTeague chained them up and Namora took them onboard the Avengers' ship.

(Avengers 1959#4) - Still chained up Fatale was taken to the southwestern shore of Madripoor. She overheard Axis Annie's interrogation and Fury giving Creed permission to kill the Übermädchen.

--Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, Avengers 1959#3-4

Madame Mauser

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - Madame Mauser was a German agent, who had a run-in with Miss America in Finland. She became the leader of the Übermädchen, who worked for Nazi scientist Brain Drain undercover at the Hogarth Shipyards to incorporate Brain Drain's mind-control system into the USS Markham's communications system. Mauser worked as foreman Lucy at the shipyards.

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1) - When Miss America exposed the Übermädchen Fatale knocked out some guards, but then was no match against Miss America until Madame Mauser used Brain Drain's mind-control tech to send the workers wearing helmets, secretly lined with the tech, to capture Miss America. Fatale kept the free workers at bay while the mind-controlled workers disengaged the valves on gas canisters to blow up everyone that knew about the Übermädchen's true identities. The free workers showed their courage and defeated the Übermädchen even without Miss America's aid. They then chained up the Übermädchen while Miss America got rid of the damaged gas canisters.

(Avengers 1959#3 (fb) - BTS) - After the war Madame Mauser hid out in Sao Paolo, Brazil for fourteen years.

(Avengers 1959#4 (fb) - BTS) - When she and the other Übermädchen were sent skull medallions by Geoffrey Sydenham they regrouped after hearing that others receiving these medallions were protected from imprisonment.

(Avengers 1959#3) - The Übermädchen attacked the speedboat of Nick Fury and Blonde Phantom with their gunboat on the Indian Ocean. The Avengers (Victor Creed, Dominic Fortune, Namora, Sergei Kravinoff) and McTeague came to the aid of Fury and Blonde Phantom and defeated the Übermädchen. McTeague chained them up and Namora took them onboard the Avengers' ship.

(Avengers 1959#4) - Still chained up Mauser was taken to the southwestern shore of Madripoor. She overheard Axis Annie's interrogation and Fury giving Creed permission to kill the Übermädchen.

--Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, Avengers 1959#3-4

Penny Panzer

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - Penny Panzer was a very strong beer-loving German agent, who got locked up in England. She was released when nobody could believe that she had taken down so many soldiers on her own. She became a member of the Übermädchen and infiltrated the Hogarth Shipyards for Nazi scientist Brain Drain to incorporate his mind-control system into the USS Markham's communications system.

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1) - When Miss America exposed the Übermädchen Penny fought her in hand-to-hand combat, but Miss America was far stronger than her and tossed Penny against Mauser. Madame Mauser used Brain Drain's mind-control tech to send the workers wearing helmets, secretly lined with the tech, to capture Miss America. Panzer knocked out a few guards then chained Miss America to gas canisters. Mind-controlled workers disengaged the valves on the gas canisters to blow up everyone that knew about the Übermädchen's true identities, but the free workers showed their courage and defeated the Übermädchen even without Miss America's aid. They then chained up the Übermädchen while Miss America got rid of the damaged gas canisters.

(Avengers 1959#3 (fb) - BTS) - After the war Penny Panzer hid out in Sao Paolo, Brazil for fourteen years.

(Avengers 1959#4 (fb) - BTS) - When she and the other Übermädchen were sent skull medallions by Geoffrey Sydenham they regrouped after hearing that others receiving these medallions were protected from imprisonment.

(Avengers 1959#3) - The Übermädchen attacked the speedboat of Nick Fury and Blonde Phantom with their gunboat on the Indian Ocean. The Avengers (Victor Creed, Dominic Fortune, Namora, Sergei Kravinoff) and McTeague came to the aid of Fury and Blonde Phantom and defeated the Übermädchen. McTeague chained them up and Namora took them onboard the Avengers' ship.

(Avengers 1959#4) - Still chained up Penny was taken to the southwestern shore of Madripoor. She overheard Axis Annie's interrogation and Fury giving Creed permission to kill the Übermädchen.

--Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, Avengers 1959#3-4

Vichy Vixen

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - Vichy Vixen was a French Nazi collaborator. The Queen of Thieves as she was also known as joined the Übermädchen, who worked for Nazi scientist Brain Drain undercover at the Hogarth Shipyards to incorporate Brain Drain's mind-control system into the USS Markham's communications system. Vichy was known as Rita at the shipyard.

(Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1) - When Miss America exposed the Übermädchen Vichy was glad she could finally talk some French again. She tried to stab Miss America with a knife, but failed. Madame Mauser used Brain Drain's mind-control tech to send the workers wearing helmets, secretly lined with the tech, to capture Miss America when Vichy and the other Übermädchen proved not strong enough to take down Miss America. Vichy then kept the free workers at bay while mind-controlled workers disengaged the valves on gas canisters to blow up everyone that knew about the Übermädchen's true identities. The free workers then showed their courage and defeated the Übermädchen even without Miss America's aid. Vichy was the first to surrender and was chained up along with the other Übermädchen while Miss America got rid of the damaged gas canisters.

--Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1

images: (without ads)
Avengers 1959#3, p17, pan3 (main image; left to right: Penny Panzer, Madame Mauser, Axis Annie, Frälein Fatale)
Avengers 1959#3, p16, pan2-5 (head shot; left to right: Axis Annie, Madame Mauser, Frälein Fatale, Penny Panzer)
Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, p11, pan5 (Madame Mauser)
Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, p12, pan2 (Vichy Vixen, Axis Annie & Frälein Fatale images)
Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, p17, pan4 (Penny Panzer)

Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (August, 2009) - Jen Van Meter (writer), Andy MacDonald (artist), Stephen Wacker (editor)
Avengers 1959#3-4 (January-February, 2012) - Howard Chaykin (writer/artist), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)

First Posted: 04/25/2015
Last updated: 03/27/2018

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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