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Membership: Mayhem (leader), Bird, Buck, "Gut", Nitro, North, "South", Trench, Vienna, Zoot

Purpose: Mercenary

Affiliations: Mayhem, Minister Carson, unidentified general

Enemies: Death's Head (Freelance Peacekeeping Agent), Equadorian rebels, Gowse, Marshall Lek

Base of Operations: Mobile on Earth-5555 circa 8162 AD

First Appearance: Death's Head I#5 (April, 1989)


(Death's Head I#6 - BTS) - Sudden Impact was an elite killing force used for secret missions by its leader Mayhem.

(Death's Head I#5) - While fighting hundreds of rebels in Equador, Mayhem and Sudden Impact were ordered by a general to break off their mission and return home for a vitally urgent job.

(Death's Head I#6 - BTS) - Minister Letterman arranged for Gowse to testify during a senate hearing. This evidence would greatly discredit Letterman's rival minister Carson, who hired Sudden Impact to permanently silence Gowse.

(Death's Head I#6) - Mayhem and Sudden Impact attacked the home of Marshall Lek, who was guarding Gowse along with his deputies and Death's Head. Sudden Impact made short work of Marshall's men, but proved no match for the mechanoid bounty hunter. Death's Head effortlessly killed seven Sudden Impact members before facing Mayhem, who immediately opened fire. Death's Head dodged his barrage and leapt behind Sudden Impact's battle tank. Mayhem ordered Vienna to run Death's Head over, but he picked up the tank and hurled it at Mayhem, who barely got out of the way. Thinking Mayhem was the sole surviving Sudden Impact member, Death's Head got ready to finish him off too. Instead of fighting, Mayhem dropped his gun and told Death's Head he had succeeded in his mission anyway. He then asked a puzzled Death's Head how many Sudden Impacters he had killed. Counting eight, Mayhem assured him there were nine. At that moment Nitro blew up Gowse. Having failed in his mission, and losing his fee in the process, Death's Head let Mayhem, who was more than willing to have the mechanoid join a new incarnation of Sudden Impact, leave. Death's Head refused, claiming it to be against his principles.

Comments: Created by Simon Furman, John Higgins & Richard Starkings.

Profile by MarvellousLuke


Bird has no known connections to:

Buck has no known connections to:

Nitro has no known connections to:

North has no known connections to:

Trench has no known connections to:

Vienna has no known connections to:

Zoot has no known connections to:


Deaths Head pulled Bird from her sky-cycle and turned off his boots jets as they passed over the wall Trench was standing on. They landed directly on top of Trench, and the wall collapsed. Killing both instantly.

--Death's Head I#6


Buck attempted to deal with Death's Head using his flame-thrower, but failed miserably. Death's Head killed him, and threw his body at Mayhem's feet.

--Death's Head I#6


"Gut" sneaked up on Death's Head trying to shoot him, but Head using his internal sensors registered the attacker and launched a missile at the him without even turning his head, killing him instantly.

--Death's Head I#6


Nitro was the only member who managed to dodge Death's Head and kill the witness by blowing him up.

--Death's Head I#6


North and his companion smashed their way in through the window, only for Death's Head to hurl them back out again, killing them.

--Death's Head I#6


"South" and her companion smashed their way in through the window, only for Death's Head to hurl them back out again, killing them.

--Death's Head I#6


When Death's Head shot Zoot out of mid-air it was Trench who shot Death's weapon attachment clean off, but he was killed when Death's Head took a wall down on him in a fight with Bird.

--Death's Head I#6


Vienna was present on the Equador mission when Mayhem was called by the general. In the main battle Vienna tried to run Death's Head over with his tank, but the tank wouldn't move no matter how much Vienna tried. Death's Head picked the tank up and hurled it at Mayhem. Vienna died in the wreckage.

--Death's Head I#5 (Death's Head I#5-6


Zoot was present on the Equador mission when Mayhem was called by the general. In the main battle Death's Head was shot by Zoot, but recovered and blasted him off his sky-cycle, killing him.

--Death's Head I#5 (Death's Head I#5-6

images: (without ads)
Death's Head I#6, p2, pan4 (Mayhem with Sudden Impact)
Death's Head I#6, p4, pan5 (Bird)
Death's Head I#6, p16, pan5 (Buck)
Death's Head I#6, p4, pan1 ("Gut")
Death's Head I#6, p4, pan3 (Nitro)
Death's Head I#6, p2, pan1 (North)
Death's Head I#6, p4, pan3 ("South")
Death's Head I#6, p3, pan5 (Trench)
Death's Head I#5, p22, pan1 (Vienna)
Death's Head I#6, p4, pan2 (Zoot)

Death's Head I#5 (April, 1989) - Simon Furman (writer), John Higgins (art), Richard Starkings (editor)
Death's Head I#6 (May, 1989) - Simon Furman (writer), Liam Sharp (pencils), Paul Marshall (inks), Richard Starkings (editor)

First Posted: 08/28/2013
Last updated: 08/15/2013

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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