Real Name: Kristina Suggs

Identity/Class: Human mutant

Occupation: Adventurer, former terrorist

Group Membership: None;
    formerly S.W.O.R.D. (Armor/Hisako Ichiki, Avalanche/Dominikos Petrakis, Abigail Brand, Frenzy/Joanna Cargill, Manifold/Eden Fesi, Paibok, Ruckus/Clement Wilson, Zorn/Shen Xorn), Mutant Liberation Front (Cannonball/Sam Guthrie, Dragoness/Tamara Kurtz, Forearm/Michael McCain, Reaper/Pantu Hurageb, Rusty Collins, Skids/Sally Blevins, Jon Spectre of Earth-4935, Strobe/Juliana Worthing, "Stryfe"/Domino of Earth-5014, Sumo/Jun Tenta, Tempo/Heather Tucker, Wildside/Richard Gill, Zero)

Affiliations: Beak (Barnell Bohusk), Bling! (Roxy Washington), Briquette, Domino (Neena Thurman), Doop, Eye-Boy (Trevor Hawkins), Hairbag (Shaun Suggs), Kylun (Colin McKay), Maggott (Japheth), Marrow (Sarah), Mur-G'nn, Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), Stacy X (Miranda Leevald), Stryfe (Cable clone), Toad (Mortimer Toynbee), Wiccan (Billy Kaplan-Altman), X-Force (Cable, Caliban, Cannonball, Domino, Meltdown, Shatterstar, Sunspot, Warpath)

Enemies: Dormammu, Mindless Ones, Skornn, X-Factor (Havok, Multiple Man, Polaris, Quicksilver, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane), X-Men (Iceman, Psylocke, Rogue, Storm)

Known Relatives: Kris Anderson (Slab, brother), Shaun Suggs (Hairbag, husband; see comments), unidentified mother

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly the Peak, S.W.O.R.D., Earth's orbit;
    formerly Detroit, Michigan (place of birth)

First Appearance: New Mutants I#86 (February, 1990)

Powers/Abilities: Thumbelina possesses the ability to compress her molecules, shrinking herself while retaining her physical strength.

Height: variable
Weight: variable
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Pink


(New Mutants I#86) - Six silhouetted figures, Thumbelina included, commit acts of terrorism in order to have imprisoned mutants Rusty Collins and Sally "Skids" Blevins freed.

(New Mutants I#87) - The Mutant Liberation Front stormed a secret energy research station. While accelerated through Tempo's powers, Thumbelina shrank herself and entered the bomb, where she attached the cables and began the countdown. She and the other members escaped with Zero before the explosion. After reporting to their leader, Stryfe, Thumbelina and her teammate Wildside were ordered to remain at the headquarters while the rest of group is sent to retrieve Rusty and Skids.

(X-Force I#1) - At the Mutant Liberation Front's headquarters, Thumbelina was ordered by Stryfe to contact Zero in order to have the other members of the team teleported to safety.

(X-Factor I#77) - Thumbelina and her teammates Forearm, Tempo, Wildside, and Reaper were teleported inside a secured facility where her brother Slab and his associate in the Nasty Boys, Hairbag, were kept. While her allies battled the guards, Thumbelina rushed off to find Slab. She was able to sneak up to a guard unnoticed, growing to full height and knocking him unconscious. She then found Slab and escaped through one of Zero's portals.

(X-Force: Killshot Anniversary#1) - Thumbelina and the Mutant Liberation Front were plucked from the time stream by Stryfe to distract Cable and five different X-Force squadrons, each gathered across various points in time. Aboard his Asteroid S, Stryfe planned to eradicate the planet but was thwarted by the heroes. With Stryfe defeated, Thumbelina and the others presumably returned to their point of origin.

(X-Men II#15) - During a battle with the X-Men, Thumbelina witnessed her only friend in the MLF, Dragoness, get knocked out of the sky by Rogue. Slab tried to console Thumbelina, but the pair were immediately defeated by Iceman, who encased them in ice.

(X-Force II#4) - Thumbelina and the newly re-formed Mutant Liberation Front stood beside the new Stryfe as he killed the Administrator.

(X-Force II#5) - The Mutant Liberation Front allied themselves with X-Force to battle Skornn.

(X-Force II#6 - BTS) - Thumbelina was presumably defeated in the battle with Skornn.

(Domino Annual I#1/4) - Thumbelina took part in the first "Mindfulness for Mutant Appearances" meeting, a support group created by Nightcrawler and Domino to help mutants with non-humanoid appearances cope with their negative body images. When Domino was late, the group started with their sharing circle Thumbelina listened while the others talked. Kylun expressed unease about the presence of villains like Thumbelina, Toad and Briquette. Nightcrawler quickly explained the group was a safe space for everyone, adding that he, as a highly decorated X-Man could deal with anyone in the room. The dust hadn't even settled when Briquette questioned why the gorgeous, regular looking Miranda Leevald was there. Thumbelina watched in awe as Miranda revealed herself to be the depowered former X-Man Stacy X. After losing her mutant powers, she'd been hanging on by a thread to find a reason not to give up. As if on cue, Domino showed up, assuring Miranda of her place amongst them. The meeting ended with the group affirmation they deserved to be alive.

(Last Annihilation: Wiccan & Hulkling#1 - BTS) - Thumbelina became a S.W.O.R.D. operative when the galaxy came under attack by the dread Dormammu. Dormammu had taken possession of Ego the Living Planet and launched a galaxy-wide attack.

(Last Annihilation: Wiccan & Hulkling#1) - Thumbelina and several other S.W.O.R.D. operatives were called upon to fight alongside Wiccan and Mur-G'nn against Dormammu's forces. Together the group of super humans opposed a seemingly never ending army of Nameless Ones.

(X-Men Before the Fall: Mutant First Strike#1) - When the Heritage Initiative (funded by Orchis) deployed a dirty bio-engineered mutant bomb to destroy Milford's suburban Granite Town, Krakoa decided to send a large Krakoan Response Team to deal with the situation. Thumbelina was one of the many Krakoans who joined the mission and together with Triage and Somnus was responsible for providing medical aid. While on site, Thumberlina shrunk down in size to enter the bodies of harmed individuals and patch them up, she repaired seven lungs, a pancreas plus thirteen hearts. In the end the Krakoans successfully restored the town and its inhabitants while uncovering the true culprit.

Comments: Created by Louise Simonson (writer), Rob Liefeld (penciller) & Bob Wiacek (inker).

Married by accident! It was already known that Thumbelina was Slug's sister, but she received the same last name as Slug's teammate Hairball. With everything we know about her she is probably married to Hairball.
--Markus Raymond

Her real name was revealed as Kristina Suggs in the Mutant Liberation Front's profile in OHotMU A-Z Hardcover#8.

In X-Force: Killshot Anniversary#1 (November, 2021) the Mutant Liberation Front was plucked from the timestream, but it's rather difficult to pinpoint their point of origin. The team consists of Wildside, Reaper, Forearm, Tempo, Thumbelina and Dragoness not a combination that was seen anytime before without others. It made most sense to place these events after X-Factor I#77 but this could surely change in the future. --MarvellousLuke

Domino Annual I#1/4, X-Force: Killshot Anniversary#1, Last Annihilation: Wiccan & Hulkling#1 and X-Men Before the Fall: Mutant First Strike#1 entries by MarvellousLuke.

Profile by Clint Theron.

Thumbelina has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
Domino Annual I#1, p25, pan3 (main image)
X-Factor I#77, p10 (using powers)
X-Force II#4, p23 (part of the Mutant Liberation Front)

New Mutants I#86 (February, 1990) - Louise Simonson (writer), Rob Liefeld (penciller), Bob Wiacek (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
New Mutants I#87 (March, 1990) - Louise Simonson (writer), Rob Liefeld (penciller), Bob Wiacek (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Force I#1 (August, 1991) - Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza (writer), Rob Liefeld (penciller, inker), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Factor I#77 (April, 1992) - Peter David (writer), Larry Stroman (penciller), Al Milgrom (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men II#15 (December, 1992) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert (penciller), Mark Pennington (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Force II#4 (January, 2005) - Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza (writer), Rob Liefeld (penciller, inker), Mike Marts (editor)
X-Force II#5 (February, 2005) - Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza (writer), Rob Liefeld (penciller, inker), Mike Marts (editor)
Domino Annual I#1/4 (September, 2018) - Leah Williams (writer), Natacha Bustos (pencils, inks), Chris Robinson, Jordan D. White (editor)
Last Annihilation: Wiccan & Hulkling#1 (September, 2021) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Jan Bazaldua (pencils, inks), Kat Gregorowicz, Darren Shan, C.B. Cebulski (editors)
X-Force: Killshot Anniversary#1 (November, 2021) - Rob Liefeld (writer, pencils, inks), Chad Bower (writer), Mark Basso (editor)
X-Men Before the Fall: Mutant First Strike#1 (June, 2023) - Steve Orlando (writer), Valentina Pinti (pencils, inks), Jordan D. White (Editor)

First Posted: 01/29/2006
Last updated: 08/04/2024

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