ranshi_empire-2775-cab80-malanawayteamRANSHI EMPIREranshi_empire-2775-cab81-spacefleet

Membership: Captain Holdyne, Kriven, Malan, Controller Sandella Ranshi, Ranshi Emperor

Purpose: Conquest of the Milky Way Galaxy;
    formerly the destruction of the Harmonists and their timeline (Reality-22073)

Aliases: None

Affiliations: Cable (Nathan Summers/Nathan Dayspring Askani'son), Eyla Cire and the other Harmonists of Reality-22073 in Reality-616's modern era, Eliminators;
he Ranshi Empire ruled thousands of star systems and trillions of lives.

Enemies: Formerly the Harmonists of Reality-22073 (notably Eyla and Manuel Cire)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly the timeship Conquest give miles above Manhattan but out of sync with Reality-616's modern era by one second;
    formerly Earth-2775, progressing from the modern era to 4004+ A.D.;

First Appearance: Cable II#78 (April, 2000)

Powers/Abilities: The Ranshi Empire ruled thousands of star systems and trillions of lives.

    The had advanced spaceships and weaponry enabling them to conquer other races in their galaxy.

    The Ranshi utilized time travel technology (and presumably a variation allowing them to travel to alternate realities in their same time period).

    Their Conquest ship notably utilized time travel technology and could detect chronotronic energies of other time travelers.

    They could teleport down to a planetary surface from at least five miles above ground and back again.

    They could appear between seconds, glimpsed only as a flash of light to outside observers.

    In addition to advanced personal weaponry, they utilized the Eliminator robots in warfare..

    An unspecified number of the Ranshi are mutants, but those mutants rule the empire.


(Cable II#82 (fb) - BTS) - In Reality-2775, circa 2000 A.D., Cable saved Randall Shire (possessed by the Undying known as Semijan (see comments) and seeking to gain control over humanity via mind-control and a message of peace and harmony) from an assassin (Domino/Neena Thurman possessed by the Undying Aentaros).

    Shire went on to establish a single global nation.

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Over centuries, Shire's domain became known as the Ranshi (a shortening on RANdall SHIre) Empire.

(Cable II#82 (fb) - BTS) - Over the centuries, the Ranshi Empire conquered the Milky Way Galaxy.

(Cable II#81 (fb)) - By 4000 A.D. (and likely some time before that), the Ranshi Empire stretched from one end of the galaxy to the other. Earth ruled the cosmos.

(Cable II#81 (fb)) - The Ranshi considered their empire to be the most glorious empire in all history.

(Cable II#81 (fb)) - Three mysterious strangers (the Fates) warned the Ranshi Emperor that their empire and their every existence was imperiled, as events taking place 2000 years in the past would split the timeline and that the Ranshi Empire was but one of two possible futures.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi soon learned that the Earth of the other timeline was known as Harmony, which they considered to be a decadent world of peace. As Harmony posed a threat to their empire, the Ranshi resolved that Harmony must be destroyed.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS / Cable II#81 (fb)) - The Ranshi Empire warred with the Harmonists, but with little success.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi believed that only one of their realties could exist and that the other would be a shadow that would vanish as a result of their war.

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the Ranshi learned that a man known as Cable was the nexus for the divergence.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi realized that victory in their era meant nothing but rather that it was the past was critical.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire resolved to send agents into the past to preserve their timeline at the expense of the Harmonists' timeline.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire ship Conquest traveled to the modern era of Reality-616. Maintaining a steady phase dislocation of one second ahead of normal time, their ship floated five miles above the island of Manhattan, New York.


(Cable II#78) - With the Conquest remaining undetectable to current technology, the Ranshi identified a faint chronotronic energy field somewhere in the city. They suspected 1-2 time travelers and they incorrectly believed these to be Harmonists scouts sent ahead of their main force. The Ranshi sought to pinpoint the location of these suspected scouts.

    Having studied this ancient technology, Malan and his agents (including Kriven) as well as team of Eliminators were transported down to Earth. 

(Cable II#78 - BTS) - An agent of the Ranshi may have been at the coffee shop Babel's when Cable met with his romantic interest Stacey Kramer, departing as they conversed. 

     After Cable left Babel's, a bright light shown from above, incapacitating his telekinesis and causing his technoorganic virus to rage out of control.

(Cable II#79 - BTS) - The Fates mystically appeared before Cable, vaguely advising him of imminent threats of the Ranshi Empire and Harmonists (with representatives of both posted -- including Sandella Ranshi and the Eliminators -- but not identified).

(Cable II#79) - As two of the Ranshi tracked Cable, one them (wearing some advanced eye/headgear) confirmed their target to be the source of the chronotropic energy they had detected, although they wrongly assumed him to be a Harmonist and were not aware that he was Cable.

     Malan noted that they had set up their ambush in an abandoned warehouse on the next block, and that Kriven would serve as the bait.

     He stressed that they wanted to be certain that the target was alone and that they must be certain that he could neither escape nor warn his friends of their presence in this time period, as they wanted to remain undiscovered as long as possible. 




   Rushing into an alley, Kriven called out for help, and Cable followed her through a doorway that sealed as soon as he passed through it. 

     As a number of Eliminators confronted Cable, Malan told him to surrender or die.

     Appreciating this to be the second test of which the Fates had warned him, Cable fought his way past the robots and confronted Malan, advising him to explain or be decapitated.

     Appreciating Cable to be a mutant, which meant he was not a Harmonist (who had long ago eliminated mutations in their people), Malan teleported away, and the Eliminators (and almost certainly the rest of his team, although they were not shown) vanished with him, leaving a confused Cable wondering what had just happened.

ranshi_empire-2775-cab80-attackparty(Cable II#80) - In the year 4004 A.D., Ranshi agents and Eliminators attacked a celebration in Niers, Harmony, which was attended by Cable (who had been somehow transported to Harmony after the Ranshi ambush in the modern era). ranshi_empire-2775-cab80-splitsecondambush

     Cable rushed to engage the attackers, but he had to use a telekinetic force field to save himself from an Eliminator's energy blast, which somehow hurtled him back to the modern time period, and he emerged in his safehouse a millisecond after he had been pulled forward in time.

    In the Ranshi ship five miles above Manhattan, one second out of phase with Reality-616, Sandella chastised Malan but gave him one more chance to capture their target.

    As Cable met with Clarity, the Ranshi locked onto his signature, and Malan's team transported just as the Aentaros-possessed Blockade broke through the wall to attack Cable.

(Cable II#80 / Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Appearing between seconds, Holdyne ordered Cable to surrender and he would not be harmed but that he would be destroyed if he resisted.

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Holdyne blasted Cable with his weapon on "maximum stun" and transported Cable aboard the Ranshi ship, where he was placed in restraints.

(Cable II#81) - As Cable began to recover, Holdyne detailed their captive's mutant powers of telelpathy and telekinesis, both of which were being controlled by their dampers.

    As Sandella questioned her captive, Malan -- having scanned the vids of their mission -- rushed in and informed Sandella that right before they had appeared, one of their captive's opponents had called him "Cable."

     Recognizing the name Cable as the nexus of the divergence (see comments), Sandella ordered him sent back to the instant after he was removed, and she insisted that they had to minimize any damage to the time stream.

(Cable II#81 - BTS) - Cable's associate Irene Merryweather noted that he had seemed to flicker "like some sort of giant light bubble" right before his battle with Blockade. Clarity reviewed that battle, which his agents Greg and Lea had captured on video.

    Irene further helped Cable appreciate the connection between the timelines with Randall Shire and the Undying, noting that Randall Shire name would become Ranshi after a bunch of centuries, while Shire's Harmony movement's connection to the Harmonists was obvious.




(Cable II#82) - Aboard the Conquest, the Ranshi identified small traces of a chronotropic energy array, which they figured to be from a shielded Harmonist ship within detection range.

(Cable II#82 (fb) - BTS) - The Harmonists transported Cable up to their ship.

      Taking advantage of the required momentary shut down of the Harmonists' deflection shields, the Ranshi beamed aboard the Harmonist ship.

(Cable II#82) - Aboard the Hamonist ship, the Ranshi (aided by their Eliminators) and the Harmonists (aided by their saber-toothed tiger guardians) battled.


     As Eyla and Sandella fought, Cable recognized them both as divergent counterparts of his former wife, Aliya Jenskot, and he telepathically asked them all to please stop.

     Cable's telepathic force of will made all of the Ranshi, Harmonists, and their allies stop and listen, and he asked what the Ranshi and Harmonists expected of him.

    Sandella told Cable that in her timeline (Reality-2775), he would save Randall Shire from an assassin that night and that Shire would go on to establish a single global nation. Over the centuries, humanity would conquer the galaxy in the name of Shire, forming the Ranshi Empire, ruling Earth and eventually the Milky Way Galaxy. She further told him that mankind was destined to rule the universe, that it was a glorious destiny, and that he could make it happen.

    Eyla subsequently told Cable that in her timeline (Reality-22073), how, after Cable failed to save Shire, the martyred Shire's Harmony movement would eventually turn Earth into a paradise of freedom and peace. However, Sandella prompted Eyla to confirm that mutants had been eradicated on Harmony.

    Both Sandella and Eyla told Cable that the only thing they knew about the assassination attempt was a name: Domino (although they appanretly did not know she had been possessed by Aentaros).


(Cable II#83) - Cable was sent back to Earth.

    Approximately 10 minutes before the point of divergence, Sandella and Holdyne observed remotely from the Conquest. Sandella considered that she and Cable could be so happy together if he saved their timeline, but she wondered what would happen if he picked the other reality and what would it feel like to fade into nothingness.

     Holdyne assured her that as their ship was present at that time, they would not fade from existence, although their reality would cease to exist, and they would become orphans in the timestream. "Just like Cable..." Sandella added.
    At the same time, Eyla and Manuel Cire had an identical conversation aboard the Harmonist ship.ranshi_empire-2775-mirroredtalk-post

(Cable II#83 - BTS) - Cable stopped Domino from killing Shire but also used the violent entity Aentaros that was possessing Shire to cause him to alienate his followers, thus diverging Reality-616 from Realities-2775 and -22073.

    Communication from the Conquest ship to the Ranshi Empire in their future time ceased the moment Cable stopped Domino from killing Shire.

(Cable II#83) - Holdyne reported the loss of contact with the Ranshi Empire, and Sandella confirmed that Cable had diverged both timelines and both Harmony and the Ranshi Empire were now no more than worlds that could have been (see comments).

     Holdyne asked what they should do, and Sandella told him that they should contact the Harmonists' timeship as they needed to negotiate.
    At the same time, Eyla and Manuel had an identical conversation.

(Cable II#84 (fb) - BTS) - Eyla and Sandella realized that they were alternate reality counterparts of each other. Appreciating their differences and their similarities, they decided that it would be much more exciting to combine their forces and see what they could accomplish working together in this century. Armed with 2000 years of cybernetic technology and genetic engineering, they would forge their own timeline: "The Sandeyla future."ranshi_empire-2775-cab84-sandeyla

(Cable II#83) - After Cable and his allies had thwarted the Undying, Eyla and Sandella transported Cable aboard one of their ships. They told him of their plans and noted that before they ventured off to the stars, they had wanted to say goodbye. Both Eyla and Sandella gave him a passionate kiss and told him not to forget him as they would be back, after which they teleported him back to Earth.

Comments: Created by...hmmm...
    They first appeared in a story written by/credited to Joe Pruett, but in an interlude with art by Michael Ryan and Andrew Pepoy; the characters were inherently tied to and named for Randall Shire, who figured largely into the subsequent Undying storyline that ran from Cable II#79-84. That story had art from Michael Ryan and Andrew Pepoy (with occasional substitute inkers) and was written by Robert Weinberg. I would think Weinberg created the Ranshi Empire, and they were used in the story just before he started writing...but maybe I'm wrong?

    Pretty much every writer likes to write the story as if a future reality was destroyed when the past/main timeline diverges from its history, but we know that the realities just diverge, and many are seen later as divergent realities.

Earth-2775 - Randall Shire defeated Cable, formed Ranshi Empire; circa 4004 AD warred with Harmonists of divergent Earth-22073; diverged from -616 when Cable-616 defeated Shire without killing him

    There is a LOT going on in this story arc. Randall Shire and Cable brought everything together. You can read the profiles on Shire and the Undying, etc. to get the other half of the story, but the Undying don't DIRECTLY relate to the Ranshi or the Harmonists. I would speculate that in the Ranshi Empire, Semijan (the Undying possessing Shire) changed the game and chose to rule Earth rather than slaughter humanity. Presumably he somehow gained control over Azazel, the semi-sentient ship that controlled the game.

    The year 2000 A.D. was relevent at the time the story was published, but it is a topical reference as time moves forward with the sliding timescale in Reality-616. With the "modern age" that starts with Fantastic Four I#1 having occurred less than 15 years ago, even that took place several years after 2000 A.D. It makes good sense that the year 2000 is just an estimate for something that occurred around 2000 years before 4004 A.D.

    It seems a little odd that the Ranshi knew Cable was critical to the divergence but that they had no idea that Nathan Summers was Cable or what Cable looked like...and that Sandella had mutant intuition (that was "never wrong") powers but did not know that her captive was Cable...

    Sandella and Holdyne as well as some but not all other Ranshi had colored patterns on their faces. I'm not sure whether they were tattoos or something else permanent vs. some sort of regularly applied but temporary artwork?

    The Ranshi spoke a language requiring translation, but it was all translated for us and Cable.

    But what about the Undying?

    Why didn't the Undying wipe out all life on the alternate Earths occupied by Harmony and the Ranshi Empire? Did the story say that Cable had managed to stop them in those timelines as well? Or were we just meant to assume that he had?
    Also, condemning the Undying to only inhabit the bodies of cockroaches sounds like a suitable punishment but the fact remains that, when the planet Earth is eventually destroyed, there will be no more cockroaches and the Undying will be free to take over other life forms. So, while it is a long-term solution, it's not a permanent one, and the Undying really deserve to be ended forever.
    --Donald Campbell

    For the Ranshi Empire, Semijan/Shire talks about changing the rules of the game, which could have let him rule humanity rather than slaughter it and continue to spread his influence across the galaxy, but there’s no explanation of why Semijan is not the ruler of the Ranshi Empire, unless he is indeed the Emperor and father of Sandella…but still, nothing really makes sense.
    For the Harmonists, the death of Shire should have allowed Semijan to possess someone anew and continue the game.  
    The only explanation I can think of is that the writer did not factor the Undying into the future…he had this complex story, but it was somewhat compartmentalized, and he didn’t think it all through.
    I think a certain level of weapon that destroyed Earth might possibly destroy Azazel and the Undying…but maybe not. Perhaps Cable and associates made notes to figure out a long-term solution beyond the death of the last cockroach on Earth.
    OR again, the writer figured that the solution was “good enough.”

    Also, I'm not sure how the peaceful Harmonists who occupy one planet are any sort of challenge in their own time period to the galaxy-spanning Ranshi Empire. The true threat would be the temporal divergence (as far as they understood, anyway), but anytime the two peoples fought, the Ranshi should have slaughtered the Harmonists. Then again, maybe the Harmonists are like the Priests of Pama or something and have great martial arts skills (as well as their advanced technology) that they use only in defense. The guardians could help, but against advanced weaponry, organic tigers would fall swiftly.

    There are a lot of images, and some of them can be found in the sub-profiles for other characters and/or the main images...check them out!

    So, pretty much all of the sub-profiles could be expanded into full profiles, but I am all Ranshi-ed out...if you want to expand any of the sub-profiles, please feel free to do so.

Profile by Snood.

The Ranshi Empire has no known connections to

The Conquest ship has no known connection to:

The Eliminators have no known connection to:

Captain Holdyne


    Holdyne was captain of the Conquest, the Ranshi Empire ship that traveled back to modern day Earth-616 from the year 4004 in Reality-2775. He was subordinate to Sandella Ranshi (who had the title "Controller" and who was daughter of the emperor) but commanded Malan and the others. He participated in field missions, such as when he snatched Cable out of time and when they transported aboard the Harmonist ship.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - Malan and his team worked with Captain Holdyne for 10 years. Holdyne considered them to be the best troops in the Empire.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire resolved to send agents into the past to preserve their timeline at the expense of the Harmonist's timeline. Prior to this mission, Holdyne was warned to be prepared for anything.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire ship traveled to the modern era of Reality-616. Maintaining a steady phase dislocation of one second ahead of normal time, their ship floated give miles above the island of Manhattan, New York.

(Cable II#78) - With their ship remaining undetectable duetecting a faint chronotronic energy field somewhere in the city, Captain Holdyne reported that they suspected 1-2 time travelers to Controller Sandella. He further noted that they felt that the Harmonists had sent some scouts ahead of their main force and that they were trying to pinpoin their locations; at her query, Holdyne assured her that Malan and his team would would find and eliminate the Harmonists no matter what the cost.

    Holdyne continued that they had detected no other time vessels in or out of phase, which he felt indicated that the Harmonists must be using some technology unknown to their science. When Sandella noted him that he had been warned to be prepared for anything, Holdyne insisted that they would not escape: "They'll try, but no one ever does." She further reminded him that the fate of the entire Ranshi Empire rested on his shoulders, but Holdyne replied that he and his crew were hunters and the Harmonists were prey, and that he and his crew had never failed to make their kill. Sandella countered that these "prey" were quite dangerous and that it was critical that they not underestimate them as they were on the same mission, to preserve their future. She insisted that that could not happen and that all of the Harmonists must die, as soon as possible. ranshi_empire-2775-holdyne&sandella

    Holdyne informed Sandella that he was sending Malan and his team down to the city immediately and that they would blend in perfectly; it would not take them long to locate the time travelers, and then the Eliminators would do the rest. Sandella told him to justify her faith in him and he would be well rewarded, but if he failed her, he would not live to see the sunrise. He replied that he lived to serve the Ranshi and that her satisfaction with his work was reward enough.

    As Malan's team departed, Holdyne reiterated their mission to find the time-travelers, capture them if possible and to kill them otherwise. Sandella remarked that they would find out if the Elite Team was as good as he claimed.

(Cable II#79 - BTS) - Malan successfully led their target (Cable, though they did not know his identity) into an Eliminator ambush, but upon learning that he was a mutant and therefore not a Harmoist, he abanonded the mission and teleported himself and the Eliminators (and almost certainly the rest of his team, although they were not shown) away.

(Cable II#80) - In the Conquest ship five miles above Manhattan, Holdyne stood by as Sandella chastised Malan, noting that he had been charged with capturing a lone time-traveler and had failed. Malan accepted complete blame and asked that neither his team nor Captain Holdyne be held responsible for his mistakes. Intrigued by their mysterious target, Sandella gave Malan one more chance to capture their target.

(Cable II#80 / Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Appearing between seconds, Holdyne ordered Cable to surrender and he would not be harmed but that he would be destroyed if he resisted.

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Holdyne blasted Cable with his weapon on "maximum stun" and transported Cable aboard the Ranshi ship, where he was placed in restraints. Although he believed that they had appeared for too brief of an instant for anyone to focus on them, Holdyne instructed Malan to analyze the vid recordings anyway.

(Cable II#81) - As Cable began to recover, Sandella congratulated Holdyne and asked if the capture had gone smoothly. Confirming that it had, he detailed their actions, also confirmed that he had blasted the hero at full strength. Holdyne further detailed their captive's mutant powers of telelpathy and telekinesis, both of which were being controlled by their dampers. Sandella corrected Holdyne that a man like their captive was never helpless and that she wanted the crew on full alert.

     As Sandella questioned her captive, Malan -- having scanned the vids of their mission -- rushed in and informed Sandella that right before they had appeared, one of their captive's opponents had called him "Cable." Recognizing the name Cable as the nexus of the divergence (see comments), Sandella ordered him sent back to the instant after he was removed, and she insisted that they had to minimize any damage to the time stream.


(Cable II#82) - Aboard the Conquest, Sandella told Holdyne that they were monitoring Cable via the ship's computer and that if any of the Harmony time travelers contacted him they would know. Holdyne assured Sandella that the droids and assault teams were on full alert and that they could transport them anywhere in a millisecond.

    Another member of the Ranshi reported that they were picking up small traces of a chronotropic energy array, which she figured to be from a shielded Harmonist ship within detection range. Sandella ordered that the instant the Harmonists snared Cable they should be transported to that site.

(Cable II#82 (fb) - BTS) - The Harmonists transported Cable up to their ship. Taking advantage of the required momentary shut down of the Harmonists' deflection shields, the Ranshi beamed aboard the Harmonist ship.

(Cable II#82 - BTS) - Aboard the Hamonist ship, the Harmonists (aided by their saber-toothed tiger guardians) and Ranshi (aided by their Eliminators) battled. Cable's telepathic force of will made all of the Ranshi, Harmonists, and their allies stop and listen, and he had the Ranshi and Harmonists tell him what they expected of him. Sandella and Eyla Cire of the Harmonists told Cable that the only thing they knew about the assassination attempt was a name: Domino.

(Cable II#83 - BTS) - Cable was sent back to Earth, and the Ranshi returned to the Conquest.

    Approximately 10 minutes before the point of divergence, Sandella and Holdyne observed remotely from their ship. Sandella considered that she and Cable could be so happy together if he saved their timeline, but she wondered what would happen if he picked the other reality and what would it feel like to fade into nothingness. Holdyne assured her that as their ship was present at that time, they would not fade from existence, although their reality would cease to exist, and they would become orphans in the timestream. "Just like Cable..." Sandella added.
    At the same time, Eyla and Manuel Cire had an identical conversation aboard their ship.

(Cable II#83 - BTS) - Cable stopped Domino from killing Shire but also used the violent entity Aentaros that was possessing Shire to cause him to alienate his followers, thus diverging Reality-616 from Realities-2775 and -22073.

    Communication from the Conquest ship to the Ranshi Empire in their future time ceased the moment Cable stopped Domino from killing Shire.

(Cable II#83) - Holdyne reported the loss of contact with the Ranshi Empire, and Sandella confirmed that Cable had diverged both timelines and both Harmony and the Ranshi Empire were now no more than worlds that could have been (see comments). Holdyne asked what they should do, and Sandella told him that they should contact the Harmonists' timeship as they needed to negotiate.
    At the same time, Eyla and Manuel had an identical conversation.'

(Cable II#84 (fb) - BTS) - Eyla and Sandella realized that they were alternate reality counterparts of each other. They resolved to combine their forces and see what they could accomplish working together in this century. Armed with 2000 years of cybernetic technology and genetic engineering, they would forge their own timeline: "The Sandeyla future."

--Cable II#78 (80-83

Note: Holdyne has blue eyes and brown hair (most of the time...sometimes it was blond). He is most clearly recognized by the little symbol on his forehead...


ranshi_empire-2775-malan-face     Malan was a member of the crew of the Conquest, the Ranshi Empire ship that traveled back to modern day Earth-616 from the year 4004 in Reality-2775.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - Malan and his team worked with Captain Holdyne for 10 years. Holdyne considered them to be the best troops in the Empire.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire resolved to send agents into the past to preserve their timeline at the expense of the Harmonist's timeline.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - Malan's team learned the language and the customs of their target location and time period. ranshi_empire-2775-cab79-malan-armored-full

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire ship traveled to the modern era of Reality-616. Maintaining a steady phase dislocation of one second ahead of normal time, their ship floated give miles above the island of Manhattan, New York.

(Cable II#78) - With their ship remaining undetectable duetecting a faint chronotronic energy field somewhere in the city, Malan and his agents (including Kriven) prepared for their trip, dressing like the people of the time.

    Kriven commented that it was hard to believe they would be walking and talking to barbarians dead for 2000 years. One of her teammates told her that she might even bump into one of her ancestors.

     Stifling that talk, Malan reminded his agents that they knew what was expected of them and that they were to become one with locals; he further warned them that if they were detected, the knowledge that the past was being altered by the future could shatter the nature of reality itself.

     When one of his agents asked how they would explain the Eliminators, Malan clarified that the Eliminators would be only used against the Harmonists under his direct command and that the "barbarians" would never see a thing. 

    As the team departed, Holdyne reiterated their mission to find the time-travelers, capture them if possible and to kill them otherwise. Sandella remarked that they would find out if the Elite Team was as good as he claimed.

(Cable II#78 - BTS) - An agent of the Ranshi may have been at the coffee shop Babel's when Cable met with his romantic interest Stacey Kramer, departing as they conversed. ranshi_empire-2775-cab79-malan-armored-face

     After Cable left Babel's, a bright light shown from above, incapacitating his telekinesis and causing his technoorganic virus to rage out of control.

(Cable II#79) - As two of the Ranshi tracked Cable, one them confirmed their target to the source of the chronotropic energy they had detected, although they wrongly assumed him to be a Harmonist and were not aware that he was Cable.

     Malan(?) noted that they had set up their ambush in an abandoned warehouse on the next block, and that Kriven would serve as the bait. Malan stressed that they wanted to be certain that the target was alone and that they must be certain that he could neither escape nor warn his friends of their presence in this time period, as they wanted to remain undiscovered as long as possible.

    Rushing into an alley, Kriven called out for help, and Cable followed her through a doorway that sealed as soon as he passed through it. Kriven presumably was transported elsewhere, as she was not seen within the room after Cable's arrival.

(Cable II#79 - BTS) - As a number of Eliminators confronted Cable, Malan told him to surrender or die. Appreciating this to be the second test of which the Fates had warned him, Cable fought his way past the robots and confronted the armored agent, advising him to explain or be decapitated. Appreciating Cable to be a mutant, which meant he was not a harmonist, the Ranshi agent teleported away, and the Eliminators (and almost certainly the rest of his team, although they were not shown) vanished with him, leaving a confused Cable wondering what had just happened.

ranshi_empire-2775-malan-full-rear(Cable II#80) - In the Ranshi ship five miles above Manhattan, one second out of phase with Reality-616, Sandella chastised Malan, noting that he had been charged with capturing a lone time-traveler and had failed. Malan accepted complete blame and asked that neither his team nor Captain Holdyne be held responsible for his mistakes. Sandella told Malan that she was going to be lenient, but she warned that she would not tolerate a second mistake. She continued that the vids on his suit had digitalized the entire mission and that obviously the stranger they had been tracing for months was not from Harmony, but she wanted to know much more about him. She considered him a riddle, which she despised, and she instructed Malan to find him or not to come back.

    As Cable met with Clarity, the Ranshi locked onto his signature, and Malan's team -- joined by Holdyne and including two women -- were prepared for transport. They arrived just as the Aentaros-possessed Blockade broke through the wall to attack Cable;

(Cable II#80 / Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Malan, Holdyne, and another (possibly Kriven) appeared between seconds, Holdyne ordered Cable to surrender and he would not be harmed but that he would be destroyed if he resisted.

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Holdyne blasted Cable with his weapon on "maximum stun" and transported Cable aboard the Ranshi ship, where he was placed in restraints. Although he believed that they had appeared for too brief of an instant for anyone to focus on them, he instructed Malan to analyze the vid recordings anyway.

(Cable II#81) - As Sandella questioned her captive, Malan rushed in and informed Sandella that right before he and his team had appeared, one of their captive's opponents had called him "Cable." Recognizing the name Cable as the nexus of the divergence (see comments), Sandella ordered him sent back to the instant after he was removed, and she insisted that they had to minimize any damage to the time stream.

(Cable II#82 (fb) - BTS) - The Harmonists transported Cable up to their ship. Taking advantage of the required momentary shut down of the Harmonists' deflection shields, the Ranshi (including Sandella and Malan) beamed aboard the Harmonist ship.

(Cable II#82) - Aboard the Hamonist ship, the Harmonists (aided by their saber-toothed tiger guardians) and Ranshi (aided by their Eliminators) battled. As Eyla and Sandella fought, Cable recognized them both as counterparts of his former wife, Aliya Jenskot, and he telepathically asked them all to please stop. Cable's telepathic force of will made all of the Ranshi, Harmonists, and their allies stop and listen, and he had the Ranshi and Harmonists tell them what they expected of him.

    After Eyla Cire of the Harmonists confirmed that mutants had been eradicated from her world, Malan denounced the Harmonists as murderers and mutant-haters and noted the hypocrisy in the Harmonists calling the Ranshi savages.

(Cable II#83 - BTS) - Cable was sent back to Earth.

--Cable II#78

Malan has blues eyes and brown hair. He notably has scars over his right eye and the right side of his mouth, but lacks any facial tattoos/markings.

     Malan was not seen/identified in the subsequent issues, but he presumably returned to the Conquest and accepted Sandella's resolution to ally with the Harmonists after they lost contact with their realities (and believed them to have been eliminated).

     Because Malan led the mission on Earth, I assumed that the armored agent who waited with the Eliminators to ambush Cable was Malan. In re-re-re-re-reviewing the issues, I appreciated that that agent was not identified, so it could be another agent under Malan's direction. However, since that being made the decision to abort the mission, it would seem like he was in a position of authority. I would think that it was Malan until proven otherwise.

Ranshi Emperor


(Cable II#81 (fb)) - By 4000 A.D. (and likely some time before that), the Ranshi Empire stretched from one end of the galaxy to the other. Earth ruled the cosmos.

(Cable II#81 (fb)) - The Ranshi considered their empire to be the most glorious empire in all history.

(Cable II#81 (fb)) - Three mysterious strangers (the Fates) warned the Ranshi Emperor that their empire and their every existence was imperiled, as events taking place 2000 years in the past would split the timeline and that the Ranshi Empire was but one of two possible futures.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - They soon learned that the Earth of the other timeline was known as Harmony, which they considered to be a decadent world of peace. As Harmony posed a threat to their empire, the Ranshi resolved that Harmony must be destroyed.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS / Cable II#81 (fb)) - The Ranshi Empire warred with the Harmonists, but with little success.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - The two realities believed that only one of their realties could exist and that the other would be a shadow that would vanish as a result of their war.

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the Ranshi learned that a man known as Cable was the nexus for the divergence.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi realized that victory in their era meant nothing but that the past was critical.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire resolved to send agents into the past to preserve their timeline at the expense of the Harmonist's timeline.

--Cable II#81

Note: The Ranshi emperor is the father of Sandella Ranshi. It is unrevealed whether he is a direct descendant of Randall Shire.

     Having remained in his native timeline, the emperor was at least temporarily cut off from the Ranshi group that had traveled into the past of Earth-616 at the point of divergence. At that time, his people believed he and their timeline had been eliminated.


ranshi_empire-2775-conquestranshi_empire-2775-conquest-int     The ship the Ranshi used to travel back to the modern age from 4004 A.D. of Reality-2775.

     It carried a crew of at least 8-10 (including Captain Holdyne, Malan, Kriven, and Sandella Ranshi) and perhaps many more, as well at least a couple dozen Eliminators.

     The ship obviously utilized time travel technology and could detect chronotronic energies of other time travelers. It could exist a second out of phase with reality to avoid detection by modern technology.

    It allowed them to teleport multiple people and robots down to a planetary surface from at least five miles above ground and back again.

    They could appear between seconds, glimpsed only as a flash of light to outside observers.

    Able to detect even the cloaked ship of the Harmonists, it could detect when the Harmonists transported another being aboard their ship and use the momentary lapse in the Harmonists' shield to transport a large force onto that ship

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire resolved to send agents into the past to preserve their timeline at the expense of the Harmonist's timeline.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire's Conquest ship traveled to the modern era of Reality-616. Maintaining a steady phase dislocation of one second ahead of normal time, their ship floated give miles above the island of Manhattan, New York.

(Cable II#78) - With their ship remaining undetectable duetecting a faint chronotronic energy field somewhere in the city, the Ranshi suspected Harmonist advance scouts. They sent Malan and his team of agents, as well as a number of Eliminators, down to Earth.

(Cable II#80) - In the Conquest, five miles above Manhattan, one second out of phase with Reality-616, Sandella chastised Malan for failing to capture the time-traveler, who had turned out to be a mutant. She gave him another chance but had Holdyne accompany him. As Cable met with Clarity, the Ranshi locked onto his signature, and Malan's team arrived just as the Aentaros-possessed Blockade broke through the wall to attack Cable;

(Cable II#80 / Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Appearing between seconds, Holdyne ordered Cable to surrender and he would not be harmed but that he would be destroyed if he resisted.

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - Holdyne blasted Cable with his weapon on "maximum stun" and transported Cable aboard the Ranshi ship, where he was placed in restraints.

(Cable II#81) - As Sandella questioned her captive, Malan rushed in and informed Sandella that right before he and his team had appeared, one of their captive's opponents had called him "Cable." Recognizing the name Cable as the nexus of the divergence (see comments), Sandella ordered him sent back to the instant after he was removed, and she insisted that they had to minimize any damage to the time stream.

(Cable II#82 (fb) - BTS) - The Harmonists transported Cable up to their ship. Taking advantage of the required momentary shut down of the Harmonists' deflection shields, the Ranshi (including Sandella and Malan) beamed aboard the Harmonist ship.

(Cable II#83 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi returned to the Conquest.

(Cable II#83) - Sandella and Holdyne considered what might happen.

(Cable II#83 - BTS) - Cable stopped Domino from killing Shire but also used the violent entity Aentaros that was possessing Shire to cause him to alienate his followers, thus diverging Reality-616 from Realities-2775 and -22073.

    Communication from the Conquest ship to the Ranshi Empire in their future time ceased the moment Cable stopped Domino from killing Shire.

(Cable II#83) - Holdyne reported the loss of contact with the Ranshi Empire, and Sandella believed the Ranshi and Harmonist realities to have ceased to exist (see comments). Holdyne asked what they should do, and Sandella told him that they should contact the Harmonists' timeship as they needed to negotiate.

--Cable II#78; (identified) #81 (78, 80-83

Note: The Conquest remained in Earth-616's present, and the Ranshi presumably used it to explore their new home reality alongside the Harmonists.


ranshi_empire-2775-eliminators-kneesup     The Eliminators are war-drones.

     While possessing armored metallic forms, they did not demonstrate particularly impressive combat abilities. They were effective against the Ranshi, but Cable overwhelmed a squadron of them in seconds.

(Cable II#82 (fb)) - Over the centuries, the Ranshi Empire conquered the Milky Way Galaxy.

     The Eliminators helped conquer various other worlds.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS / Cable II#81 (fb)) - The Ranshi Empire warred with the Harmonists, but with little success.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire resolved to send agents into the past to preserve their timeline at the expense of the Harmonist's timeline.

(Cable II#78 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi Empire's Conquest ship traveled to the modern era of Reality-616. 

(Cable II#78) - When one of his agents asked how they would explain the Eliminators, Malan clarified that the Eliminators would be only used against the Harmonists under his direct command and that the "barbarians" would never see a thing. ranshi_empire-2775-cab80-eliminatorsonharmony

    Malan's team and the Eliminators were transported down to Earth to locate time travelers incorrectly presumed to be Harmonist agents.

(Cable II#79) - Feigning distress, Malan's agent Kriven led Cable through a doorway that sealed as soon as he passed through it. As a number of Eliminators confronted Cable, Malan told him to surrender or die. Cable fought his way past the robots and confronted Malan, advising him to explain or be decapitated. Appreciating Cable to be a mutant, which meant he was not a Harmonist, Malan teleported away, and the Eliminators vanished with him, leaving a confused Cable wondering what had just happened.

(Cable II#80) - In the year 4004 A.D., Ranshi agents and Eliminators attacked a celebration in Niers, Harmony, which was attended by Cable (who had been somehow transported to Harmony after the Ranshi ambush in the modern era). Cable rushed to engage the attackers but was forced to use a telekinetic force field to save himself from a droid's energy blast, which somehow hurtled him back to the modern time period, and he emerged in his safehouse a millisecond after he had been pulled forward in time.

(Cable II#82 (fb) - BTS) - The Harmonists transported Cable up to their ship. Taking advantage of the required momentary shut down of the Harmonists' deflection shields, the Ranshi (including Sandella and Malan) beamed aboard the Harmonist ship.

(Cable II#82) - Aboard the Harmonist ship, Ranshi and Eliminators battled the Harmonists and their saber-toothed tiger guardians. Cable's telepathic force of will made all of the Ranshi, Harmonists, and their allies stop and listen, and he had the Ranshi and Harmonists tell him what they expected of him.

--Cable II#78

Note: The Eliminators aboard the Conquest remained in Earth-616's present, and they presumably accompanied the Ranshi aboard the Conquest as they used it to explore their new home reality alongside the Harmonists.

images: (without ads)
Cable II#78, pg. 13, panel 1 (Conquest, partial);
           panel 3 (Ranshi: Sandella, Holdyne, crew);
       pg. 14, panel 1 (Sandella & Holdyne, full);
          panel 4 (Malan, Kriven, crew);
       pg. 15, panel 1 (Malan, face);
          panel 2 (Eliminators);
          panel 3 (Malan's crew & Eliminators);
    #79 (this issue not digital scans), pg. 15, panel 3 (Kriven in trenchcoat);
       pg. 16, panel 5 (Malan, fully armored);
       pg. 17-18 (Cable vs. Eliminators);
       pg. 19, panel 2 (Malan, armored face);
. pg. 12 (Eliminators vs. Cable on Harmony);
       pg. 16, panel 1 (Sandella meeting with Holdyne and Malan (posterior));
       pg. 22 (Holdyne? and Ranshi appearing between Cable and Blockade);

    #81, story pg. 2 (including recap page; Cable prisoner of Ranshi);
        pg. 3, panel 3 (Cable zapped by Sandella);
        pg. 4, panel 1 (space fleet);
          panel 2 (Fates meeting with emperor & Sandella);
          panel 4 (Conquest above New York City);
    #82, pg.13, panel 1 (Sandella & Holdyne);
          panel 3 (brown/short-haired woman at computer);
          panel 5 (Sandella, upper)
       pg. 18-19 (Harmonists vs. Ranshi);
       pg. 20, panel 1 (Eyla vs. Sandella);
          panel 2 (Cable stopping fight)
       pg. 21, panel 4 (Sandella and Eyla on either side of Cable, trying to sway him);

    #83, pg. 1, panel 4 (Ranshi conquering Kree or some similar race);
       pg. 7, panel 2-3 (mirrored Ranshi-Harmonist conversation pre-divergence);
       pg. 20, panel 4-5 (mirrored Ranshi-Harmonist conversation post-divergence);

Cable II#78 (April, 2000) - Joe Pruett (writer), Michael Ryan (penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Mark Powers (editor)
Cable II#79 (May, 2000) - Robert Weinberg (writer), Michael Ryan (penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Mark Powers (editor)
Cable II#80 (June, 2000) - Robert Weinberg (writer), Michael Ryan (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker), Mark Powers (editor)
Cable II#81-82 (July-August, 2000) - Robert Weinberg (writer), Michael Ryan (penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Mark Powers (editor)
Cable II#83 (September, 2000) - Robert Weinberg (writer), Michael Ryan (penciler), Walden Wong (inker), Mark Powers (editor)
Cable II#84 (October, 2000) - Robert Weinberg (writer), Michael Ryan (penciler), Nathan Massengil & Andrew Pepoy (inkers), Mark Powers (editor)

First posted: 10/08/2021
Last updated: 10/17/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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