
more-asgardianwolfgod-mv2-humanfaceReal Name: Managarmr;
    Hati & Skoll (dual aspects)

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Asgard) Wolf God (magic-user / magically-powered)

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: Wolf Gods of Asgard;
    Skoll and Hati are components of Managarmr (see comments)

Affiliations: Audumbla, Karnilla, Mister Horse, Valkyrie (Jane Foster)

Enemies: Fafnir of Nastrond, Kraven the Hunter / Last Son of Kraven (clone of Sergei Kravinoff);
    at least formerly Hela, Karnilla, Loki Laufeyson

Known Relatives: Set (paternal great-great-great grandfather via Phorcys);
    Gaea (paternal great-great-great-grandmother via Ceto), Pontus (paternal great-great-great-grandfather via Ceto);
    Chthon (paternal great-great grandfather (or just creator of his great-grandfather Vârcolac);
    Phorcys (paternal great-great-grandfather via Echidna), Ceto (paternal great-great-grandmother via Echidna);
    Laufey (paternal great-grandfather via Loki), Farbauti (paternal great-grandmother via Loki);
    Vârcolac (paternal great-grandfather via Angerboda), Echidna (paternal great-grandmother via Angerboda),
    Wolf Lords (paternal great-great-aunts and uncles);
    Loki Laufeyson (paternal grandfather), Angerboda (paternal grandmother),
    Wolf Men (paternal great-uncles and great-aunts),
    Fenris Wolf (father), unidentified giantess (mother according to myth);
    Tess Black (paternal aunt), Midgard Serpent (Jormungand; paternal uncle/aunt); extended family via Loki;
    Hoarfen (sibling or half-sibling); Drang & Sturm (half-brothers);
    uncertain relationship to other Wolf Gods (presumed siblings, including Garm, Gregori, Hati, Skoll, and "Black Shuck" (the spawn of Garm); Hrimhari is likely from a later generation, and he is the father of Tier Sinclair);
    Iceworm (cousin)
    extensive distant relations (check out the profiles on great-grandparents and father back, and the list becomes massive)

Aliases: Hati, the Moon-Hounds, Skoll, the World-Eaters;
    "Wolf" (from Mr. Horse)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    briefly mobile in Manhattan, New York;
    formerly imprisoned in the Cradle of Life within Hel (associated with Asgard)more-asgardianwolfgod-mv4-full

First Appearance: The Mighty Valkyries#1 (June, 2021)more-asgardianwolfgod-mv2-handclaws

Powers/Abilities: Like other Wolf Gods, More is virtually unaging and may be thousands of years old.

    They can transform between a mostly human form (with claws and the hands and feet and with dark markings around the eyes) and a wolf form of varying size, as well as adopting a hybrid wolf-man form (although that may just be transitory).

    More's claws (and teeth in wolf-forms) can certainly rend flesh and presumably bone, wood, and many forms of metal.

    Even in giant-wolf form, he can attack/approach silently.

    At his most powerful, he can grow to immense size, dwarfing the giant dragon Fafnir and even consuming virtually everything within the realm of Nastrond. He can disgorge consumed beings and objects at will.

    More can transform into a black, smoky substance and rapidly transport away.

    More presumably has enhanced nocturnal vision (seeing into the infra-red spectrum), olfactory (smelling), and auditory (hearing) senses.more-asgardianwolfgod-mv1-footclaws

    More can communicate telepathically and read the minds of others, although, after meeting Jane Foster, he generally avoids doing so without permission.

    A composite of the Wolf Gods Hati and Skoll, More has two souls and sometimes speaks in two different voices, presumably representing his component selves.

    Allegedly unable to die (according to Loki), More can be wounded by dwarf-forged bullets and to the venom of the Midgard Serpent (and can be incapacitated by a Hela-forged spear made from a tooth containing that venom). Like his father, Fenris Wolf, More can be bound by the dwarf-created thread known as Gleipnir.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6' in human form (based on comparison to the Jane Foster Valkyrie, who is 5'9" if she is the same height as the Jane Foster Thor); variable if wolf form (up to at least hundreds of feet tall at the shoulder)
Weight: Unrevealed (if human density, he would be approximately 190 lbs. in human form, but it is unrevealed whether he is human density, and it has been questioned whether Asgardians gods' flesh and blood is 3x more dense/heavier than humans;; and then his wolf form varies proportionally with its size)
Eyes: Light yellow (to yellow-green); wolf-form (glowing yellow)
Hair: Black (or dark brown)

(The Mighty Valkyries#1 (fb) - BTS) - Spawn of Fenris Wolf, Managarmr is dual offspring/souls in one form.

(The Mighty Valkyries#4 (fb) - BTS / myth legend) - Legend states that Hati hunted the sun and Skoll hunted the moon. At Ragnarok, they finally caught their prey, devoured them both, and left Midgard (Earth) in cold darkness.

    He shall be filled with the flesh of all those men that die, and he shall swallow the moon, and sprinkle with blood the heavens and all the lair; thereof shall the sun lose her shining, and the winds in that day shall be unquiet and roar on every side.

more-asgardianwolfgod-mv2-bound(The Mighty Valkyries#2 (fb) - BTS) - As a pup, Managarmr was imprisoned in a cave in Hel's long barren "Cradle of Life" with a gleipnir chain around their neck. Although Managarmr had not done anything, right or wrong, this early in life, the gods had feared the prophecy of what Managarmr would do.

    The gods apparently made sure that Managarmr knew that there was a world outside that they were not allowed to see.

(The Mighty Valkyries#2 (fb) - BTS) - Managarmr called themselves "More."

(The Mighty Valkyries#2 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to create life in Hel while Hela was away, Karnilla bargained with Managarmr for their release of the Waters of Urdarbrunnr. Managarmr presumably insisted on their freedom in exchange, and Karnilla departed to consider the matter.

(The Mighty Valkyries#3 (fb) - BTS) - Karnilla made a deal with Loki, she would provide gleipnir and the Waters of Fate in exchange for Valkyrie hair (or perhaps specifically the Valkyrie Jane Foster's hair).

(The Mighty Valkyries#2 (fb)) <A few weeks before the main story> - Karnilla returned to the cave containing Managarmr, which also apparently held Audumbla, and agreed to Managarmr's terms. At Managarmr's insistence, Karnilla first used her key to undo the lock around their neck, after which Managarmr apparently hacked up some sort of spike they had previously swallowed, which Managarmr then drove into the walls of the cave, causing the Waters of Urdarbrunnr to pour out. As the waters revived the ground, Karnilla asked the departing Managarmr what they were going to do now, and they replied, "The same as you, I suppose. Live."

(The Mighty Valkyries#3 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Hela returned to Hel, began to learn of Karnilla's activities, and apparently employed the "Last Son of Kraven" to re-capture Managarmr, gifting him with bullets from Dwarfen-made steel.

(The Mighty Valkyries#1 (fb) - BTS) - Working out of the McCarthy Medical Institute, Dr. Stephen Strange heard rumors of a vicious beast with a certain Asgardian flare roaming the city. A guy showed up in the emergency room looking like "he'd tried to bed a grumpy wolverine."

(The Mighty Valkyries#1 - BTS) - Dr. Strange discussed his concerns with Dr. Jane Foster who asked the morgue physician Dr. Rudy Gillespie who noted that they had a guy down at City the day before who looked like he had been clawed up by something big. The wounds were superficial, but the man had died from a high-caliber rifle wound.

(The Mighty Valkyries#1 (fb) - BTS) - More attacked Loki, wounding him.

(The Mighty Valkyries#1) - More silently leapt at Loki mid-conversation with Valkyrie Jane Foster, who flew Loki to safety. Loki explained his attacker to be his grandchildren, offspring of Fenris, two souls in one wolf, and Jane knocked the giant wolf back with her all-weapon, Undrjarn, hurled in hammer form to the jaw. After taking flight to escape the leaping wolf's jaws, Loki identified his attacker as the Managarmr and then gave Jane a chain of gleipnir to bind it, advising her that the wolf could not be killed and that if she hurt it, it would only get angry.

    More silently leapt at them again, and Jane commanded Managarmr to stand down, by order of the Valkyries, but the wolf swatted her down, at which point Loki teleported away. Managarmr then told Jane that he was not going to eat Loki, just maim him a bit, and which the wolf took human form and told Jane that he could call her "More."more-asgardianwolfgod-mv1-humanupper

(The Mighty Valkyries#2) - More spoke telepathically to Jane Foster, detailing numerous things about her history, personality, preferences, etc. When Jane told them to stop, More asked why, and she pressed the all-weapon in sword form against their neck, telling More that it was invasive, private, and rude. More apologized, noting that they did not know that it was bad, but added that Jane was just like them as there was a duality in her.

    When Jane replied that she was nothing like them, More asked how she would know, after which More leapt into the air. Flying and landing in front of them, Jane blasted More into a wall, noting that one difference between them was that she did not kill people. Mockingly picking up an antenna and challenging Jane with "en garde!," More backed off upon hearing her statement and asked if she was talking about Loki. After Jane noted her duty as a Valkyrie, More asked her if he was such a threat, where were the other Valkyries, and Jane told him that they were all dead. More seemed surprised and quietly said, "no...", after which Jane admitted there was one surviving surviving Valkyrie (Runa).more-asgardianwolfgod-mv2-human profile

    More subsequently asked how big a prison needed to be for the prisoner to no longer crave freedom, and he noted that Loki had locked him up when he was just a pup, and that while Loki could have given them room to roam, he chose not to. More asked if that was fair, but Jane instead commented that the first thing that More did after being released was kill. More denied this, insisting that that was someone else. More and Jane were unaware they were being observed by the Last Son of Kraven (henceforth referred to as Kraven for simplicity's sake).

    More then clarified that they had been attacked and defended themselves, like anyone/everyone would do. More continued that everyone on the streets below had a great capacity for destruction: They could kill others, but did not. More further described Jane in this frame of reference, approaching her right up to the all-weapon dagger she held out, asking why the things that kept her from being evil would not do the same for him. More noted that he just wanted to live and experience pleasures, such as a milkshake.

    However, as Mr. Horse, Jane's steed -- summoned via a signal from the all-weapon, presumably at the start of the conflict -- arrived, More assumed him to be a threat, and they returned to wolf form and leapt to the attack. As More did so, Kraven hurled a weapon, apparently piercing Managarmr's maxilla or at least the flesh of the upper jaw. As More dropped to a rooftop and faced Kraven, Jane got in their way, but they were forced to save humans threatened by a grenade Kraven dropped.

    Meanwhile, Kraven led More to pursue him into trap where More was buried and contained under  a massive pile of chain, after which Kraven prepared to shoot the wolf.

(The Mighty Valkyries#3 - BTS) - Loki delivered Jane Foster's Valkyrie hair to Karnilla, and Karnilla wove it into the Norn's thread for the triplets.more-asgardianwolfgod-mv2-humanface2

(The Mighty Valkyries#3) - As Managarmr broke out of the chains, Jane convinced him to flee and let her deal with Kraven, who eventually fled.

    Managarmr subsequently returned to human form, pulled one of Kraven's bullets out of his right shoulder, and then sat against a dumpster in the pouring rain.

more-asgardianwolfgod-mv2-hybrid(The Mighty Valkyries#3 - BTS) - Hela forged a spear from a tooth taken from the seeming corpse of the Midgard Serpent, gave it to a servant and instructed him to give it to Kraven, certain that it would stop Managarmr if struck through his heart.

(The Mighty Valkyries#4) - As night fell, Managarmr watched -- presumably over either Jane's apartment or that of the mother whose triplets were stolen in utero by Karnilla -- from atop a roof; and Kraven hunted him.

(The Mighty Valkyries#4 - BTS) - Runa the Valkyrie told Jane of the legend of Managarmr as she examined the bullet used by Kraven, noting it to be Dwarfen-made steel and that if Loki did not supply it, that another Asgardian must have done so. Jane countered that More seemed innocent, joyful, and eager to learned and live: She found them enthralling. Appreciating that Jane saw the best in the creatures that she met, Runa nonetheless advised her to tread carefully if she met them again.

(The Mighty Valkyries#4) - Jane subsequently met up with More, noting that she thought that they would be long gone by now, and More told her that they had wanted to see her again. She asked if More knew that wolves were not native to New York, and More told her that there were rats in this city scarier than him. She then asked More if he was both Hati and Skoll, and More replied, "I think of it more like I am 'all.' What people call me is their problem, you know?"

    Jane subsequently asked More if they were OK, as she was worried about them after the previous night, and More told her, "I do not think that anyone has ever been concerned for my well-being before. It feels -- lovely."

    They then looked in on the parents of the missing triplets, and Jane noted that she felt connected to them inevitability, like she was tethered to their destiny; More replied that he knew the feeling.

    More later asked Jane if she had ever seen mayflies dance, "Born but hours before, they light up the sky and court and mate and live, and it is the most spectacular thing you will ever see. Then, before the night is over, they fall exhausted to the water and is beautiful...but it's hard not to think, 'What purpose do they serve but a feast for the fish?'"

    Jane asked More if she thought of humans as mayflies, and he replied that human life was a flickering, fleeting thing, "but humans feast on the world and leave nothing behind. Even in death, you refuse to give back, burning your corpses and sealing your coffins. No...humans are something else. But I do not understand their purpose, either."

    Jane subsequently sensed the triplets in the realm of Hel and departed to find them. Before doing so, she advised More to use his ability to look into the minds of the triplets' parents to better understand humankind.

    More looked into the mind of the mother, seeing despair and hopelessness, but also appreciating that the suffering was born from something so precious that it was more beautiful than anything More had ever experienced. More held onto that love as Kraven suddenly shoved Hela's spear through his chest from behind. As it pierced their heart and the Midgard Serpent's venom poisoned their veins, More's being was filled with one last thought: That life as a mayfly would be worth it if it were filled with such blinding devotion.more-asgardianwolfgod-mv5-confrontfaf

(The Mighty Valkyries#5) - Loki appeared before Kraven, warning him not to remove the spear from Managarmr as the venom inside the tooth was only thing keeping them incapacitated. While telling Kraven that he was there to bring More back to their cage, Loki quietly touched More's head and apologized, telling them that this is the way it had to be. Duping Kraven via an illusion, Loki cold-cocked him, after which Loki transported himself and More to Hel.

    Loki was surprised by the state of Hel (as the skeletal form of the dragon Fafnir sought to take over), and More was taken by bloodthirsty skeletons. More begged "grandfather Loki "for aid.

    As Hela's spear was withdrawn (and used to impale Hela herself), Managarmr's strength returned (despite being bound (with gleipnir?; it is not specified)), and the wolf tried to remember the joy they felt in the moments before the hunter came: To recover the feeling of hope. The lust for life. The scent of her (Valkyrie/Jane Foster).   more-asgardianwolfgod-mv5-devournastrond

    Managarmr returned to a massive wolf form and futilely tried to ignore the progressively growing voice -- which eventually drowned out everything else -- that told them to fight and kill, and More charged the immense skeletal form of Fandral of Nastrond that threatened the realm, consuming Fandral, Hela, Karnilla, Loki, and everything in their path.

   Jane convinced More that the queens of Hel were more sad than bad, and Managarmr spat out Hela and Karnilla. With further pressure from Jane, More spat out Loki.

    More subsequently asked Jane if she was going to chain them up, and when Jane asked if More would let her, More replied, "Yes. Anytime."

    Jane told More to leave, assuring them that she would deal "grandpa."

(The Mighty Valkyries#5 - BTS) - After Managarmr vanished, Loki chastised Jane for allowing this threat to escape, but Jane countered that they were not evil, and Loki admitted, "Maybe not yet..."

    Loki subsequently explained to Jane that he had woven her and his own hair into the Fate's threads for the triplets, binding their destinies together forever.

Comments: Created by unidentified parties;
    Skoll & Hati adapted to Marvel by ;
    adapted to Marvel by Jason Aaron, Torunn Gronbekk, and Mattia de Iulis.

    As a dual being, they is clearly the appropriate personal pronoun for More/Managarmr. I still find it somewhat confusing to use for what appears to be a single being. I call Over-Mind "him" rather than "they."
    That being said, while the text referred to Managarmr/More as "they," Managarmr used "I" and "me."
    It gets mentally fatiguing and confusing to try to put it all into plural, especially when the story and character uses the singular, but I am trying, so forgive me if/when I used singular pronouns and/or mirrored the in-story terminology.

        Managarmr speaks with two different voices, which were symbolized with two different types of speech balloons, one with white backgrounds and black text and the other with black backgrounds and white text. However, I am not sure which of these is meant to be Hati vs. Skoll.

    Based on Managarmr having been imprisoned since birth, I would think that it is likely that the previously seen Hati and Skoll are just similarly named Wolf Gods.

    According to Encyclopedia Mythologica/


"Moon-hound." The wolf who will hunt down the moon (or the sun, or both heavenly bodies) during the Ragnarök and swallow it; possibly the same as Hati Hróðvitnisson. Snorri Sturluson writes in Gylfaginning:

A witch dwells to the east of Midgard, in the forest called Ironwood: in that wood dwell the troll-women, who are known as Ironwood-Women. The old witch bears many giants for sons, and all in the shape of wolves; and from this source are these wolves sprung. The saying runs thus: from this race shall come one that shall be mightiest of all, he that is named Moon-Hound; he shall be filled with the flesh of all those men that die, and he shall swallow the moon, and sprinkle with blood the heavens and all the lair; thereof shall the sun lose her shining, and the winds in that day shall be unquiet and roar on every side.

Snorri bases his account on two stanzas in Völuspá:

32. East sat the crone,

in Iárnvidir,

Fenrir's progeny:

of all shall be

one especially

the moon's devourer,

in a troll's semblance.

33. He is sated with the last breath

of dying men;

the gods' seat he

with red gore defiles:

swart is the sunshine

then for summers after;

all weather turns to storm.

    And, further, from our "friend," Wikipedia:

According to Snorri, Hati's mother is the giantess, not named but mentioned in the Eddic poem" Völuspá, who dwells to the east of Midgard in the forest of Járnviðr ("Ironwood") and "fosters Fenrir's kin". Snorri states that this giantess and witch bears many giants for sons, all in the form of wolves, including Hati and Sköll, who is thus implied to be Hati's brother.

    There was a LOT going on in this series.It was very cool, and used some very obscure mythology, but it was definitely hard to follow. Every time I re-read it, I find something knew.
    But there are a few things I'm not sure about:

  1. Who was carving up the victims that led Jane to investigate, find Loki and, through him, More?
         More specifically noted that it was someone else, and then the scene shifts to the Last Son of Kraven, so presumably it was him, perhaps seeking to draw out Managarmr?
  2. Who hired the Last Son of Kraven?
         I'm pretty sure that it was Hela. In Might Valkyries#3, Hela forges a spear from one of the Midgard Serpent's teeth and gives it to a servant, telling him to bring it to Kraven and noting that the bullets may have failed, but that this spear -- through the heart of the wolf -- would not.
    But Kraven went after More before Hela returned to Hel and began to learn of Karnilla's shenanigans...or was Hela's return a flashback?

    If you blow-up the image of More consuming Nastrond, you see the Fafnir around his mouth, showing just how big More is.

    It's too late now, but, while viewing this profile, I recommend you play this song in the background: The Sisters of Mercy's "More" (if the link does not work, just plug the band and song title into Youtube or whatever you prefer).

Profile by Snood.

More/Managarmr should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)
The Mighty Valkyries#1, story pg. 12 (wolf leaping toward viewer);
        pg. 18, panel 2 (human foot, with claws);
         panel 7 (human, upper);
    #2, pg. 3, panel 1 (bound in cave)
        pg 6, panel 2 (human face);
        pg. 15, panel 2 (profile, upper);
          panel 4 (human hand, with claws);
        pg. 16, panel 1 (face);
          panel 5 (hybrid form, leaping);
    #4, pg. 8, panel 2 (full);
    #5, pg. 12, panel 3 (confronting Fafnir skeleton);

The Mighty Valkyries#1-4: Jane Foster stories (June-September, 2021) - Jason Aaron & Torunn Gronbekk (writers), Mattia de Iulis (artist), Wil Moss & Sarah Brunstad (editors)
The Mighty Valkyries#5 (November, 2021) - Jason Aaron & Torunn Gronbekk (writers), Mattia de Iulis (artist), Wil Moss & Sarah Brunstad (editors)

First posted: 12/03/2023
Last updated: 12/04/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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