cire-ezra-harmony-22073-fullEZRA CIRE

Real Name: Ezra Cire

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Harmony/Earth-22073) circa 40th and 41st century

Occupation: Presumed fashion designer

Group Membership: Harmonists

Affiliations: Cable (Nathan Summers/Nathan Dayspring Askani'son), presumably the saber-toothed tiger guardians of Harmony

Enemies: Ranshi Empire and their Eliminators

Known Relatives: Manuel Cire (father), Eyla Cire (sister)

Aliases: None known

Base of Operations: Niers, Harmony/Earth-22073) circa 40th and 41st century

First Appearance: Cable II#80 (June, 2000)cire-ezra-harmony-22073-cablecostume

Powers/Abilities: Ezra was gifted in the fashion of his time period.

    He had access to the time probes and other technology of his world and time period, including freedom from most disease.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'; hard to tell, as he was in the background somewhat...but neither remarkably tall nor short)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 180 lbs. )
Eyes: Unrevealed (the one image of him is too distant, but they look dark, so perhaps brown)
Hair: Brown

(Cable II#82) - In Reality-22073, circa 2000 A.D., Cable failed to save Randall Shire (possessed by the Undying Semijan (see comments) and seeking to gain control over humanity via mind-control and a message of peace and harmony) from an assassin (Domino/Neena Thurman possessed by the Undying Aentaros).

    Shire's death was blamed on mutants, and an anti-mutant crusade engulfed the world: Mutants were destroyed, and the DNA pool remained untainted by evaluating children regularly and performing genetic surgery when necessary to wipe out any trace of the x-factor gene.

    However, despite this, Shire's message of peace, love, and harmony lived on in some fashion. Over the centuries, his words remade humanity and turned Earth into a paradise of freedom and peace.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - The Harmonists eradicated hatred, poverty, and war, and they developed cures for all diseases.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Earth was renamed Harmony.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - Having mastered time travel, the Harmonists used microscopic time probes to view past events without being detected by the locals.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Ezra and his sister, Eyla, used time probes to listen to Socrates argue philosophy (at some during the 5th century B.C.).

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - The Fates warned Reality-2775's Ranshi Emperor that his empire and their every existence was imperiled, as events taking place 2000 years in the past would split the timeline and that the Ranshi Empire was but one of two possible futures.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS) - The Ranshi soon learned that the Earth of the other timeline was known as Harmony. As Harmony posed a threat to their empire, the Ranshi resolved that Harmony must be destroyed.

(Cable II#80 (fb) - BTS / Cable II#81 (fb)) - The Ranshi Empire warred with the Harmonists, but with little success. The Harmonists concluded that the Ranshi worshipped power.

(Cable II#81 (fb) - BTS) - For months, Manuel Cire led the battle against the invaders of the Ranshi Empire. Despite numerous casualties on both sides, neither gained a clear advantage.

(Cable II#80 - BTS) <Circa 4004 A.D.> - Cable was transported to Harmony, and Eyla brought him back to their home for a celebration in his honor.

(Cable II#80) - Ezra designed an outfit suitable for the evening's celebration, with the room sensors having analyzed his form to ensure a perfect fit. Although Cable apologized while noting that he felt like an idiot in the outfit, Ezra assured him that it was the height of fashion, although he doubted that anyone would notice his clothes, as a man like him would intimidate the men and put the women in awe.

    Manuel further added that in Niers, everybody wore exactly what they wanted, as openness of expression in all forms was encouraged and ridiculous was considered the norm.

(Cable II#80 - BTS) - Ezra was almost certainly present at the celebration, which was interrupted by Ranshi attackers, the encounter with whom sent Cable back to Earth-616 a millisecond after his departure.

(Cable II#81 - BTS) - Manuel and Eyla accompanied a time ship from Harmony to Earth-616 circa the early 21st century with the goal of guiding Cable to perform the actions that would lead to Harmony's existence.

(Cable II#83 - BTS) - Cable's actions diverged Earth-616 from both Earth-22073 and Earth-2775. Manuel noted that they had lost contact with Harmony, and he and Eyla concluded that the divergence had caused Harmony to cease to exist (see comments).

Comments: Created by Robert Weinberg, Michael Ryan, and Scott Hanna.

    There is a LOT going on in this story arc. Randall Shire and Cable brought everything together. You can read the profiles on Shire and the Undying, etc. to get the other half of the story, but the Undying don't DIRECTLY relate to the Ranshi or the Harmonists. It may or may not make more sense as I profile Manuel and Eyla Cire and then the Harmonists and/or Harmony...and then the Ranshi Empire and its members.

Earth-22073 - Cable killed Randall Shire, martyring him and causing his religion, Harmony, to prosper; , technically advanced, worldwide peace, use in utero screening technique to eliminate mutation; Harmonists circa 4004 AD warred against divergent Earth -2775; reality diverged from -616 when Cable-616 defeated Shire without killing him and made his followers hate him
    Earth-Harmony*--Cable I#78

Profile by Snood.

Ezra Cire should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)
Cable II#80, pg. 7, panel 1 (Ezra with Cable outfit);

Cable II#80 (June, 2000) - Robert Weinberg (writer), Michael Ryan (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker), Mark Powers (editor)

First posted: 09/05/2023
Last updated: 09/05/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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