Classification: Extraterrestrial (Sakaar) plant race
Location/Base of Operations: Sakaar,
notably the Twisted Wood;
formerly the Great Arena and potentially the palace in Crown City
Known Members: None;
the monstrous Eleha'al plant was unidentified
Affiliations: At least formerly Hiroim the
Shamed, the Hulk (Bruce Banner; aka Green Scar and Sakaarson) and
various Sakaarian natives and members of the "Imperial" race
formerly Skaar
Enemies: Brood-Saakarian natives, Red King (Angmo-Asan), Skaar, unidentified Sakaarian native, a group of pack lizards
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk III#95 (July, 2006)
Powers/Abilities: Eleha'al presumably lie
dormant as seed or immature forms until stimulated to grow under
certain conditions, such as exposure to the Hulk's blood.
Starting as tiny, leafed plants, the Eleha'al plants would grow into thick vines able to easily support an adult male's weight (or perhaps the weight of several males).
Within three moons' time (see comments), the vines could spread into great fields.
When fully developed, they would produce red fruit that was nutritious and delicious, at least to Sakaarian Natives and the "Imperial" race.
The Eleha'al vines could absorb the energies of Deathfire bombs, causing them to rapidly grow and to develop into thorned vines that could swiftly impale and slay an adult man.
Either as part of their normal life cycle or due to mutation by absorbing energies from the Red King's bombing, the Eleha'al rapidly grew into thorned vines that would slay and devour living beings.
These carnivorous vines would preferentially feed on Skaar (and presumably other spawn of the Hulk, or perhaps just beings of great power), and they would revert back into their fruit-bearing, docile, relatively immobile forms.
Some form of the Eleha'al could develop into a massive, monstrous form with a head-like structure involving multiple spikes leaves/fronds/whatever surrounding a central-toothed maw.
Such a being was not affected by the thorned vines upon feeding on Skaar's blood.
It was powerful enough to contend with Skaar and a number of Brood-Saakarian natives, but it was ultimately slain by them.
These latter forms fed on and were sustained by "human" and animal life forms.
Traits: The Eleha'al initially behaved like conventional plant-life, growing and spreading over the terrain and structures they encountered.
Either as part of their normal life cycle or due to mutation by absorbing energies from the Red King's bombing, they became aggressive and carnivorous, directly attacking and slaying fully grown adults and large pack lizards for food.
The Eleha'al vines were somehow associated with the Sakaarian legend of the Sakaarson, a being long prophesied as the savior of Sakaar.
Type: At least semi-sentient floral vine (fruit-bearing)
Eyes: None
Fingers: None
Toes: None
Skin color: No skin (the vines and leaves are green, while the fruit is read)
Average height: Growing from tiny plants, they could grow into
viney fields, presumably as large as there was land to sustain its
The monstrous Eleha'al creature appeared to be perhaps 20' tall,
with vines extending perhaps 50-60'
Hulk III#97 (fb)) - Where the Hulk (known at the time on Sakaar as the
Green Scar) bled in the Great Arena, Eleha'al vines grew.
(Incredible Hulk III#95) - One of the Imperial slaves (who wore a control disc) discovered an Eleha'al vine growing from where the blood of the Hulk had fallen. Astounded, he proclaimed, "By the Prophet..."
After the Warbound broke out of the Great Arena, other former Imperial slaves approached the increasing number of Eleha'al vines.
(Incredible Hulk III#96) - Around a campfire in the Twisted Wood, one of the Imperials following the Green Scar/Hulk argued with "Badmouth," an Imperial loyal to the Red King who had infiltrated those accompanying the Warbound when the escaped the Arena.
When "Badmouth" denounced the Hulk, the follower showed an Eleha'al plant that had grown from the Green Scar's spilled blood.
The follower stated that while he was not sure the Hulk was the Sakaarson, he would would nonetheless follow him wherever the Hulk led.
. However, the Red King subsequently intervened directly, using his armor to incinerate the rebelling slaves and presumably the Eleha'al vines as well. (Incredible Hulk III#97 - BTS) - Seeking to convince the Hulk to go to Crown City and aid the rebellion against the Red King, one of the Imperial race following the Green Scar told him how he had fulfilled the prophecies, noting specifically that the green vines had grown from where he bled. (Incredible Hulk III#98) - As a pair of "Imperials" following the Green Scar cultivated an Eleha'al vine growing from the steppes -- which had been barren since the Spike Wars until a few drops of the Hulk's blood landed there -- Hiroim the Shamed noted that other plants would follow, and that the Green Scar gave the refugees and himself hope. As the Hulk battled Caiera, his shed blood caused more Eleha'al vines to grow, and even some of the Imperial Guardsmen began to believe that the Hulk was the Sakaarson. Furious at this, the Red King had a ship full of the alien Spikes launched into the site. |
(Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2 (fb) - BTS) - In a site in the wastelands where nothing could grow, the Hulk fought and shed blood. (Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2 (fb) - BTS) - "Three moons" later, the valleys were covered withe Eleha'al vines. Inspired, the people came to believe that he was the Sakaarson. (Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2) - A group of Imperial refugees arrived on the valley of Eleha'al, and they were welcomed and told the story of the Green Scar. The hungry refugees fed on the fruit from the Eleha'al
vines. The Red King then bombed the Eleha'al valley. The Eleha'al vines absorbed the deathfire from the explosion and flourished. However, as one of the Natives exhorted this as evidence of the Sakaarson, the vines impaled and slew him. As the Native screamed and presumably perished, the Eleha'al vines continued to swiftly grow, and the Imperials and others present fled. |
The vines eventually attacked and began killing the pack lizards, and
Old Sam(?) argued that if Skaar attacked them that they would kill
every innocent there while Omaka countered that the vines would kill
them anyway once they were done with the animals. After Omaka cursed Skaar and his father for bringing the vines, Skaar walked into the vines, which then fed on him while sparing the others. After the vines were done feeding and the weakened Skaar rejoined the group, the vines seemingly reverted to their previously harmless form, with enough fruit to feed thousands of starving people. However, Skaar then launched himself into the vines again and assaulted the monstrous creature that controlled the vines with his sword, advising the others, "If it bites, kill it." Old Sam noted that if Skaar had not attacked, that thing might not have...(fought back or harmed them), but (presumably) Yenrag contended that Skaar did attack, the thing was now dead, and they were still alive. Old Sam argued that killing everything in your way was not what it was all about and that they might be turning their people into monsters, but Princess Omaka countered that to survive on Sakaar, it was not a bad idea. | ![]() |
Comments: Created by Greg Pak, Carlo Pagulayan, and Jeffrey Huet.
The Eleha'al is somehow associated with the prophecy of the Sakaarson, but it was not specified exactly what was its involvement. As it was identified by many Sakaarians, it either was a well known legend or had at least existed on Sakaar in the past.
It is unrevealed whether the rest of the now-docile, fruit-bearing Eleha'al vines perished when Skaar destroyed their monstrous form. I suppose that is the assumption. However, even if so, there were other Eleha'al that grew in other locations.
How long is three moons? Is it three nights, or three full lunar cycles?
Profile by Snood.
Eleha'al should be distinguished from:
(Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2 (fb) - BTS) - In a site in the wastelands where nothing could grow, the Hulk fought and shed blood. (Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2 (fb) - BTS) - "Three moons" later, the valleys were covered withe Eleha'al vines. Inspired, the people came to believe that he was the Sakaarson. (Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2) - A group of Imperial refugees arrived on the valley of Eleha'al, and they were welcomed and told the story of the Green Scar. The hungry refugees fed on the fruit from the Eleha'al vines. The Red King then bombed the Eleha'al valley. The Eleha'al vines absorbed the deathfire from the explosion and flourished. However, as one of the Natives exhorted this as evidence of the Sakaarson, the vines impaled and slew him. As the Native screamed and presumably perished, the Eleha'al vines continued to swiftly grow, and the Imperials and others present fled. After the vines were done feeding and the weakened Skaar rejoined the group, the vines seemingly reverted to their previously harmless form, with enough fruit to feed thousands of starving people. However, Skaar then launched himself into the vines again and assaulted the monstrous creature that controlled the vines with his sword, advising the others, "If it bites, kill it." --Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2 |
.Some form of the Eleha'al could develop into a massive, monstrous entity with a head-like structure involving multiple spikes leaves/fronds/whatever surrounding a central-toothed maw. Such a being was not affected by the thorned vines upon feeding on Skaar's blood. It was powerful enough to contend with Skaar and a number of Brood-Saakarian natives, but it was ultimately slain by them. (Skaar: Son of Hulk Presents – Savage World of Sakaar#1) - In the Twisted Wood, after the vines were done feeding and the weakened Skaar rejoined the group, the vines seemingly reverted to their previously harmless form, with enough fruit to feed thousands of starving people. However, Skaar then launched himself into the vines again and assaulted the monstrous creature that apparently controlled the vines with his sword, advising the others, "If it bites, kill it." Old Sam noted that if Skaar had not attacked, that thing might not have...(fought back or harmed them), but (presumably) Yenrag contended that Skaar did attack, the thing was now dead, and they were still alive. --Skaar: Son of Hulk Presents – Savage World of Sakaar#1 | ![]() |
images: (without ads)
Incredible Hulk III#95, story pg. 5, panel 3 (slave discovers vine growing from the blood of the Green Scar);
last page, last panel (slave looking upon Eleha'al and crying)
#96, story pg. 1, panel 4 (potted);
#97, story pg. 1, panel 5 (drops of blood growing Eleha'al);
panel 6 (growing on Great Arena or the palace);
Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2, pg. 6, panel 1 (field of Eleha'al);
panel 3 (Imperial eating fruit);
pg. 7, panel 2-3 (absorbing deathfire, growing/changing);
panel 6 (slaying native);
Skaar: Son of Hulk Presents – Savage World of Sakaar#1, story pg. 1, panel 1 (Twisted Wood)
pg. 28, panel 2 (thorned vines confronted by Skaar);
panel 3 (feeding on Skaar);
pg. 30, panel 4 (three with sun's rays shining through it);
pg. 32, panel 1 (Skaar attacking vines);
panel 2 (monster appearing);
pg. 33, panel 1 (Skaar & Brood-Native hybrids attacking monster);
pg. 34, panel 1 (monster destroyed)
Incredible Hulk III#95 (July, 2006) - Greg Pak (writer), Carlo Pagulayan with Marshall Rogers (pencilers), Jeffrey Huet with Tom Palmer (inkers), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Incredible Hulk III#96 (September, 2006) - Greg Pak (writer), Aaron Lopresti (penciler), Danny Miki (inker), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Incredible Hulk III#97 (October, 2006) - Greg Pak (writer), Aaron Lopresti (penciler), Danny Miki (inker), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Incredible Hulk III#98 (November, 2006) - Greg Pak (writer), Aaron Lopresti (penciler),
Danny Miki & Sandu Florea (inkers), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark
Paniccia (editor)
Skaar: Son of Hulk#2/2 (October, 2008) - Greg Pak (writer), Butch Guice (penciler
& inker), Jordan D. White (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Skaar: Son of Hulk Presents – Savage World of Sakaar#1 (November, 2008) - Greg
Pak (writer), Timothy Truman (penciler, inker), Jordan D. White (assistant
editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
First posted: 06/28/2022
Last updated: 06/28/2022
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