Membership: Agamotto, Ancient One (Yao), Ayesha of Balobedu, Balkis (aka Queen of Sheba), Caius of Lacedaemon, Demon Rider (Kushala), Dr. Stephen Strange, Empedocles of Agrigentum (as part of the Triumvirate of Sorcerer Supremes), Epimenides of Knossus (as part of the Triumvirate), Zhang Jiao, Merlin, Sir Isaac Newton, Nina the Conjurer, Pherecydes of Syros (as part of the Triumvirate), Pythagoras of Samos (as part of the Triumvirate), unidentified shapeshifter (see comments), Shamhat Saraswati, Semiramis, King Solomon, Thales the Milesian (as part of the Triumvirate), Hermes Trismegistus, Zoroaster;
    possibly (likely unofficial) Doctor Voodoo (Jericho Drumm), Reverend Hiram Shaw, ;
    Zhered-Na was groomed for the title of Sorcerer Supreme, but she died before attaining it;
    Agamotto's unidentified disciple turned from the path before achieving the title Sorcerer Supreme

Purpose: As Earth's supreme practioner of white magic, the Sorcerer Supreme defends Earth and beyond from evil forces of magic (see comments)

Aliases: None

Affiliations: Aged Genghis, Vishanti (Agamotto, Hoggoth, Oshtur); humanity/Earth in general

Enemies: Dormammu and numerous other evil sorcerers

Base of Operations: Various/mobile

First Appearance: Marvel Premiere#10 (September, 1973)

History: (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - As Agamotto reached adulthood, he joined with Oshtur and Hoggoth to form the mystic trinity known as the Vishanti.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto wrote The Book of the Vishanti so humans could learn magic and become enlightened. Agamotto introduced Earth to three of the four forms of magic (Egocentric, Ecocentric, & Exocentric; excluding Necromantic) via recording information about his discovery and mastery of these "Three Paths to Enlightenment" in the Book of the Vishanti. Mankind did prosper, and Agamotto helped the early sorcerers, alchemists and scientists to develop the great city of Atlantis. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Around 19,000 BC when conflicts broke out again among the four surviving Elder Gods -- Chthon, Gaea, Oshtur, and Set -- Agamotto summoned their representatives to Atlantis for the legendary Assemblage of Avatars. The summit was attended by all the greatest sorcerers of the ancient era -- including Akoos the Red Wizard, Lady Linnea, Rotath, Sorrow, Teyanoga, Tuzun Thune, Thulsa Doom, Lord Varnae (still human at the time), the spirit of C'Thunda, and Zhered-Na with her apprentice Dakimh -- but very little was accomplished.

    Soon after this Agamotto began to express frustration with mankind's limitations. Impressed with Zhered-Na, Agamotto continued to observe and assist her, and he began grooming her to become his successor as humanity's protector.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) <18,000 BC> - Agamotto's frustration with humanity turned to fury when, during the Great Cataclysm that sank Atlantis, Valusia and Lemuria and wiped out much of civilization, he learned that his beloved friend Zhered-Na had been killed by a fearful superstitious mob (under the influence of the demonic Dweller-in-Darkness). 

    Agamotto withdrew into a world he created and accessed via his Orb, turning a blind eye to the horrible suffering that the world endured after the Fall of Atlantis. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) <18,000 BC - see comments> - Agamotto was so upset that he abandoned humanity for 500 years. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto held the unofficial title of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme from 18,000 BC - 15,000 BC.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - When Agamotto did finally return to Earth, he spent more time with Oshtur's new "offspring" - the Bird Men of Akah Ma'at. Created by the Elder Goddess to match the power of Chthon's Wolf Men and Set's Serpent Men, the winged people of Akah Ma'at lived in a floating cloud city dedicated to Oshtur in her guise as Ma'at, the Goddess of Truth.
    Agamotto chose Shamhat Saraswati, a great sorceress of Akah Ma'at, to become the next mystic protector of Earth; he gave her the Book of the Vishanti and the three Eyes of Agamotto, and she was the first to officially hold the title of "Sorcerer Supreme" circa 15,000 BC. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto became the paradigm that all future Sorcerer Supremes would aspire towards.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Influenced by Chthon, Varuna led a sect of the Winged Lords to become the Asura, judging and executing members of the "lower races," including humanity.

    The Winged Lords who did not follow Varuna were led by Saraswati, a great priestess of Oshtur; filled with shame over the Asura, they vowed to shield those the Asura would harm, and they came to be known as the Seraphim.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) <circa 10,000 BC> - Further manipulated by Chthon, the  ideological dispute within Akah Ma'at that (with some help from Chthon) grew into a civil war. The two factions, Saraswati's Seraphim and Varuna's Asura, grew so destructive that Oshtur banished the entire race from the Earthly plane  to the Plane of Sephirot, and an again frustrated Agamotto withdrew into his Orb.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - Presumably around this time, Agamotto took an unidentified extraterrestrial being as his disciple.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto's disciple was granted the Eye and Orb of Agamotto and -- aided by Agamotto -- served as nemesis to the Dark Dimension's Dormammu.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto's disciple determined that the fight was not worth the prize, and that good and evil were terms for others, not not him/her/it.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - Seeking to balance Chthon's corruption of the Asura, Oshtur coaxed Agamotto back to Earth so he could help her convert  four of the most malevolent demons into the service of justice. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) (fb) - BTS) - Though coaxed back to Earth by Oshtur, Agamotto, was now unsure of his ability to choose a successor, so he chose someone he believed could help him make the right choice, the wizard Genghis. His name coming from the ancient word Zhéng meaning "right", "just", or "true," Genghis was famous as a truthteller; when Agamotto asked him who should be the next Sorcerer Supreme, Genghis told him truthfully that he did not know. He did, however, know that the surest way to find the "supreme" anything was to hold a contest. So the "Time of the Vishanti" was declared and all the world's most powerful mages battled to see who would be supreme.

    Ayesha, the Rain Queen of Balobedu emerged as the champion, accepting Agamotto's talismans and the title of Sorcerer Supreme circa 10,000 BC. As magnificent and mysterious as the night sky, Ayesha was the first human to bear the title and one of the greatest. Her legacy lives on through her descendents, a matrilineal line of sorceresses that includes the Egyptian Priestess Ashake and the mutant Ororo (Storm).

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - After serving for nearly 5000 years, Ayesha asked the Genghis to help locate the next Sorcerer Supreme. The competition was held as the Egyptian civilization began to develop, and one of its wizards became the first human male to bear the title. Changing his name to Hermes Trismegistrus, he protected the Earth from 5000 to 1800 BC, leaving a wealth of scholarly tomes on magic, alchemy and astrology.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Next to "wear the Eyes" (from 1800 - 1300 BC) was the Persian Wizard Priest Zoroaster who saw the universe as the cosmic struggle between aša ("truth") and druj ("lie"). 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Zoroaster was succeeded by the Assyrian Sorceress Queen Semiramis (1300 - 1100 BC). 

    According to the legend, Semiramis had heard about the fame of the handsome Armenian king Ara. She decided to use the Orb of Agamotto to see him for herself and she fell instantly in love. She sent messengers asking Ara to marry her, but he refused. When she heard this, she gathered the armies of Assyria and marched against Armenia. During the battle, which may have taken place in the Ararat valley, Ara was slain. Semiramis tried unsuccessfully to use her magic to revive him. Driven mad by her grief, she ordered her people to worship Ara as their God and Semiramis as their Goddess. 

    The Vishanti were displeased and banished Semiramis from Earth, and Agamotto began to withdraw again.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The legendary King Solomon replaced Salomé's madness with wisdom and stability from 1100 to 800 BC. He also added to the library of mystic knowledge. The Key of Solomon the King and The Goetia or the Lessser Key of Solomon are still consulted for advice on summoning and binding spirits. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Solomon was succeeded by his love, Balkis, the Queen of Sheba, who served until 550 BC when a series of Greek Philosopher/Sorcerers attempted to fill the position of Sorcerer Supreme with a mystic triumvirate with mixed results. The mystical argument behind this adjustment was that it more accurately reflected the Trinity of the Vishanti, but it had much to do with the new democratic political philosophy. The triad included Thales the Milesian (replaced by Epimenides of Knossos 500 BC), Pythagoras of Samos (replaced by Empedocles of Agrigentum 470 BC), and Pherecydes of Syros. From the time of the Triumvirate of Mages comes the legend of the Three Magi or Three Wise Men. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Caius of Lacedaemon defeated all three of the Sorcerer Supremes in the year 400 BC and reunited the Eyes of Agamotto, but the Vishanti seemed not to care. The role of Sorcerer Supreme became less visible and less important as time progressed.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Zhang Jiao took over in 100 AD and used his power to lead the Yellow Turban Rebellion during the late Eastern Han Dynasty of China, but with the emergence of Christianity and its anti-magic sentiment, Agamotto and the Vishanti remained mostly in the background. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The line of succession almost came to an end when the wizard Merlin won the Battle of the Vishanti in the year 500 AD, but rejected the role of Sorcerer Supreme. A nameless sorcerer took up the mantle that Merlin had rejected. This mysterious wizard was especially gifted at the art of illusion, so accounts of his or her appearance are radically different in every historical record. There is no information as to why this individual wished to keep his or her true face and identity hidden (see comments).

(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Merlin allegedly accepted/achieved the role of Sorcerer Supreme.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The title did not truly return to prominence until 1450 AD, when a young Yao (later the Ancient One) took the title and began to reestablish the importance of the Sorcerer Supreme. At this point, the Vishanti had become so distant that the Ancient One actually received the Amulet of Agamotto from Eternity and had to retrieve the Book of the Vishanti from a Babylonian Griffon. Yao was able to reconnect with the
Vishanti and other mystic entities.

(X-Men: Hellfire Club#1 (fb) / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 12: Vishanti entry) - In the late 1680s, Yao was challenged for the title Sorcerer Supreme by Reverend Hiram Shaw, an American colonist who fought Dormammu. Shaw used his power to achieve political prestige by persecuting witches, and Yao soon after regained his title (which he may never have officially lost), presumably by force.

(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, likely late 17th century to early 18th century, Isaac Newton allegedly served as Sorcerer Supreme.

(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS / Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#3 (fb) - BTS) <Presumably 17th or 18th century> - Kushala, aka Demon Rider, who was bonded to a spirit of Vengeance, allegedly served as Sorcerer Supreme for an unrevealed period of time while Colonial settlers contended against Native Americans.

(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS / Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#4 (fb) - BTS / Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#9 (fb) - BTS) - Nina the Conjuror allegedly served as Sorcerer Supreme for a period of time including portions of the 1950s.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - In the 1960s, the Ancient One took as a disciple a crippled surgeon named Stephen Strange. Becoming known to the world as the hero Dr. Strange, he guarded Earth's dimension against an endless series of threats, although he was not officially Sorcerer Supreme.

(Strange Tales I#127) - Strange opposed mystic threats for decades, initially using the Amulet of Agamotto until Yao judged him worthy of the Eye of Agamotto and returned the Amulet to Agamotto.

(Marvel Premiere#10) - With the Ancient One’s physical passing years later, Strange assumed he had succeeded his master as Sorcerer Supreme.

Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment) - However, it was not until the Aged Genghis held the Time of the Vishanti, and Strange won the contest, that he officially claimed the title Sorcerer Supreme.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Strange’s title was challenged over the years, and he has been defeated in mystic combat, though never in at the Time of the Vishanti. Similarly, Strange has suffered varying degrees of weakness and/or corruption, causing him to apparently relinquish the title, though never for long.

(Mystic Arcana#1/
Mystic Arcana: Black Knight#1/Mystic Arcana#3/Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm#1) - Strange eventually began to succumb to more serious corruption, leading the Vishanti to use other champions, such as Ian McNee, aiding him in his quest to acquire the Cornerstones of Creation. Succeeding, McNee prepared to use the Cornerstones to help heal the apparently damaged foundations of magic itself.

(World War Hulk#3-4/New Avengers Annual#2/New Avengers II#54) -
When Strange surrendered the role of Sorcerer Supreme after corrupting himself through repeated channeling of the malevolent Zom’s vast power, the Eye of Agamotto delivered itself to Jericho Drumm (Brother Voodoo), and he was unofficially declared the new Sorcerer Supreme as Dr. Voodoo.

(New Avengers II#34) - The "Ancient One" (see comments) restored Sorcerer Supreme status to Strange.

(Dr. Strange V#383 (fb) - BTS / Dr. Strange V#385 (fb) - BTS) - Loki cast an illusion of the Tournament of the Vishanti in which Dr. Strange was victorious, but the Vishanti told him they had chosen a new Sorcerer Supreme and they thanked him for his service. Agamotto named Loki Laufeyson as the new Sorcerer Supreme, with Oshtur explaining that a mortal could no longer fulfill the role. However, the entire thing was an illusion.

(Dr. Strange V#381-385 - BTS / Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#27-30) - Loki acted as Sorcerer Supreme until he was forced to reveal his duplicity.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Strange's title has been challenged over the years, and he has been defeated in mystic combat, though never in an official forum. Similarly, Strange has suffered varying degrees of weakness and/or corruption, causing him to apparently relinquish the title, though never for long, and no being is known to have attained the title during such periods or during periods of Strange's lengthy departure from Earth. Similar situations have occurred with prior Sorcerer Supremes as well.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Other worlds and other dimensions seem to possess Sorcerer Supremes of their own. Whether these other Sorcerer Supremes are also connected to the Vishanti, is unrevealed.

Comments: Created by Steve Englehart, Frank Brunner, and Crusty Bunkers.

    The Marvel Tarot listed Shamhat Saraswati as having been Sorcerer Supreme from 15,000 to 11,000. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7 (2009): Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) lists the succession of Sorcerer Supremes in much greater detail, and notes that she was active until 10,000 BC, at which point the Bird Men of Akah Ma'at were banished from Earth. It makes sense that the Tarot was McNee's preliminary investigations, while his journal detailed the final information, which also matched the info in the Book of the Vishanti.
    Since Shamhat was appparently banished from Earth with all of the Bird-Men of Akah Ma'at by Oshtur, and the Bird Men were around circa 10,000 BC when Conan encountered them, they would have to have been banished after that, so the 10,000 BC date makes the most sense.

    Similarly, the Marvel Tarot lists Ayesha as having been active as Sorcerer Supreme from 10,000 to 6000 BC, with Hermes Trismegistus active 6000 BC - 3000 BC, with some confusion over what role the Aged Genghis might have served, around 3000 BC, until Zoroaster took over in 1800 BC.
    Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7 (2009): Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) clarifies that the Aged Genghis never held the title and instead came up with the idea of the Time of the Vishanti contest every hundred years, starting around 10,000 BC after the banishment of Shamhat Saraswati. The dates of activity for Ayesha and Hermes Trismegistus were then revised to 10,000 to 5000 BC and 5000 BC to 1800 BC, respectively.

   I had wondered about the identity of the unidentified shape-changer who had taken over the role of Sorcerer Supreme after Merlin refused it circa 500 AD...I asked Marvel Tarot writer David Sexton who this was meant to be, and he revealed  "My idea was that this would actually turn out to be Rintrah. Traveling back in time and using his mystical Weaving skills to weave disguises for himself. In my brain he is only in the past for awhile and then he returns to the present as strong as Strange."
    I strongly support this plot...but it hasn't happened yet, and since it wasn't confirmed in-story, we'll have to leave it as a maybe for now.

    Wiccan (Billy Kaplan) of Reality-13729 was revealed as a Sorcerer Supreme in the Doctor Strange and the Sorcerer Supremes series, but that involved his traveling back from the future. On/in Earth-616, Wiccan has not served such a role as yet.

When did the term Sorcerer Supreme show-up?

Mike O'Sullivan suggested, Donald Campbell seconded (and I concurred with) Marvel Premiere I#10 (1973).

Donald further added:

    It was in that issue that Shuma-Gorath described the Ancient One as "this realm's Sorcerer Supreme." Also, it was at the end of that issue that the Ancient One, who had become One With the Universe when Strange destroyed his ego, told Strange that he was "fully worthy to become this realm's new Sorcerer Supreme." Before leaving forever, the Ancient One also bequeathed his magical powers, released by the death of Shuma-Gorath, to Strange.

    In Doctor Strange II#1-2 & 4 (1974), Strange underwent and completed the first of a series of trials he was to undergo "as a Sorcerer Supreme" by expunging even the most deeply-held fear of Death within himself. From that moment on, Strange would (supposedly) not age and death would only come from battle (or accident), and not from within.

    In Doctor Strange I#19 (October, 1976), the Ancient One was disappointed when Strange refused to become One with the Universe and declared that by doing so he had rejected being Sorcerer Supreme. The Ancient One then removed from Strange the rank, form and powers of Sorcerer Supreme, and made him once more Master of the Mystic Arts. Strange then told Clea that he had become a man again.

    In Doctor Strange I#28 (April, 1978), after Strange defeated the In-Betweener and restored the world to how it should have been, Clea observed that Strange must be as powerful as he ever was and asked if he was "still" the Sorcerer Supreme. Strange replied, "That is...merely a title, my love - - a title which others may give, but which no one can ever truly claim. After all, a true Sorcerer Supreme must maintain at least a modicum of humility, no?"

    In Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (1989) , the official contest, the Time of the Vishanti was revealed.

    Via researching the Book of the Vishanti, Ian McNee outlined the lineage of the Sorcerer Supremes in Marvel Tarot; he revised, expanded, clarified, and corrected this lineage in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z#6: Magic appendix.

    A few additional Sorcerer Supremes showed up in the Doctor Strange and the Sorcerer Supremes series. As Merlin has previously been noted to have declined the role of Sorcerer Supreme, it is possible that some of these newly revealed Sorcerer Supremes were stand-ins or unofficial Sorcerer Supremes. Ultimately, there's no information that confirms or refutes their having undergone the Challenge of the Vishanti. Not much detail was provided.

Profile by Snood.

The Sorcerer Supremes have no known connections to

images: (without ads)

Marvel Premiere#10 (September, 1973)
Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (1989) - Roger Stern (writer), Mike Mignola (pencils), Mark Badger (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Tarot (2007) - David Sexton (writer/designer), Doug Sexton (technical consultant), Jeff Christiansen (continuity consultant), Michael Short & Cory Levine (assistant editors), Mark D. Beazley & Jennifer Grunwald (associate editors), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7 (2009): Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) - David Sexton (writer), Jeff Christiansen (head writer/coordinator), Madison Carter, Mike Fichera & Stuart Vandal (coordination assistants), Jeff Youngquist & Jennifer Grunwald (editors)

First posted: 08/23/2019
Last updated: 08/25/2019

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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