Real Name: Hooud

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Dire Wraith) sub-species (Inhuman/Direst Wraith) mutate

Occupation: Super hero

Group Membership: Light Brigade (All-Knowing/Dara Ko Eke, Metallic Titan/Prax Ord, Midnight Blade/Kal Blackbane, Stonethrower/Els Udonta, Sun/Voorr)

Affiliations: Eldrac, Fantastic Four (Human Torch/John Storm, Invisible Woman/Susan Richards, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Human Torch (John Storm), Inhumans (Black Bolt/Blackagar Boltagon, Crystal/Crystalia Amaquelin, Flint/Jason, Gorgon/Gorgon Petragon, Maximus/Maximus Boltagon, Medusa/Medusalith Amaquelin, Sway/Jovana), Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr), Universal Inhumans (Avoe, Aladi Ko Eke, Oola Udonta, Onomi Whitemane)

Enemies: Annihilation Wave, Annihilus, Kree, Snarks (Hyinar, others), Supreme Intelligence

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Great Beast of the Apocalypse

Base of Operations: Novahala on Centauri-IV;
   formerly the Universal City

First Appearance: (Seen, name unrevealed) Fantastic Four I#578 (June, 2010); (name revealed) Fantastic Four I#600/2 (January, 2012)

Powers/Abilities: After undergoing Exogenesis, Hooud of the Direst Wraiths, or Universal Inhumans of the Dire Wraiths, developed the power to increase in size and manipulate the weather and atmosphere around her, growing larger and scarier as he grows in size. It is unknown if Hooud has the same powers as standard Dire Wraith males, including killing victims with a barbed tongue to steal their identities or shapeshifting powers.

Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: None

(Fantastic Four I#578 (fb) - BTS) - Creeping Death, of the Direst Wraiths among the Universal Inhumans, was selected to join the Light Brigade, a group with a powerful history among the civilizations of the Universal Inhumans, and a group that was known not only for involving different members of the four races but also for sacrificing themselves to impossible tasks. The Light Brigade served the Universal Inhumans in the Universal City, which had recently moved to the surface of Earth's Moon. The six recruits were assigned to take place in the Offering, a series of impossible challenges to help them prove their worthiness, and it was believed they would all die in the process, as every other version of the Light Brigade had done in generations prior.

(Fantastic Four I#578) - Onomi Whitemane assembled the Light Brigade for the new Offering. Needing to be tested, the Light Brigade asked Eldrac to send them to a battle that they could not win. He sent them to the Negative Zone to fight Annihilus' Annihilation Wave.

(Fantastic Four I#600/2 (fb) - BTS) - The members of the Light Brigade were captured in the Negative Zone and subjected to torture, death, and resurrection multiple times. Annihilus made them regularly fight in the arena until they died, then he would resurrect them.

(Fantastic Four I#600/2 (fb) ) - The members of the Light Brigade saw the Human Torch imprisoned, killed, and resurrected in the Negative Zone as well, and they introduced themselves to him during a quiet moment.

(Fantastic Four I#600/2 (fb) - BTS) - Months passed as the arena battles, deaths, and resurrections continued. The Human Torch began making plans to overthrow Annihilus and escape.

(Fantastic Four I#600/2 (fb) ) - When a gate was opened to Earth and Annihilus assembled his Annihilation Wave to attack, the Human Torch and the Light Brigade freed themselves and the Human Torch went nova, killing many of the Annihiliation Wave as the Light Brigade protected themselves behind a force field. The Light Brigade attacked Annihilus directly, and the Human Torch seized control of the Cosmic Control Rod, thus taking over Annihilus' forces. With Annihilus chained, the Human Torch ordered the gate to Earth opened.

(Fantastic Four I#601) - The Light Brigade aided the Human Torch and his allies in the Fantastic Four in repelling a Kree invasion. After discussing strategy with Captain America and Iron Man, Midnight Blade saw the Human Torch summon the Annihilation Wave to assist in combat, and each of the Light Brigade piloted their own ships in an attack on the Supreme Intelligence, and the battle was soon over.

(Fantastic Four I#604) - The Light Brigade stood ready for battle.

(FF I#17) - The Human Torch had the Light Brigade over for a party with alcohol and poker. Peter Parker, his roommate, was extremely annoyed.

(FF I#20) - The Light Brigade and the Human Torch returned Annihilus to the Negative Zone without his Cosmic Control Rod, and the Hooud briefly lost control, ranting about killing as the gate closed. Later, the Light Brigade returned home in triumph, the first group to ever have done so, and the team was shown in to Black Bolt, their new king.

(FF I#21) - The Light Brigade offered the Fantastic Four visit Attilan.

(Royals#6 (fb) - BTS) - Unable to find welcome on their home planets, the four queens of the Universal Inhumans relocated their peoples to the city of Novahala, on the continent of Akuunos on Centauri-IV.

(Royals#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Light Brigade established the Circle of Testing Fire, both a temple and a training arena, where they could strengthen their bonds as teammates.

(Royals#6) - The four queens saw the arrival of a delegation of Earth's Inhumans (Medusa, Gorgon, Crystal, Flint, Swain, Maximus) and Marvel Boy, as the Light Brigade watched and welcomed them.

(Royals#7) - Creeping Death and the others watched as some sparred in the Circle. The Snarks, having stolen super powers from other Universal Inhumans and Gorgon (and having killed Midnight Blade), attacked the Inhumans and the Light Brigade, knocking them out and placing them in restraints.

(Royals#8) - The Light Brigade remained in stasis until Gorgon escaped and set them free. They joined the fight against the Snarks, and Metallic Titan was killed. Soon, Flint crushed the Snarks with a large rock.

Comments: Created by Jonathan Hickman and Dale Eaglesham.

The Celestials came to Skrullos in the distant past and experimented on the Skrulls, creating the Eternal, Prime and Deviant Skrulls. The Deviant shapeshifting Skrulls exterminated the Eternal and Prime branches. Some Deviant Skrulls studied black magic, transforming into the Dire Wraiths, who the Deviant Skrulls also attempted to exterminate, and the survivors fled to the Wraithworld in the Dark Nebula. Some Dire Wraiths were abducted by the Kree and experimented on, creating the Direst Wraiths, who were Dire Wraiths that underwent Exogenesis, becoming the Universal Inhumans of the Dire Wraith race. Thus the Direst Wraiths are in a way both Inhumans and Deviants.
--Wolfram Bane

Profile by Chadman.

The Creeping Death has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
FF I#20, p8, pan4 (Creeping Death)
Royals#7, p5, pan4 (face)
FF I#20, cover (3rd)

Fantastic Four I#578 (June, 2010) - Jonathan Hickman (writer), Dale Eaglesham (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Fantastic Four I#600/2 (January, 2012) - Jonathan Hickman (writer), Carmine Di Giandomenico (artist), John Denning (editor)
Fantastic Four I#601 (February, 2012) - Jonathan Hickman (writer), Steve Epting (penciler), Rick Magyar (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
FF I#17 (June, 2012) - Jonathan Hickman (writer), Nick Dragotta (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
FF I#20-21 (September-October, 2012) - Jonathan Hickman (writer), Nick Dragotta (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Royals#6-7 (October-November, 2017) - Al Ewing (writer), Kevin Libranda (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Royals#8 (November, 2017) - Al Ewing (writer), Kevin Libranda, Javier Rodriguez (pencilers), Alvaro Lopez (inker), Wil Moss (Editor)

First Posted: 12/26/2020
Last updated: 12/28/2020

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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