Real Name: Commander Gormagga Kraal
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial Cyborg technology user
Occupation: Warlord and Commander
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: His robot crew; (former) Altarra and Dr. Sha-Han
Enemies: Altarra, Beepie, Dr. Sha-Han, Solarman (Ben Tucker)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Warlord Kraal
Base of Operations: Solo-Cruiser near the Earth;
First Appearance: Solarman#1 (January, 1989)
Powers/Abilities: Kraal's intelligence would rank at above normal to gifted, although he seemed constrained by his paranoid and psychotic destructive nature. His strength was approximately peak human, although his bionic arm appeared to be up to superhuman class 10. His speed was about athlete, but his stamina would have been peak human and durability would be up to enhanced human (probably due to his armor). His agility and reflexes were about athlete levels.
He stood almost 7' tall and had yellow eyes and light blue skin (see comments). He blustered and postured, and acted like a bully, pushing the physically feeble Sha-Han about, and destroyed at least one of his robots that were, presumably, programmed not to offer resistance. His upper left torso was metallic and he had a metallic-looking bionic left arm. It was not revealed how this came about (see comments for speculation). The bionic arm, composed of an unknown substance, provided extra strength and could be used as a shield. It also had the extraordinary ability to stretch to at least 8x its length and could bend in a rubbery fashion. Also, his cybernetic left hand seemed to glow green the angrier he got, and could melt a robot's head instantly. He had a basic helmet and additional body armor composed of unknown substance.History:
The origins of Gormagga Kraal have not been revealed.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee (script), Jim Mooney (penciler) & Dennis Janke (inker); original Solarman created by David Oliphant.
Beats me why Kraal didn't just keep the Circlet of Power on all the time. Speculation: Perhaps Kraal initially possessed the Circlet, but had his arm ripped off, resulting in his becoming a cyborg, and he had only just reclaimed it and had been too busy sun-busting to pop the bracelet on before Sha-Han took it. It appeared that Kraal was a member of the same alien species as Sha-Han and Altarra, but his completely yellow eyes and bizarre powers suggest a mutate/mutant, although it could be that the differently colored eyes were just the result of ocular enhancements in line with his robotic arm. I'm also not sure about the physics of the universe in Solarman, with planets instantly shattering because their sun has been destroyed, and pressurized internal air blasts when a hull is breached in space. Kraal may have belonged to the Kree (or an offshoot). Boyd Kirkland, who did layouts for Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, Spider-Man & Hulk animated series, also drew storyboards for the Solarman animated pilot. On 13 June 2004, he stated that "If I remember correctly, Stan Lee wrote it for another client who funded it (I can't remember who). The intention was to create a new series/toy franchise independent of the Marvel Universe. It never took off." Unfortunately, I never saw the pilot, so I can't comment how closely the comic followed the plot. The video at the time apparently included "Special interview with Stan Lee, creator of Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and--destined for greatness--SOLARMAN!!" Hm.Clarifications:
Gormagga Kraal has no known connections to:
Solarman#1, p21, pan4
Solarman#1, p2, pan3 (headshot)
Solarman#1, p8, pan3 (destroying robot)
Last updated: 09/20/05
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