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Real Name: Benedict Xavier

Identity/Class: Human (19th Century at least through the World War I era);
  citizen of the United Kingdom

Occupation: Sea captain, expeditioner

Group Membership: Captain of his crew (Hollister and other unidentified crew members)

Affiliations: James "Logan" Howlett

Enemies: Omega Red (Arkady Rossovich), Mikhail Rasputin

Known Relatives: Brian Xavier (son), Sharon Xavier (daugher-in-law), Charles Francis Xavier (grandson, Professor X), Cassandra "Nova" Xavier (granddaughter, Cassandra Nova), David Haller-Xavier (great-grandson, Legion), Charles Graymalkin, Marcia Graymalkin, Jonas Graymalkin (ancestors)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: mobile;
    formerly mobile through Northern Canada for several months;
    formerly United Kingdom (presumed place of birth)

First Appearance: X Lives of Wolverine I#2 (February, 2022)

Powers/Abilities: Captain Benedict Xavier possessed no superhuman abilities. A successful sea captain and expeditioner, Benedict would've had the knowledge of ships and mapping out routes through uncharted territory at sea. Benedict had the charisma and skills to direct and command an entire ship crew.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'0")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 190 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond


(X Lives of Wolverine I#2 - BTS) - Captain Benedict Xavier lead a scientific expedition through the waters of Northern Canada in 1900.

(X Lives of Wolverine I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Xavier and his shipmates became restless after being trapped in the ice for twenty six days. Having returned from a successful seal hunt however, lifted the crew's spirits.

(X Lives of Wolverine I#2) - Xavier convened with his officer Hollister about the crew's morale. In an effort to boost morale Xavier suggested they'd open the brandy barrel and ration out a toast that evening. However just then, Hollister was possessed by the time traveling evil mutant Omega Red who'd been tasked by Russian Mikhail Rasputin to murder Charles Xavier's relatives throughout time. The possessed officer barged at Xavier who ducked just in time leading to Hollister falling over the side of the ship, to his death.

  Benedict Xavier then found himself surrounded by his crew, armed to the teeth. Unaware of what was happening, Xavier believed mutiny was at hand. In reality, Omega Red took turn in possessing the different shipmates to threaten their Captain.

(X Lives of Wolverine I#3) - Shocked by the sudden turn of events, Benedict Xavier defended himself with his pistol. But just as he shot one of the possessed shipmates Omega Red easily possessed another. While urging his men to stand down Xavier stabbed another of the shipmates. But when another possessed harpoonist suddenly revealed Omega Red's tentacles, Xavier understood it wasn't a simple mutiny and stabbed the man with his own harpoon.

  Just then a giant white sperm whale, possessed by Omega Red, bursted through the ice to attack Xavier. Determined to stop the nightmarish beast Xavier quickly lid a barrel of oil just as the tentacles took hold of him. However, just then Wolverine appeared, who'd been send through time by Charles Xavier and Jean Grey to stop Omega Red. After Wolverine used his claws to free Xavier from the tentacles, the Captain quickly took hold of the burning barrel and threw it into the whale's mouth. Wolverine and Captain Benedict Xavier watched as the possessed animal burned.

(X Lives of Wolverine I#5 (fb) - BTS) - With the threat at hand dealt with, the young Wolverine joined Benedict Xavier on his voyage home as his entire crew had perished. As the duo travelled for several months Xavier would repeatedly offer Wolverine to have him sworn in as a citizen of England and a cadet of the Royal Navy, Wolverine would decline every time.

(X Lives of Wolverine I#5) - After several months Xavier and Wolverine eventually reached the Canadian port where Xavier once again offered to have him sworn in as a citizen of England and a cadet of the Royal Navy, but like all other times, Wolverine declined. With their voyage coming to an end, Wolverine thanked Xavier for he'd taught him, in return Xavier handed the young man his compass which was also a watch. Wolverine then left.

(X Lives of Wolverine I#4 - BTS) - In an effort to lessen their impact on the timeline, Charles Xavier and Jean Grey unleashed a mile-wide psionic blast to make those affected forget everything that had transpired. The psionic blast was made to feel as if this affected by it would feel like their rising from a nap they can't quite remember.

Comments: Created by Benjamin Percy and Joshua Cassara.

Benedict Xavier was a great character to read about, one can only wonder what kind of adventures he and Logan experienced.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Benedict Xavier has no known connections to


  Hollister was Xavier's first mate and had the highest authority, taking command of the ship in case the captain would've been incapacitated.

During their expedition through the waters of Northern Canada, Hollister became possessed by the time-traveling Omega Red. Unable to resist Red, Hollister tried to kill Captain Benedict Xavier but found his untimely death when he accidentally fell over board, dying from the fall.

--X Lives of Wolverine I#2

Xavier's crew

  Xavier's crew members who were part of their expedition through the waters of Northern Canada. All of the crew members became possessed by the time-traveling Omega Red. Unable to resist Red, the crew members tried to kill Captain Benedict Xavier but were each killed by Xavier in self-defense.

--X Lives of Wolverine I#2 (X Lives of Wolverine I#2, X Lives of Wolverine I#3

Images: (without ads)
X Lives of Wolverine I#2, p16, pan2 (main image)
X Lives of Wolverine I#3, p18, pan2, 3 and 4 (assisted by Logan)
X Lives of Wolverine I#5, p6, pan2 (departing ways with Logan)
X Lives of Wolverine I#2, 17, pan1 (Hollister, possessed by Omega Red)
X Lives of Wolverine I#2, 18, pan1 (Xavier's crew, possessed by Omega Red)

X Lives of Wolverine I#2 (February, 2022) - Benjamin Percy (writer), Joshua Cassara (pencils, inks), Drew Baumgartner, Mark Basso, Jordan D. White (editors)
X Lives of Wolverine I#3 (February, 2022) - Benjamin Percy (writer), Joshua Cassara (pencils, inks), Drew Baumgartner, Mark Basso, Jordan D. White (editors)
X Lives of Wolverine I#5 (March, 2022) - Benjamin Percy (writer), Joshua Cassara (pencils, inks), Drew Baumgartner, Mark Basso, Jordan D. White (editors)

First Posted: 10/10/2023
Last Updated: 10/10/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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