(of Reality-8107)

Real Name: Thor

Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (reality-8107) Asgardian god

Occupation: God of thunder

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Eric the Viking, Spider-Friends (Firestar/Angelica Jones, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Spider-Man/Peter Parker)

Enemies: Loki

Known Relatives: Odin (father), Loki (half-brother)

Aliases: "Goldilocks"

Base of Operations: Asgard

First Appearance: (unidentified likeness seen/behind-the-scenes): Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "Triumph of the Green Goblin" (September 12, 1981);
    (fully seen & identified): Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "The Vengeance of Loki" (November 14, 1981)

Powers/Abilities: Thor possessed superhuman strength.

Thor wielded an enchanted hammer, which granted him power over thunder and storm. With it, he could also fly and his hammer could also fly back to him after being thrown.

Height: 6'6" (by approximation)
Weight: 640 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

History: (Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "Triumph of the Green Goblin" - BTS) - Thor's likeness was seen as a costume on Earth.

(Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "The Vengeance of Loki") - Thor arrived in the North Sea, called there by his hammer sensing a strange source of energy. Landing on an ice flow, Thor helped the heroic Spider-Friends save a sinking ship they were rescuing, mostly by welding the ship's hull via his hammer-produced lightning. Upon seeing a Viking ship trapped in the ice, Iceman asked Thor if he knew anything the ship, which had a large gemstone embedded into it. Thor asked if he meant on the ship's prow and when Iceman confirmed the gem's location, Thor muttered about the Twins of the Gods gemstones. After Spider-Man expressed disbelief about Thor's godhood and Firestar compared Asgard to Never-Never Land, Thor swung his hammer around and brought forth a vision of the Realm Eternal, including Asgard, the Realm of the Ice Giants and the Forest of Thorns, lair of Thor's half-brother Loki. He also mentioned Loki's search for the second Twins of the Gods gemstone, emphasizing Loki's possession of the first gem and the terrible powers he could unleash if he had both. Thinking of how a Geiger counter detected Uranium, Thor decided to use his hammer to seek out the missing gem in a similar way. He quickly found it on a Viking ship trapped in a nearby glacier.

As Firestar melted the glacier to free the ship, Thor called her a "splendid goddess" and when Iceman was attacked by a polar bear (actually a disguised Loki), Thor flew to attack, blasting the bear with his hammer's energies and revealing Loki. When Loki took the other gem from the ship, he blasted Iceman and Thor, sending them both to distant parts of Asgard, with Thor ending up in a force bubble within the Desert of Despair. He tried to bash his way free but was knocked back against the bubble's wall for his efforts. He stayed imprisoned in the bubble but continued to strike against it with his hammer. Striking it against the ground and summoning a storm, Thor flew again and again against the bubble until he finally broke free. He flew out of the desert and into the Realm of the Ice Giants, where he found Iceman. Together, the two heroes made their way to the Rainbow Bridge and from there to Earth, with Thor swearing vengeance on Loki.  

They soon arrived on Earth, with Thor easily dispatching Loki and taking the Twins of the Gods away from him, which freed Spider-Man and Firestar, who had been trapped in the gems by Loki. He then blasted Loki with the gems, sending him back to Asgard. As the sun rose over New York City, Thor took the magic sword of Eric the Viking, who had been freed with the Viking ship, and destroyed it along with the Twins of the Gods before bidding the Spider-Friends a fond farewell as he took Eric the Viking with him to Valhalla.

(Spider-Man cartoon episode - "Arsenic & Aunt May" (fb) - BTS) - Thor's licensed his image to appear in the animated program The New Adventures of the Mighty Avengers.

Comments: Created by Donald F. Glut and Marvel Productions, Ltd. (see Appearances list for list of artists involved).

Vic Perrin was the credited voice actor for Thor. His physical stats are approximated from his 616 counterpart.

While Don Blake was the alter ego of Thor on Earth-616, there is no mention of the two sharing a body/being the alter ego on Earth-8107. The nurse who assists him, while unidentified in the episode, looks exactly like Earth-616's Jane Foster. Dr. Blake was voiced by Jack Angel.

There are also Asgardian warriors that looks just like Volstagg and Balder though they, too, are left unidentified. Also, Mjolnir, while clearly shown throughout the episode, is never called that by name.

Much like Captain America, we see Thor as part of the line-up for the metafictional The New Adventures of the Mighty Avengers television series on Earth-8107.

Profile by David Lawrence.

Reality-8107's Thor has no known connections to:

Dr. Blake

A doctor assigned to Metro Hospital, Dr. Blake personally oversaw the treatment of Namorita. He was astounded at the Atlantian's gills and when Spider-Man dropped by the hospital, Dr. Blake told him of her status while watching the Sub-Mariner rampaging on the  television. He later shook hands with the Sub-Mariner as Namorita was discharged from the hospital.  

--Spider-Man cartoon episode, "Wrath of the Sub-Mariner"

"Jane Foster"

A nurse working in Metro Hospital, "Jane Foster" silently worked alongside Dr. Blake and helped take care of Namorita. She stood by as Dr. Blake and Spider-Man talked.

--Spider-Man cartoon episode, "Wrath of the Sub-Mariner"

images: (without ads)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "The Vengeance of Loki" (all images of Thor)
cartoon episode, "Wrath of the Sub-Mariner" (Dr. Blake & "Jane Foster")

Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "Triumph of the Green Goblin" (September 12, 1981) -
Dennis Marks (writer), Bruce Bennett, Norm Cabral, Dan Faucett, Neil Galloway, Greg Garcia, Gary Graham, Rick Graham, Karl Hepworth, Stuart Heimdall, Elaine Hultgren, Boyd Kirkland, Debra Pugh, Dave Sharp, Roy Smith, Tom Tholen, Grant Wilson, Roy Wilson, Bob Foster (layouts), Jan Green, Rick Hoberg, Cullen Houghtaling, Larry Houston, Sherman Labby, Will Meugniot, Dick Sebast, Bob Schaffer, Don Shepard, Hank Tucker, Warren Tufts (storyboards), Gerry Chiniquy, Steve Clark, John Gibbs, Sid Marcus, Bob Richardson, Nelson Shin, Arthur Vitello (animation directors)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "The Vengeance of Loki" (November 14, 1981) - Donald F. Glut (writer), Jan Green, Rick Hoberg, Cullen Houghtaling, Larry Houston, Sherman Labby, Will Meugniot, Dick Sebast, Bob Schaffer, Don Shepard, Hank Tucker, Warren Tufts (storyboards), Bruce Bennett, Norm Cabral, Dan Faucett, Neil Galloway, Greg Garcia, Gary Graham, Rick Graham, Karl Hepworth, Stuart Heimdall, Elian Hultgren, Boyd Kirkland, Debra Pugh, Dave Sharp, Roy Smith, Tom Tholen, Grant Wilson, Roy Wilson, Bob Foster (layouts), Gerry Chiniquy, Steve Clark, John Gribbs, Donald L. Jurwich, Sid Marcus, Bob Richardson, Nelson Shin, Arthur Vitello (animation directors)
Spider-Man cartoon episode, "Arsenic & Aunt May" (February 6, 1982) - Creighton Barnes, Doug Booth, Francis X. Feighan, Donald F. Glut, Jack Hanrahan, Christy Marx, Larry Parr, Jeffery Scott (writers), Lyle Beddes, Bruce Bennet, Norm Cabral, Dan Faucett, Neil Galloway, Greg Garcia, Gary Graham, Rick Graham, Karl Hepworth, Stuart Heimdall, Larry Huber, Elaine Hultgren, Boyd Kirkland, Debra Pugh, Keith Sargent, Dave Sharp, Roy Smith, Grant Wilson, Roy Wilson, Bill Wray (layouts), Mario Piluso (layouts, storyboards), Rick Hoberg, Cullen Houghtaling, Larry Houston, Sherman Labby, Henry Tucker (storyboards) Gerry Chiniquy, Steve Clark, John Gribbs, Sid Marcus, Bob Richardson, Nelson Shin, Kay Wright (animation directors)

First Posted: 03/23/2021
Last updated: 03/23/2021

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