marquis_radu-mainMARQUIS RADU

Real Name: Presumably Radu

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Microverse) magic-user and advanced technology-user

Occupation: Conquerer, scientist, mystic

Group Membership: Leader of an army/troops and commander of an unidentified group of assassins/agents (Centivros, Krevius Trell, Null-Tron, Raidus Dren, Verus, Xerxes);

Affiliations: Baron Karza,
Carnage (Cletus Kasady);
    he intended the Klyntar/symbiote clones to be his agents, but they were immediately controlled by Carnage and used against him

Enemies: Carnage (Cletus Kasady), Enigma Force, Enigma Force team (Bug, Flare, Marionette/Mari, Quark, Arcturus Rann), Katy Kiernan, Lord Gouldar, Psycho-Man, Redeemer, Scarlet Spider (Kaine), Klyntar/Symbiote clones, Venom (Flash Thompson); countless armies and monsters;
    indirectly Nell Fletcher, Dr. and Ryan Ketola, the guards at Thunderbolts mountain maximum security prison and those civilians injured, slain, and/or terrorized by Carnage following his escape as well as upon his return with the Klyntar/symbiote clones

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Avatar of Chaos;
    see comments

Base of Operations: Mobile fortress, last seen on an unzoned world in the Microverse;
    presumably mobile throughout the Microverse

First Appearance: (Behind-the-scenes) Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 (December, 2012);
(unidentified, lateral and posterior views) Scarlet Spider II#11 (December 2012);
    (identified) Venom II#26 (December 2012);
full appearance, but face remaining cloaked); Scarlet Spider II#12 (January, 2013)


Powers/Abilities: Marquis Radu is apparently extremely powerful, although only a few of his abilities have been glimpsed.

    He is powerful enough to smash Carnage unconscious with a single strike that seemed to be of no apparent strain. He can at least hold his own against if not defeat the entire Enigma Force team.

    Although his head and lower body have not been clearly seen (he appears to have some armor on the back of his head that extends through or acts as the point of attachment for his cloak/hood). He has an armored chest/abdominal plate, and has clawed, bionic four finger/one thumb gauntlets, the entirety of which can be launched, fly through the air, and redirected under his remote control (although this does not occupy much of his attention). Despite Klyntar/symbiotes being deadly to the nature of the Microverse, Radu's gauntlets can withstand their touch and incapacitate or slay symbiotes or their clones.

    He can project powerful energy blasts from his gauntlet-less wrists (and presumably from his attached gauntlets as well).

    He can teleport unspecified distances. He was only shown to teleport himself out of a room, but he may or may not have traveled out of a building, into an orbiting ship, or perhaps to another planet. It is unrevealed whether he can transport other objects or beings with him.

    As a student of Karza, he likely has certain mystic abilities; it is unrevealed whether his teleportation or ability to easily subdue Carnage are technological, mystic, or of another nature.

    Radu controls at least some of the Body Banks, which allow him to break down, transform, or rebuild others as he sees fit.

    He controls a number of armored troops, many of whom are constructed in the Body Banks

    He operated out of an immense Mobile Fortress

Height: Unrevealed (at least 6'10" tall; he's several inches taller than the 6'2" Venom/Flash); as we've never seen him on Earth, any Earth equivalent is pure speculation.
Weight: Unrevealed (he's tall and broad-shouldered within his cloak, and he's some sort of cyborg, with an armored chest/abdomen plate, and some sort of armored plate on the back of his hood, but we've not got much to base a weight on); as we've never seen him on Earth, any Earth equivalent is pure speculation.
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed


(Venom II#26 (fb) - BTS) - Marquis Radu was a student and follower of one of the most vile conquerors who ever lived (presumably Baron Karza).

(Minimum Carnage Omega#1 (fb) - BTS) - Marquis Radu was a mad scientist turned despot, becoming the diabolical leader of the Microverse's most evil factions.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - Marquis Radu considered the Enigma Force to be holding back the Microverse's potential.

(Scarlet Spider II#11 (fb) - BTS) - Radu defeated the Arcturus Rann's Enigma Force team.

(Scarlet Spider II#11 (fb) - BTS) - Marquis Radu pushed back the Psycho-Man.

(Scarlet Spider II#11 (fb) - BTS) - Marquis Radu battled Lord Gouldar.

(Scarlet Spider II#11 (fb) - BTS) - Marquis Radu crushed countless armies and monsters.

(Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - Radu apparently battled the Enigma Force team on multiple occasions, often at the most inopportune time.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - Radu was aware of the Klyntar/symbiotes history with the Microverse: They had invaded the Microverse (at least) millennia ago, their natures proving to be a poison that broke down structures in the Microverse, and the symbiotes had tried to bond with and consume the Enigma Force before the Force destroyed and expelled the symbiotes.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to become God of the Microverse, Radu considered that in order to be the new god, the old god (the Enigma Force) had to die. marquis_radu-projection-posterior

    As killing the old god was against his religion, Radu resolved to summon a symbiote to the Microverse to destroy the Enigma Force.marquis_radu-projection

(Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - Radu further considered that after he ruled the Microverse, the "Macroverse" (Universe-616) would be next.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS / Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - Radu sought to both slay the Redeemer (the former Acroyear), the living embodiment of the Enigma Force, and to destroy the Enigma Force itself, after which he would rekindle the Enigma Force under his control.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - With the goal of using Carnage to destroy the Redeemer and to replicate Carnage's symbiote via the Body Banks, Radu sent his agents/assassins to the Earth dimension.

(Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 (fb) - BTS) - Radu's agents broke Carnage out of Thunderbolts Mountain maximum security prison in Colorado.

(Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 (fb) - BTS) - Footage of Carnage's escaped showed insect-sized agents killing the prison guards.

(Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 - BTS) - Radu's agents slew police officers who discovered Kasady driving on I-25.

(Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 (fb) - BTS) - Based on the footage of Carnage's escape, Venom had his reporter friend Katy Kiernan investigate tiny killers, which led them to a report on the Prometheus Pit being built in Houston Texas by Dr. Ketola at NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

(Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking Dr. Ketola to travel to the Microverse, Carnage and the assassins confronted Dr. Ketola's husband, Ryan, and slew her mother, Nell Fletcher.

(Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 - BTS) - Rescuing Ryan Ketola, the Scarlet Spider learned of and sought out Dr. Ketola as well.

    As Carnage confronted Ketola, the Scarlet Spider tried to fight him off but was knocked out by Radu's agents, who subsequently forced Ketola to activate the Prometheus Pit and allow them and Carnage (who brought Kiernan along, too) to travel to the Microverse.

(Scarlet Spider II#10 - BTS) - Affected by exposure to the Microverse following his approaching the Prometheus Pit, Venom temporarily lost control but subsequently traveled alongside the Scarlet Spider via having Dr. Ketola transport them to the Microverse to stop Carnage.

(Venom II#26 (fb) - BTS) - The Redeemer sought Marquis Radu in order to heal him.

(Scarlet Spider II#10) - Marquis Radu communicated with Verus via some sort of holoprojection projected by Krevius, noting their successful return with Carnage. After Radu noted that base had found the Redeemer on one of the unzoned planets, Verus shared that Carnage killed excessively and was unstable. Radu interrupted her, noting that Carnage would do his job and instructed her to do hers.

(Scarlet Spider II#10 - BTS) - Verus' forces, with Carnage and Kiernan, headed to their ship to seek out the Redeemer.

(Scarlet Spider II#10 - BTS) - At the instruction of the Redeemer, the Enigma Force recruited Venom on Tropica, where he was noted to be "the Corruptor."

(Scarlet Spider II#10 - BTS) - Scarlet Spider arrived on the Obsidian Wastelands in an unzoned world where he encountered the Redeemer.

(Venom II#26 - BTS) - When Verus' forces brought Carnage to a Body Banks annexing station associated with Homeworld and Verus danced around Carnage's questions noting, "the Redeemer has been targeted for death, yes, and you will be the instrument of his destruction," Katy Kiernan suggested to Carnage that he was intended to be raw material for the Body Banks.

(Venom II#26 (fb) - BTS) - Carnage apparently slaughtered Centivros, Krevius, and Null-Tron and bound Raidus against the wall

(Venom II#26 - BTS) - As the Enigma Force prepared to bring Venom to the Redeemer, they were confronted by two dozen ships from Radu's armada. The sonic weapons used in the struggle caused Venom to lose control and turn into a rampaging monster.

(Venom II#26 - BTS) - Carnage slew Xerxes and tore the serpents off of Verus' head when they challenged him, then instructed Raidus to lead him to Marquis Radu. They took Radu's agents' ship.

    As the Redeemer led the Scarlet Spider toward Radu's craft, Carnage leapt to the attack.marquis_radu-carnage_slam

(Scarlet Spider II#11 - BTS) - Flare's song helped Venom regain control, after which Venom and the Enigma Force were captured by Radu's troops.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Radu's men informed him of the finding of a second symbiote in the Microverse.

    When the Scarlet Spider fell to seeming doom while trying to save the Redeemer, Radu's troops showed up in force and ordered Carnage to stand down, after which Raidus instructed the troops to take Carnage to the Marquis.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - Raidus informed Radu that Katy Kiernan was a historian from the Macroverse.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - Venom and the Enigma Force were bound and brought aboard Radu's craft.

(Scarlet Spider II#11 - BTS) - Arcturus Rand told Venom that Radu was going to kill them.

(Scarlet Spider II#11) - Radu then arrived, noting that he intended Venom to consume a god for him: Radu explained that he considered this to be his world and his universe, and that he would not share it with anyone, not even a god.

    When Rann commented that Radu had lost, as the Redeemer was still free and far from his grasp, Radu countered than Rann's limited mind could not begin to imagine his grasp. Radu then turned to Venom and noted his surprise upon learning of a second symbiote being in the Microverse as he had only ordered one.

    When Raidus and Radu's troops arrived with Carnage, Kasady broke free and charged Radu, remarking that nothing would make him happier than killing for him. However, Radu simply caught Carnage's hand and face with his hands and smashed him to the ground, replying that he was not interested in his happiness.

    Radu then instructed his men to put the Enigma Force in holding cells and to take the symbiotes to the Body Banks, after which he asked Katy to confirm her role as historian and then had her take a walk with him. She asked if he was going to kill her, and he asked if he should and/or if she was a threat to him. When both agreed they could not imagine how she could be a threat to him, he noted that he had no interest in senseless slaughter.

    When Katy asked if that meant that his slaughter made sense, he confirmed that it did, as he believed the Microverse had always been chaos and war overseen by a mad god, and he intended to end that. To clarify his point, he shoved her head into a beam of light that showed her the past involvement of the symbiotes in the Microverse, and then he detailed his plans to use them to destroy the Enigma Force and usurp its role as God of the Microverse.

(Scarlet Spider II#11 - BTS) - The Redeemer explained to the Scarlet Spider how the symbiotes were an anathema to the Enigma Force, and he, as the living embodiment of that force, was dying as a result; and if the Enigma Force died, the Microverse would die, which would also destroy the "Macroverse" (Universe-616).

    As Carnage and Venom were brought into the Body Banks, Venom realized that Radu was going to build an army out of them.

(Venom II#27) - When Katy Kiernan asked Radu why he was telling her his plans, he explained his intent of taking over her universe after conquering the Microverse, and that she would serve as the instrument of his understanding (her realm). When she less-than-politely refused his offer, he noted that there was not need for further discourse and had her taken to her cell; noting that they would speak again after she'd spent some time in a cell, he advised her that her anger and indignation would serve her well in coping with the utter destruction of all she held dear.

(Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - When Radu's guards put their hands on Katy, she was able to take and pocket a sonic key before being locked up with the Enigma Force team.

(Venom II#27 - BTS) - Symbiotes cloned from Carnage and Venom consumed/necrosed the Body Banks generated hosts. Carnage and Venom's symbiote natures also corroded their restraints, allowing them to get free, after which Carnage took control of the symbiote clones.

(Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - Radu soon found himself battling the symbiote clones.marquis_radu-vs-enigma_force

    From a prison cell, Bug advised Katy that she would stay there with them until she decided to cooperate or they were all executed, after which Radu would most likely harvest her brain and clone it over and over again until he "cooked up one" with a more agreeable attitude.

    However, Katy shared her purloined sonic key, and the Enigma Force then used the sonic key to escape their cell.

    Scarlet Spider and Venom teamed up against Carnage, who was growing stronger by feeding on the essence of the Microverse.

(Venom II#27 - BTS) - The Enigma Force team joined the fight against the symbiote clones and then sought out the creatures' source.

(Venom II#27) - As Radu slaughtered the attacking symbiote clones, the Enigma Force team arrived, and Radu assured them if they waited patiently, he'd make their endings pleasurable. As the heroes attacked him, Radu fought back, telling them that disorder was the natural state of the Microverse, that he was the avatar of chaos, and that they could not hope to kill them. As Radu attacked in return, he told them that they would soon be naught but a victim of his machinations, after which he teleported away, leaving them to face the symbiote clones.

(Venom II#27 - BTS) - Advised by the Redeemer, Venom/Thompson reconnected with the pain in his past and incapacitated the symbiote clones.

    However, Carnage escaped back to Earth, taking an army of the symbiote clones with him.marquis_radu-energy

(Minimum Carnage Omega#1 (fb) - BTS) - Marquis Radu remained at large.

(Minimum Carnage Omega#1 - BTS) - Backed by the symbiote clones, Carnage attacked the population of Houston.

    The Enigma Force team flew the Endeavor as close to the Spacewall as possible and then -- after Mari gave Venom and Scarlet Spider sonic weapons -- the Redeemer guided Venom to have his symbiote bring them (and Katy Kiernan) back to Earth.

    After Carnage bonded with the symbiote clones tried to consume Venom, Thompson briefly incapacitated him with a sonic weapon, after which the Scarlet Spider stabbed Kasady in the brain, apparently rendering him catatonic.

Comments: Created by Christopher Yost +/- Cullen Bun, Khoi Pham and/or Reilly Brown, & Tom Palmer and/or Chris Sotomayor.

    His green armor and clawed gauntlets makes me wonder if he might not be from Kaliklak, or perhaps one of the Kronos or Phobos...but maybe he just likes green armor?

For future reference

In Venom#27, Bug called Radu, "Baron Radu," which was presumably a mistaken, conflating him with Baron Karza, but perhaps it was an alias he used sometimes.

This profile was completed 1/16/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.

Profile by Snood.

Marquis Radu
should be distinguished from:

Marquis Radu's
mobile fortressmarquis_radu-mobile_fortress

    Marquis Radu utilized a fortress that could travel across land on eight pairs of insect/arthropod-like limbs. It was not 100% clear whether it could travel through air, space, or water.

    It was immense (the tiny figures around it are air/spaceships), perhaps the size of a football stadium or larger.
    It contained a Body Banks factory as well as advanced monitoring equipment.

    Its offensive, defensive, and other capabilities are unrevealed.

(Venom II#26) - The mobile fortress was present, apparently in the Obsidian Wastelands, on an unzoned planet.

    The Redeemer brought the Scarlet Spider to the mobile fortress, noting his intent to heal Marquis Radu, at which point they were ambushed by Carnage.

(Scarlet Spider II#11) - Radu's troops captured the Enigma Force team and Venom and brought them to Radu's mobile fortress.

    Following the Redeemer and Scarlet Spider's disappearance and seeming death, Radu's troops collected Carnage and brought him to Radu's mobile fortress.

    Within the fortress, Radu greeted his captives and subdued Carnage before having Venom and Carnage sent to the body banks

(Venom II#27) - The Enigma Force and Katy Kiernan were imprisoned in a holding cell.

    In the Body Banks, Venom and Carnage's Klyntar symbiotes were cloned and bonded to humanoid hosts, but they consumed the hosts. Venom and Carnage broke free, and Carnage took control of the symbiote clones.

    The Enigma Force, Venom, and Radu battled the clones, after which Radu teleported away.

    After Venom was able to subdue the clones, Carnage took the clones and returned to Earth.

(Minimum Carnage Omega (fb) - BTS) - The Enigma Force team departed with the Scarlet Spider, Venom, and Kiernan, eventually sending them back to Earth.

Venom II#26 (Scarlet Spider II#11, Venom II#27
marquis_radu-fortress-banksBody Banks on Radu's mobile fortress

    Marquis Radu's mobile fortress contained a Body Banks (see note), that contained numerous humanoid forms constructed from the dead and otherwise utilized/reconstituted bodies of others.

    Radu sought to clone the Klyntar symbiotes, bond them to his Body Banks-created humanoid hosts, and then use them to destroy the Enigma Force so that he could then rekindle the Enigma Force under his own control and become the God of the Microverse.

(Scarlet Spider II#11) - Radu has his troops take Venom and Carnage to the Body Banks.

(Venom II#27) - In the Body Banks, Venom and Carnage's Klyntar symbiotes were cloned and bonded to humanoid hosts

    Symbiotes cloned from Carnage and Venom consumed/necrosed the Body Banks-generated hosts.

    Carnage and Venom's symbiote natures also corroded their restraints, allowing them to get free.

    Carnage took control of the symbiote clones, sending them to attack everyone and everything on the mobile fortress and even Radu himself.

    The Redeemer brought the Scarlet Spider aboard the fortress to join the fight against Carnage and the symbiote clones.

    After Venom was able to subdue the clones, Carnage took the clones and returned to Earth.

Scarlet Spider II#11 (Venom II#27

Note: The Body Banks in general are beyond the scope of this sub-entry.

    This sub-entry only relates to the division of Body Banks on Marquis Radu's mobile fortress.

    It is unclear to me whether Radu was fighting the Klyntar/symbiote clones in the Body Banks or some other section

marquis_radu-troopsmarquis_radu-troops-2Marquis Radu's troops

    Marquis Radu had an army of armored troops serving as his soldiers, guards, etc.

    Based on Mari's notation of Radu growing more as needed, it seems very likely that the troops are created/cloned/whatever in the Body Banks.

(Venom II#26 - BTS) - As the Enigma Force prepared to bring Venom to the Redeemer, they were confronted by two dozen ships from Radu's armada.

    The sonic weapons used in the struggle caused Venom to lose control and turn into a rampaging monster.

(Scarlet Spider II#11 - BTS) - Flare's song helped Venom regain control, after which Venom and the Enigma Force were captured by Radu's troops.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Radu's men informed him of the finding of a second symbiote in the Microverse.

    Radu's troops showed up in force on the unzoned planet where Carnage had battled the Scarlet Spider.

They ordered Carnage to stand down, after which Raidus instructed the troops to take Carnage to the Marquis.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - Venom and the Enigma Force were bound and brought aboard Radu's craft.

(Scarlet Spider II#11) - As Radu's troops guarded the Enigma Force and Venom, Radu arrived.

    When Raidus and Radu's troops arrived with Carnage, Kasady broke free and charged Radu, remarking that nothing would make him happier than killing for him. 

    However, Radu swiftly subdued Carnage.

    Radu then had his troops to put the Enigma Force in holding cells and to take the symbiotes to the Body Banks.marquis_radu-troops-close

    As Carnage and Venom were brought into the Body Banks, Venom realized that Radu was going to build an army out of them.

(Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - When Radu's guards put their hands on Katy, she was able to take and pocket a sonic key before being locked up with the Enigma Force team.

(Venom II#27 - BTS) - Radu's troops aboard the mobile fortress were presumably slaughtered by the Klyntar/symbiote clones under Carnage's control.

Venom II#26 (Scarlet Spider II#11, Venom II#27

Note: They seemed to be Radu's version of Karza's Dog Soldiers.

    There may have been different forms of Radu's troops, but I'd chalk up the differing appearances to artistic license.

images: (without ads)
Scarlet Spider II#10, story pg. 13, panel 2-3 (projection)
Venom II#26, pg. 15, panel 2 (Radu's troops);
       pg. 18, panel 4 (mobile Fortress);
Scarlet Spider II#11, pg. 13, panel 1 (main/full);
       pg. 15, panel 3 (smashing Carnage);
       pg. 20, panel 3 (Body Banks)
Venom II#27, story pg. 1, panel 2 (mobile Fortress interior);
       pg. 15, panel 4 (battling symbiote clones);
       pg. 16, panel 3-4 (battling Enigma Force)

Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 (December, 2012) - Christopher Yost & Cullen Bunn (writers), Lan Medina (penciler), Karl Kesel, Cam Smith, & Walden Wong (inkers), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Scarlet Spider II#10 (December 2012) Christopher Yost (writer), Khoi Pham & Reilly Brown (pencilers), Tom Palmer & Chris Sotomayor (inkers), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Venom II#26 (December 2012)
- Cullen Bunn (writer), Declan Shalvey (artist), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Scarlet Spider II#11 (January 2013) - Christopher Yost (writer), Khoi Pham & Reilly Brown (pencilers), Tom Palmer & Chris Sotomayor (inkers), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Venom II#27 (January 2013) - Cullen Bunn (writer), Declan Shalvey (artist), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Minimum Carnage Omega#1 (January, 2013) - Christopher Yost & Cullen Bunn (writers), Lan Medina, Declan Shalvey, & Khoi Pham (pencilers), Karl Kesel, Walden Wong, Jaime Mendoza & Bit (inkers), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)

First posted: 09/26/2021
Last updated: 09/25/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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