jones-benjamin-712-nth_man-arcannajones-benjamin-712-nth_man-regressingBENJAMIN JONES

Real Name: Benjamin "Benjy" Thomas Jones

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-712/aka Earth-S) mutate;
    former magic-user

Occupation: Universe-restorer

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Mrs. Brennan, Nth Man/Mysterium (Thomas Lightner; originally of Earth-616, relocated to Earth-712); Overmind associated with the Scarlet Centurion's future, Professor Imam; Scarlet Centurion associated with Reality-712, Squadron Supreme of Earth-712 (Dr. Spectrum/Joe Ledger, Haywire/Hal Danforth, Hyperion, Lady Lark/Skylark/Linda Lewis, Moonglow/Arcanna Jones, Power Princess/Zarda, Michael Redstone, Whizzer/Stanley Stewart)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Arcanna Jones (Moonglow; mother), Philip Jones (father), Drusilla & Katrina Jones (sisters), Andrew (brother)

Aliases: "Nth Man" (he was never called that, but he exchanged everything he was for everything the Nth Man (Thomas Lightner) was);
    "inheritor of the future" (per narrative);

    "sweet angel" from Arcanna

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly Squadron City, Great American Desert, USA, Earth-712

First Appearance: (Pregnancy announced) Squadron Supreme I#4 (December, 1985);
    (born, partially seen, identified) Squadron Supreme I#12 (August, 1986);
    (fully seen)
Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (1989)

Powers/Abilities: According to ancient (possibly millennia-old) mystic Professor Imam, Benjamin had the greatest mystical potential he had ever experienced.

    As a newborn, he was quiet and content, but he may have already been telepathically aware of his surroundings and/or may have possessed an adult level of intelligence, understanding, emotional maturity. Certainly after receiving Imam's mantle as Sorcerer Supreme, he could communicate telepathically even over planetary distances and was intelligent and wise enough to understand advanced situations, such as sacrificing his own existence to save multiple universes.

    Beyond telepathy, the only ability he demonstrated was exchanging form and powers with an immense, cosmically-powered being (with whom both the Overmind and Inertia were violently destroyed by using their powers against him).

    Arcanna described him in his form as the new "Nth Man" as a transcendental child of pure creation.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 22" as a one-week-old child)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 10 lbs. as a one-week old child)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sparse black hair on head, dark eyebrows

Squadron Supreme I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Learning she was pregnant again, Arcanna was dying to share this information with one of her friends.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 - BTS) - As Lady Lark (Linda Lewis) struggled with declining a marriage proposal from the Golden Archer (Wyatt McDonald), Arcanna gave her advice and decided not to share her news, as she doubted that Linda would have been able to share her joy.

(Squadron Supreme I#5 - BTS) - Arcanna made no mention of her pregnancy while engaging in Squadron activities.

(Squadron Supreme I#6 - BTS) - As the Squadron Supreme debated inducting Behavior-Modification machine-altered members of the Institute of Evil into the Squadron Supreme, Arcanna voiced her support of this option as they were already short-staffed, and she added that she was pregnant and would have to start restricting her activities in the next few months.

(Squadron Supreme I#7 - BTS) - Arcanna made no mention of her pregnancy while engaging in Squadron activities.

(Squadron Supreme I#8 - BTS) - Arcanna used her magical powers to hide her physical changes so the others would not realize how far along she was.

(Squadron Supreme I#8 - BTS) - At the Squadron City hospital, when Dr. Anton Decibel stated that she didn't look the least bit pregnant to him, Arcanna dispelled the illusion that was hiding how pregnant she looked. She explained that she was doing it because, the last time that she had been pregnant, the Squadron had treated her like she was made of glass and she wanted to avoid that this time. Decibel wasn't sure that she should be hiding her pregnancy like that, but she made him promise not to tell the others and his behavior modification meant he had to obey.jones-benjamin-712-nth_man-newborn

 (Squadron Supreme I#9 - BTS) - Arcanna made no mention of her pregnancy while engaging in Squadron activities.

(Squadron Supreme I#10 - BTS) - While on a mission to Herculanea, Arcanna wondered to herself how Zarda would react if she knew that Arcanna had been using a spell of invisibility to hide how far along her pregnancy was.

 (Squadron Supreme I#11 - BTS) - Arcanna made no mention of her pregnancy while engaging in Squadron activities.

(Squadron Supreme I#12 - BTS) - Arcanna had an examine by her midwife Mrs. Brennan, who noted that she was two centimeters dilated and fifty per cent effaced so she could go into labor any time within the next week. Using her powers to conceal the extent of her pregnancy, Arcanna ignored Mrs. Brennan's advice to the contrary, and she elected to go to a Squadron affair in Capital City.

    When Nighthawk led his Redeemers to confront the Squadron, Arcanna tried to get to safety. However, Mink and Moonglow pursued her, and Moonglow's illusion of increased gravity sent Arcanna into labor. When Shape questioned why Moonglow was hurting Arcanna, the distraction allowed Arcanna to leave behind an illusion of herself while she escaped Moonglow's increased gravity, after which she punched out Moonglow. However, the pain of labor then forced Arcanna to drop her own illusion, and she convinced Shape to take her to the hospital so she could have the baby. jones-benjamin-712-nth_man-face-glint

(Squadron Supreme I#12 (fb) - BTS) - While many combatants on both sides perished and the Squadron agreed to surrender and dismantle the Utopia program, Arcanna gave birth to Benjamin Thomas Jones in Squadron City's Hospital Complex under the care of Mrs. Brennan.

(Squadron Supreme I#12) - Three minutes and 14 seconds later, as Arcanna cradled her newborn in her arms, Philip announced, "It's a boy!" to the waiting siblings and Shape.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (fb) - BTS) - In the first week of his life, Benjamin only made contented sighs.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) <12 hours before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - As Arcanna finished nursing Benjamin, Philip wondered what Benjamin's magical aptitude would be, Arcanna noted that she had a feeling about Benjamin, that he was going to be a real toughie.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) <3 hours and 34 minutes later; 8 hours and 26 minutes before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - When the Nth Man entered Universe-616 and threatened to consume the Earth, Philip was holding Benjamin as Princess Power (Zarda) forbade Arcanna to accompany them on the mission, insisting she stay home with her newborn and her family. Despite Arcanna's begging to go and noting that if the mission failed her family would cease to exist, Zarda refused to give in.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (fb) - BTS) - With Moonglow afraid of traveling into space, she agreed to allow Arcanna to impersonate her and accompany the Squadron in their mission against the immense invader.

    Carrying Benjamin on her chest in a Baby Bjorn-sort-of-deal, Arcanna impersonated Moonglow.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) - Five minutes after being forbade to participate, Arcanna accompanied the Squadron to Master Menace's base.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) <21 minutes later; 8 hours before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Arcanna and Benjamin in the form of Moonglow, along with the rest of the Squadron, arrived at Master Menace's base.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) <7 hours and 54 minutes before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Arcanna and Benjamin in the form of Moonglow, along with the rest of the Squadron, departed in Menace's ship into space.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) <7 hours and 44 minutes before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Arcanna and Benjamin in the form of Moonglow watched helplessly as Redstone perished upon losing his connection to Earth; Dr. Spectrum flew Redstone back to Earth.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) <7:12 before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Arcanna and Benjamin in the form of Moonglow watched as Spectrum arrived and announced Redstone's death, after which Menace revealed the massive extent to which the invader (Nth Man) had grown.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) <6:51 before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Arcanna and Benjamin in the form of Moonglow watched as Hyperion, Whizzer, Dr. Spectrum, and Skylark departed under Menace's guidance to deliver his dimension traps around the Nth Man.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) <6:00 before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - After Menace noted that the exponentially growing Nth Man would engulf the Earth well before the dimension traps could be placed, Arcanna (as Moonglow) combined her magicks with Professor Imam to enhance Inertia's power in an effort reverse the invader's growth.

    Realizing that Moonglow didn't have magical powers, Zarda suspected that something was amiss. jones-benjamin-712-nth_man-bjorn

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) <5:54 before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Inertia was transformed into dust as her powers reached and challenged the Nth Man, and her remaining matter was driven through the ship's hull, causing explosion decompression. Shape briefly sealed the hole, but Arcanna briefly dropped her illusory form (if only observed by the Scarlet Centurion) to magically seal the hole.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) <5:35 before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Arcanna and Benjamin in the form of Moonglow observed as Menace's dimension traps were utilized to no avail, after which Menace teleported away.

    After explaining their intent to Shape, Moonglow and Professor Imam tried to mentally commune with the cosmic invader.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) <4:00 before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - As Imam had reached the cosmic invader, he identified the invader as the Nth Man (Thomas Lightner) of Earth-616 and revealed his history and progression to this point before perishing. As Zarda panicked with Imam's death, Arcanna reverted to her true appearance, comforting Zarda at the thought of dying beside a friend.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (fb) - BTS) - Just before Imam died, he passed on the mantle of being Earth-712's wizard supremeto Benjamin. Imam told Benjamin he had the greatest mystical potential he had ever experienced. 

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) <3:50 before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Benjamin remained facing Arcanna in her Bjorn-device as the Scarlet Centurion returned with the Overmind, whose head exploded upon trying to force back the Nth Man.jones-benjamin-712-nth_man-scarcent

    As the Scarlet Centurion bade his enemies farewell, hoping that their deaths would be painless, Arcanna tried to convince him to take her one-week-old son, back to his realm, as he didn't deserve to perish. Briefly looking into the infant's eyes, the Centurion turned away,telling Arcanna he would make a very poor babysitter, before departing back to his realm (see comments).

    Arcanna embraced Benjamin and told him she was so sorry.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) - In the last three hours before the Nth Man engulfed Earth, Benjamin slept peacefully as the Squadron raced Menace's ship back to Earth but ultimately stopped in low orbit when they realized there wasn't time to land. Though she considered that she would give the world for one more look into Benjamin's gentle brown eyes, Arcanna resolved not to awaken him so he could sleep through the end.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) <0:07 before the Nth Man engulfed Earth> - Arcanna kissed Benjamin on the forehead, bidding her "sweet angel" goodbye and telling him she was sorry life had to be so short. Benjamin surprised her by telepathically responding, "Don't worry, mommy."

    After the Nth Man engulfed Earth, Benjamin convinced Lightner to exchange places with him: "everything I was in exchange for all he was." Lightner (now the wizard supreme)was left lying beside Arcanna while Benjamin assumed the massive form of the Nth Man. Benjamin then telepathically communicated with Arcanna, telling her that he had made a deal with Lightner and that he was now all-obscuring whiteness she saw outside the ship. After noting that Lightner's first name was Thomas, just like his middle name, Benjamin explained that Lightner had become bored with his universe-consuming role, but he had been unable to stop himself.


(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) - Benjamin then explained that he was going to use he new powers/form to go back through the dimension rent the Nth Man had created, travel back through the seven universes the Nth Man had absorbed, and unabsorb them.

    Benjamin noted that he wished he could undo the devastation and deaths that had occurred, but he could only take away the source of the devastation, and he noted that he could not exchange places with Mr. Lightner until they actually touched.

    Stating that he had to go, Benjamin bade the others goodbye, and he shrunk back through the rent through which the Nth Man had arrived. 

Squadron Supreme: New World Order#1 (fb) - BTS) - Per Mysterium (Thomas Lightner), he infrequently spoke with Benjamin Jones.

(Squadron Supreme: New World Order#1 (fb) - BTS) - After Shape was injured when the Squadron Supreme's ship crashed while returning to Earth-712, Benjamin apparently told Lightner of his hope that the Shape would make a swift recovery.

(Squadron Supreme: New World Order#1 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna shared Benjamin's fate with Philip, Drusilla, Katrina, and Andrew.

(Squadron Supreme: New World Order#1 - BTS) - Mysterium told the Squadron Supreme members that Benjamin had told him that he hoped the Shape would make a swift recovery from his recent injuries, sustained when the Squadron's ship crashed at the beginning of that issue.

Comments: Created by Mark Gruenwald, Paul Ryan, and Al Williamson.jones-benjamin-712-nth_man-scarcent-glance

    It seems quite likely to me that the Scarlet Centurion didn't take Benjamin into the future because Benjamin telepathically asked him not to. However, of course, this is pure speculation, and there's nothing confirmed in-story than a brief look into each other's eyes...

    I feel like Marvel owes it to Gru to follow up on Benjamin Jones. It was 10 years real time (1979 to 1989) from the Nth Man being banished from Earth-616 to show up in Universe-712. If Benjamin was reversing the journey, you'd think the time would have been about the same, but perhaps it takes longer to create than destroy, or perhaps Benjamin chose to slow things and/or to travel to some other location.
    The likes of Kurt Busiek or Mark Waid could do it right...I'd love to see it.

    Thanks to Donald Campbell for pointing out the references in Squadron Supreme I#4, 8, 10, and New World Order.

Earth-14210 divergent future of the Scarlet Centurion in which the Centurion took Benjamin Jones from Earth-89209 back to his 40th century base to save him from th expanding Nth Man (Thomas Lightner) threatening to engulf their universe; Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (1989)

Earth-89209 divergent Earth-712; Scarlet Centurion took Benjamin Jones back to his 40th century base (Earth-14120) to save him from the expanding Nth Man (Thomas Lightner) threatening to engulf their universe; as a result, Benjamin was unable to exchange places with Lightner and save Earth. Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (1989)

This profile was completed 2/18/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.

Profile by Snood.

Benjamin Jones
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)

Squadron Supreme I#12, last page, last panel (newborn);
Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe, pg. 17, panel 6 (eyeglint);
       pg. 67, panel 1 (in bjorn with Arcanna);
       pg. 70, panel 2 (Arcanna asking Scarlet Centurion to take Benjamin);
          panel 3-4 (Scarlet Centurion and Benjamin locking gazes);
       pg. 72, panel 3 (Arcanna kissing his forehead);
       pg. 76, panel 1-4 (Cosmic baby regressing)

Squadron Supreme I#4 (December, 1985) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (penciler), Sam De La Rosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#5 (January, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (penciler), Sam De La Rosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#6 (February, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (penciler), Sam De La Rosa & Keith Williams (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#7 (March, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), John Buscema (breakdown), Jackson Guice (finishes), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#8 (April, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (penciler), Sam De La Rosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#9-12 (May-August, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (penciler), Sam De La Rosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (1989) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme: New World Order#1 (September, 1998) - Len Kaminski (writer), Anthony Williams (pencils), Andy Lanning (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First posted: (As sub-profile in original Mysterium profile): 10/04/2001;
    in own profile: 09/22/2021

Last updated: 09/21/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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