Real Name: Durgg

Identity/ClassAlternate Earth (Earth-691 @ 31st century A.D.) extraterrestrial (Badoon)

Occupation: Soldier

Group Membership: Brotherhood of Badoon (Durge, others)

Affiliations: Punishers (Belle, Clarke, "Double Donus", Dunn, Elliott, Eunece, Freddie, Jenkins, Joey, Punisher General, Statter, Ned Whitter, others)

Enemies: Commandeers (Crazy Nate, Gebrielle, Hollywood/Simon Williams, Old Redd, Tarin), Guardians of the Galaxy (Charlie 27, Major Victory/Vance Astro, Nikki, Yondu Udonta), Krugarr, Talon

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York, Earth

First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy I#19 (December, 1991)

Powers/Abilities: Durge was a soldier equipped with advanced weaponry and technology. Durgg and Durge used Badoon technology to create Realitee-Vee and used a highly addictive narcotic gas to bind humans to the Realitee-Vee sets. They also established the street gang known as the Punishers and equipped them with advanced weaponry.

Height: 6' (by approximation)
Weight: 150 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Solid red
Hair: None

(Guardians of the Galaxy I#17 (fb) - BTS/Guardians of the Galaxy I#19 (fb) - BTS) <3015> - Shortly after the Guardians of the Galaxy left Earth a consortium (actually the Badoon Durgg and Durge) introduced Realitee-Vee, a virtual reality that brought viewers directly into the program. The technology secretly emitted a highly addictive narcotic gas, which kept people in front of their sets until they died of starvation or lack of sleep. Most of humanity died, but the young survivors took to the streets in endless gang wars. After over a year the Punishers (working for the Badoon Durgg and Durge) were victorious in Manhattan, New York City.

(Guardians of the Galaxy I#19) <3018> - A Badoon watched through cameras the arrival of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Commandeers and Talon at the Saltex Project in the Bronx, the refinery used to pump the narcotic gas to every major city on Earth. The Badoon told his underling (either the other Badoon or the Punisher General) not to underestimate the Guardians. Durgg and Durge soon confronted the Guardians and their allies to reveal that they were behind Realitee-Vee and the Punishers all along. The Guardians and Commandeers surrendered when Belle of the Commandeers threatened to kill Charlie 27 after revealing herself to be an undercover agent for the Punishers. Durgg ordered the Punishers to kill the Guardians of the Galaxy and Commandeers.

(Guardians of the Galaxy I#20) - Durgg was shocked when Major Victory (Vance Astro) arrived with Captain America's shield to aid the Guardians and Commandeers against the Punishers. Nikki turned on the two Badoon and shot Durgg in the head and then his "dog".

Comments: Created by Jim Valentino & Steve Montano.

It is impossible to tell which of the two Badoon observed the Guardians' arrival because only the hand of the Badoon was soon.

This profile was completed 01/17/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary's celebratory event.

Profile by Markus Raymond.

Durge & Durgg should not be confused with:


(Guardians of the Galaxy I#19) <3018> - A Badoon watched through cameras the arrival of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Commandeers and Talon at the Saltex Project in the Bronx, the refinery used to pump the narcotic gas to every major city on Earth. The Badoon told his underling (either the other Badoon or the Punisher General) not to underestimate the Guardians. Durgg and Durge soon confronted the Guardians and their allies to reveal that they were behind Realitee-Vee and the Punishers all along. The Guardians and Commandeers surrendered when Belle of the Commandeers threatened to kill Charlie 27 after revealing herself to be an undercover agent for the Punishers. Durgg ordered the Punishers to kill the Guardians of the Galaxy and Commandeers.

(Guardians of the Galaxy I#20) - Durge realized Nikki had turned her attention to him and Durgg and watched Durgg get shot in the head. Durge and the Punisher General fled the scene and took the Ultimate Punisher tank to escape, but Hollywood tossed the tank through the air before Krugarr caught it. Charlie 27 then asked Krugarr to teleport the tank and his allies to the heart of the refinery. Trapped inside the tank Durge tried to contact his Badoon brethren. The Punisher General shot Durge dead when the Guardians threatened to detonate a nuclear device outside the tank.

--Guardians of the Galaxy I#19 (Guardians of the Galaxy I#19-20

images (without ads)
Guardians of the Galaxy I#19, p20, pan2 (main)
Guardians of the Galaxy I#20, p1 (head shot)
Guardians of the Galaxy I#20, p14-15, pan5 (Durge)

Guardians of the Galaxy I#17 (October, 1991) - Jim Valentino (writer/artist), Steve Montano (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy I#19-20 (December, 1991 - January, 1992) - Jim Valentino (writer/artist), Steve Montano (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)

First Posted: 09/25/2021
Last updated: 09/24/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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