Real Name: Unrevealed; named Gog by Kraven

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Tsiln race)

Occupation: Pet;
    former warrior, protector of fragment of the Tablet of Life and Time

Group Membership: None; formerly Sinister Six (Doctor Octopus/Otto Octavius, Electro/Max Dillon, Hobgoblin/Jason Macendale, Mysterio/Quentin Beck, Vulture/Adrian Toomes)

Affiliations: Boomerang (Fred Myers), Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Mary Jane Watson, Haizli royal family;
formerly Gemini (Damian and Joshua Link), Kraven the Hunter (Sergei Kravinoff), Plunderer (Edgar Parnival Plunder), Swamp-Men

Enemies: Bullseye, Richard Calkin, Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch/Noble Kale), Hulk (Bruce Banner), J. Jonah Jameson, Ka-Zar (Kevin Plunder), Kingpin (Wilson Fisk), Bobbi Morse (later Mockingbird), Nova (Richard Rider), Solo (James Bourne), Gwen Stacy, Zabu;
formerly Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Woman/Susan Richards, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Known Relatives: Unnamed female (possible sister or intended mate, deceased)

Aliases: "Godzilla" (by Spider-Man)

Place of Birth/Origin: Originated from the planet Broi, second from the sun in the star system Wyllys, Milky Way galaxy

Base of Operations: New York City, New York;
    formerly Haizlip dimension;
    formerly New Jersey and Manhattan, New York;
    formerly the Savage Land, Antarctica;
    formerly a starship;
    formerly Haizlip dimension

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man I#103 (December, 1971)

Powers/Abilities: As a Tsiln, Gog is an immense semi-reptilian anthropoid with both reptilian and mammalian characteristics. He possesses vast, virtually incalculable strength (he can incapacitate the Hulk with a swat of his hand) and durability. He continuously generates anti-gravitons psionically to support his immense bulk. He has a long semi-prehensile tail. In addition, he can survive for lengthy periods of time (perhaps hours to days) without air.

   Gog is no mindless beast, though he speaks an alien language and his motives are sometimes unfathomable. His race designs warp-drive starships, and he wears wristbands which, when clanged together, allow him to teleport himself and others in his vicinity across space. Gog himself designed a miniature device that could create a mental link between himself and its wearer. In addition, Gog's costume was designed to grow with his body as he aged.

Height: 300' (as an adult; originally was perhaps 4-6 inches tall)
Weight: Unrevealed
Fingers: Four, with opposable thumb
Toes: Three
Skin color: Orange, scaled




(Astonishing Tales I#18 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#15 (fb) - BTS) - Gog, like all Tsiln, was born prematurely and incubated until fully gestated (much like Earth marsupials). Within his mechanical incubator, his mind was programmed with Tsiln language and culture.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (fb)) - In his incubator the young Tsiln was brought to another dimension (presumably Haizlip; see comments) where he would remain quite small. He and another Tsiln were gifted to the royal family as a sign of gratitude for all they had done for this world. The Tsiln became pets for the royal family's son and daughter.

   The young Tsiln remained the young boy's pet and led a happy life. He got to eat fruits and play, but didn't like baths very much or wearing sweaters. One day the boy played with the Tsiln and the Tsiln buried a throwing toy because he didn't want to give it back. The Tsiln enjoyed his life until one night warships attacked the realm and the royal family had to flee. They were not allowed to take the Tsiln with them on the escape shuttle because there were already too many life-forms aboard. The Tsiln was put back in his incubator and placed on a cargo ship, which got shot damaged by an attack after leaving the planet's orbit.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#15 (fb) - BTS) - Within his incubator, "Gog" crashed on Earth in a warp-drive starship along with a baby female that died. His ship landed in the Savage Land.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#104 (fb)) - The ship was found by Kraven the Hunter, who discovered the small male and the deceased female, taking the former with him into the jungle wilderness. Initially riding on Kraven's shoulder, the young Tsiln doubled in size within a few days and then its growth accelerated so that he towered over his rescuer. Kraven named the child "Gog" after the biblical giant, and Gog swiftly proved that he would do anything for his adoptive father.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#104 (fb) - BTS) - Kraven decided to use Gog to conquer the Savage Land. He had Gog construct a lizard-altar in order to draw worshippers from the Swamp Men.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#103 (fb) - BTS) - Gog attacked a pair of scientists and their guide as they explored the fringes of the Savage Land, destroying their camp before fleeing back into the nearby frozen land.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#103 (fb) - BTS) - Ka-Zar heard of Gog via the drum beats of the Swamp Men.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#103) - Reports from the guide Mr. Calkin a few weeks later led J. Jonah Jameson to bring a reporting expedition to the Savage Land, including Peter Parker and his then-girlfriend Gwen Stacy. They accompanied Calkin and his men into the Savage Land, encountering the lizard altar and a group of Swamp Men, but were soon confronted by Gog himself. Gog--then about 30 feet tall--snatched Gwen Stacy in his hand and took off. Peter Parker tried to follow, but was swatted aside, and Gog soon brought Gwen to Kraven, who had sent Gog to capture her so that he could make her his queen.
    Meanwhile, Ka-Zar and Zabu met up with Jameson's group and learned of Gog's capture of Gwen.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#104) - As Spider-Man, Parker teamed up with Ka-Zar and Zabu. Spider-Man attracted Gog's attention, leading Gog to chase him into the jungle, eventually running into quicksand, under which he swiftly sank, seemingly perishing. Ka-Zar and Zabu defeated Kraven, who appeared to fall to his death.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#111 (fb)) - Kraven, having recovered from his fall, found the seemingly lifeless hand of Gog sticking out of the quicksand, and Kraven left him for dead.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (fb) - BTS) - Back on his old home planet a missing poster for Gog was put up by the former queen and her son. The sad boy dug up the throwing toy Gog had buried and his mother later gifted him a puppet resembling Gog to make him happy. As time went on the missing poster crumbled and Gog was still missing. (see comments)



(Astonishing Tales I#18 (fb)) - However, Gog's lungs proved stronger than suspected, and he survived until the Plunderer--also drawn to the Savage Land by Calkin's reports--could rescue him. The Plunderer used a helicopter to haul Gog to safety, and his gratitude was boundless. Gog designed a complex mental link, which he gave to the Plunderer, enabling them to bypass their language barrier. Despite Gog's mental primacy, Gog remained docile, obeying his every whim. The Plunderer suspected that his promises of revenge on Spider-Man were what made Gog so malleable.

(Astonishing Tales I#17) - The Plunderer and his ally, Gemini, plotted to obtain the Super-Soldier serum (or a variant thereof), using Gog as their muscle in case any super-heroes interfered with them. Gemini escaped from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier with the serum, but was followed by Ka-Zar. The jungle lord punched out Gemini as they landed in New Jersey, but the serum fell into the Plunderer's hands, with Gog standing right behind him.

(Astonishing Tales I#18) - Gog grabbed Ka-Zar, squeezing his chest and forcing his surrender. A SHIELD pilot then dropped off Zabu and Bobbi Morse, and Zabu bit Gog's tail, but was quickly hurled away. The Plunderer then instructed Gog to let Ka-Zar go and transport them to AIM's English headquarters, but Gog instead transported them to the water just off Liberty Island, somehow doubling in size in the process. The Plunderer realized that Gog was no longer responding to his commands as Gog scaled the Statue of Liberty, tearing off its torch hand. Searching the skyline, Gog spied the tallest building in New York City and then teleported atop of it (see comments), inadvertently taking Zabu with him. Now even larger, the immense Gog gazed into space and then slammed his bracelets together again, vanishing to parts unknown.











(Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone and the Monster Hunters#1 - Gog) - Gog travelled to the Haizlip dimension.

(Spider-Man I#21 - BTS / Spider-Man I#23 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Octopus led Electro, Hobgoblin, Mysterio, and the Vulture to another dimension where they slaughtered a number of aliens, claimed a number of weapons, and recruited Gog (now about 300' tall) as the sixth member of the Sinister Six. Gog's wristbands were removed, and Dr. Octopus somehow managed to gain control of him.

(Spider-Man I#22) - As Ghost Rider, the Hulk, and Spider-Man battled the Sinister Six, Gog revealed his presence, slapping his wrist on top of Ghost Rider and the Hulk, flattening them with a single blow.

(Spider-Man I#23) - Spider-Man managed to stay alive until the Fantastic Four, Nova, and Solo arrived to help him. The heroes evaded Gog's strikes, and Solo used an unspecified energy weapon to blast Gog, incapacitating him and causing him to come crashing to the ground.
    After the rest of the Sinister Six were taken away, Mr. Fantastic discussed his plans to shrink Gog to a more manageable size and then send him back to the dimension from which he had been taken.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (fb)) - Mr. Fantastic shrunk Gog down with Pym Particles to the size he had in his home dimension, which he had located on a transuniversal map, and built a ship for Gog with coordinates set for home with a return mode in case Gog ran into problems.

(Spider-Man I#23 (fb) - BTS) - Mr. Fantastic sent Gog "home."

(Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone and the Monster Hunters#1 - Gog) - Gog returned to the Haizlip dimension to help rebuild after the Sinister Six's attack.






(Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (fb)) - Gog returned home and found the Haizli at war. Gog fought to protect his young owner, who was also forced to fight in the war on his mother's side. The boy died in an explosion moments before Gog could finally be reunited with him. Devastated by his owner's death Gog remained with his friend's corpse and cried while the battle continued. After the battle was over the queen found Gog next to her dead son and was surprised to see the Tsiln back with her boy. She believed he was there to take her boy to a better life. She mourned her dead son and blamed the Lifeline Tablet, which had come to their dimension and promised her power she had intended to use to take back her world, but it only led to more death. She shattered the Lifeline Tablet and told Gog to return it to where it came from, scatter the fragments and keep one fragment to protect it from falling into the wrong hands.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#43 (fb)) - Gog took the fragments of the Lifeline Tablet back to Earth on the ship Mr. Fantastic had built for him. He landed on the Four Freedom Plaza and left the ship there and then hid the fragments throughout New York City. He stayed in the sewers with the last fragment.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#41) - Boomerang and Spider-Man found this fragment after fighting Vermin clones in the sewers. The Vermin fled moments before Gog through a wall to keep the fragment from being taken by Boomerang.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#42) - Gog attacked Boomerang and Spider-Man, who didn't know why Gog was back on Earth, but noticed that he seemed madder than ever before. Gog's sole goal was to protect the Lifeline Tablet fragment Boomerang had taken.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#43) - Boomerang flew out of the sewer system with the Lifeline Tablet fragment, but Gog was close behind him and caused massive havoc. Mayor Fisk was already on the scene with the local authorities to eliminate Gog, but Spider-Man protected the giant monster only to get hit by him. Boomerang tossed one of his boomerangs to protect Spider-Man from Gog, who was reminded by the boomerang of the toy he played with his young owner on Haizlip. He fetched the Boomerang and returned it to Boomerang. Spider-Man realized that Gog was trying to play and told Boomerang to toss a Sleeperang into a truck. Gog used the Pym Particles that were still in his body to shrink down and fetch the Sleeperang inside the truck, but the gas knocked him unconscious. Spider-Man picked up Gog and Boomerang convinced Spider-Man to allow him to keep Gog as a pet.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#43 (fb)) - Peter Parker and Jamie Tolentino created an inhibiting collar for Gog to prevent him from using the Pym Particles to size up again.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#43) - In his new home Gog hung out with Randy Robertson, Peter Parker and Fred Myers, Back at the apartment of Peter Parker, Randy Robertson and Fred Myers and enjoyed some popcorn while watching movies. He also bit Randy's finger, but Peter and Fred didn't blame Gog because he was just hungry.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#45 - BTS) - Boomerang watched after Gog.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#62 (fb)) - Gog caused a lot of trouble at the apartment by eating everything he could get his hands on, but he loved his new owners.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#61 (fb) - BTS) - Gog liked to bite cables, which Peter fixed with electrical tape.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#61 (fb)) - Boomerang came up with the idea to create an Instagram account with pictures of Gog to get rich. It was a huge hit, but despite a couple of offers to sponsor custom dog toys it didn't even make enough money to pay for Gog's food.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#61) - Gog bit through several cables while Fred and Peter played video games. Peter didn't think he could fix the cables with electrical tape this time around, which meant that the TV was done. Fred defended Gog's actions. Gog quickly went after Peter's package of peanut flips.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#61 - BTS) - Fisk hired Bullseye to kill Gog because Fisk knew that Boomerang liked Gog.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#61) - Boomerang was hanging out in the park with Gog and caught the attention of some women with his cute pet. Bullseye had Gog in his sights and waited for Mayor Fisk's order to take out Gog.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#62) - Bullseye shot off Gog's inhibiting collar and Gog turned into a giant monster again. Gog freaked out and climbed a building, but Spider-Man fixed the collar and got it back on him to turn him small again.

   Until they got their problems with Fisk settled Spider-Man and Boomerang gave Gog to Mary Jane Watson for pet-sitting. With tears in his eyes Boomerang gave Mary Jane Gog's favorite toys.

(Amazing Spider-Man V#65) - Peter visited Mary Jane and with her help came up with the idea to use Gog to track down Boomerang by his scent.

(Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King's Ransom#1) - Gog led Spider-Man back to the sewer cover Boomerang and Spider-Man had not long ago entered to find another Lifeline Tablet fragment and Gog after a fight with Vermin clones. Mob bosses arrived and while they came to an agreement to work together with the aid of their lawyers, Spider-Man called Mary Jane to pick up Gog and look after him while Spider-Man called some allies.

Maybe he returned to Reed Richards...see Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse#1/1 in the comments

Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, Gil Kane, and Frank Giacoia.

Information on the Tsiln derived from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#15: Appendix to Alien Races: Tsiln.

In Astonishing Tales I#18, Gog actually teleported atop the World Trade Center/Twin Towers, but they are sadly no longer there, so that information can be considered topical.

Gog is an amalgamation of these 2 movies King Kong (1933) & the alien in 20 Million Miles to Earth (1957). Plus the star system Wyllys is clearly named after Willis O'Brien from the 1933 King Kong.

Calkin's first name was revealed in Gog's profile in OHotMU Update 2010#1. The Haizlip dimension was first mentioned in Gog's profile in Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone.

I wonder if the dead seen in Spider-Man I#21 (April, 1992) in the Haizlip dimension where actually due to the war raging on the world seen in Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (June, 2020).
--Markus Raymond

Gog went from not being used at all to two cameos and then two writers deciding to reveal what he was up to since Spider-Man I#23 (June, 1992) in two very different and contradicting stories. Do the appearances in Chaos War and Uncanny X-Men still work as Gog? They could if you pretend that he returned each time to NYC to guard the Lifeline Tablet fragment again, but maybe they are just other Tsiln that somehow ended up on Earth.

(Chaos War#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - A Tsiln got caught and placed in "Continuum", an alternate universe created by the Olympus Group that was supposed to replace Earth.

(Chaos War#1/2) - While trapped in "Continuum" a Tslin was encountered by Hercules, who knocked him out during a fight.

(Uncanny X-Men III#33 - BTS) - At some point, a Tsiln ended up on Monster Island in the sea of Okhotsk.

(Uncanny X-Men III#33) - A Tsiln, the Brute that Walks, a Flora Colossus and Gorgolla attacked the cave where the X-Men Magik and Shadowcat had found the mutant girl Bo. Fed up with having to fight monsters, Magik teleported herself, Kitty and Bo back to the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.

At this point Gog had not been seen since Giant-Size Spider-Man: King's Ransom. The problem with Ralph Macchio's Enter the Spider-Verse story is not that it didn't fit into Gog's Earth-616 history, but that it got contradicted by Nick Spencer's own take of what Gog was up to since Spider-Man I#23 in Amazing Spider-Man V#42. Macchio's story came first, but Spencer's story was part of an ongoing storyline on Earth-616 unlike Macchio's story that was set on Earth-177. Maybe the point of divergence between 616 and 177 was Gog's different journey or the events of the Macchio story took place after King's Ransom, which would make sense considering Gog seemed far more mature in Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse than when we last saw him in Spencer's Amazing Spider-Man run. Maybe time runs slower in the Haizlip dimension and he had been a child in all his appearances before the Macchio story. We won't know for sure until another writer uses Gog again.

(Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse#1/1 (fb) - BTS) - Reed Richards gave Gog back his teleportation bracelets, shrunk him down to fit him into a machine that teleported Gog back to his native dimension. Back home the Tsiln rejected him due to his diminutive size and Gog became an outcast among his people and even his own family. Unable to regain his height Gog used his teleportation bracelets and ended up on Earth-177. There he was taken in by Dr. Otto Octavius, who treated him like a son.

   Octavius experimented with Gog's teleportation wristbands, but they proved imprecise for interdimensional travel. While doing that he kept Gog under control with a specific radiation frequency that constantly blanketed his lab. This brainwashing also prevented Gog from regaining his true size.

(Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse#1/1) - The Web Warriors (Ghost-Spider/Gwen Stacy of Earth-65, Spider-Ham/Peter Porker of Earth-8311, Spider-Man/Hobie Brown of Earth-138, Spider-Man/Miles Morales, Spider-Man/Peter Parker) came to Earth-177 to locate Gog, who had ended up on this world according to the Web Warriors' wrist teleporters. Gog attacked them, but Spider-Man (Parker) calmed him down and Gog recalled his infancy on Earth-616 and what he was up to since Reed Richards sent him home.

   Gog took the Web Warriors to the corporation of the seemingly benevolent Octavius, who showed his true colors after scanning Spider-Ham's Web-Watch. Octavius revealed that he would duplicate the Web-Watch's technology to travel to other realities to recruit his counterparts for an assault on the Multiverse. Doctor Octopus sent his Sinister Six (Electro, Gog, Kraven the Hunter, Rhino, Vulture) to prevent the Web Warriors from stopping his plan. Spider-Man (Parker) fought Gog and webbed him up, but Doctor Octopus caught Spider-Man (Parker) and ordered Gog to free himself and help him take out Spider-Man. Spider-Man (Morales) and Ghost Spider (Stacy) talked Gog out of aiding Octopus any further because Octopus was obviously evil. Gog broke Octopus' mental control and helped the Web Warriors defeat Doctor Octopus and the rest of his Sinister Six. Freed from Octopus' control Gog was finally able to grow to his full size and teleport back home to Broi.

There is also the matter that Spencer's story about Gog's past is far more problematic for his continuity.

Let's start with his extradimensional home seen in the flashbacks in #42. Though the dimension was not identified in #42, it had already been revealed by name as Haizlip in an E-Mail written by Reed Richards in Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone. How do we know that it was supposed to be the same dimension? Because this E-Mail also mentioned that Gog returned to the Haizlip dimension after the events in Spider-Man I#23 and as we saw in the flashback in #42, Richards had programmed Gog's ship to directly return him to the world he had previously lived on in #42. Reed was surprised that Gog would rather return there than to the Tsiln's actual homeworld, which makes sense because Gog apparently just wanted to return to his happy life as a pet. Unfortunately the flashbacks in #42 inadvertently turned this dimension also into the same one attacked and plundered by the Sinister Six in Spider-Man I#21 because Richards' E-Mail made it clear that this is where Gog was headed. And this doesn't even take into account the massive coincidence that led to those unlucky bastards getting the Lifeline Tablet dropped on their heads by Doctor Strange.

Gog's ship:
Though never confirmed it was believed to be of Tsiln origin, but as seen in #42 the ship was from the extradimensional realm where Gog had lived as a pet. This doesn't specifically eliminate the Tsiln's own space travel capabilities, but at least the ship that landed in the Savage Land with Gog and the dead female Tsiln was not a Tsiln spaceship. It also didn't land, but crash there.

It was Gog all along:
The missing poster on his former home in #42 clearly identified Gog as Gog, which is a weird coincidence, considering Kraven chose this name as a reference to a biblical giant. So Gog was apparently named Gog twice or maybe Kraven's claim to have named the Tsiln was a lie or he somehow got influenced by the extradimensional technology to name Gog that way.

When Gog was first found by Kraven on Earth he was small enough to ride on Kraven's shoulder, but in the extradimensional realm he lived in before he seemed to be already as big as he was when Kraven later said that Gog had doubled in size. I believe the Haizli were just smaller than humans.

Gog received a profile in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#1 (April, 2010).

Profile by Snood. Updated by MarvellousLuke (Uncanny X-Men). More updates by Markus Raymond.

No known connection to:

  • Gog - Mojoverse--Longshot I#1
  • Gog (Owen Llewelyn) - Super Soldiers member, adventurer--Super Soldiers#2
  • Gog of Netherworld - agent of Necromon, brother of Maegog, fought by his side in siege of Camelot, knocked into the limitless abyss by Gafael--(UK) Hulk Comic#53/2
  • Gog (And Magog) - created by Seth, demons from Nephut-Sha (wizard in ancient Egypt)--Incredible Hulk II#257
  • Gog N'Magog - see Magog (Pup) of the Mojoverse--Longshot I#1

extradimensional starship


(Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (fb)) - It was a cargo ship from an extradimensional world (the Haizlip dimension). When the planet was attacked by warships two Tsiln were placed on the cargo ship, which got shot and damaged after it left the planet's orbit.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#104 (fb)) - Presumably a warp-drive starship, it was used to transport the future Gog and a female Tsiln to Earth. It crash-landed in the Savage Land and was discovered by Kraven, who removed Gog. Its subsequent fate is unknown.


--Amazing Spider-Man I#104 (Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (fb), Amazing Spider-Man I#104 (fb)








Tsiln female

(Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (fb) - BTS) - When warships attacked the planet the Tsiln was put on a cargo ship, which got shot and damaged when it left the planet's orbit.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#104 (fb)) - She crash-landed alongside the future Gog in a starship on Earth, but she had died by the time Kraven found the ship.


--Amazing Spider-Man I#104 ([Amazing Spider-Man V#42 (fb)], Amazing Spider-Man I#104 (fb)







Amazing Spider-Man I#103, p16 (Gog vs Spidey)
Astonishing Tales I#18, p1 (head shot)
Amazing Spider-Man V#42, p4, pan3 (happy Gog)
Amazing Spider-Man V#42, p7, pan6 (Gog sent away in incubator)
Amazing Spider-Man I#104, p8, pan3 (infant Gog)
Amazing Spider-Man V#42, p11, pan1 (missing poster)
Astonishing Tales I#18, p18, pan2 (Gog atop the towers)
Spider-Man I#22, p22 (Gog with Sinister Six)
Amazing Spider-Man V#65, p18, pan5 (climbing walls)
Chaos War I#1, p34, pan3 (Tsiln on Continuum world)
Uncanny X-Men III#33, p18, pan1 (Tsiln on Monster Island)
Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse#1, p6, pan1 (active on Earth-177, new outfit)
Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse#1, p6, pan2 (active on Earth-177, full body, with boots)
Amazing Spider-Man I#104, p9, pan1 (Gog doubled in size)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#1, Gog profile (full body)
Amazing Spider-Man V#42, p8, pan2 (ships escaping)
Amazing Spider-Man I#104, p7, pan1 (crashed ship)
Amazing Spider-Man I#104, pan5 (dead female)

Amazing Spider-Man I#104 (January, 1972) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gil Kane (pencils), Frank Gicaoia (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man I#111 (August, 1972) - Gerry Conway (writer), John Romita (pencils), John Romita & Tony Mortellaro (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#17-18 (April-June, 1973) - Mike Friedrich (writer), Dan Adkins (pecnils), Frank Chiaramonte (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Spider-Man I#21-23 (April-June, 1992) - Erik Larsen (writer/artist), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone and the Monster Hunters#1 (January, 2006) - Michael Hoskin, Madison Carter, Jeff Christiansen, Sean McQuaid, Stuart Vandal, Eric Moreels, Ronald Byrd & Barry Reese (writers), Jennifer Grünwald & Michael Short (assistant editors), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Chaos War#1/2 (December, 2010) - Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente (writers), Reilly Brown (pencils), Terry Pallot (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Uncanny X-Men III#33 (April, 2015) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Kris Anka (pencils, inks), Mike Marts, Xander Jarowey (editors)
Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse#1/1 (January, 2019) - Ralph Macchio (writer), Flaviano Armentaro (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man V#41-43 (May-July, 2020) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ryan Ottley (pencils), Cliff Rathburn (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man V#45 (September, 2020) - Nick Spencer (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), John Dell with Andy Owens (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man V#61-62 (May, 2021) - Nick Spencer (writer), Patrick Gleason (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man V#64 (June, 2021) - Nick Spencer (writer), Federico Vicentini (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man V#65 (July, 2021) - Nick Spencer (writer), Federico Vicentini with Federico Sabbatini (artists), Nick Lowe (editor)
Giant-Size Spider-Man: King's Ransom#1 (July, 2021) - Nick Spencer (writer), Rogê Antônio with Carlos Gómez & Zé Carlós (artists), Nick Lowe (editor)

First Posted: 07/21/2005
Last updated: 07/16/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!

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