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Real Name: Gail Duval

Identity/Class: Normal human (late 1950s era)

Occupation: College student

Group Membership: Unrevealed American college

Affiliations: None;
   formerly Frank (last name unrevealed)

Enemies: None

Known RelativesPierre Duval (husband)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Paris, France

First Appearance: Love Romances I#74/3 (March, 1958)

Powers/Abilities: Gail Duval is a normal human with college-level education, and is bilingual in English and French.

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black


(Love Romances I#74/3 (fb) - BTS) - Gail attended an American college, and dated fellow student and sports jock Frank. Gail was devoted to Frank and barely noticed the newly arrived exchange students from overseas, including the French student Pierre Duval.

(Love Romances I#74/3) - Seeing Pierre with a couple of fascinated female students, Frank derided Pierre and the French generally; Gail calmed him. Later, while waiting for Frank, she was oblivious to dropping a book. Passing nearby, Pierre picked it up and passed it to her with a smile, Gail was almost embarrassed and asserted it was merely an accident, just as Frank arrived. Jealous, Frank pushed Pierre away and the Frenchman calmly left. Upset at Frank's toxic rudeness, she broke up with him. Several days later, she ran into Pierre and apologized for Frank, but Pierre instead charmingly invited her to a casual visit to the art museum. Initially touched by his apparent loneliness, their attraction grew into more dates and deep love until the impending semester end cast sadness. However, on their last day together, Gail received news that she had been accepted for the student exchange program to Paris in autumn. The pair later met in busy metropolitan Paris and married, both happy in love.



Comments: Created by uncredited writer & Jay Scott Pike.

The name of Gail's college is unrevealed, just that it is in the country (in contrast to the busy metropolitan Paris) and her (ex-)boyfriend buzzcut jock had a giant "M" on his purple sweater.

Only Pierre is given a surname in the story.

Gail is eligible for French citizenship after at least 4 years of marriage to Pierre, so she is not automatically a French citizen by marriage.

These romance stories often had the flavor of the time in which they were written, and nothing else to tie them into Marvel's sliding timescale. As such, it's likely that the stories took place at the time of publication rather than being part of the sliding timescale.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Gail & Pierre Duval have no known connections to:

Pierre Duval

Pierre Duval was an exchange student from Paris, France, who studied for a semester at Gail's American country college. Pierre dated Gail and they fell deeply in love, but both were saddened at the semester's end until Gail was accepted as exchange student to Paris. Pierre met Gail in Paris and the happy couple married early in the autumn semester.








--Love Romances I#74/3

images: (without ads)
Love Romances I#74/3, p1, pan1 (main image)
   p4, pan6 (headshot in bed)
   p3, pan4 (Pierre, museum date fashion)
   p2, pan6 (Pierre, headshot)
   p5, pan4 (Paris view)

Love Romances I#74/3 (March, 1958) - uncredited writer, Jay Scott Pike (pencils & inks), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 07/14/2023 - happy Bastille Day!
Last updated: 07/14/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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