RED - see MacREEDY, JAMES (app)--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#116

RED (    ) - Arlington's Veterans' Administration Hospital, Vietnam "War" veteran, blinded by white phosphorous explosion, assisted against Fifth World Front
    (app-fifthworldfront)--Marvel Comics Presents#47/3

RED – last of the Deltites, mentally linked to Lump, survivor of the satellite’s destruction, went into hiding in abandoned SHIELD Central, discovered by Pierce, sought as an artifact of Gnobian technology during Death’s Head Squadron crisis, unhinged by Hydra attack on SHIELD Central, joined SHIELD
    Recover from otherwise fatal wounds; at least five incarnations existed
    AGENT 1-6* (app)--Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD II#2 (3-6, 12, 14, [25(fb)], [42(fb)], 42-43, 47

REDs - Cygnet VII, religious enemies of the Greens
    (app-pros)- Proselytes--Incredible Hulk Annual#12

RED BARBARIAN (Rostove) - Russian agent, leader of a spy ring, merciless, former partner of the Actor, duped into killing him by Iron Man
    (app)--Tales of Suspense I#42 (Captain America#617-619

RED BARON (Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen) - World War I, legendary German pilot
    --Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#76 (76(fb)

RED BEAR ( ) - minor criminal, often defeated by civilians and off-beat cops. Punched out by Guy named Joe after running into an old woman
    --  Spider-Man: Secret of the Sinister Six novel (p234),

REDBIRD of "Earth-1041" - circa 2012 AD Alpha Flight, daughter of Shaman and Snowbird
    (app-alphaflight)--X-Men Millennial Visions 2001 - "Alpha Flight: Project Epsilon"

red bird warrior – see RED RAVEN--Captain Marvel V#16

RED BISHOP (Conrad Strathdee) - Hellfire Club London
    --Excalibur I#97

REDBLADE - Apache war chief/medicine man, used his magical powers in plot to war against the white man, defeated with aid of time traveling Dr. Strange and "Dum Dum" Dugan
    (app)--Marvel Fanfare I#49

RED BREATH - Halfworld, created by Lord Dyvyne's toysmith, unleashed by Dyvyne against Blackjack O'Hare and Rocket Raccoon, torn apart by the Killer-Clowns' vacu-sleds
    cloud-like substance that consumed all matter and energy it touched
    *D* (app)--Rocket Raccoon#2 ([2 (fb)], 2 (destroyed)

RED BULL - see TORO ROJO (app)--Thor I#290

RED CAP - goblin of Scottish legend, lived in ruined towers of long-dead kings, waited for travelers lost upon the roads in order to kill them and dip his hat in their blood
    —[Marvel Comics Presents#18]


RED CELESTIAL – directed transformation of the Black Galaxy into a new Celestial
    --Thor I#417 (419, 422-424

RED CENT DINER - attended by Ben Urich and Sally Floyd
    --Amazing Spider-Man#571

RED CIRCLE - extradimensional teetotalers in Bazaar at the End of Unreason
    --Marvel Super-Heroes III#11

REDCOAT (    ) - felt America should be under British rule, able to shock with touch; opposed by Blonde Phantom
    --Blonde Phantom #13 (Spring, 1947)

RED DAWN (Capt. Petra Renko) - Soviet warrior put in suspended animation in 1960s, discovered in 2099
    --[Spider-Man 2099 An1]

"RED DEVIL" of Earth-905 (    ) - Buzz-Boys
    horns, demonic appearance
    (app-earth905)--What If II#13

RED DEVILS of Earth-Ultimate - terrorist organization in Guatemala, kidnapped Tony Stark to force him to design weapons, resulted in creation of Iron Man
    --Ultimate Marvel Team-Up#4 (5(fb ), 5

RED DOGS of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. (Public Enemy, Bannock and Holli Hagen)-creations of US Government, used in the Eco-Wars and then exterminated by the
    White Dog (app-pe)—Punisher 2099#15 (2099 Unlimited#8(fb), Pun2099#15(fb1), 15(fb2)

RED DRAGON (Aleister Ravenna aka Germain Royce) - used radio-hypnotic intracerebral control and electronic dissolution of memory technology to control others
    *D*--[Moon Knight V#1],2 (2(fb),[1],2,3,4d)

RED DRAGON (Gareth) - S.H.E., Welsh, slain by Void
    *D* (app-she)--Sentry#4 (4d

RED DRAGON (    ) - S.H.E., successor to Gareth, female
    --Civil War: Front Line#8/3

RED DRAGON PUB - Wales, attended by the Welsh Dragon

RED DUCK of the Old West - Cisco Pike’s gang, defeated by Rawhide Kid
    --Rawhide Kid III#1, (named) 2 (3-5

RED EYE of Eurth - X'Changelings, counterpart of Cyclops
    (app-eurth)--Avataars: Champions of the Realm#2

"red eyes" - Silver Legion, native of Plykaztin quadrant.
    nine eyes in forehead, brown + white skin
    —Silver Surfer III#116 (117-121

REDEYES ( ) - female, acid addict, ally of Druid, named after Erzulie Gerage, murders those who love her, killed by Dry Academy
    *D* (app-df)--Druid#1 (2-4d)

RED FALCON  of the Hyborian era - former ship of Black Zarano
    --Treasures of Tranicos; Savage Sword of Conan#47 (48

RED FEATHER (    ) - Triumph Division, slain by assassin empowered by Ezekiel Stane
    *D*--Invincible Iron Man#2 (2d)

RED FEVER (Melvin Jay) - criminal, looks like Archie Andrews, fled from Punisher to Riverdale, caught on a giant floating balloon and pulled into the sky
    -Montana Bob, Freckles Babyface (app)—Punisher meets Archie#1

RED FIELD of Earth-Cable - village, home to the Kastelas + Mikulas, who are always fighting
    --Soldier X#8

REDFIELD, JIM - owner of Redfield Electronics, came into possession of Thermal Man, had Paul Conklin reactivate it, sought to prevent the Pentagon from claiming the robot, arrested by Code: Blue after it went on a rampage
    (app)--Thunderstrike#14/2 (15/2

REDFIELD ELECTRONICS (Paul Conklin, Jim Redfield) - New York firm in which Thermal Man was rebuilt, many employees slaughtered when it went on a rampage
    --Thunderstrike#14/2 (15/2

RED FOX (Nuy    ) - World War II, Chinese, ally of Leatherneck Raiders, ally of Kao, used guerilla warfare, killed by Japanese led by Lt. Mabuchi
    (app)--Captain Savage and his Battlefield Raiders#15 ([15(fb)], 15

RED FRONT - former Soviet team, opposed the First Line
    --[First Line#]

RED GHOST (Ivan Kragoff) - Russian scientist, former inmate in the Cage, exposed himself and three apes to cosmic ray storm to gain powers, briefly rendered nearly mindless by same process that gave advanced intellect to Super-Apes.
    alter density and visibility
    (I#9, D#10, M, A-Z#9, net)--Fantastic Four I#13 (29, Avengers I#12, Fantastic Four Annual#3/Marvel: Heroes & Legends#1, Iron Man I#15,16, Marvel: Shadows & Light#1/3, Defenders I#7,8, IM#82,83, Spider-Man/Human Torch#3, F4#197, Amazing Spider-Man I#223, Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of Champions#1, AmzSp255, Quasar#6, Power Pack I##62(fb), 61,62, Marvel Comics Presents#87/3,88/2,89/2,[90/2,91/2,92/2, Fantastic Four III#3, Deadpool III#39, ? Wolverine II#164,165, Deadline#2, Fantastic Four: Foes#1, 5-6, [X-Men II#175, Black Panther IV#8, X176], BP9, New Warriors III#2
    Fantastic Four: Countdown to Chaos


RED GODDESS of the Hyborian era - god
    --Red Sonja II#1 (2

RED GUARD of Earth X - bodyguards of Czar Colossus, wear costume based on Red Guardian/Shostakov
    (sketch)--Earth X Sketch, #8

RED GUARD of Earth-58163 (Jessica Drew, Mystique, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Toad, Wolverine)
    - SHIELD assault force
    (Secrets of the House of M)--

REDGUARD - illusionary dragon created by Satrina in World's End
    (app-kart)--Thor I#196

RED GUARDIAN (Aleksey Lebedev) aka Volodymyr Fomin – World War II and post-war Russian hero, former civilian during World War II, given costume after rescued child of Soviet soldier from an exploding building, entire family killed by Schultzstuffel
    expert marksman, carried pistol
    (app)--Namor Annual#1 (Captain America Annual#13 (fb1), Namor Annual#1, Captain America: Patriot#2 (2010)

RED GUARDIAN (Alexei Shostakov) - successor to post-World War II version, member of KGB, former husband of Natasha Romanoff, faked death and trained by government as counterpart to Captain America, seemingly died saving lives of Black Widow (Romanoff) + Captain America, faked death again and remained in seclusion, recently put out a hit on the Black Widow, brought in by the Avengers
    used throwing disks
    *D* (I#14,D#19,M,net)—Avengers I#43 (Marvel Graphic Novel: Black Widow: Coldest War(fb), Av44(fb), 43, "44d, Avengers Annual#16(d), Av353+354(d)", [Daredevil II#64(fb), 61-63], 64

    (I#14,D#10)--Defenders I#35 (Incredible Hulk II#259(fb3), Def35-40, Defenders An1, Def41, 43-46, 51, 52(fb), Hulk206,207, Def53-56, 59, 61, 65, Hulk250, 258,259, Quasar#14, 23(fb), 19->starlight)

    people's protectorate, supreme soviets, successor to Shostgakov
    used shield
    (M)--Captain America I#352 (353, [Marvel Comics Presents#21], Avengers I#319-324, Soviet Super Soldiers#1, X-Factor An6?, Incredible Hulk II#393 -->sg)

RED GUARDIAN (Krassno Granitsky) - successor to Petkus, allied with Maverick against Ivan Pushkin and his agents
    —Maverick II#10 (11,12

RED GUARDIAN (    ) - slain by Aleksander Lukin
    *D*--Captain America V#1 (1 (fb, dies)

RED GUARDIAN (Anton) - robot, decapitated by a Dire Wraith--Hulk#1 (2008)
Darkstar and the Winterguard#1-3d

RED GUARDIAN (Nikolai Krylenko) - formerly Vanguard--Darkstar and the Winterguard#3

RED HAND  of the Hyborian era - former Barachan ship, led by Strombanni
    --Treasures of Tranicos; Savage Sword of Conan#47 (196

REDHAND, SOVEL - Shi'ar mercenary
    (app)--X-Men Legacy#222

REDHAND, TARIC - active sometime between 50 B.C. and 50 A.D.; pirate captain, ally of Marada the She-Devil, slain by soldiers on Djeriabar, the Black Isle
    (app)--Epic Illustrated#22

"RED HATE" ( ) - armored mercenary, agent of the Hate-Monger in the Project
    (app-hm)--Creatures on the Loose#34 (35

RED HAWK (Jan Valor) - American pilot, helped people of Jugoslavia fight Nazis, accompanied by girlfriend Tanka
    --Kid Komics#3 (Fall, 1943)

"redhead" of the Microverse - refugee on Aegis, driven mad by the Pain and launched a spaceship that killed many with its rockets' fire, but the Beyonder restored all those destroyed in the launch
    (app-aegis)--Micronauts II#16

RED HERMITAGE of Earth-928 circa 2099 AD - occultechnologists, battled Metalscream
    --2099 Unlimited#7/3

RED HOOK - town in Brooklyn; Captain America lived there for a time
    --    (Captain America #

RED HOOK (    ) - former enemy of Brooklyn Avengers, bulk-shipping worker who'd been laid off; boosted a crate of sharp, deadly hooks on his last day on the job; a couple days later, he stalked back down to the docks for some "blue-collar revenge"; defeated by Spider-Man; found Jesus in prison, began working with poor kids in bad neighborhoods; suspected in deaths of Brooklyn Avengers in recent years, hypnotized by Hypst'r in new wine bar to ascertain his innocence; subsequently impersonated by Mr. Furland, leading to a brief confrontation with remaining Brooklyn Avengers and Spider-Man until they were convinced of his innocence
    --Web of Spider-Man#129.1 (October, 2012) (129.1 (fb), 129.2

RED HOUSE of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - capital building of USA, replaced White House, built by Herod, destroyed by Doom
    --Doom 2099#36

RED IAN OG - see Clansman. *D* (app-clans)--Marvel Graphic Novel: Punisher: Blood on the Moors

RED IMMORTALS - group of vampires based in the Crypt of the Immortals near the Dambovia river, Bucharest, Romania
    --Captain America: Hail Hydra#4 (2011) - one seen


    --Fantastic Four III#18

RED KING (Alan Wilson) - Hellfire Club London.
    bm, long hair, used sword
    --Excalibur I#96 (97, 99,100

RED KING (Angmo II) - Sakaar ruler, defeated by Hulk, rebuilt as cyborg by Wildebots
    (Gladiator Guidebook)--Incredible Hulk III#92 (93-95, 97-99, 100-101, 102, [Son of Hulk#6 (fb)], 6-11

RED LAGOON - Mars/Arrako; destroyed by War and Famine

"RED LENS" -  agent of Sultan, ally of Blowfly, opposed Tigra
    (app-blowfly)--Marvel Comics Presents#162/3 (163/4, 164/3

RED LION of the Hyborian era - ship sailed by Conan to Ptahuacan, with crew including Milo, Sigurd, Janukna Singh, Yakov, and Yasunga; captured by Ptahuacans
    (app)--Conan of the Isles novel; Conan of the Isles graphic novel

RED LORD (Bodb Derg) - god of the Bane, dwells in Annwn, enemy of Knights of Pendragon
    -Horned One –[Knights of Pendragon I#15],17

RED LOTUS - son of Gow Yung-Ju
    --X-Treme X-Men#5 (6-9, 11,12, Marvel Universe: The End#1


RED LUCY KEOUGH - @ 1587, ancestor of Scarlet Witch, led pirate ship, briefly bonded to spirit of Scarlet Witch after she was sent into past by past master, located Stones of Merlin to help her return to her time, after which she retired to raise a family.    
    her crew went on to encounter the Fantastic Four when they were searching for the stones of Merlin for Dr. Doom
    (app)—Marvel Comics Presents #61/3 (62/3

REDLY, JOHN - 16th Century, sold out Roger Simeon, killed by his hand
    *D*--Savage Sword of Conan#13

RED MAN - see HELLSPAWN (app-hs)--Daredevil I#310

"RED MAN" (    ) - "Terrigen Marines"
    --Silent War#5 (6

RED MIRROR (Victor Hasayaba) - Poison Memories
    *D*--(VH)New Warriors I#36(37); (RM)Night Thrasher II#1d

RED MIST of Earth-8410 circa 2020 A.D. - virus accidentally induced in government's super soldier program;
    set to have run thru Death Duty, 'Roid Rage, Bloodrush, as well as Wild Thing#9+10 and Super Soldiers#9+10

RED MIST - variant on Dust of Death used by Red Skull to kill large number of Americans
    --Avengers I#65 (66-70

RED MONARCH of Earth-839 ( ) - enemy of Captain UK, overthrown by her
    --[Excalibur I#44(fb?)] ([44(fb), 45],

REDMOND ?? - crime boss targeted by Raving Beauty and Punisher
    (app-raving)--Punisher II#96

REDMOND, CAPTAIN - pirate, captured by Davy Jones
    (app-jones)--Journey Into Mystery I#33/5

REDMOND, JOHN @18th Century - fell in love with witch Amanda Dalton but refused to believe in witches
    (app-dalton)--Journey into Mistery I#58/3

    mutant, Xavier’s School, Omega Gang.
    Generate heat from hands
    (ME:X)—X-Men II#135 (136-138, 140-->Skybolt)

RED-NINE (Wallace Jackson) - Initiative, teenager from Baytown, Texas, stole suit designed for NASA by his uncle Steve, developed walking pneumonia, encountered Spider-Man.
    Fly, force field, enhanced strength, fire energy blasts
    (app)—Amazing Spider-Man I#264 (Avengers: Initiative#8 (fb), 9 (fb), [10], 12

REDONDO of the Hyborian era - ally and foe to Conan
    (app)--Conan Annual#10

REDONDO, HECTOR - Channel 7 Eyewitness News reporter, reported Termini attack on San Hernando Power Plant
    --Thor Annual#15

REDPATH, INALI - Native American, Sioux, former agent of SHIELD, old ally of Captain America, slain, but life preserved in cloned bodies preserved by the power of Haokah
    Generate winds and disrupt energy fields
    (app-haokah)--[Captain America IV#7], 8 (8(fb), [7], 8-11

REDPATH, - grandfather of Inali, summoned Haokah, protected the clone station, arrested by SHIELD
    (app-haokah)--Captain America IV#11

RED QUEEN - Crazy Gang, duplicate/doppelganger of Queen of Hearts, deranged version of Queen of Hearts from "Through the looking glass", developed maternal attachment to the Technet member Joyboy with whom she created a "Wonderland"
    Uses blunt scepter, attempts to decapitate her foes with a meat cleaver, crying "Orf wiv’ is Head!"
    --(UK) Mighty World of Marvel#11, 12 (Captain Britain II#1-3, Excalibur I#1, 4, 54, 57,58, 124,125

RED QUEEN of Hellfire Club London - see MARGALI SZARDOS.
    Hellfire Club London, taken over by Douglock's circuitry
    --Excalibur I#96(97->ms)

RED QUEEN of Earth-238 - see QUEEN of HEARTS* *D* (app-cg238)--Marvel Super-Heroes (UK)#377

RED QUEEN of Earth-982 (Hope Pym) - daughter of Hank Pym/Giant-Man and Wasp, sister of Big Man, organized Revengers, desired revenge for death of father and mental breakdown of mother.    
    fire powerful sting, sharp talons
    —(HP) ANext#10, (RQ) AN#12 (10, 12(fb), 12

RED QUEEN of Earth-998 (Jean Grey?) - alternate dimensional counterpart of Jean?, ruler of Briton, served by Scratch, lived in floating city, posed as Madelyne Pryor of Earth-998 after her death.
    in modern era, searched divergent earths for a Nate Grey she could use as a weapon to take over the world, duped Nate Grey of Earth-616 into creating form for her on Earth-616, former servant of Selene, posed as a creation of his (the re-creation of Madelyne Pryor of Earth-616) until revealed self, took control of Nate and brought him to Earth-998, attempted to force him to serve her, her true nature was revealed to Scratch, who attacked her, duped and possibly destroyed by Nate Greys of Earth-616+998
    -Madelyne Pryor*, Her Majesty Madelyne, Resurrected Queen of Briton, High Protector of the Unified Commonwealth, Sacred Mistress of the Order of Black Knights, Absolute Empress of the North and the Breechlands
    (A-Z#9, app)--(Pryor) X-Man#5, (RQ) X-Man#69 (69(fb), 5,6,7, 13-17, 20-23, X-Man Annual 1996, XMan24,25, Cable II#44, XMan28, Cab50, XMan38-46, Cab63, XMan47, 49-51, Cab76, XMan67-69,70d?)

RED RAJAH - human host to the Star of Capistan, Dr. Strange once became this and nearly allowed the Star to take over the planet
    MESSIAH of the SINGLE SPIRIT (app-star)--Defenders I#42, 43 (44(fb), [42], 43-45

RED RAVEN of the Old West (Redford Raven) - @ 1870, former agent of Iron Mask, given magic wings by elderly Navajo prisoner, enemy of rawhide kid, who donned similar wings to defeat him
    (OH:AZU#1, Outlaw Files, app)--Rawhide Kid I#38 (West Coast Avengers II#18

RED RAVEN ( ) - Liberty Legion, human raised by Bird People/Avian race, placed Bird People into suspended animation to prevent them from attacking humanity, faked their and his deaths as well as his temporary insanity following their seeming deaths to insure privacy, revived by machinations of Diablo
    wears red costume with large metal wings to fly
    (I#14,D#19,M, OH:GA, net)--(g) Red Raven Comics#1 (August, 1940);
    X-Men I#44 (Red Raven#1, XM44(fb2), Thor Annua#12(fb), Marvel Premiere#29, Invaders I#6, MarvPrem30,Inv7, Marvel Two-In-One An1, Inv35(fb),36-38, Invaders II#1, Fantastic Four I#405(fb), [XM44, Sub-Mariner I#26"d"], Nova III#4, 5, 7, Captain Marvel V#16, 20, 21, Defenders II#6,7, Order#2,[3-5],6, Invaders III#2(fb), 9

RED RAVEN (Dania) - guardian and princess of the Aerie, daughter of World War II hero, battled Diablo when he attempted to control the Aerie
    --Marvel Super-Heroes III#8/2 ( Defenders II#6, [Order#2-6], Invaders III#2(fb)


RED-ROBED RAINMAKERS - "Color Criminals," defeated by Spider-Man and sent to prison
    quintet,  used flying helicopter-like vehicle to drench parade in rain on a Friday
    (app-cc)--Amazing Spider-Man: A Book of Colors and Days of the Week

RED RONIN - immense samurai-like robot created at Stark International by Yuriko Takiguchi + Tamara Hashioka as weapon against Godzilla, controlled by human operator wearing cybernetic helmet within center of head, briefly piloted by Rob Takiguchi until decapitated by the Mega-Monster Rhiahn, rebuilt and used by Earl Cowan in attempt to start World War III in order eliminate the cold war
    uses disc with laser sword, fire energy blasts, fly,
    (D#10, M, Marvel Monsters, app)--Godzilla I#6 (7,8, 9-13, 17, Avengers I#197, 198/Tales of the Marvels: Wonder Years#1(fb), Av199, Solo Avengers#15/2, Wolverine Annual 1996

RED RONIN (Namie) - UJ1-DX model; developed under direction of Fuyumi Fujikawa
    --[Loners#2], 5 (6

RED ROOK of Hellfire Club London - see MOUNTJOY--Excalibur I#9_

RED ROOM - see 2R.
    (Lyudmila Antonovna Kudrin, Grigor Ivanovich Pchelintsov, Alex Sterelny, Vassily Ilyich Ulyanov)
    Russian organization that developed the cold war black widows
    --Black Widow I#1?,
    Uncanny X-Men#496-499

RED ROSARY (    ) - Vestry

RED ROVER (Lloyd Englehart) - Ohio Mutant Conspiracy
    --X-Men: Smoke & Mirrors novel

"REDS WHO IMPRISONED THOR" - group of communists, captured a number of Americans and brought them back to Russia to force them to serve them, defeated by Thor
    (app)--Journey into Mystery I#87 ([87(fb)], 87

RED SHIFT ( ) - herald of Galactus, sent into black hole during battle with Silver Surfer, actively opposed Annihilation Wave, apparently slain when Galactus destroyed Daedalus 5
    semi-humanoid, energy manipulative powers, open dimensional portals, uses swords
    *D* (Annihilation: Nova Files, app)--Galactus the Devourer#1, (named) 2 (Annihilation: Silver Surfer#2-3, Annihilation#1-2, 3d)

REDSHIRT ( ) - led Minions' International Liberation Front organization, targeted Taskmaster, expert in varied combat, augmented via drugs, mutation
    *D* (app)--Taskmaster II#3 (4(fb),3,4

"REDSKIN" (    ) - Calliope's Carnival and Circus
    (app-calliope)--[Werewolf by Night I#6], 7

RED SKULL (Johann Shmidt*) - formerly led Skeleton Crew and Exiles, funded ULTIMATUM + Watchdogs + Scourge program, Acts of Vengeance prime movers, trained by Hitler to be his successor, Nazi agent during World War II, sent into suspended animation at end of World War II and revived in recent times, eventually died of old age when life preservation formula decayed, mind transferred into clone of Captain America’s body by Arnim Zola, face scarred by Dust of Death, stole SHIELD Helicarrier, assassinated by Winter Soldier for Aleksander Lukin, but mind transferred into Lukin's body, later transformed into Arnim Zola-like body after the Captain America of the 1950s slew Lukin's body
    has possessed power of Cosmic Cubes
    -Controller*, [ROTE SCHADELL], Dell Rusk, Mr. Smith , ORBITER*, Bettman P. Lyles, the Agent of a Thousand Faces, The Man, Cyrus Fenton, Teacher, Tod March
(I#9,D#19,U#6,M, OH: GA, AZU#4, ME)--(g) Captain America Comics#1?; 7 (October, 1941);
Young Allies#4; Captain America Comics#16; All Select Comics#2; All Winners Comics#12; Captain America Comics#37) (Some appearances may be by impersonators.)
    (modern) Tales of Suspense I#66 (Captain America I#298(fb), Adventures of Captain America#1-4, Captain America An9/2(fb), CapCom7, Captain America V#15 (fb), [Captain America V#12]Invaders I#5(fb),5,6, Marvel Premiere#30, Cap219(fb), CapAn2001(fb) ToS#66/2-68/2+72/2(fbs), Marvel Universe#1, Captain America Annual 2001(fb), Captain America/Fury: Otherworld War, Captain America 65th Anniversary Special, Spider-Woman I#42(fb), Captain America V#37 (August, 1944), CapAn13(fb1->suspended animation.
    [Captain America IV#12-16], ToS I#79/2-81/2,[82/2], 89/2(fb), 88/2-90/2, [Av40], ToS#91/2 Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#1(fb), Cap101(fb), 101-104, [108], Captain America V#15 (fb), Cap I#114-119, 129, Astonishing Tales#4,5, Cap143, 145,[146,147],148, 185(fb),182,350/2(fb),[183],184-186, Captain Britain I#15-27, Super-Villain Team-Up#10-12, 16(fb), Cap210-212, 226,227, SVTU#16,17, Cap261-263, Captain America V#15 (fb), Cap I#298(fb),293-300d,301(d).
    Captain America I#350/2(cloned), 383/4(fb), [329-345], 346-348,[349],350, Cap365(fb), Avengers Annual#19/3(fb), X-23#3, Wolverine II#19, [Cap362,363],364, [Amazing Spider-Man I#320-324],325, Cap365,366, Av312, Web of Spider-Man#61, Cap367,369/2,370, [372-375],376-378, Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD II#20,[21],22,23, Cap387-391,393-394, NF26, Cap395-397,398/2, [402/2,Daredevil I#307,Nomad II#4,5,DD308,309], AmzSp366,367, Cap407/2,[408/2],409,[410],419,420, Cap An13, Cap437, Av385,386,Cap440,Av387,Cap441,Av388, Cap446(fb),445(fb),[443, 444],445-448, Captain America III#1, 14(fb), 4, 10, 14-17, 19, X-Men Annual 1999(fb), [Uncanny X-Men#371], X-Men II#91, X-Men Annual 1999, , X-Men/Red Skull: Chaos Engine trilogy book three(fb), X-Men/Dr. Doom: Chaos Engine trilogy book one, X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine trilogy book two, X-Men/Red Skull: Chaos Engine trilogy book three, [Fantastic Four III#22],23, 27, CapIII#41, 45-48(fb), 50/5, Invaders III#7(fb), [8-9], Avengers III#61, 64, Av66-70, Hercules III#3, Captain America IV#29-32, Captain America V#1 (fb), 1"d", 2(d), 14 (spirit), 18 (fb), 19-21, 22-24, 25-26, [28], 29-30, 31-36, 37-42

RED SKULL (George Maxon) - American industrialist, acted as an agent of Nazis in order to gain the position of Minister of Industries, murdered several us military leaders with hypodermic drug, but made them believe he had the "look of death", nearly died by rolling over on own injection, later returned and stole underground drill, used electric touch of death, apparently died in explosion;
    subsequent sources have identified it as having been the same Red Skull all along
    *D* (app)--(g) Captain America Comics#1 (3 ; Tales of Suspense I#65

RED SKULL - possibly Maxon or another agent (or possibly Malik?) used after original's seeming death; opposed by Captain America (Jeff Mace) and Bucky (Fred Davis)
    --Captain America Comics#61 (March, 1947)

RED SKULL (George Maxon impersonator) - Nazi
    --(g) Young Allies#1; Tales of Suspense I#65?

RED SKULL (Albert Malik) - communist, leader of spy ring, adopted identity of Shmidt while he was in suspended animation during the cold war, responsible for deaths of Richard and Mary Parker, executed by Scourge I-4
    *D* (OH:GA, app)--(g) Young Men#24 (
December 1953); Amazing Spider-Man Annual#5 (Captain America An13(fb2), Captain America Comics#74, Spider-Man: Secret of the Sinister Six novel (fb), Amazing Spider-Man An5(fb), Young Men#24,
    second adventure?, Cap An13(fb2), 9; Amazing Spider-Man An5, Solo Avengers#6, [Captain America I#383/5] Cap347d)

RED SLAYERS of the pre-Cataclysmic era (Emandax, Marcus)
    - second army of Valusia, formed by Kull
    — ( Monsters on the Prowl#16, Marvel Team-Up I#112, Kull the Conqueror I#3
    Kull the Conqueror II#1

RED SOCIETY(?) - see THULE SOCIETY--Captain America: Hail Hydra#1 (2011)

RED SONJA of the Hyborean era – Hyrkanian swordswoman, worshipped Mitra, Tarim, Erlik, & Scathach?, swore not to love any man who couldn’t defeat her in combat
    -originally written in the 16th Century as Red Sonya
    --(g)"Magic Carpet" (January 1934); Conan the Barbarian I#23 (Savage Sword of Conan#78/2(fb), Kull and the Barbarians#3, Marvel Feature II#1, Conan the Barbarian#23,24, Savage Sword of Conan#1/2, CtB#42, 48, SSC#1, SSC12, Savage Sword of Conan#45/4, CtB#43,44, 48, Kull and the Barbarians#2, Marvel Feature II#6, CtB#66,67, MarvFeat#7, SSC78/2, 194/2,195/2, 207/2-210/2, CtB249, SSC144, 223/2, 224/2, 230/2, 226-232, 23, 23/3, Marvel Saga#1
Conan the King#

RED SONYA - see SONYA of Rogatino --(g)"Magic Carpet" (January, 1934)

RED STAR MAN (    ) - flaming extraterrestrial, sole survivor of "giant red star"; opposed by Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
    --Human Torch Comics#35 (March, 1949)

RED STAR OIL COMPANY - built Toomazooma robot to help obtain Keewazi land
    possible precursor of Roxxon Oil
    --Fantastic Four I#80

REDSTONE of Earth-712 (Michael Redstone) - Redeemers, Apache, later Squadron Supreme, died when separated from Earth
    drew strength from the Earth
    (D#12,M, app)*D*--Squadron Supreme I#9 (10-12, Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (dies))

REDSTONE of Earth-Starlord (Beastmen, Quan-Zarr, Sylvana) - conquered by Quan-Zar, inhabitants transformed into Beastmen, established as a power-free haven for colonists
    (app)--Marvel Preview#18 (18 (fb), 18

RED SUN of Earth-148611 (Coojeechiscue, Shivowtnoeh, Sillatochca; formerly Dehman Doosha) - paranormal task force of the Siberian Project

RED SURFER of "Earth-22666" (Norrin Radd)- built Ultron-Galactus to replace the fallen world-devourer, mutated in the process, recruited the Heralds to oppose the Unnameable
    (app)--Marvel Universe 2001 Millennial Visions: Galactus: Dawn of the Heralds

RED TERROR (    ) - wealthy criminal with many resources, led gang; opposed by Human Top (Bruce Bravelle?)
    --Tough Kid Squad Comics#1 (March, 1942)

RED TOWER of the Hyborian era - ancient and unrevealed origins, the city of Gazal was built around it, served as the base of Ollam-Onga
    --<REH untitled>, Drums of Tombalku, Savage Sword of Conan#21

REDUCTA-CRAFT - designed by Reed Richards, used to access the Microverse
    REDUCTO-CRAFT (app)--Fantastic Four I#75 (76, [77], Micronauts I#15-17, 40, FF282, [284]

RED VISION of Earth-Amalgam - Vision/synthozoid + Red Tornado/robot, created by Will Magnus, possessed by an air elemental
    CRIMSON WHIRLWIND* (app)--JLX Unleashed

    (net-preff)--(g) Red Warrior#1

RED WASTE of the Hyborian era - see SHAN-E-SORKH--Black Tears; Savage Sword of Conan#35

RED WATER FALL - Native American, family owned large plot of land near the Gycon plant's location since the government land allotment, over 100 years ago, refused to sell land to Gycon, sensed awakening of Saviour, allied with Wolverine in stopping Saviour and Devos
    (app-saviour)--Wolverine: Evilution

RED WIDOW (Ava Orlova) - Red Room-trained young SHIELD trainee, former girlfriend of Alexei Romanoff, mentally linked to Natasha Romanoff y Ivan Somodorov, energize swords
    --Black Widow: Forever Red (Black Widow: Red Vengeance

RED WIDOW (Unrevealed) - Winter Guard. Skilled assassin and espionage agent, uses daggers
    (app)--Avengers VII#10

REDWING - falcon, possesses mental rapport with Sam Wilson/Falcon
    —Captain America I#117 (186(fb), 117-119, 126, 132-138, Avengers I#88, Iron Man I#39, Cap139,140, 142,143, Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#8,9, Cap144-155, 157-164, 166, 168,169, 171-173, 177-181, Marvel Team-Up I#30, Cap182-185, 189,190 217, 220/2, MTU71,Av183-185, Marvel Premiere#49, Av189,191, 194, Cap261, MTU#114, Cap272, Marvel Super Heroes: Contest of Champions#1,[2,3], Cap278/2, 290, Falcon#1-4, Power Man/Iron Fist#112,113, 123, Amazing Spider-Man I#297, Cap336,337, 339,340, Solo Avengers#6/2, Cap342,343,345, 355, Marvel Comics Presents#23, Avengers Annual#19/5, Captain America Annual#11/3, Marvel Fanfare II#1, [Incredible Hulk II#445], Onslaught: Marvel Universe, Black Panther III#16,17, Marvel: Double Shots#2/2, Marvel Universe: The End#5, 6, Av57-60, Black Panther III#59, Av61, 64, 69, 70, 76, Iron Man III#79, Captain America and the Falcon#1-4, 5,6, 7?, 8-12, 13-14, Captain America V#12-14, 28-30, 31-33, 35, 38-41

REDWING of Earth-9997 (Wyatt Wingfoot) - ally of Cap.
    wings growing from arms, fly
    (Sketch)--Earth X Sketch, #1

REDWING of Earth-Kree - ally of Lucas, helped Fantastic Four when they ended up on Earth-Kree
    expert archer, uses bladed weapons
    (app)--Fantastic Four III#16

RED WIZARD - line of Savage Land sorcerers, an ancestor of the original became the new Red Wizard every millennia and directed the sacrifice to the sun god to keep the cold out of the Savage Land
    (app-malgato)--Ka-Zar: Lord of the Hidden Jungle#1

RED WOLF - see WILDRUN (A-Z#9, app)—Avengers I#80 (80(fb)

RED WOLF of the Old West - Apache warrior of Devil Flats @ 1869-1870, kidnapped a woman, defeated by Rawhide Kid
    (app)--Rawhide Kid I#27

RED WOLF of the Old West (Johnny Wakely) - 1870s-1880s, Cheyenne, partner of Lobo, originally fought to keep the peace b/t white men and Native Americans, later fought along the Nez Pierce in their attempted flight to Canada, helped defend town of Wonderment from Nightriders, after which he left with Ghost Wind Rider
    -OWAYADATA (I#9, D#10, U#6, M, A-Z#9, Outlaw Files, app)--Marvel Spotlight I#1 (1(fb1-3), Red Wolf#1-6, 7(fb), [Blaze of Glory#2(fb)], 2-4

RED WOLF of the Old West (    ) - died saving captured native intended to be framed for horse theft by Fincher, Luka, Schmidt, & Sully
(A-Z#9, Outlaw Files)--Marvel Westerns: Western Legends#1/3

RED WOLF of the Old West (    ) - captured and intended to be framed for horse theft by Fincher, Luka, Schmidt, & Sully, branded by them, freed by Red Wolf, succeeded him
(A-Z#9, Outlaw Files)--Marvel Westerns: Western Legends#1/3

RED WOLF (Thomas Thunderhead) - active @ 1973, Cheyenne warrior, descendent of Wakely
    (A-Z#9, Outlaw Files, app)--Red Wolf#7 ([9fb)], 9(fb), [7(fb)], 7, [8(fb)], 8, 9

RED WOLF (William Talltrees) - Cheyenne warrior, agent of Owayadata, Rangers, present when the parents of the child who would become Bengal were killed; catalog of correspondences-->Chthon
    OWAYADATA (I#9, D#10, U#6, M, A-Z#9)—Avengers I#80 (Marvel Comics Presents#15/4(fb)/Av80(fb)/Daredevil I#258(fb), Av80,81, RedWolf#7-9?, Marvel Chillers#3, 5-7, Incredible Hulk II#265, 278,279, Marvel Super Heroes: Contest of Champions#1,[2,3], Defenders I#139, West Coast Avengers II#8, 9(fb), MCP15/4, Marvel Super-Heroes III#2/6, MCP72/4, Dr. Strange III#25, MCP107/4 , 170/2, Thunderbolts I#57, Avengers: The Initiative#1, 2

RED WOLF of Earth-Hercules 2300 - god worshipped by the Talbosians
    (app)--Hercules II#2 (2(fb)

RED WOLF of Earth-Hercules 2300 (Rojahn Smythe) - former archeologist, combined with spirits of Talbosians and sent on mission to kill all Skrulls
    (app)--Hercules II#2 (2(fb), 2

RED WOLVES - agents of Argus
    --Marvel Comics Presents#1 (3/3(fb), 1/3, 2/3

RED WORM - SHIELD shadow facility
    --[Secret Warriors#1/2]

RED WOMAN of 16th Century - see NAKARI--Moon of Skulls; Savage Sword of Conan#34/2

RED ZEPPELIN ( ) – Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation, strength augmented, employee of Ethan Thurm, former opponent of D-Man, captured and de-augmented/mutated by Karl Malus and Power Broker, rescued and re-augmented by Battlestar and USAgent
    (app)—Captain America I#328 ( [374/2(fb)], 375/2, 376/2, 378/2

REDEEMER (Craig Saunders, jr.*) - former demolitions expert, accidentally killed a woman and her child by hurling away a bomb that he could not defuse in time, Hulkbusters, later agent of Leader.
    wore armor
    *D* (WWH-Rock & Redeemer, net)--Incredible Hulk II#342(sketch), 343-345, 366

    wore armor of Saunders while body reanimated by soul man
    —Incredible Hulk II#397

REDEEMER of the Microverse ( ) - Enigma Force
    ACROYEAR* (app)--
Scarlet Spider II#10

REDEEMERS (Beetle/Davis, Charcoal, Citizen V/Zemo, Fixer, Jolt, Meteorite, Scream, Smuggler) - organized by Penance Council to stop Gyrich’s plan to kill all superhumans, afterwards drafted into SHIELD under direction of Bridge and Captain America, disbanded after many slain by Graviton
    (A-Z#9)--Thunderbolts#47, (named) #49 (47-49, 50(fb), 50, 51,52, 53, 54, 56

REDEEMERS of Earth-7484 (Big Man, Gentle Sam, Iron Butterfly, Sage, Swashbuckler)
    - former agents of Nth command, organized by Godwulf, opposed Hellinger, exterminated by Timestream
    (app)--Captain America I#288 (Deathlok II#32(fb)

REDEEMERS of Earth-712 (Black Archer, Haywire, Inertia, Mink, Moonglow, Nighthawk, Pinball, Redstone, Remnant, Thermite)
    - organized by Nighthawk to topple the squadron during the utopia program. The program was abandonned after a battle with many casualties on both sides
    --Squadron Supreme I#10 (11,12

REDEMPTION VALLEY - Alabama, site of trial of Joel Flood's trial for the murder of Bradley Gideon
    --Daredevil: Redemption#1 (4 (fb), 6 (fb), 1-6 (fbs), 6

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Last updated: 01/05/14