AVADAR - Inhuman, created Alpha Primitives
    --[Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#5?]

AVALANCHE of the 19thC ( )
    -- (rep145)

AVALANCHE (Dominikos Ioannis Petrakis; anglicized to Dominic Petros) - mutant, Greek immigrant, Mystique’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Freedom Force, X-Corps, Exodus' Brotherhood of Mutant, arms broken when attempted to use powers against the Hulk’s body, abandoned the rest of Freedom Force during battle with Desert Sword to save the seriously injured Crimson Commando.
    Manipulate rock and earth, generate destructive waves of force
    (D#1, M, AZU#2, ME:X, 198, net)--Uncanny X-Men#141 (Marvel Super-Heroes III#10, UX141,142, Avengers Annual#10, Incredible Hulk263, Rom#31, UX177,178, 199, Avengers West Coast#84(fb), UX206, X-Factor I#8-10, Avengers Annual#15, West Coast Avengers Annual#1, Captain America I#333,334, UX223-226,227(fb), New Mutants I#65, Cap339, XFac30,31, Cap346 XFac33, Marvel Comics Presents#41/4, NM78, 80, UX255, Av312, Marvel Graphic Novel: Avengers: Deathtrap: the Vault, Punisher II#29, NM An7/2,UX An15/2,XFacAn6/2, MCP#82/2-84/2,86/2, XFac108,109, UX338, Quicksilver#6,8,9, UX401-406, Weapon X#4, New Mutants II#9, X-Men II#161-164

AVALEEN-4 - planet, sacrificed by Star-Lord (Peter Quill) to stop the Fallen One
    --Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord#1 (1 (fb)

AVALON (Amergin ) - landmass in Otherworld, stands between Earth and Dark Realm of the Fomor, King Arthur reputedly sleeps in Avalon until he shall rise to defend England once again
    add chronology info from profile
    (app-otherworld)--[Fantastic Four I#54], Avengers I#225 (
    Mystic Arcana: Black Knight#1, 1/3

AVALON - one of the Rhunians' Caretakers
    (app)--Thor I#219

AVALON - orbiting base of Magneto and Acolytes, made from remnants of Greymalkin and Asteroid M + Shiar technology, destroyed during battle between Holocaust and Exodus
    *D*--X-Force#24( Uncanny X-Men#315d)

AVALON - Color Enhancements firm employed by Daily Bugle
    --[Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special#1]

AVALON FIVE of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. (Broken Haiku, Dot 33, Duke Stratosphere, Firelight, Shiava Blue)
 - saved Cyberspace in 2097
    (app)--[Doom 2099#6]

AVALONIA ( ) - Eurth, alternate dimensional counterpart of Warbird or Miss America or Valkyrie?, Champions of the Realm
    (app-eurth)--Avataars#2 (2/2(fb1)

AVANAHM - mystic entity, invoked by Dr. Doom
    "Avanahm’s nine circles"—[Fantastic Four I#277]

AVANDALIA - agent of D’Spayre, assisted him against Cloak and Dagger, slain by Mayhem
   (app) --Cloak & Dagger III#16 ([17(fb)], 17-19

AVANT GUARD - agents of Saturnyne, use umbrellas able to open dimensional portals

AVANT GUARD (Bora, Perilous Painter, Shock)
    (app)--Web of Spider-Man#74 (75(fb), 74, 75

AVARRISH - Six-Fingered Hand, empowered Gargoyle, possessed Hellcat
    (app)--Defenders I#93, 94 (([99(fb)], [95(fb)], 93, 94, [96,97], 98-100

AVATAR (Princess Alailsa Ruantha Pethnan) - Kharta'een race, summoned Mistress Love in order to gain power to make silver surfer love her, also given power of Master Hate in exchange for future favor, agreed to serve Mistress Love when needed, twice attempted to force silver surfer to love her, ultimately placed within virtual reality chamber on Calculex by him where she believed she had succeeding in gaining his love.
    originally possesses power to make others love and obey her, gained superhuman physical and energy powers, bird-like wings
    (app)--(ARP)Surf III#65,(Av)#66(90-92

AVATAR - aspect of Franklin Richards, adult form
    vast energy manipulation abilty
    -MESSIANIC FRANKLIN (app)--Fantastic Four I#245, (Avatar) Fantastic Force#10 (11-12

AVATAR of CHA'SA'DRA - immense lava creature created by Jinku in the Vault of Making, succeeded in badly injuring Gilgamesh
    (app-jinku)--Avengers I#306 (307


AVATARR 2099 ( ) - extraterrestrial, former head of Alchemax
    *D*--Spider-Man 2099#13(
    Ravage 2099#22,27,28,[2099 AD#1], Doom 2099#31,32d)

AVATARS of the MANDARIN (Ancestor, Butterfly, Deluge, Foundry, Lich, Old Woman, Q'Wake, Sickle, Turmoil, Warfist)
    - empowered using Heart of Darkness, assisted effort to control a time-regressed Hong Kong
    MANDARIN's AVATARS* (CWBDR, app)--Iron Man I#309, Force Works#6 (Iron Man#309, War Machine#8, IM310, FW#6, Marvel Comics Presents#169/2-171/2, WM#9, IM#311, MCP#172/2, FW7, WM10, IM312, [Iron Man III#10(fb)], Heroes for Hire II#1

AVATARS of TEMPLAR - six forms of Lord Templar.
    Able to be released and act somewhat independently, each has different ability: strength, speed, agility, etc.
    (app-lt)--Avengers III#1_ ( 38

AVELA of Earth-8009 - soldier serving under Thundra
    --Hulk: Raging Thunder#1 (1 (fb)

AVEN - Inhumans, former holder of the Royal Sceptre
Marvel Fanfare I#14/2

AVENGER of OLLAM-ONGA of the Hyborian era - pteradon, summoned to Tombalku by Askia (or came after Amalric to avenge the death of Ollam-Onga), slain by Conan
--<REH untitled>, Drums of Tombalku, Savage Sword of Conan#21

AVENGERS of 1950's of Earth-9904 (Gorilla Man, Human Robot, Jann of the Jungle, Marvel Boy (Grayson), Namor, 3D Man, Venus)
    organized in 1950s by Jimmy Woo in order to fight plan of Yellow Claw; on Earth-616, the group lacked the 3-D Man and were referred to as Department Zero
    Earth-9904 incarnation seemingly wiped out by Immortus; not named Avengers on Earth-616
    --What If? I#9 ([Avengers Forever#4,5]

AVENGERS (Ant Man/Pym, Hulk/Banner, Iron Man/Stark, Thor, Wasp, Giant-Man/Pym, Captain America/Rogers, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Goliath/Pym, Hercules, Black Panther/T’Challa, Vision, Yellowjacket/Pym, Goliath/Barton, Black Knight/Whitman, Black Widow/Romanova, Mantis, Moondragon, Beast/McCoy, Hellcat, Wonder Man, Ms.Marvel/Danvers, Falcon/Wilson, Jocasta, Tigra, She-Hulk/Walters, Captain Marvel/Rambeau, Starfox, Namor, Dr.Druid, Mr.Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Gilgamesh, Quasar/Vaughn, Sersi, Spider-Man/Parker, Sandman, Rage, Crystal, Thor, Magdalene, Deathcry, Thunderstrike, Iron Man/Boy, Masque, Swordsman/Javert, Warbird, Firestar, Justice/Astrovik, Triathalon, Silverclaw, Jack of Hearts, Ant Man/Lang, Cage, Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Wolverine, Sentry )
    honorary (Capt. Mar-Vell, Two-Gun Kid, Whizzer/Frank, Guardians of the Galaxy(o6), Marrina, Yellowjacket/DeMara, Demolition Man, Stingray )
    -Earth's Mightiest Heroes-(I#1, D#1, Av300/2, M+6, Avengers Casebook, OH: Av2004, OH: Teams, OH: Av2005, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, Mighty Avengers: WMF,
Civil War, CWBDR (Mighty & New Avengers), ME)
    --Avengers I#1 (Avengers I#280(fb) / Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes#1(fb), Avengers#1.5, Avengers Classics#1/2, Av2, AvClass#2/2, Av:EMH#1(fb),  Av3 / Av:EMH#1(fb), 4 / Av:EMH#1(fb) + 2(fb), 5 / Av:EMH#2(fb), Av:EMH#2(fb), 3(fb), Thor:GodSt#1(ff), Unlimited Access#2, 3, Av6 / Av:EMH#3(fb), Av: EMH#4(fb), Av7, 8 / Av:EMH#4(fb), Av:EMH#4(fb)
    Av13 / Av: EMH#5(fb), Av14 / Av: EMH#5(fb), Av15 / Av:EMH#6, Av16 / Av: EMH#7+8, Thunderbolts I#9(fb), Av17, Sentry#1(fb2), 2(fb2), 4(fb3), Sentry vs Void#1(fb), Untold Spider-Man Annual 1997,
Avengers I#184, Alias#25(fb), 26 (fb),
    New Avengers#33 (fb), Av I#36
    F4: WGCM#8, 11, [Supernatural Thrillers#13],
    Giant-Size Avengers II#1/2, Av180
    Giant-Size Avengers II#1/3
    Avengers#232, She-Hulk I#3
    Nextwave#5 (fb)
    She-Hulk II#6
Marvel Age Annual#1,  
    Av367 AvColEd#1 Quas60,Ts#10
    Nam58 Av386,Cap440,Av387,Cap441 FW#13,14 GR III#64,65 Cap443 F4Unl#11 Ts23,24 Hlk434
    StarMast#1 Lun1,2 Av/UF#1,UF/Av#1 AvUP#1 Pun III#1
    Avengers: Crossing, Av391,IM321,FW#16,IM322,Av392,IM323,Av393,FW#19,IM324,Av394,Av:TIME,IM325,Av395,IM:AoI
    Th495 AvUP#2-6 Cap449,Th496,IM326,Av396 SensSpdm3 NW#72 Hlk440(fb),439,440,Av397,
    F4 II#12,Av12,IM#12,Cap12,HR:tR#1-4,AvIII#1-3 Tb11,12, AvAn2001/2(fb 2), CapIII#3 SensSp28 Av4 Cap5-7 Av5,6 IM III#7,Cap8,Q#10, Av7 Av:SqSup'98 ThorII#1,2 Av8,9 IM#9,10 Surf#146 XMan46 Hlk470(fb),AvFor1(fb),1-12 Av10,11 IM/Cap'98(fb2) IM#11,12 F4 III#13, AmzSpII#1 ThunB#0 Av12 Wolv134 Av13 14 Cab66-68 Cap16,17 Tb25 Av15(fb),15 Av1999 MagRex#3 Av16-18 BP 7,8 9 F4#23, Av#0 Av19-22 IM25 ContChamps II#1-5 Hlk5,6 X-51#4,5 GalDev1-6 GX#59 Av23 DomFac:F4#1.1,Av1.2,2.4,FF3.5,Av3.6,FF4.7,Av4.8, F4#24,25 27,28 Av24,25 AntM’sBC#1 [Av26]/27 Warlock III#8 Av28-30 AvAn2000 Mag:DarkSed#2-4 BP22,Dp44, BP23, Hlk An2000, Av31-32, Tb43, Av33, Tb44, Av34, MaxSec1,2, XMU#29, Av35, MaxSec3, IF/Wolv2, BP27, Av36,37, Sentry#5/Sent/F4/Hulk/Spdm/XM/Sent vVoid, F4#39, Cap46-48, IM An2001, Av38-43, An2001, Av44, Tb57, Av45-48,49/50,51-54, BP III#41,42, XTXM#11, JLA/Avengers#1-4, Cap50/5, BP43,44, CVB:Everlasting#3, Av:CelestialQuest#1-8, Infinity Abyss#1, Av56(fb), Order#2,3,5,6, Marvel Universe: The End#1, 5, 6, Av56, Marvel: Double Shots#2/2, Av57-60, 61, 62, 63, 64, Alias#24, 28, Av65-69,70 (IM75), Av71, 72-75 Thor: Vikings#3, Av76, IM79, Av77-81, Captain America and the Falcon#3, X-Statix#21-25, Avengers/Thunderbolts#1-6, Runaways#18, Daredevil II#61, 64, Marvel Holiday Special 2004, Avengers82-84, Invaders#0, Thor80,81, MK Spider-Man#2, 11, GLA#1(fb), Av85-87, Avengers Finale, Hercules III#1(fb), New Avengers#1-3, 4-6, Hercules III#4-5, She-Hulk IV#1, Amazing Spider-Man#519-524, Marvel Knights Spider-Man#13-15, 18, New Avengers#7-9, New Avengers guest starring the Fantastic Four, New Avengers#8(fb), 7-10, Giant-Size Avengers II#1/5, Giant-Size Avengers II#1/4, Young Avengers#7-8, New Thunderbolts#13-14, Spider-Man Unlimited II#12/2, Marvel Holiday Special 2006#1/2, Runaways II#9-12, New Avengers#11-13, 14-15, A525, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man#2, MK Spdm#20, FNS3, MKS21, A527, FNS4, MKS22, Pulse#12-13, DD81, Wolverine III#36-37, X-Men II#186 Young Avengers#11-12, Iron Man: The Inevitable#4, [New Avengers#16], 17-20, I (heart) Marvel: Web of Romance#1, Sentry II#1, 2 (fb), Black Panther IV#16, Iron Man IV#7, 9-12, Wolverine III#42, Civil War#1, Av20, 21, BP#18, Civil War: Choosing Sides#1/6, Eternals III#5-6, 7 (fb)

AVENGERS, BROOKLYN - see BROOKLYN AVENGERS--Web of Spider-Man#129.1 (October, 2012)

AVENGERS FOREVER (Captain America @ Captain America I#175, Captain Marvel/Genis of Earth-Songbird, Giant-Man/Pym of modern era, Hawkeye @ Avengers I#97, Songbird of Earth-Songbird, Wasp of modern era, Yellowjacket/Pym @ Avengers I#59)
    - summoned from various time periods by Rick Jones using the Destiny Force to battle Immortus+Time Keeper’s plans to nullify Earth-616 reality
    --Avengers Forever#1 (2-12

AVENGERS INFINITY (Eros, Moondragon, Photon/Rambeau, Quasar, Thor, Tigra)
    - briefly formed to stop Infinites from destroying the Milky Way Galaxy
    --Avengers Infinity#1-4, Thor II#30, Max Security#2, Av35, MaxS#3

AVENGERS WEST COAST (Hawkeye/Barton, Mockingbird, Tigra, Wonder Man, Iron Man/Rhodes, ,Iron Man/Stark, Thing, Dr.Pym, Firebird, Moon Knight, Wasp,Scarlet Witch, Vision, USAgent, Human Torch/Hammond, Quicksilver, Spider-Woman, Living Lightning, Goliath/Barton, Machine Man, War Machine )
    -Los Angeles branch, many members formed force works after dissolution-WEST COAST AVENGERS*-(M+3)--Avengers West Coast#48(
    Marvel Super-Heroes III#9, AWC#53, Marvel Comics Presents#38/2
    Av368, X-Men II#26, AWC101, Uncanny X-Men#307, Av369, Av102-->Force Works

AVERY, Dr. - Sauerbraten County Mental Facility, psychiatrist, former colleague of Daimon Hellstrom at Gateway University, opposed Dr. Reich’s efforts to have Rev. Yuc exorcise Winda Wester
    --Howard the Duck I#13 ([13(fb)], 13-14

AVERY, CARLTON - Principal of Payton Noble High School, had affair with teacher Judy Kingsley
    --Jubilee#1 (4, 5

    --Sabretooth & Mystique#1

AVGA of the Hyborian era - Khauran, lover of Marcios
    (app)--A Witch shall be Born; Savage Sword of Conan#5

AVIA - Nhu’gari, assisted X-Men against Magneto, left Savage Land with Magneto after destruction of place of passage, separated by powerful storm, captured by fishermen alongside Angel, sold to Krueger, freed by X-Men
    ?connection to Dinah Soar?--X-Men: Hidden Years#3, (named) 4(5-8, [10], 11, 12, 15(fb), 14,16,17

AVIA - Inhumans Genetic Council
    --Silent War#1 (2007)

AVIAN - Alpha Prime, savage land, mutated by exposure to unknown gas.
    female, reptilian, wings under arms, orange skin
    (net)--Alpha Flight Annual#2

AVIAN - Inhuman child
    --Inhumans II#1

AVIAN 2099 ( ) - agent of Herod, agent of Million Palms Family Fun Park, infatuated w/ Twilight
    --X-Nation#1 (3(fb), 1-4

AVIAN race (Aerivar XVIII, Bloodravens, Condor, Kestrus, Kylus, Red Raven/daughter, Wren)
    - winged offshoot of Inhumans, live in Aerie, created Red Raven/WWII+Bi-Beasts, faked destruction of city and race in order to insure privacy
    -BIRD PEOPLE*--(g) Red Raven#1; XMen I#44 (ThorAn12/2 Red Raven#1
    X-Men I#44,[SubM I#14],Nova III#4,5,7, [Defenders II#5],6, Order#2,6, She-Hulk III#2

AVILES, ARMANDO - Miami crime boss, worked with Power Broker INC, shot by own men
    *D* (app-bantam)--Captain America Annual#12

AVION - Inhuman child, killed by
    *D*--Inhumans II#1

AVIOS - Shiar, assistant to Lilandra in Intergalactic Council
    --Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet (Maximum Security#3

AVIUS - inhuman
    --Fantastic Four I#129 (Inhumans I#1, 5, Fantastic Four Unlimited#2

AVLEKETE - voodoo sea goddess
    --Dr. Strange III#17

AVONA (Avery Allen) - Order, Initiative, Athena-type, kicked off the team for publicly drinking/partying after the defeat of the Infernal Man, apparently committed suicide
    received advice from sword Bluetooth Athena
    *D*--Civil War#7; (identified) Order#1 (2d, 3-4 (corpse))

AVRIL ?? - STRIKE psi-division, killed by Slaymaster

AVRIL, SALLY - classmate of Peter Parker at Midtown high school, obsessive desire for fame, briefly adopted costume identity and attempted to become partner of Spider-Man, died in car accident while trying to photograph Spider-Man
    *D* -BLUEBIRD*--Amazing Fantasy I#15 (17(fb), 15,16, 18, Untold Tales of Spider-Man5-12,13d)
    Spider-Man Family featuring Spider-Clan#1/3?,

AVRIL, YVETTE - former employee of Stark International French branch, brought to USA to become vice president at Long Island facility, unsuccessfully attempted to save company when Tony Stark went on a major drinking binge, quit after takeover by Obadiah Stane
    --Iron Man I#119 (137, 147,148, 172-174, Iron Man III#8(fb), 8

AV-ROM - Kree, part of group seeking to claim Hulking
    --Young Avengers#10 (11-12

AVRO-X (Maj. Colin Richards) - Canadian armored warrior, armor temporarily infected with Doom's computer virus
    (app)--Marvel Fanfare I#44

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Last updated: 01/18/14