Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-121347) demon/Nephilim (see comments)

Occupation: Servant of Blackheart

Group Membership: Hidden (Abigor, Gressil)

Affiliations: Blackheart

Enemies: Caretaker/Ghost Rider (Carter Slade), Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze), Mephisto

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Earth;
   formerly Heaven

First Appearance: Ghost Rider movie (Sony Pictures, February 16th 2007)

Powers/Abilities: Wallow's powers were all focused on water; he did not need to breath while submersed (if he needed to breath at all), could turn into water or manifest out of it, allowing him to transport himself almost instantaneously to anywhere there was so much as a puddle. He possessed superhuman strength, especially when in water, and had sharp, sharklike teeth. He was nocturnal, his powers blocked by daylight, and could not normally enter hallowed ground (see comments). Lacking a soul, he was immune to Ghost Rider's penance stare.

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black

Ghost Rider movie (fb) - BTS) - Wallow was one of the Hidden, Nephilim (fallen angels) cast out of Heaven by St. Michael himself, who had subsequently turned into elemental demons, in Wallow's case the element of water. Now they hid within the elements themselves, waiting for the end of days.

(Ghost Rider novelization) - They were the last of the fallen angels, and were hiding from Mephisto, who would destroy them if he found them.

(Ghost Rider movie) - In 1866 the thousand residents of the town of San Venganza all sold their souls to Mephisto, and the hell-lord sent a cursed minion, Carter Slade, a.k.a. the Ghost Rider, to collect the contract. However, realizing that such a concentrated source of souls would allow Mephisto to bring Hell to Earth, Slade instead fled with the contract and hid it, taking up refuge on hallowed ground as a cemetery caretaker, and living quietly guarding the contract for well over a century, his life extended by the demonic force within him. His status as a fallen angel forcing him to only usually manifest on Earth to corrupt souls into his service, turning at least some into new Ghost Riders, and otherwise limiting his powers there, Mephisto decided he could afford to be patient and wait for the contract to resurface.

   However, Mephisto's son Blackheart was far less patient, desperate to rule both Hell and Earth, and, unlike his father, could access Earth far more easily as he had never fallen. Arriving on Earth in 2007, Blackheart headed to the Broken Spoke bikers' bar, where the Hidden had chosen to hide, slaughtered the patrons and staff, and demanded the Hidden show themselves. Gressil manifested first, demanding to know what Blackheart was doing on Earth, with Wallow flowing together and assuming humanoid form seconds later, to immediately query why Blackheart had summoned them. Blackheart informed them that he was after the Contract of San Venganza and he wanted them to help him find it. Literally blowing in to complete the unholy trio, Abigor asked him what they would do once they found it, and Blackheart stated that he then intended to take over the world.

(Ghost Rider novelization) - Blackheart made it clear that the options were to join him in starting the end of days, or be slain like the bar patrons.

(Ghost Rider movie) - The discussion was abruptly interrupted by Mephisto's arrival outside, calling his errant son out to come outside and explain his presence on Earth. While he argued with his father, the Hidden remained inside, avoiding getting caught between the two demons. When Blackheart reminded his father that Mephisto was unable to directly harm him while he was on Earth, Mephisto responded that his servant, the Ghost Rider, did.

   With legend claiming the contract had ended up somewhere in a cemetery in Forth Worth, Blackheart and the Hidden began their search there, but found the graves had been moved and a trainyard built in its location. The stationmaster challenged their unauthorized presence, and the Hidden watched in amusement as Blackheart scared the man into telling him that the priest at St. Michael's Church had overseen the move and would presumably know where the graves now were. However, seconds after Blackheart killed the man, Mephisto's current (and unwilling) Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, arrived at the yard. Once Blackheart confirmed that the Ghost Rider could not be turned to his side, Abigor blew him backwards into some hanging chains. Pulling himself free, Ghost Rider stormed forwards, but as he stepped in a puddle as he marched towards his prey, Wallow manifested to grab his foot and hold him in place long enough for Gressil to ram him with a tractor-trailer. Mistakenly thinking this had destroyed Ghost Rider, Gressil began walking over to where the others were standing waiting, but Ghost Rider grabbed Gressil from behind, punched him flying, then lassoed him with chain burning with hellfire. Though Gressil screamed to his fellows to help him, Blackheart and the other Hidden abandoned him, vanishing while he was being destroyed by Ghost Rider.

   The next night Blackheart and his minions headed over to St. Michael's Church, and while Blackheart went inside to interrogate the priest, Wallow and Abigor remained outside on watch. As Blackheart exited the building having discovered that the contract was hidden somewhere in a nearby cemetery (the one Caretaker maintained), they heard Ghost Rider's distinctive bike approaching, and Blackheart ordered Abigor to confront him. Watching from a safe vantage Blackheart and Wallow saw Ghost Rider destroy Abigor as easily as he had Gressil. Observing as Ghost Rider was then confronted the police and some bystanders, Blackheart noticed with interest that a mortal woman, Roxanne Simpson, seemed to know the Rider's mortal identity and be important to him.

   The next night Wallow and Blackheart headed to the cemetery, where their presence was sensed by Caretaker. He confronted Wallow, pointing out that they were on hallowed ground, but Blackheart took him by surprise, knocking him down and demanding the contract. Wallow watched with open enjoyment as Blackheart beat up Caretaker, but the mortal remained defiant. Deciding to force the Ghost Rider to locate the contract for him, Blackheart kidnapped Roxanne. The pair waited at the abandoned village of San Venganza with their hostage, and sensed him coming as dawn approached. Visibly entertained by Roxanne's discomfort, Wallow's glee evaporated when Blackheart told him to go outside and low Ghost Rider down, aware of how that had turned out for his fellows. With the abandoned town surrounded by swamp, Blaze drove through the shallow waters in human form, giving Wallow a chance to attack. Lunging out the waters, Wallow pulled Blaze under and attempted to strangle him, but the rider fooled him, momentarily letting Wallow think he had succeeded in slaying Blaze before transforming and boiling the water with his hellfire, destroying Wallow.

 Comments: Created by Mark Steven Johnson.

   Wallow was portrayed by Daniel Frederiksen.

   During the movie while researching his own condition Blaze sees an illustration by artist Giovanni Reinhardt, painted in 1770, and depicting the Nephilim descending from Heaven into the elements of earth, air and water. This is presumably a reference to the origins of the Hidden, and ties with early drafts of the script that identified them as fallen angels.

   At one point in the movie Wallow does go onto hallowed ground, specifically the cemetery Caretaker protects. Presumably Blackheart was somehow protecting Wallow from the adverse effects.

  This profile was completed 09/20/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary's celebratory event.

Profile by Loki.

Wallow has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Ghost Rider movie publicity stills (body shots)
Ghost Rider movie screenshots (headshots)

Ghost Rider movie (February 16th 2007) - Mark Steven Johnson (writer, director)
Ghost Rider novelization (February 2007) - Greg Cox (writer)

First Posted: 09/21/2021
Last updated:

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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