
cockroach-77013-20050918-fullReal Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-77013) human (super-villain poser)

Occupation: Would-be criminal

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

Enemies: New York Police Department;
    Spider-Man was ready to stop him, but didn't need to, and instead just expressed disappointment

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    presumably at least formerly a New York prison;
    Manhattan, New York

First Appearance: (Behind-the-scenes, unidentified) Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 16, 2005);
    (full/pictured/identified) Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 17, 2005)

Powers/Abilities: The Cockroach either purchased or constructed a costume that made him appear to be a muscular, armored super-villain, but he didn't actually have any abilities.

    He was bold/reckless/crazy enough to rob a bank in his costume, counting on his seeming powers to prevent any resistance.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 145 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown


(Spider-Man newspaper strip September 17, 2005 (fb) - BTS) - The Cockroach robbed a bank, in some fashion alerting the New York Police Department (NYPD).cockroach-77013-20050919-tackled

(Spider-Man newspaper strip September 17, 2005 - BTS) - Seeing the police gathered outside the bank, Spider-Man swung down to help.

(Spider-Man newspaper strip September 17, 2005) - As the Cockroach carried out bags of cash, he was confronted by at least two police cars' worth of the NYPD.

(Spider-Man newspaper strip September 18 (Sunday), 2005) - Cockroach shouted at the NYPD, "Keep back, all of you!...Nobody can stop me!"

    One police officer warned another not to fire his gun, because if the Cockroach's armor repelled bullets, the ricochet might hurt someone. In consideration of that risk, the second police officer told his partner to cover him while he rushed the Cockroach.

(Spider-Man newspaper strip September 18 (Sunday), 2005 / Spider-Man newspaper strip September 19, 2005) - Fearing for the police officer's safety and figuring they would need his help, Spider-Man swung down, hoping to take out the Cockroach first.

    However, the officer arrived first, and he tackled the Cockroach, who collapsed to the ground with a "Whoof!" (or a "Whooff," apparently depending on the angle

    As the tackling officer restained the Cockroach, his partner held the Cockroach at gunpoint, and Spider-Man considered that maybe the police didn't need his help and that they didn't make super-villains like they used to.cockroach-77013-20050920-supine

(Spider-Man newspaper strip September 20, 2005) - When one of the police officers confronted the Cockroach about his not having any powers, the Cockroach admitted that he thought his costume would scare them off.

(Spider-Man newspaper strip September 21, 2005 (fb) - BTS) - The police removed the Cockroach's helmet and padded costume.

(Spider-Man newspaper strip September 21, 2005) - Feeling the criminal's skinny arm, one police officer noted how even his "muscles" were just fake padding. Cockroach grinned and noted that it had been worth a shot, as if they had run off, he'd have gotten away with the loot. cockroach-77013-20050922-face-full

    Watching from a distance, Spider-Man wondered "Whatever happened to standards?"

Spider-Man newspaper strip September 22, 2005) - As he placed handcuffs on the Cockroach, one of the police officers told him he was going to the roach motel. The dejected Cockroach could only reply, "Everyone's a comedian."

Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Larry Lieber.

    Thanks to Loki for supplying the newspaper stories to me, as well as being the inspiration to cover this character!
    And thanks to Spider-Mike/Mike Fichera for supplying the higher resolution images for the teeny-tiny full body image at the top left!

    The newspaper strips typically recap recent events in the first panel or so, so there is a lot of overlap between daily stories.

    This profile was completed 03/19/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)

Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 17, 2005) - 2nd panel, confronted by cops
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 18 (Sunday), 2005) - 2nd panel, full, distant
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 19, 2005) - 2nd panel, tackled
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 20, 2005) - 1st panel, on his back
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 21, 2005) - 2nd panel, face - close-up
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 22, 2005) - 1st panel, full face

Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 17, 2005) - Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 18 (Sunday), 2005) - Stan Lee and Larry Lieber, with Alex Saviuk (penciler) and Jim Amash (inking)
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 19, 2005) - Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 20, 2005) - Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 21, 2005) - Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Spider-Man newspaper strip (September 22, 2005) - Stan Lee and Larry Lieber

First posted: 09/04/2021
Last updated: 09/01/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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