Real Name: Thane
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman/Titan Eternals hybrid) mutate
Occupation: Criminal;
former cult leader, healer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Avengers (Captain America/Steve
Rogers, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, Hyperion/Marc Milton of
Earth-13034, Thor/Thor Odinson), Champion (Tryco Slatterus), Death, Jourr, Nebula, Phoenix Force
Enemies: Black Order (Corvus Glaive,
Ebony Maw, Supergiant), Brood, the Coven, Gara, Guardians of the Galaxy
(Kitty Pryde, Star-Lord/Peter Quill), Nova (Sam Alexander), Slaughter
Squad (Bligh, Blood Brother, Czar-Doon, Delphinia, Father Diablo, Misa
the Hunter, Mr. Knife/J'Son), S.W.O.R.D., Terrax the Tamer (Tyros),
Known Relatives: Thanos (father), A'Lars
(Mentor, grandfather), Sui-San (grandmother), Eros (Starfox, uncle),
unidentified mother, many unidentified half-brothers and half-sisters,
unidentified members of the House of Lor (ancestors)
Aliases: King Thane, Phoenix
Base of Operations: The God Quarry;
formerly Orrolan
First Appearance: (Unidentified) New Avengers
III#10 (November, 2013);
(identified) Infinity I#4 (December, 2013)
Powers/Abilities: Thane spent years training
as a healer among the people of Orrolan. Half-Inhuman and half-Titan Eternal,
Thane mutated after undergoing Terrigenesis, taking on a purple hue and
a wrinkled chin like his father. Thane developed the ability to kill by
drawing life force into himself; after he was given a golden armor to
contain his powers, he could only kill with a touch from his left hand.
Thane also had the ability to encase anything or anyone in amber with a
touch from his right hand. After passing through the Black Vortex,
Thane’s powers expanded to cosmic levels, allowing him to trap the
entire planet of Spartax in amber.
Thane briefly possessed the Phoenix Force, giving him
the abilities to travel through space at cosmic speed, to read minds
and manipulate matter, to set things on fire and to resurrect himself.
Thane was mentally under the influence of Ebony Maw for quite some time
and it is unknown what the long-term impacts of that are.
Height: 6'4" (by approximation)
Weight: 220 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Purple; formerly blue
Hair: Bald; formerly brown
History: (Infinity
I#4 (fb) –
BTS/New Avengers III#10 (fb) – BTS) – Thane was conceived when his
Inhuman mother had a tryst with Thanos, the mad Titan, during a time
when her group of Inhumans were in conflict with the madman. She
returned to Earth pregnant.
(Infinity I#4 (fb) – BTS) – Thane grew
up in the Inhuman
city of Orollan on Earth, aware of his father's heritage, so Thane
chose to become a healer, tending to his people.
(Infinity I#4) – Thane attended to
Jourr, a young boy
who'd broken his arm. When the Terrigen Bomb went off, Thane entered a
cocoon and when he emerged, he found himself transformed into his true
form, one resembling his father, and he discovered the city of Orollan
had been destroyed, all killed as his powers activated.
(Infinity I#5) – Ebony Maw showed up in
Orollan, where
Thane was surrounded by skeletons, and the villain commented that Thane
was like his father, born in death. Wanting to help Thane discover his
potential, Ebony Maw instructed Thane to put on a golden armor he'd
prepared, telling Thane it would help him from killing others and that
his powers were now only usable through direct touch. Maw then trapped
Thane in stasis, ready to present to Thanos. Thanos soon arrived and
Thane, unable to move, asked his father why he wanted to kill him.
Thanos answered, simply because Thane existed. Corvus Glaive then
delivered a message to Thanos about the status of the war they were
(Infinity I#6) – Flanked by members of
the Black Order,
Corvus Glaive, Supergiant and Ebony Maw, Thanos ordered Thane released
so he could kill him but then the Hulk attacked Orrolan, followed by
Thor (Odinson), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Earth-13034's Hyperion
and Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) of the Avengers. Ebony Maw whispered
in Thane's ear as the Black Order was defeated. As Thanos fought Thor
to a standstill, Ebony Maw released Thane then convinced him to trap
his father in amber, where he would live and be sentient without being
able to move, a fate worse than death. Thane departed with the Maw.
(Inhumanity I#1 - BTS) - The Inhuman Karnak saw a vision of threats to
come in the future, and Thane was among them.
(Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#1) –
Thane walked through the ruins of Orrolan, throwing a rock wall against
the Ebony Maw in his anger. Maw convinced Thane to depart with him into
space so that he could learn about his father. After they evaded
S.W.O.R.D. ships, Thane donned a black cloak and landed on the planet
Malady, where Maw showed him the club Sclerosis Syd's. Maw got them
passed the guards by mentioning Thanos' name. Inside, they found the
alien Trynka, who Maw had commissioned to record the story of Thanos
within his DNA.
(Thanos: A God Up There Listening
Infinite Comic I#2) –
Thane saw Thanos in the memories of Trynka then he asked the alien to
show him more. When Trynka refused, Maw convinced Thane to demand to be
shown and Trynka agreed. Thane saw memories of Thanos and Proxima
Midnight leading their fleets in a battle against Ego the Living Planet
and Thane realized Thanos was insane as he saw his father thinking he
was talking to Death.
(Thanos: A God Up There Listening
Infinite Comic I#3) –
Thane was overwhelmed with the telepathic vision of Thanos' battle with
Ego and he demanded to be let free, screaming out loud into the bar
that the was the son of Thanos.
(Thanos: A God Up There Listening
Infinite Comic I#4) –
As Thane came out of his vision, Trynka tried helping him realize that
he would have to learn suffering if he was going to be the son of
Thanos but Thane said he was his own man. After finding all those
within the bar dead, Thane realized Maw was behind it. Realizing he had
more to learn, Thane demanded Trynka show him more of the battle with
A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#5) –
On Malady, the authorities closed in, looking for the one who had
killed those in the bar, and Thane fled with Trynka, grabbing the alien
by the throat when Thane felt insulted. Lost in the memories of Thanos
and the Black Order's battle on Ego, Thane imagined he was talking to
his father, who wondered aloud if Thane might be insane since Maw had
influenced Thane into seeing Trynka die on Ego.
(Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#6) –
As the security forces closed in, Thane realized that Ebony Maw had
been in his mind and manipulated his perceptions and powers, causing
him to kill those in the bar. In the memories of Trynka, Thane realized the legacy of
Thanos as a mass murderer who had built an amazing army. After
bidding farewell to Trynka, Thane accepted his destiny as Thanos' son
and encased his armor in gold.
(Legendary Star-Lord I#7 (fb) – BTS) –
After his time on
Malady, Thane began behaving erratically, calling others to follow him
as he trapped threats in amber. The Slaughter Squad tracked him to the
planet Brennan-7.
(Legendary Star-Lord I#7) – Mr. Knife
(J'Son) and the
Slaughter Squad (Czar-Doon, Misa, Bligh, others) watched Thane call out
to a crowd to follow him and he encased a savage alien in amber.
(Legendary Star-Lord I#8) – Thane was
surrounded by many
aliens (including Shi'ar, Kree, Skrull, Centaurii and Kymellian) who
called him their savior. When Mr. Knife invited Thane to join his
Slaughter Squad, Thane refused as he froze a giant monster that
attacked in amber. Mr. Knife helped tend to one of the wounded
refugees then he informed Thane that Thanos was alive and active
again. Mr. Knife promised Thane great power, enough to protect his
flock from Thanos, if he would do a job for him and Thane, still being
influenced by Ebony Maw, agreed.
(Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men:
Black Vortex Alpha#1) – Thane initially disregarded the Black Vortex
until he saw Mr.
Knife subject Blood Brother to it, turning the alien into a
super-strong powerhouse. Blood Brother joined Czar Doon, Misa the
Hunter, Delphinia and Father Diablo in the Slaughter Squad then Thane
nearly submitted to the mirror himself but Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde
stole it.
(Guardians of the Galaxy III#24) – As
Thane watched Mr.
Knife meet with a Brood emissary, Ebony Maw tried influencing Thane to
kill Knife. Thane refused and ordered the Maw to leave him alone.
(Legendary Star-Lord I#9) – Thane
demanded that Mr.
Knife give him the Black Vortex and Mr. Knife sent the Slaughter Squad
after the heroes.
(All-New X-Men I#39) – Thane continued
demanding to know
the location of the Black Vortex but Mr. Knife just asked for trust.
Refusing Ebony Maw's temptations to kill Maw, Thane chose to return to
Brennan-7 and his flock.
(Guardians Team-Up I#3) – Thane found
his flock
slaughtered on Brennan-7. Ebony Maw helped influence Thane's desire for
revenge on Mr. Knife.

(Nova V#28 (fb) – BTS) – Thane found Mr. Knife, who
convinced him that the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men were
behind the slaughter of his people.
(Nova V#28) – Thane and Mr. Knife found
Nova (Sam
Alexander) with the Black Vortex on Spartax and Thane attacked,
seizing the Black Vortex and submitting to it. He emerged transformed,
his powers expanded to god-like levels.
(Legendary Star-Lord I#10) – Enticed by
Mr. Knife to use
his new powers, Thane unleashed a wave of amber to encase the entire
planet of Spartax, freezing every civilian in place. Mr. Knife made a
deal with the Brood, promising them the planet of Spartax in exchange
for being allowed to rule one out of every ten planets they conquered
in the future. Ebony Maw continued to influence Thane.
(Captain Marvel VIII#14) – When Captain
Marvel (Carol
Danvers) stole the Black Vortex, Thane gave pursuit, soon cornering
Captain Marvel with Mr. Knife. Influenced by Ebony Maw, Thane tried
amberizing both his foes but the blast bounced off the Black Vortex.
Gara then arrived, another alien transformed by the Black Vortex,
and Gara propelled Thane into space.
(Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men:
Black Vortex Omega#1 (fb) – BTS) – Thane found Mr. Knife and encased
him in amber.
(Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men:
Black Vortex Omega#1) – Thane, still influenced by Ebony Maw, saw
himself as the ruler
of the universe and he was determined to go after the Black Vortex.
(Thanos II#4 (fb)) – Thane remained in
the influence of
both the Black Vortex and the Ebony Maw. Thane staged an attack on the
Black Quadrant, now ruled by Corvus Glaive, but three black witches in
the Coven appeared before Thane, draining him and leaving him defeated.
(Thanos II#4 (fb) – BTS) – Thane was
placed in a cell by
Glaive and left there for weeks. He was fed slop twice per day for
(Thanos II#4 (fb)) – 7 months ago, Thane received a
new cell mate, Tryco Slatterus, the Champion of the Universe. Thane was
initially resistant to the Champion but he warmed to him when Tryco
shared chocolate with him.
A month later, Tryco and
played games to pass the time until Corvus Glaive and the guards
caught them. Glaive had Thane, who was now back in his costume and
seemingly no longer in possession of the Black Vortex powers, placed in
"the Hole" for solitary confinement. Thane remained there for months,
catching creatures to consume and slowly going mad. Soon, Death began
appearing to him in the form of a scantily clad woman with black hair.
Thane confessed that he wanted nothing more than to kill his father
and Death promised to give him power and help him escape if he gave
himself over to her completely. Thane agreed but first he freed Tryco,
taking the Champion with him.
(Thanos II#1 (fb) – BTS)
– Death warned Thane that
Thanos was returning. With Death whispering in his ear, Thane put
together a plot to take down his father. After recruiting the Champion
of the Universe, Thane sent the Champion to summon Starfox to a meeting.
(Thanos II#5 (fb) – BTS)
– Death told Thane that Terrax
had the Phoenix Force trapped in an egg and they made plans to free
(Thanos II#1) – Death, seeking to earn Thane's trust,
whispered in his ear that Thanos was dying.
II#2) – On Titan, Thane met with Starfox,
Nebula and the Champion, and he announced his plans to kill Thanos
with them in a small surgical strike.
II#4) – Thane instructed Champion, Starfox and
Nebula to liberate a prisoner from Terrax the Tamer. Thane tried to
assert himself as the leader but the others balked. Death encouraged
Thane to stay silent on the matter.
II#5) – While Starfox held off Terrax, Thane,
Champion and Nebula fought guards and broke into a private chamber on
Terrax's ship. There, Thane admitted he'd lied to the others as they
found the Phoenix Egg.

(Thanos II#6) – Thane apologized to the others,
particularly Tryco, for lying but Nebula shot him and he fell on the
Egg. As Terrax and Starfox rushed in, Thane seemingly died on the Egg
and it resurrected him, granting Thane the powers of the Phoenix Force.
With Death at his side, Thane traveled across the universe and directly
attacked Thanos, ignoring his father's warnings that Death was only
using him. Thane stripped Thanos of his godhood and sent him to a
remote planet. Then calling himself King Thane, he prepared to have
others come after him due to his new power.
II#8) – Thane entered the Black Quadrant and
decimated the population of Flivok-6. Death continued manipulating
Thane, who killed many in her name as he wondered what he was doing and
if he had made Thanos pay enough.
II#9) – Thane went to Titan and was furious to
find Thanos missing. After seeing locals with Thanos' helmet, Thane
learned that Starfox, Nebula and Tryco had rescued Thanos.
Death's orders to go and attack Earth, Thane put on his father's helmet
and went after him. Soon, Thane closed in on Nebula and Tryco's ship.

(Thanos II#10) – As Tryco and Nebula tried to escape,
Thane knocked their ship out of light speed and to a nearby planet,
where he demanded they reveal where Thanos was. Death appeared,
demanding that Thane kill Tryco but then Thanos attacked.
II#11) – Thane used the full power of the
Phoenix Force to battle Thanos, who had his vast power sources back,
and they literally destroyed the planet behind them. They prepared for
final battle in the God Quarry, where Tryco, Nebula and Starfox lay
unconscious, and the Coven watched.
II#12) – In the God Quarry, the Coven easily
propelled the Phoenix Force away from Thane, stripping him of his
power. Thanos easily defeated Thane, beating him and stripping him of
Thanos' helmet then he tossed Thane into the God Quarry, where he
predicted the boy would face a living hell, being given visions of his
own inadequacy. As Thane begged his father for help, he was slowly
encased in rock and trapped there.
Created by Jonathan Hickman, Mike Deodato, Jerome Opena and Dustin
Thane is... unoriginal. He
looks like Thanos, his name sounds like Thanos, he is obsessed with
Death like Thanos, but he has spent his entire comic book career in the
thrall of others, from the Ebony Maw to Mr. Knife to Death to the
Phoenix Force. I find this character underwhelming. Thane has appeared
in various formats in video games, sometimes as a playable character.
Profile by Chadman.
Thane has no known connections to:
- Thane of Kordor, of the Lords of Althrace @ Dr. Who Magazine
- Thane
Ector, leader of Brethren @ Avengers I#334
- or any other "Thane" characters
House of Lor
(Infinity I#4 (fb) – BTS)
– Hundreds of years ago, during a time when the Inhuman royalty was
fractured, many Inhuman tribes went into space and others spread across
the Earth to live in secret societies. The House of Lor built the city
of Orollan, taking with them one lone Terrigen Crystal. Over the
following years, they could only use the crystal once per generation,
hoping it would give their people the gifts needed to survive.
--Infinity I#4 (fb)
(Infinity I#4) – In the
hidden city of Orollan, Jourr broke his arm while climbing but Thane
the healer took care of him. Later, the city was destroyed when Thane
faced Terrigenesis.
--Infinity I#4
images: (without ads)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#1, p7,
pan1 (main)
Infinity I#4, p11, pan5 (before transformation)
Thanos: A God Up There
Listening Infinite Comic I#1, p49, pan1 (in black cloak)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#6,
p55, pan1 (in gold armor)
Nova V#28, p21, pan1 (Thane, after Black Vortex)
Thanos III#6, p17, pan1 (with Phoenix Force, and Death)
Thanos III#10, p22, pan1 (with Phoenix Force)
Thanos III#10, p21, pan2 (kneeling in armor)
Infinity I#4, p11, pan4 (House
of Lor)Infinity I#4, p11, pan4 (Jourr)
New Avengers III#10 (November, 2013) - Jonathan Hickman
(writer), Mike Deodato (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Infinity I#4 (December, 2013) - Jonathan Hickman
(writer), Jerome Opena, Dustin Weaver (artists), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Infinity I#5 (December, 2013) - Jonathan Hickman
(writer), Jerome Opena (penciler), Dustin Weaver (inker), Tom Brevoort
Infinity I#6 (January, 2014) - Jonathan Hickman
(writer), Jim Cheung, Dustin Weaver (pencilers), Mark Morales, Dustin
Weaver, Guillermo Ortego, Dave Meikis, Jim Cheung, John Livesay
(inkers), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Inhumanity I#1 (February, 2014) - Matt Fraction
(writer), Olivier Coipel, Leinil Yu, Gerry Alanguilan, Dustin Weaver
(pencilers), Mark Morales (editor)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#1
(July, 2014) - Rob Williams (writer), JL Mast, Geoffo, Iban Coello
(artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#2
(August, 2014) - Rob Williams (writer), JL Mast, Geoffo, Neil Edwards
(artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#3
(September, 2014) - Rob Williams (writer), Daniel Govar, Paco Diaz
(artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#4
(October, 2014) - Rob Williams (writer), JL Mast, Geoffo, Iban Coello
(artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#5
(November, 2014) - Rob Williams (writer), Daniel Govar, Niel Edwards
(artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening Infinite Comic I#6
(December, 2014) - Rob Williams (writer), JL Mast, Geoffo, Paco Diaz
(artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Legendary Star-Lord I#7 (March, 2015) - Sam Humphries
(writer), Freddie Williams II (artist), Mike Marts (editor)
Legendary Star-Lord I#8 (March, 2015) - Sam Humphries
(writer), Freddie Williams II, Paco Diaz (artists), Mike Marts (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: Black Vortex
Alpha#1 (April, 2015) - Ed McGuinness, Kris Anka (writers), Kris Anka,
Farmer, Jay Leisten, Mark Morales (inkers), Mike Marts (editor) Guardians of the Galaxy III#24 (April, 2015) - Brian Michael
Bendis (writer), Valerio Schiti (artist), Mike Marts (editor)
Legendary Star-Lord I#9 (April, 2015) - Sam Humphries
(writer), Paco Medina (penciler), Juan Vlasco (inker), Mike Marts
All-New X-Men I#39 (May, 2015) - Brian Michael Bendis
(writer), Andrea Sorrentino (artists), Mike Marts (editor)
Guardians Team-Up I#3 (May, 2015) - Sam Humphries
(writer), Mike Mayhew (artist), Katie Kubert (editor)
Legendary Star-Lord I#10 (May, 2015) - Sam Humphries
(writer), Paco Medina (penciler), Juan Vlasco (inker), Mike Marts
Nova V#28 (May, 2015) - Gerry Duggan (writer), David
Baldeon (penciler), Terry Pallot (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)
Captain Marvel VIII#14 (June, 2015) - Kelly Sue
DeConnick (writer), David Lopez (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: Black Vortex
Omega#1 (June, 2015) - Sam Humphries (writer), Ed McGuinness, Javier
(pencilers), Mark Farmer (inker), Mike Marts (editor)
Thanos II#1-2, 4-6 (January-February, April-June, 2017)
- Jeff Lemire (writer), Mike Deodato Jr (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Thanos II#8-12 (August-December, 2017) - Jeff Lemire
(writer), German Peralta (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Posted: 06/19/2020
Last updated: 06/19/2020
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me know.
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