(of Earth-91053)
Real Name: George Stacy
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-91053) human mutate
Occupation: Police detective, vigilante
Group Membership: Spider-Army
(Ghost-Spider/Gwen Stacy of Earth-65, Spider-Kid/Peter Parker of
Earth-218, Spider-Ma'am/May
Parker of Earth-3123, Spider-Man/Hobie Brown of Earth-138,
Spider-Man/Miles Morales of Earth-1610, Spider-Man/Peter Parker of
Earth-616, Spider-Woman/Ashley Barton of Earth-807128,
Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew of Earth-616, numerous others)
Affiliations: NYPD
Enemies: Inheritors of Earth-001
(Bora, Brix, Daemos, Jennix, Solus), Shocker
Known Relatives: Gwendolyne "Gwen" Stacy (daughter)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New
York City, New York, USA
First Appearance: Vault of Spiders I#2 (January, 2019)
Powers/Abilities: George
Stacy possesses superhuman strength and agility, and the ability to
cling to solid surfaces.
He did not appear to use mechanical web-shooters (like many of his multiversal counterparts) and instead of swinging, was shown able to jump over long distances.
Height: 6' 1" (by
approximation) (see comments)
Weight: 190 lbs (by approximation) (see comments)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
(Vault of Spiders I#2/3 (fb) - BTS) - After NYPD detective George Stacy
became imbued with the powers of a Spider-Totem, he fashioned a dark
suit for himself and began secretly operating as a vigilante. At some
point, he suffered a minor leg injury while on the force.
(Vault of Spiders I#2/3) - When an armed hostage situation took place at the Brand Corporation Lab, Stacy was ordered to remain at the precinct by his captain. Feeling compelled to help, Stacy put on his suit and raced the police to the scene, where he found the hostages stuck to the walls by static electricity. The Shocker, who demanded something she called the Frequency, attacked Stacy with an electric blast. In response, he shot her with his firearm, hitting Shocker's suit, which overloaded and took her out. With the hostages safe, Stacy quickly ran up the wall and left the scene before the police arrived. Back at the precinct, Stacy looked at an open investigation into the Brand Corporation, feeling there was more to the story.
I#5) - George Stacy was recruited into the Spider-Army by Ghost-Spider
of Earth-65, an alternate reality counterpart of his own daughter Gwen.
He was among many others who arrived to reinforce the Spider-Totems
during their final battle against the Inheritors inside San Francisco's
Transamerica Pyramid on Earth-616. Their combined efforts resulted in
the victory over the Inheritors after which the extradimensional
Spider-Totems, George among them, were returned to their home realities.
Comments: Created by Geoffrey Thorne and Todd Harris.
George Stacy's height and weight are taken from his Earth-616 counterpart.
George Stacy does not use an alias
throughout his appearances and is only compared to a Spider by one of
the witnesses.
Well, he was called "the Spider" in
the title of his story in Vault of Spiders #2 but was not called so
in-story. --Proto-Man
Profile by HBK123.
Spider-Man (George Stacy) has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Vault of Spiders I#2, p25, pan4 (George Stacy, main image)
Vault of Spiders I#2, p25, pan2 (George Stacy, headshot)
Vault of Spiders I#2, p20, pan2 (George Stacy, unmasked)
Vault of Spiders I#2, p21, pan3 (George Stacy jumping across buildings)
Vault of Spiders I#2
(January, 2019) - "The Spider: Shock the Spider" story - Geoffrey
Thorne (writer), Todd Harris (pencils, inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Geddon I#5 (February, 2019) - Christos N. Gage (writer), Jorge
Molina, Carlo Barberi, Stefano Caselli, Joey Vazquez (pencils), Jay
Leisten, Jose Marzan Jr., Stefano Caselli, Joey Vazquez (inks), Nick
Lowe (editor)
First Posted: 06/03/2020
Last updated: 06/03/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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