SENTINEL X-42903-22
Real Name: Sentinel X-42903-22
Identity/Class: Terrestrial robot
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Alfredo the Chicken, B'illian Blax'zthor, Chef Bear, Commander Sootori, Hippo, Kraven the Hunter (Sergei Kravinoff), Mole Man (Harvey Elder), Ms. Chloe, Ratatoskr, Rhino (Alexie Sytsevich) Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green), Tree Lobster
Enemies: Fin Fang Foom
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8 (July, 2016)
Powers/Abilities: A sentient and self-aware
Sentinel, X-42903-22 was programmed to both hate mutants and to seek
out love, as well as to feel heartbreak when he was rejected.
X-42903-22 was capable of working on his own personality, working
through change on himself.
X-42903-22 has enhanced strength and likely has the capabilities of other Sentinels including flight, offensive weaponry, self-repair capabilities and mutant-tracking software but those have not been shown.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
History: (Unbeatable Squirrel
Girl II#8 (fb) – BTS) – Though it's specific origins were unrevealed,
Sentinel X-42903-22 was different than the other Sentinels. Although
programmed to hate and fear mutants, he was also programmed to
experience love and heartbreak and he desired companionship so he
answered a dating add from Doreen Green.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8) – On their date, Doreen (who'd just gone on a bad date with Steve) told the Sentinel that she could never date someone with prejudice against mutants. The Sentinel, dejected, wondered why he also must experience heartbreak.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#10 – BTS) – Sentinel X-42903-22 accidentally tweeted Squirrel Girl on Twitter.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#49 (fb) – BTS) – Sentinel X-42903-22 spent months working on his own personal progress, seeking to overcome his prejudices.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#38 - BTS) - When Sentinel X-42903-22
heard that Squirrel Girl might be dead, it posted onlinee about how sad
it was feeling.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#49) – Sentinel X-42903-22 joined many of Squirrel Girl's allies in aiding his friend against her foes. After telling Doreen about his personal progress, the Sentinel did battle with Fin Fang Foom.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#50) – Sentinel X-42903-22 watched as Galactus arrived on Earth to help deescalate the battle.
Created by Ryan North, Erica Henderson and Andy Hirsch.
I adore this silly little character. He's delightful.
Profile by Chadman.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8) – On a date with Doreen Green, Steve told her about his passion for Nelson Mandela and his fear of squirrels. Doreen ended the date.
--Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8
images: (without ads)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
II#49, p18, pan1 (main)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8, p15, pan7-9 (date with
Squirrel Girl)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8, p15, pan5 (Steve)
First Posted: 08/04/2020
Last updated: 08/04/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please .
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