Real Name: Harold LeClair Ickes

Identity/Class: Human (Old West to post-World War II era)

Occupation: United States Secretary of the Interior (see comments);
    former lawyer, newspaper reporter

Group Membership: Phi Delta Theta fraternity, United States government

Affiliations: Captain America (Steve Rogers), the Duchess of Windsor (Wallis Simpson), the Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII), Human Torch ("Jim Hammond"), Attorney Gen. Robert Jackson, Secretary Frank Knox, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vice President Henry Wallace

Enemies: Baron Zemo (Heinrich Zemo), Nazis

Known Relatives: Jane Dahlman (wife), Anna Wilmarth Thompson (ex-wife, deceased), Harold McEwen Ickes (son), Elizabeth Jane Ickes (daughter), two other children, Jesse Boone Williams Ickes (father), Matilda McCune (mother, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile throughout the USA;
    formerly Chicago, Illinois, USA; Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, USA

First Appearance: (in a Marvel comic, mentioned by last name only): Adventures of Captain America I#1 (September, 1991);
    (fully seen, unidentified): Captain America & the Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle#1 (September, 2019)

Powers/Abilities: Harold Ickes was a skilled politician and orator.

Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Black (graying)

History: (real life history) - Born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania on March 15, 1874, Harold LeClair Ickes moved to Chicago, Illinois following his mother's death, where he attended Englewood High School and became class president. After graduating from the University of Chicago, where he joined the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, with a bachelor's degree in 1897, Ickes became a newspaper reporter while earning his J.D. degree at University of Chicago Law School. Occasionally practicing law afterwards, Ickes became known in local politics and when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President in 1932, he sought out Sen. Hiram Johnson, who declined to join Roosevelt's cabinet and instead recommended Harold Ickes. Ickes was then appointed to the position of Secretary of the Interior under Roosevelt.

(Adventures of Captain America I#1 - BTS) - Secretary Harold Ickes was invited to be present during Project: Rebirth's experimentation on the young Steve Rogers on March 10, 1941 but found himself unable to attend at the last moment.

(Captain America & the Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle#1) - On Wednesday, March 19, 1941, Harold Ickes accompanied President Franklin Roosevelt on a fishing trip, which Roosevelt secretly planned to use as a ruse while he met with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor in the Bahamas. As Roosevelt commented on the beautiful day aboard the Presidential Yacht, the Potomac, Knox stood by and smiled as Attorney General Robert Jackson expressed wishes that they were flying instead of sailing. When a storm forced the Potomac to dock in the Bahamas ahead of schedule, Ickes accompanied Roosevelt, Secretary Frank Knox, Robert Jackson and a squad of guarding sailors to the residence of the Duke and Duchess for their meeting. Finding the Duke and Duchess' home invaded by Baron Heinrich Zemo, Ickes appeared surprised to see Zemo as Roosevelt attempted to calmly talk Zemo down from his attack. Ickes then remained at Roosevelt's side as the lights went out and Captain America revealed himself to fight Zemo. Once Zemo and his men had been defeated, Ickes looked out a window as Roosevelt prepared to leave the Bahamas, his meeting with the Duke and Duchess having been cut short. After Roosevelt said his goodbyes to the Duke and Duchess, Ickes accompanied Roosevelt back to the Potomac as the undercover Steve Rogers and Jim Hammond regrouped with the Presidential party.

(real life history) - Remaining the Secretary of the Interior through Franklin Roosevelt's tenure in office and even at the beginning of Harry Truman's presidency, Harold Ickes ultimately resigned his office shortly after Truman took office and retired to his farm home, soon becoming a syndicated columnist. Harold Ickes died on February 3, 1952.

Comments: Adapted into Marvel Comics by Roy Thomas and Jerry Ordway.

Harold Ickes was depicted in Captain America & the Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle#1 without glasses yet in real life, he wore glasses.

While Ickes became a syndicated columnist in real life after resigning his office, we never saw Ickes in Marvel Comics outside of World War II-era stories so we don't know for sure if he became a columnist on Earth-616.

Ickes was not identified by name in Captain America & the Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle#1 but seen as part of the President's cabinet as he went on a "fishing trip" to meet the Duke and Duchess of Windsor in the Bahamas.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Harold L. Ickes has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Captain America & the Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle#1, p28, pan5 (Harold Ickes walking, main image)
Captain America & the Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle#1, p15, pan1 (Harold Ickes, headshot)
Captain America & the Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle#1, p8, pan2 (Harold Ickes in civilian clothes)

Adventures of Captain America I#1 (September, 1991) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Kevin Maguire (pencils), Joe Rubinstein (inks), Tom Christopher (ink assists), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Captain America & the Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle#1 (September, 2019) - Roy Thomas (writer), Jerry Ordway (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 10/23/2019
Last updated: 10/23/2019

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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