Real Name: Huggy Q. Loveyface VI

Identity/Class: Evolved polar bear

Occupation: Commander of criminal operatives

Group Membership: New Men (Clarence, Claude, Sally, others)

Affiliations: High Evolutionary (Herbert Wyndham)

Enemies: Chipmunk Hunk (Tomas Lara-Perez), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Koi Boi (Ken Shiga), Squirrel Girl (Allene Green), Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green), Nancy Whitehead

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Wundagore (presumably)

First Appearance: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (December, 2016)

Powers/Abilities: Huggy Loveyface is an evolved polar bear who likely has some human-level intelligence. He appears to have both enhanced strength and some combat training.

He has a scar over one eye.

Height: 5'8'' (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White fur

History: (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (fb) - BTS) - After the Avengers defeated the High Evolutionary, Iron Man departed with some key technology from the Evolutionary's base. The High Evolutionary sent a group of his New Men, or humanimals, after them along with his human operatives. He selected Commander Huggy Q. Loveyface the Sixth (evolved polar bear), Claude (evolved electric eel), Clarence (evolved orca whale), Sally (evolved ostrich), an evolved cobra, an evolved tiger and an evolved sloth.

(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN) - The New Men attacked Iron Man's office, where they found him with heroes Squirrel Girl (and Tippy-Toe), Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk and Nancy Whitehead. During the following battle, Squirrel Girl was tossed into the machinery and ended up cloned, then she and her clone (who was later named Allene Green) defeated the humanimals with a series of punches and kicks.

Comments: Created by Ryan North, Erica Henderson and Tom Fowler.

Commander Huggy Q. Loveyface the Sixth and the other "evolved humanimals" were given names in the text lines underneath the main story. Claude was given particular attention.

Profile by Chadman.

Huggy Loveyface has no known connections to:


(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (fb) - BTS) - After the Avengers defeated the High Evolutionary, Iron Man departed with some key technology from the Evolutionary's base. The High Evolutionary sent a group of his New Men, or humanimals, after them along with his human operatives. He selected Clarence, an evolved orca whale, as well as Claude (evolved electric eel), Commander Huggy Q. Loveyface the Sixth (evolved polar bear), Sally (evolved ostrich), an evolved cobra, an evolved tiger and an evolved sloth.

(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN) - The New Men attacked Iron Man's office, where they found him with heroes Squirrel Girl (and Tippy-Toe), Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk and Nancy Whitehead. During the following battle, Squirrel Girl was tossed into the machinery and ended up cloned, then she and her clone (who was later named Allene Green) defeated the humanimals with a series of punches and kicks.

--Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (GN (fb) - BTS, GN,


(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (fb) - BTS) - After the Avengers defeated the High Evolutionary, Iron Man departed with some key technology from the Evolutionary's base. The High Evolutionary sent a group of his New Men, or humanimals, after them along with his human operatives. He selected Claude, an evolved electric eel, as well as Clarence (evolved orca whale), Commander Huggy Q. Loveyface the Sixth (evolved polar bear),Sally (evolved ostrich), an evolved cobra, an evolved tiger and an evolved sloth. Despite being recruited for criminal operations, Claude loved table-top gaming and volunteering for at-risk youth.

(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN) - The New Men attacked Iron Man's office, where they found him with heroes Squirrel Girl (and Tippy-Toe), Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk and Nancy Whitehead. During the following battle, Squirrel Girl was tossed into the machinery and ended up cloned, then she and her clone (who was later named Allene Green) defeated the humanimals with a series of punches and kicks.

--Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (GN (fb) - BTS, GN,


(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (fb) - BTS) - After the Avengers defeated the High Evolutionary, Iron Man departed with some key technology from the Evolutionary's base. The High Evolutionary sent a group of his New Men, or humanimals, after them along with his human operatives. He selected Clarence, an evolved orca whale, as well as Claude (evolved electric eel), Commander Huggy Q. Loveyface the Sixth (evolved polar bear), Sally (evolved ostrich), an evolved cobra, an evolved tiger and an evolved sloth.

(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN) - The New Men attacked Iron Man's office, where they found him with heroes Squirrel Girl (and Tippy-Toe), Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk and Nancy Whitehead. During the following battle, Squirrel Girl was tossed into the machinery and ended up cloned, then she and her clone (who was later named Allene Green) defeated the humanimals with a series of punches and kicks.

--Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (GN (fb) - BTS, GN,

images: (without ads)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN, p20, pan1 (group shot of Loveyface & his allies, main image)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN, p27, pan4 (Loveyface, face while battling Iron Man)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN, p20, pan4 (Clarence)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN, p21, pan3 (Claude)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN, p21, pan3 (Sally)

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (December, 2016) - Ryan North (writer), Erica Henderson (penciler), Tom Fowler (inker), Wil Moss (editor)

First Posted: 07/28/2020
Last updated: 07/28/2020

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