Real Name: Unrevealed (likely Bruce Banner) 

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-81799), (presumably) human mutate, WWII era

Occupation: Soldier

Group Membership: US Army

Affiliations: None

Enemies: Axis forces 

Known Relatives: None 

Aliases: None (see comments)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed - but active in either the European or Pacific Theater of War 

First Appearance:  Marvel Super Heroes II#99 (July 1981)

Powers/Abilities: The Hulk possessed superhuman strength and durability, presumably on a par with his Earth-616 counterpart. He presumably retained more of his intellect than his 616 counterpart commonly did, as he was intelligent enough to remember how to use firearms.

History: (Marvel Super Heroes II#99) - The Hulk was active during World War II, fighting for the Allies. (see comments)

Comments: Created by Herb Trimpe.

By the early 1980s, the US incarnation of Marvel Super-Heroes was a reprint title republishing early 1970s Hulk stories. In MSH #97, a series of new, bonus posters were included after the reprint story, initially drawn by Herb Trimpe. In MSH #98, Trimpe produced two tongue-in-cheek alternate versions of the Hulk, and through the remaining run of the title, up until its cancellation with MSH #105, several more variant Hulks were showcased, alongside more standard Hulk posters (MSH #102 has only a regular poster, and MSH #105 has an alternate Hulk alongside a regular poster, while MSH #100 skipped the posters entirely). For the main image above, I've scanned a close-up of the Hulk himself, but the full poster can be seen to the left for those who are interested.

There's very little to go on for the "Wha--? Who?" Hulk. He might be Bruce Banner, a scientist active in WWII rather than the present day, who gained his powers from a gamma bomb test, making him a very direct counterpart to the Earth-616 Hulk. However, he's equally likely to be someone else, a soldier who was either exposed to a gamma bomb, or perhaps this is Steve Rogers in a reality where the Super-Soldier program involved gamma rays as part of the process. It's not even safe to guess when he was empowered - we know he fought in World War II, but he might have time traveled back from the modern day or have been empowered in the decades prior to the 1940s or maybe WWII had continued to be fought in his world until the modern day. We do know he wasn't Sgt. Hulk, a gamma powered counterpart to Sgt. Fury, but that doesn't tell us what rank he actually held.

The full list of the "alternate Hulk" posters is as follows:

It is interesting to note the stylistic differences between the two creative teams: Trimpe's Hulks could all potentially be the 616 Hulk transported to various settings during a period when Banner's intellect was dominant; Stern and Austin's Hulks are definitely alternate reality Hulks.

Profile by Loki.

This Hulk has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
Marvel Super Heroes II #99, p30, pan1 (all images)

Other Appearances:

Last updated: 08/07/14

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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