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Real Name: Phadion

Identity/Class: Possibly Inhumans (see comments); pre-Cataclysmic era (circa 50,000 BC)

Occupation: Unrevealed (possibly royalty, see comments)

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

Enemies: Gholla, Kadir

Known Relatives: Tuk (son, presumably deceased), Rhaya (wife, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Prehistoric wilds of 50,000 BC;
    formerly Attilan of 50,000 BC

First Appearance: Captain America Comics#1/6 (March, 1941)

Powers/Abilities: Phadion possessed a measure of superhuman strength, allowing him to lift a wooly rhinoceros (which weigh in between 6-7000 lbs.)

Height: Unrevealed (see comments)
Weight: Unrevealed (see comments)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blonde

(Captain America Comics#1/6 (fb) - BTS) - Phadion, his wife Rhaya and their young son were banished by Kadir from Attilan (known as the Island of the Gods) for unrevealed reasons.

(Captain America Comics#1/6 (fb)) - Forced to fend for themselves in the wilds of the mainland, a boat dropped Rhaya, Phadion, and their baby off. Phadion cursed Kadir and swore that they would get back to Attilan. While still on the shore, the couple was attacked by Gholla, a wooly rhinoceros. After an intense battle, Phadion died killing the animal, leaving his wife and child unprotected from other predators who were attracted to the smell of his and Gholla's blood.
    Grief stricken, Rhaya was surprised by the attack of the lion-wolf Kag. But before the animal could get to her and the baby, they were whisked away by Ak one of the ancient Shaggy Ones.



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Comments: Created by Jack Kirby & Joe Simon (writers), Jack Kirby (pencils) - see comments

    Captain America Comics#1/6 called Attilan the Island of the Gods, and that Tuk would search for it to reclaim a lost throne; as such, one would believe Rhaya and Phadion to be of royal decent. Possibly overthrown by Kadir. As Rhaya and Phadion were believed to be gods they would likely be bigger than normal humans, Tuk's profile in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe lists his stats at 5'9" & 129 lbs., which seems rather sizeable for the average human child.
    Or possibly it relates to his adult size?--Snood

    Before MARVEL UNIVERSE (short lived, seven issue marvel series from 1998) was canceled, I had plans to reintroduce Tuk the Caveboy. -- Roger Stern.

    The reference to Attilan as the place from which Tuk, Phadion and Rhaya had been banished has led to speculation that they were Inhumans. The big problem is that the Inhumans were first developed by the Kree roughly 25,000 years ago, or 23,000 BC ...which would be 25,000-27,000 after the time of Tuk's adventures. Maybe they were banished backward in time? -- Snood.

Here's how the Golden Age Captain America Omnibus HC credits the Tuk stories in Cap Comics #1-5 (information courtesy of Jeph York):

#1 - by Jack Kirby
#2 - art by Al Gabriele* & unknown
#3 - art by Mac Raboy*
#4 - art by unknown with Al Gabriele*
#5 - title page pencils by Jack Kirby, title page inks by Joe Simon, pencils by Al Avison*, inks by Al Gabriele* 

* It was not industry standard in the Golden Age of comics to provide detailed credits for each strip. The artists worked with an ever-changing studio of assistants and secondary artists, while writers often did not sign their name to their work. The stories in this volume were produced by the Simon & Kirby studio and may have included varying levels of work by the creators cited as well as others:

Al Avison, Fred Bell, Martin Burstein, Reed Crandall, Howard Ferguson, Harry Fisk, Al Gabriele, Fred Guardineer, Ernie Hart, Chu Hing, William Clayton King, Bernard Klein, Mort Meskin, George Roussos, Gustav Schrotter, Syd Shores & C.A. Winter

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Character name has no known connections to


    Gholla was a pre-historic woolly rhinoceros. This well-feared beast had been hunting Ak, last of the Shaggy Ones since dawn until it caught the scent of Phadion and his wife Rhaya when they arrived in the pre-historic wilderness. Charging towards Phadion and unable to comprehend the power he would hold, Gholla was unprepared when Phadion used his godlike strength to battle the great beast. As Gholla was dying, however, he pierced Phadion with his horn, killing them both.

--Captain America Comics#1/6 (fb)






Kadir was a person of great importance in Attilan of 50,000 BC and was the reason for Phadion and Rhaya banishment to the pre-historic wild. He was never seen on panel

--Captain America Comics#1/6 (fb) - BTS

images: (without ads)
Captain America Comics#1, p59, pan2 (main image)
Captain America Comics#1, p59, pan 5 (fights Ghola)
Captain America Comics#1, p60, pan3 (dies)

Captain America Comics#1/6 (March, 1941) - Jack Kirby & Joe Simon (writers), Jack Kirby (pencils) - see comments

Last updated: 07/05/14

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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