Real Name: George Grey

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Accountant

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

EnemiesOwl (Leland Owlsley)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York

First Appearance: Daredevil I#3 (August, 1964)

Powers/Abilities: George Grey was a talented accountant.


(Daredevil I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Accountant George Grey was hired by Leland Owsley (the criminal Owl) to fix his accounts. Though he knew the business would be illegal, Grey agreed.

(Daredevil I#3) - Owl met with Grey at his business and admitted that he had set Grey up to take the fall for him. Grey left, fully regretting his willingness to have overworked the Owl's evil schemes. He walked out in front of a car and was killed.

Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Joe Orlando, and Vince Colletta.

Profile by Chadman.

George Grey has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
Daredevil I#3, p2, pan9

Daredevil I#3 (August, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Joe Orlando (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker)

Last updated: 03/22/08

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