Real Name: Gina Gonzalez

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Emergency medical technician

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Chamber, Eddie, Jerry, Sally Floyd, X-Men (Beast (Henry McCoy), Cyclops, Wolverine)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York

First Appearance: Generation M#1 (January, 2006)

Powers/Abilities: None.


(Generation M#1 (fb)) - An emergency medical technician, Gina Gonzalez and her driver Jerry responded to an anonymous call for aid for someone supposedly hurt under the Brooklyn Bridge. When they arrived, they found Cyclops and Wolverine of the X-Men, who explained that their ally Chamber had been depowered during M-Day, leaving him near death. Another of their allies, Beast (Henry McCoy), had designed equipment that was keeping Chamber stabilized. They asked Gina to monitor Chamber until they could come and get him, and gave her the equipment necessary to keep him alive. Gina, with the help of two orderlies (including Eddie) took Chamber back to the hospital and thawed the patient out, shocked by the state he was in.

(Generation M#1) - Gina agreed to let one of the orderlies contact Sally Floyd, the writer of a column called the Ex-Mutant Diaries, to have her tell Chamber's story anonymously. She met Floyd and explained what had happened to Chamber, then showed her the body. An article on Chamber later appeared in the paper.

Comments: Created by Paul Jenkins, Ramon Bachs, and John Lucas.

Profile by Chadman.

Gina Gonzalez has no known connections to


(Generation M#1 (fb)) - An emergency medical technician, Gina Gonzalez and her driver Jerry responded to an anonymous call for aid for someone supposedly hurt under the Brooklyn Bridge. When they arrived, they found Cyclops and Wolverine of the X-Men, who explained that their ally Chamber had been depowered during M-Day, leaving him near death. Another of their allies, Beast (Henry McCoy), had designed equipment that was keeping Chamber stabilized. They asked Gina to monitor Chamber until they could come and get him, and gave her the equipment necessary to keep him alive. Gina, with the help of two orderlies (including Eddie) took Chamber back to the hospital and thawed the patient out, shocked by the state he was in.

--Generation M#1 (Generation M#1 (fb)


(Generation M#1 (fb) - BTS) - Eddie (not pictured) and another orderly helped Gina Gonzalez unload the body of the mutant Chamber into a hospital.

--Generation M#1 (Generation M#1 (fb) - BTS

images: (without ads)
Generation M#1, p13, pan3 (Gina)

p14, pan1 (Jerry)

Generation M#1 (January, 2006) - Paul Jenkins (writer), Ramon Bachs (penciler), John Lucas (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)

Last updated: 11/04/07

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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