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Real Name: Tyler Wynn

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Accountant

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Gambit (Remy LeBeau), Mr. Green;
    formerly CIA

Enemies: CIA hitman, CIA tactical assault team

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Green's Pawnshop, New Orleans;
    formerly The George Bush Center for Intelligence, Langley, Fairfax County

First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited II#3/1 (June, 2004)

Powers/Abilities: Wynn is a regular human without any superhuman abilities. An intelligent man, Wynn created a special accounting matrix which could benefit the world.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 140 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Grey


(X-Men Unlimited II#3/1 (fb) - BTS) - Tyler Wynn a successful accountant was employed by the CIA where he developed a special accounting matrix which made him obsolete. The budget-balancing program Wynn designed could help third world counties get out of debt and help them from being taken advantage off by bigger government. As such the CIA wasn't too pleased with Wynn's work and planned to have him assassinated to keep his work under wraps.

(X-Men Unlimited II#3/1 (fb) - BTS) - Planning do some good with his work and escape the CIA, Wynn made his way to the Bahamas and cleaned out a CIA dummy corporation, unloading a safety deposit box with over two million in cash.

(X-Men Unlimited II#3/1 - BTS) - News of Wynn's plan to leave the CIA soon made its way to Mr Green, a man known as the biggest operator in the Gulf states and believed to be a myth by most law enforcement agencies. Wanting Wynn's discs, Green send his friend and mutant thief Gambit to retrieve them.

(X-Men Unlimited II#3/1) - Wynn made his way to Paradise Island in the Bahamas where he quickly spend most of his money in the local casinos while keeping seven ten-thousand dollar chips and the discs in a safe.

(X-Men Unlimited II#3/1) - Wynn was seen playing in the casino when Gambit arrived in the Bahamas, the mutant thief quickly recognized both Wynn and a CIA hitman shadowing Wynn. Gambit easily took care of the CIA hitman after which he made his way to Wynn's suite to locate his discs and money. Wynn, however, had followed Gambit back to his room an confronted the mutant. However, during their discussion about his future, additional CIA operatives launched an assault on the suite. Despite not having any cards on hand, Gambit successfully confronted the armed agents by utilizing Wynn's chips, each with a value of ten thousand dollars. While Gambit took the fight outside, to discover even more agents lying in wait, Wynn was then attacked and held at gun point by the initial CIA hitman. Wynn then revealed to Gambit the actual purpose of the discs, aiding third-world countries in achieving improved budget balance. Believing Wynn deserved to be rescued, Gambit quickly took his last remaining chip and took out the final assassin, rescuing Wynn after which the mutant revealed he would bring the discs to safety at the Xavier Institute.

(X-Men Unlimited II#3/1 - BTS) - Believing Wynn deserved a new lease on life and had to be kept save, Gambit brought the accountant back with him to Mr. Green in New Orleans.

(X-Men Unlimited II#3/1) - After informing Mr. Green that there were neither funds nor discs in his possession Gambit explained he offered an accountant in need of employment.

Comments: Created by Jai Nitz, Georges Jeanty, and Don Hillsman.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Tyler Wynn has no known connections to

CIA hitman

  CIA hitman, send to shadow former CIA employee Tyler Wynn and tasked with retrieving important discs and murder Wynn. The hitman was defeated by mutant thief Gambit.

--X-Men Unlimited II#3/1

CIA tactical assault team

  CIA tactical assault team, consisting of seven agents send to assist a CIA hitman in shadowing former CIA employee Tyler Wynn and tasked with retrieving important discs and murder Wynn. The CIA tactical assault team was defeated by mutant thief Gambit.

--X-Men Unlimited II#3/1

Images: (without ads)
X-Men Unlimited II#3, p6, pan7 (mainimage)
X-Men Unlimited II#3, p6, pan3 (closeup)
X-Men Unlimited II#3, p12, pan4&5 (in New Orleans)
X-Men Unlimited II#3, p9, pan4 (CIA assassins)

X-Men Unlimited II#3/1 (June, 2004) - Jai Nitz (writer), Georges Jeanty (pencils), Don Hillsman (inks)

First Posted: 08/21/2023
Last Updated: 08/21/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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