Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Unrevealed

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: Unrevealed

Affiliations: Unrevealed

Enemies: Unrevealed

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "The Miracle Man" (on cover only)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed

First Appearance: Journey into Unknown Worlds#32/cover (December, 1954)

Powers/Abilities: Possibly a human/shark hybrid, this being seemed to have the power to walk on water.

Height: 6' (by approximation)
Weight: 200 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: None

(Journey into Unknown Worlds#32/cover) - The past and true nature of this being is unrevealed; one night, he strode upon shark-infested waters and menacingly approached a man and a woman who seemed to be fleeing from a ship in a life-boat (see comments).

Comments: Created by Harry Anderson.

This character appeared only on the cover, and none of the six stories in this issue (including the text-story) featured anything that even remotely looked like him.

Harry Anderson's artwork was only seen on the cover -- my guess is that he drew the cover first, and someone else was expected to do a story about it; but for some reason, that never occurred...which is too bad, because I think the cover was more interesting than any of the stories in this issue.

So what's the deal with this character? Was he an extraterrestrial? A mutant? A creation of Arnim Zola, or Maelstrom, or Vyrra? One of the High Evolutionary's New Men?...

(The actual story--The Miracle Man!--mentioned on the cover concerns Dr. Luther Brisbane, a New York surgeon who drinks too much and accidentally kills a patient during an operation. With his trembling right hand now too unsteady to ever hold a scalpel again, he spends the next twelve years as a drunken derelict [shades of Stephen Strange!] combing the beaches in Mexico. When his hand is injured, he's taken to a local witch-doctor, who not only heals the injury, but also restores his hand's functionality completely. Brisbane then returns to the U.S. and resumes his career as a surgeon, until he gets into a drunk-driving accident and ends up having his right arm amputated.)

Profile by Ron Fredricks.

The "Miracle Man" has no known connection to:

images: (without ads)
Journey into Unknown Worlds#32, cover (Main Image - "Miracle Man")

Journey into Unknown Worlds#32/cover (December, 1954) - Harry Anderson (pencils/inks), Stan Goldberg (colors), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 05/28/2023
Last updated: 05/28/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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